The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 71

Chapter 69

Hao Jian and Lian Ru Ning did not move, but Xin Ting, who finally understood what was going on, said, “Contractor, I think Hao Jian and Ru Ning are people who can’t break their promises.”

Not to mention that Hao Jian and Lian Ru-ning are unwilling to risk a huge risk to send Shi Gongdui to his destination, she is actually not happy, after all, Shi Gongdui and them are not protected and protected. .

But along the way, she thought that she had gone through many crises, so she had the ability to face crises, and there was no clear goal for the time being. She thought it would be good to follow the big army, so she didn’t think about it after landing. , They may die.

Hao Jian put this question in front of them in advance, and she realized that in fact she was also selfish, and Shi Gongdui was not worth her life to protect.

Peng Mao felt that the atmosphere was really bad, worse than when he first met Shi Gongdu. Seeing that the team was about to fall apart, he was not qualified to come out and say anything, because this incident was originally unfair to Hao Jian and the others, so It is normal for Hao Jian and the others to ask Shi Gongdi to pay some compensation.

Seeing that they were all silent, Shi Gongdi said in a good mood and amused: “Lian Ruji, used to go online at more than 10 am on July 27, 2018. The Internet address is the library of the South Campus of Southern City University.”

July 27, 2018 was the last time Hao Jian was able to access the Internet. It can be said that the Internet across the country was basically cut off on that day. It must be that the country does not want a large number of zombies or spreading dark negatives on the Internet. Energy information.

Lian Ru Ning didn’t know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or continue to panic, because Lian Ruji apparently followed his mother to the South Campus of Southern City University. Gao Ruosu may be holding a seminar, or he may have other tasks, and Lian Ruji Ji can only stay in the library to read books or surf the Internet.

Judging from the last time he was online, he should go to Gao Ruosu for lunch. In this way, with him by his side, Gao Ruosu would at least have someone to protect him.

Although Lian Rumeng is her twin sister, her temperament is quite different. Lian Rumeng has a more naughty temperament, but when sketching, she likes to stay in a quiet place and write while taking a break. In addition, Lian Rumeng is easy to get acquainted with others, so Lian Rumeng is not very worried about her.

Furthermore, she didn’t know if it was the telepathy between the twins. She always felt that it would be fine to practice Rumeng.

In the end, her father practiced young crops.

The reason why she chose the School of Geological Engineering was more or less influenced by him. He was very busy when Lian Ru Ning was a child, busy with meetings or academic research. From being assessed as an associate professor to a professor, every one of his research papers was read by Lian Ru Ning, so she was very interested in this land. A strong interest was generated.

However, Lian Qingmiao is not just a university professor. He has working relationships with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Geological Bureau. Therefore, after a zombie virus outbreak occurs, it is necessary to investigate environmental pollution and other issues. There is also a high probability that young practitioners will be listed as protection figures.

After analyzing these, Lian Ru Ning is the only one who cares about Gao Ruosu and Lian Ru Ji. But so far, they are temporarily unable to go to the center of Southern City.


“Congratulations to the host for launching the side task 1 of the main task 1: for the news of the family.”

When Shi Gongdi finished talking about Lian Ruji’s news, the system jumped out again and happily announced a new mission.

Hao Jian was stunned, “Are you sure you made a mistake?”

“The task was issued by the central system, and after confirmation, there was no mistake!” The system replied to her.

“I just got the news of Lian’s family, do I have to say it again?”

The system said: “The task detection shows that the host has not completed the side task 1, please also work hard!”

Hao Jian didn’t ask any more. She pondered for a moment, and said: “I think the task of’getting news about training family members’ should not be so simple to judge from the situation of logging on to the Internet, but to ask me to get their exact information. The news, including life or death, current location or situation. If I understand it this way, I understand what this task means.”

She paused, “But what’s interesting is that after completing main task 1, what appeared was not main task 2, but a side task. Moreover, this side task was separated from main task 1, then can I do this? Think… all the side quests separated from the main quest 1 are related to the characters of the main quest, that is, the little junior sister?”

“The host can understand by itself.”

The system hasn’t released main task 2 for a long time, and Hao Jian is not in a hurry. She thinks that maybe it hasn’t triggered the opportunity for main task 2 to start.

But what she was curious about was that if the main task 1 and the side tasks below were all related to Lian Ru Ning, what would main task 2 be related to?

She used the tip of a machete to draw a tree-like map on the bamboo raft. The branches are thick and thin. Hao Jian set the thick ones as the main tasks, and the thin ones as the side tasks, and the back of these “branches” will eventually converge to ” Trunk” go.

She looked at the “trunk” and thought for a moment: “If I live to complete these tasks, does it mean that I can get close to the truth of your system? For example, where do you come from? Communication, and what does the zombie virus have to do with you?”

The system won’t give her an answer. When she took back her thoughts, they were already in a strange river.


After a worry, Lian Ru Ning restarted the engine of the bamboo raft, and the bamboo raft slowly drove in from the north branch to the branch river.

The river channel of the tributary is relatively narrow, but the narrowest is also six or seven meters wide. In addition to the rainy season, the river is high, and they don’t worry about getting stranded or being approached by zombies.

The surrounding residential buildings are like villages in the city, densely packed, with a lot of **** falling on them, plus the sewage from restaurants, etc., so that the river water is muddy. Even if the zombies closed the restaurants in the last days, the river still hasn’t become much cleaner.

“This river water, I am afraid that if the zombies come, they will be poisoned again.” Peng Mao saw that the atmosphere was dull and said.

Xin Ting was amused by him and laughed happily, but the other three didn’t respond. They felt a little embarrassed, so they closed their voices again.

Peng Mao thought for a while, and then said to Shi Gongdi: “Contractor, to be honest, I don’t know how many masks you have, and I don’t know the true purpose of your coming here. If it’s as you said, you’re just trying to get back. Home, then you shouldn’t have kidnapped us morally.”

Shi Gongdi opened his mouth and said after a while: “I didn’t intend to kidnap you morally. After I originally planned to dock, I can find a way for the rest of the way.”

“Then you have to say anything, you don’t say anything, and we are not roundworms in your stomach. Although we have established revolutionary feelings, but the two sides do not trust and candid, how can we expect to understand each other?” Xin Ting also said.

“Regardless of whether you are really just running errands for the official, or you are an important technical person, if you don’t tell us, in fact, you don’t believe us in essence. In this case, don’t blame us for being too ruthless.”

Shi Gongyu sighed heavily: “The identities of some of the official errand runners, including me, are all confidential. At first they were alternates. They needed temporary recruitment just in case. So we people. You can’t show up in a government building in a grandiose way. Otherwise, if you are found by the spies, you will be easily sniped. It just so happened that I bought a lot of supplies at home, so I was used as a place to contact the online. There are some there. The equipment is online and hidden for me. When necessary, use those equipment to contact the official and run errands for him…”

Peng Mao thought for a while: “A bit like Infernal Affairs?”

“The composition of our department is also quite complicated. Later, there were too many groups bearing our name. I should have been recruited by the communications security department, and Hao Jian should have belonged to the mobile squad temporarily established by the guards.”

The composition of the “special response group” is larger than when Hao Jian first learned about it, but Hu Dan told her that it was formed after the high-level leaders noticed that there were traitors in the guards. It can be said that they borrowed the name of the “special response group”. , Become a small branch in this special department.

However, Hu Dan didn’t need to talk so deeply with Hao Jian, who was a temporary worker, because she was a temporary non-staff member of the guards, and indeed did not have the authority to know about the department to which Shi Gongyu belonged.


Following his last words, Peng Mao and Xin Ting looked at Hao Jian with widened eyes. Hao Jian just finished the dialogue with the system, regained his senses, and glanced at Shi Gongdu.

“Talk about trust ” Shi Gongdi shrugged his shoulders. He hadn’t calmed down yet, so Hao Jian was going to feel sick.

“Your mind is smaller than a mosquito.” Hao Jian said with a fingertip.

“That’s better than your heart being as dark as this river.” Shi Gongyu said.

“Ha…” Hao Jian twitched at the corner of his mouth.

“You said earlier, maybe you don’t have to be so unpleasant.” Peng Mao sighed, “I have come here, so how can I try my best to help you.”

Seeing the zombies appearing on both sides of the strait, Xin Ting hesitated and did not speak, but she was more optimistic that as a first- and second-tier city, there were many people who didn’t want to wait for death. Therefore, Hao Jian and others who didn’t get to the beach occasionally saw some residents go out in groups to clean up the zombies.

The location of these residents is actually a village, and the village is surrounded by rivers, forming an independent island. The people in this village united and blocked all the bridges leading to other land, and then focused on cleaning up the zombies on the island.

Hao Jian and the others could get the news, but they were not allowed to go ashore. After all, no one knows if any of them are carrying the virus.

In addition, they also revealed a piece of news, that is, there are many official actions, but the broadcast has already been restored to teach the people to save themselves.

As long as the security in an area is ensured, officials will soon send teams to deliver food to these areas. Officials occasionally come out to play a sense of existence to ensure that there will be no anarchy in the area, and at the same time urge the people to take up weapons to deal with zombies for supplies.

The Southern Command Headquarters of the Seven Guards Divisions is in the next city. Therefore, the more such an area, the fewer signs of “blame-free” activities, and the more hidden it is.

However, when these people mentioned the official delivery of grain, Hao Jian remembered the existence of the granary. Xinghua City also sent a guard to the granary to transport food, but lost contact halfway, so would “No Blame” let go of such a big temptation?

Lian Runing touched Hao Jian’s hand, and the latter retracted his thoughts: Forget it, these things are not my turn to worry about.

“What’s wrong with Junior Sister?”

“There are more guards here, can we find the guards for support?”

Naturally, Lian Ru Ning asked this not because she was timid, but because this was a smart way to reduce risk.

“I also thought about it, but I can’t let the guards know my identity.” Shi Gongdi said.

Hao Jian touched his chin and said calmly: “You can’t, I can!”

When everyone looked at her, they suddenly remembered that Shi Gongdui said that she belonged to the mobile squadron established by the guards.

Lian Runing held her hand and whispered, “Is there no way to not reveal your identity?”

She made the suggestion not to let Hao Jian reveal her identity. If Hao Jian’s relationship with the guards is known to someone who is “blameless”, it would be a regular bomb for her.

Hao Jian smiled: “It doesn’t matter, there is only this section of road anyway.”

“The rest of the road, I’ll walk with you.” Lian Ru Ning shook her hand, even if she had to face the threat of “No Blame”, she would face it with Hao Jian.

“…Take a moment, please, take Titanic 2, it’s weird,” Shi Gongtu said.

“You don’t have to stare at us, and you won’t be numb.” Hao Jian retorted him expressionlessly.

Peng Mao and Xin Ting are a little bit confused whether the two of them have reached the same level, or just harmed each other as before to achieve the effect of relaxing the atmosphere.

He hadn’t figured it out yet, the bamboo raft had already crossed the river and reached the southern tributary, and a wetland park along the southern tributary was where Shi Gongdui was going to land.

Opposite the Wetland Park along the river is a small island, which is also part of the Wetland Park.

In the riverside recess, there is a small pier where they usually take cruise ships. If they see the refuge base and the members of the **** on the small island after they pass, they can just ask them to contact the **** along the coast to **** them. If you don’t meet the escort, you can also disembark at the pier.

Fortunately, they were lucky. They found a refuge base on a small island. Although the scale is not as large as Jiangxin Island in Jiangshi, it was originally an island with green plants covering more than 90% of the area. It has many trees for refugees. Provide a better living environment.

Seeing a bamboo raft approaching, the guards on the island suddenly became vigilant. When they were more than two hundred meters away, they shouted with a horn: “This is the refuge on Longwan Island in Xiangshi. You have entered our Please cooperate with us to check the firing range, otherwise we will shoot.”

The group of people naturally cooperated obediently, and after landing, a group of guards rushed out. Seeing this battle, Peng Mao and Hao Jian murmured secretly, “If only there were so many guards in Jiangshi.”

He still remembers Liu Feng and A Tao who love to chat with him. If the guards there are more manned, will they not die?

After preliminary interrogation, the head of the guard said: “We are already full here. If you want to evacuate, you can go to Changpingzhou, Ma Yongzhou… those big islands surrounded by water, where there are teams that spontaneously organize the removal of zombies. , And the government will send people there to deliver food soon. I will help you contact the security team over there, let them check and go through all the procedures for you, if there is not enough gasoline to go there, we can also provide you with gasoline .”

Hao Jian asked, “Are you the officer with the highest authority here?”

The captain of the guard raised his brows: “Of course.”

Hao Jian glanced at his chest, then shook his head: “No, you are not, I request to talk to your highest commander here.”

The head of the guard was about to say something, Hao Jian reported a string of numbers, and he immediately became more serious, and then said: “Then you come in with me!”

Of course, it is impossible to just let Hao Jian go in, and several others were able to go to the island, but they couldn’t get close to the place where the residents lived to avoid accidents.

But when they found a gun on Hao Jian’s body, they looked intriguing or became wary. Of course, all this disappeared after Hao Jian met their chief, because Hao Jian was allowed to land, and at the same time they would send five guards to **** them to Shi Gongdu’s home.

Although the other party could not send them to Shi Gongdui’s home, this was the farthest distance that the regional guards could advance, because Shi Gongdui’s home was in the community after all, and there were a lot of zombies in that area. So they cannot take this risk.

After receiving the promise of the guards, they rested on the island for a while, and then the team leader in charge of the team said: “The sun is going down soon, get ready to go!”

Peng Mao asked: “Why did you choose to start at this time?”

“Because there are only a few streets from here, and I just came back in time for dinner.”

“…” Why didn’t they realize that the guards were so careful in their calculations before?

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