The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 73

Chapter 71

Hao Jian knocked on the door first, and then a little movement could be heard inside, but no one came out to open the door.

“Pick the lock!”

Shi Gongdi hated his bad luck secretly, and at the same time felt that if he could change all the locks of his house, he must be the neighbor who knew his house was “decorated” before!

As for the possibility of the person who discovered his identity inside? It’s very low, after all, those people wouldn’t be so old gods who are here to change a lock for him, and then simply live in a place that is very dangerous for them.

Xin Ting turned on the rice cutter, and the gear sparked on the stainless steel. Although some zombies heard the movement, they were locked behind the corridor door after all.

After cutting a mouth large enough for the arm to reach in, Hao Jian easily unlocked, then she drew out the gun and let Shi Gongdu and others break the door.

When the wooden door inside was knocked open, the two men inside threatened with a knife and said, “Don’t come here!”

Seeing the situation in the house and the two men, Shi Gongdi suddenly laughed angrily: “You guys are so **** good. You changed the lock of my house, occupied my house, and then ate mine and used mine. thing?!”

The house where Shi Gongtang had piled up a pile of supplies is now more than half empty, and no one cleans up the **** on the ground. What he was most angry about was considering that his important equipment might have been ruined by them, and he even had the thought of killing them.

“Do you know them?” Hao Jian asked.

“One is my classmate, a driver who works in a moving company. I bought the supplies at that time, and after disguising it, I asked him to help me drive it. It looked like the decoration materials, but he didn’t expect it. He was afraid to see it. Now… As for the remaining uncle, it is his colleague. I think it is definitely not just the two of them.”

As soon as the words fell silent, a figure rushed out of the kitchen next to him, and Lian Ru Ning was next to him, so Hao Jian fired a shot at the figure without even thinking about it.

The gun echoed in the house and corridor. Then only a wailing was heard, and a fat woman fell by the kitchen door, and the kitchen knife in her hand fell to the ground.

“Mom!” The young man screamed in horror, and since the gun in Hao Jian’s hand was a real gun, they didn’t dare to come over.

“Little Junior Sister, are you okay?” Hao Jian took Lian Ru Ning and looked around.

Lian Ru Ning shook her head in shock: “I’m fine, she didn’t hurt me.”

Two women and an old lady ran out of the door of the other two rooms. They were shocked when they saw the woman wailing and the blood spreading from her right shoulder.

The old lady yelled, “Kill, kill!”

Seeing that the zombies outside became more violent, Hao Jian looked at them coldly

“Call it again? I have a lot more bullets, don’t mind giving you one each.”

The woman immediately covered the old lady’s mouth, and then looked at them in panic.

Peng Mao closed the door…Even though it was already broken, he had to prevent zombies from rushing in.

Hao Jian saw the woman moaning and wailing on the ground, and then took out some bandages and hemostatic medicine from his backpack to Lian Ru Ning: “First help her stop the bleeding.”

I want to ask Hao Jian whether she regrets shooting an ordinary person. She doesn’t regret it, because if she didn’t shoot, then the kitchen knife fell on Lian Runing’s body. For the medical system that has now collapsed, she does not regret it. Life-threatening.

She would not take the initiative to take the life of a person, but if the other party threatened her or Li Ru Ning’s life, she would not have to let the other person off.

Shi Gongdu didn’t say anything, he turned around and entered the room where he hid the equipment. He hid things in the box bed, then piled some clothes on it, and put some food in the other compartments.

Obviously, it was turned over here, but all that was lost was food, and his equipment was still intact.

After finding these things, he breathed a sigh of relief, and finally reduced his murderous heart.

He walked out of the room and saw that the woman had been bandaged by Lian Ru Ning and Xin Ting. Although there was no sign of bleeding, no one could guarantee that there would be complications, which killed her.

Hao Jian didn’t care about these things. She saw Shi Gongpu came out holding a pile of things, and then asked, “How are things?”

“It’s still there.” He paused, and then thought of the materials he bought at the beginning, and almost filled the three rooms with the living room and dining room, but now there are only half left, and he feels heartache.

The sky outside had dimmed, and Shi Gongdui turned on a dim light. He sat in front of these people. Among these people, except for the 27-year-old young man Lin Fubiao who was his classmate, he only remembered Lin Fubiao’s colleague Pan Yaoting.

The woman who was shot and wounded by Hao Jian was Lin Fubiao’s mother, and the slightly younger woman was his wife Jiang Chunping. And the other one looks about the same age as Pan Yaoting. A woman in her thirties is his wife Cao Li, and the old woman is Pan Yaoting’s mother in her sixties.

Hao Jian pondered for a while: “There should be children in there.”

After she finished speaking, Pan Yaoting’s expression became tense.

Shi Gongdu thought, Pan Yaoting was already in his 30s, how could he have no children? So he went into the house and found an eleven or twelve-year-old boy in his parents’ room.

The old lady was very excited when he went in to find someone, and howled: “If you dare to move my grandson, I will fight you hard!”

“Stop it!” Pan Yaoting and his wife were also anxious.

Xin Ting frowned and said, “As long as you cooperate obediently, we won’t hurt you.”

Lin Fubiao was angry when he heard the words. He pointed to Mother Lin: “You shot at us, my mother is dying, you dare to say that you won’t hurt us?!”

Hao Jian glanced at him obliquely: “Then you have to ask why your mother used a knife to cut people at the time.”

Lin Fubiao choked, then quibbleed: “You broke in, what’s wrong with our self-defense?”

Hearing this, Shi Gongyu, who had caught a boy out, pushed the boy who punched and kicked him to their side, and cursed: “Ms. Gan Lin’s’break in’, this is my home, you will My lock was changed, I took over my home, and there is still the face that we broke in?!”

Lin Fubiao’s complexion changed, and he immediately went soft: “Old Shi, we are three years of junior high school and three years of high school classmates. We grew up together. Aren’t we good brothers? Don’t you want to die?”

Shi Gongzui smiled and kicked him in the past: “You can’t save you when you die? You’re a **** kind of daring to call yourself my brother, I really can’t make friends with a brother like you!”

At first, he was looking for Lin Fubiao because he couldn’t trust others. At the same time, he wanted to take care of his brother and let him make a fortune. But he didn’t want to expose that he had accumulated too many supplies, so he didn’t tell Lin Fubiao.

As for why he didn’t buy it at the Wal-Mart downstairs, it was mainly because he wanted to wholesale too much, and here are neighbors who know him.

He bought so many things in the wholesale market, but Lin Fubiao accidentally discovered that the building material box was actually food. He didn’t ask carefully at the time. Later, after the zombie virus spread, he read some forum posts and felt that Not safe.

Considering that Shi Gongdui had a lot of supplies, he took his wife and mother to plan to come to Shi Gongdui, and then he found that Shi Gongdui had not come back at all.

At this time, he thought that Shi Gongdu might not be able to return, so he went to the locksmith to change a lock. However, when he moved his belongings, his colleague Pan Yaoting discovered the abnormality. Pan Yaoting wanted to follow him, otherwise he would use tough methods to make him unsatisfied, and he had no choice but to agree.

After they moved in, they lived a more comfortable life than they were before the end of the world, relying on Shi Gong’s supplies, so when they saw the guards coming to set up the survivors to the nearby community, they were unwilling to go there.

I thought that Shi Gongyu hadn’t heard from him for so long, and that he should have died long ago, but I didn’t expect to see him one day, and in this way, I saw him in his home.

“It’s only been a dozen days, you’ve spent three months of my stuff, are you pigs?!” Shi Gongtu yelled angrily.

Obviously, these people think that there are so many supplies in it that it will be no problem to eat for a year, so they let go of their belly to eat, and throw away the food that can’t be finished. As a result, the food is consumed very quickly.

“Get out of here!” Shi Gongdi didn’t want to listen to them anymore.

Lin Fubiao immediately changed his expression: “Shi Gongdu, you have so much money, what happened after we ate something from you?”

“Get out!” Shi Gongdi didn’t want to talk too much nonsense with him, holding an axe and putting it on his neck, “If you don’t go, I will see you away!”

“You are killing us if you drive us away! Why don’t you just eat something from you? If you are so cruel, we will lose money to you!”

Hao Jian and others were watching coldly. This kind of textbook-style “I am poor, I am reasonable” shouldn’t be too rare in the last days. Everything here belongs to Shi Gongyu, and how he handles that is also his business.

Originally, after taking back the equipment, he no longer cares about the things that have been eaten and used, as long as they are willing to leave, but the other party slaps him and makes him come up with annoyance.

“The room next door is not closed, there should be no one there. Go there for the night, get out!”

Lin Fubiao probably also knew Shi Gongdui’s temper, so he cried pitifully and begged him for forgiveness. In the end, he really wanted to take a box of food from Shi Gongdui.

After they left, Shi Gongyu closed the door, and considering that it was unsafe if the door was damaged, he moved a cabinet and other heavy objects with Peng Mao to block the door.

After finishing this, Shi Gongdu felt a little depressed. He said: “Look how much food is left, you can divide it!”

Hao Jian raised her eyebrows, and Lian Ru Ning asked, “Don’t you care about these foods the most? Why do you do this?”

“I’m from Zhientubao. You risked your life to help me get back here to take these things. I naturally remember your good. When I contact the official, I may not come back here. These things Keep it and keep it, it’s not as good as you divide it.”

If it hadn’t been for discovering that Lin Fubiao had changed the locks, had the thoughts of magpie nest Jiuzhan, and tried to hurt them, he would not be so heartless towards him. Of course, what he thought was that Lin Fubiao and others would spend the night safely at the next door, and then after they left, they could continue to use the remaining supplies here.

He looked at Hao Jian again: “Your promise has been fulfilled.”

Although he and Hao Jian were not very happy, but he also saw that Hao Jian was really doing her best on this road. She did what she said, and he couldn’t blame her for the original threat.

Hao Jian didn’t say anything, and said to Lian Ru Ning: “Go take a bath, and then take a good night’s rest. Tomorrow we will find a way to return to Nanfang City.”

Lian Ruing nodded and was about to leave, but Xin Ting sensed something sensitively. She asked: “The reason why you did that today is to create a gap between us, so that you can separate from us and go back alone. South City?”

The only reason she could think of Hao Jian’s cold face was this.

Hao Jian rolled his eyes: “Let’s watch the story of Mary Su less. I don’t have time to do this kind of’deliberately misunderstanding so that the other person can leave to ensure safety’.”

This face hurts! Peng Mao thought.

Xin Ting was not discouraged: “Then what did you plan to do with our relationship?”

“Our relationship?” Everyone pricked up their ears gossiping. Is there any traitorous affection among them?

“I mean, are we still companions? Can we continue to be companions in the future?” Xin Ting asked anxiously again expectantly.

Lian Ru Ning left and returned. Hearing the words, a tired expression appeared on his face: “Xiao Ting, what do you think?”

If it were before, Xin Ting would still be very confused, but on this day, she thought a lot. She knew that Lian Ru Ning had been running around looking for news about her family. When she learned that her family was still alive before the internet was disconnected, she was worried and happy on her face. The contradictory and simple mood made her deeply infected.

Lian Ru Ning’s feelings touched something in her heart that she hadn’t dared to think deeply about. She also had family members in her hometown, and she didn’t know if she was worried about her. She used to be timid, so she never dared to think that she could actually go back to find her family.

Now, she seems to have the courage, and the reason to move forward, and she has seen hope in the experience of everyone along the way, so what else is she so confused?

At night, Xin Ting tossed and turned. She listened to the zombies outside and thought of her family, so she made a decision.

Hao Jian got up before dawn the next day. She ran into Hao Jian and told Hao Jian of her decision.

Hao Jian’s lips curled up, feeling gratified for her motivation and courage: “Yang City is a coastal city, and I believe there are boats on the coast here, you can consider this route.”

Xin Ting nodded heavily, and then suddenly stepped forward to hug her, and said sincerely: “Thank you, and Ru Ning, if it weren’t for you, I might have died in school a long time ago.”

Lian Ru Ning and Peng Mao also walked out, the latter’s eyes fell on them, and then he said: “I thought about it all night last night, Hao Jian, you and Ru Ning are both good and bold people. , And Xiaoting…”

Xin Ting let go of Hao Jian, looked back at him, and then heard him say: “I plan to go with Xiao Ting. We are on the road and have personal care.”

When Xin Ting was about to say something, Peng Mao eagerly explained a lot to her. When she listened, she suddenly smiled: “I know, I won’t drive you away, I also want to thank you.”

Just as several people were about to cook something to eat, and then discussed how to contact the guards, Hao Jian suddenly smelled of gasoline. She glanced at Xin Ting’s rice cutter and was about to ask if there was an oil leak. Smoke came in from the crack of the door.

“Fuck, it’s on fire?!” Peng Mao yelled.

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