The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 91

Chapter 88

“We found that not only liquid water can dissolve substances, because water molecules are everywhere, so Qunaytirah virus, that is, Q virus, will be dissolved by water molecules in the air when exposed to the air. But this dissolution does not make Q The disappearance of the virus will only change the virus and make it no longer contagious…”

When Lian Qingmiao copied the report to Le Yan, Le Yan saw that Gao Ruosu, Lian Ru Ning and Hao Jian seemed to be very interested in what they were studying at the moment, so they took them without involving important secrets. I visited the Hydrology and Water Quality Research Laboratory and explained some new research results for them.

“At the same time, we extract substances from the brain, muscles, etc. from the body of the zombies to interact with water molecules…” She looked at Gao Ruoxu with a blank face, and smiled. “In short, it is to use different liquid water with the zombies. Experiments with the blood, meat, brain, etc. of human beings, and finally found that different water contains different substances, so they have different reaction results with zombie viruses.”

Hao Jian remembered that the Science Center required to catch fish from different places, so he asked: “So the A3 and B11 mentioned by Researcher Le just now to Professor Lian are the water after different experiments?”

“Yes, in order to study the effects of viruses on water and soil, the abnormal changes of plants, so we often need to cooperate in research.”

“What if you water the plants with water that has been disinfected?”

“The water aspect is easy to solve, but whether the zombie virus contaminates the soil and geology can be disinfected by ordinary methods. This experiment is being carried out in Professor Lian’s laboratory. Of course, we are not only concerned about these, but will also be concerned. Will plants undergo mutations under the influence of viruses, and what kinds of mutations will they produce.”

Hao Jian didn’t ask about the results of the experiment. After all, it was confidential, and Lian Qingmiao wouldn’t say it, let alone Le Yan.

But she can get these news through the system.

The system detected her thoughts and hummed: “The host has such a thick face. I only questioned us yesterday. Are you planning to rely on us today?”

“I doubt that you are not in conflict with using you? Unless you will angrily refuse to provide the information I want to know because I question you.” Hao wrote it back.

The system has never seen such a cheeky person, but Hao Jian was right. It really couldn’t refuse to provide Hao Jian with existing research results because of Hao Jian’s doubts about it.

Hao Jian didn’t know the idea of ​​the system, but she still said: “Don’t you think that I am a female cousin who is also standing and standing. I have already figured it out. You and me are just using each other. ”

“I don’t know what your purpose is. Since you announced the mission, you want to use me to complete the mission and achieve your purpose, so I will do these missions. Similarly, I will make full use of your rules. Let me get what I want to know.”

The system was silent for a moment and replied: “This is fair.”

“Yes, it’s fair, I work hard to complete the task, and you give me what I want.”

“Okay.” The system replied cleverly like a child who had been reprimanded.

The rattling of last night is also turned into a cloud of smoke today, and what is left is the agreement reached by the two sides on mutual cooperation.

Hao Jian felt that it was more appropriate to get along with the system in this way.


When passing by Le Yan’s office, one could see through the glass windows that piles of documents were stacked on her desk.

Lian Ru Ning also remembered the seriousness and focus of Le Yan in research that Lian Qingmiao mentioned to her. The pile of documents must be the proof of her hard work!

She was infected by this kind of research spirit, and she was moved by the proposal to practice Qing Miao.

When they returned to Lian Qingmiao, Lian Qingmiao asked her, “How about it, do you want to know what kind of impact the zombie virus has on the soil and geology?”

Lian Ru Ning said helplessly: “I really want to know.”

“Then come and help Dad. Look at Hao Jian, he is a recorder and contributes to the development of this world every day. How about you?”

Lian Runing looked at Hao Jian and said, “I will think about this proposal seriously, Mom and Dad, let’s go busy first, and come to you when we have time.”

After speaking, she took Hao Jian and ran away.

Hao Jian said: “I think Professor Lian’s proposal is good.”

Lian Ru Ning squinted at her: “You didn’t say that in Xiangshi before.”

Hao Jian did not think so before, after all, after joining the research room, he might be exposed to zombie viruses, which would increase the risk of infection.

However, the science center is different from the research room in Xiangshi, where Lian Qingmiao is here, and he will protect Lian Ru Ning to the greatest extent. Perhaps Lian Ru Ning will not be exposed to experimental work.

In addition, the Science Center is much safer than Xiangshi, at least there is no need to worry about being targeted by “No Blame”. In addition, this is the environment that Lian Ru Ning is familiar with, and she is not short of food and clothing on weekdays, so she can study with confidence.

For these reasons, Hao Jian changed his mind and supported Lian Runing to stay with Lian Qingmiao.

Lian Runing felt a little uneasy. She grabbed Hao Jian’s hand and asked, “What about you?”

“I’m here, but I occasionally help An Minghui a little bit. Maybe I will perform a mission near Southern City and won’t leave for too long.” Hao Jian’s expression was very relaxed.

Lian Ru Ning said, “You have something to hide from me. The reason why you decided not to go to the Buddha City is not because you are coming to Auntie, but you are going to perform the task?”

Hao Jian gestured on Lian Runing’s forehead, pressed her own head again, Lian Runing looked at her suspiciously, but she smiled: “I think the younger sister has stolen my cleverness. So I have to take it back and let the little junior sister not be so smart!”

“…Naive.” Lian Ru Ning was angrily smiled by her, “You wish I was not smart, so that you could not see your mind?”

“I am not going to perform a dangerous task, let alone go with everyone, there is no danger.”

Lian Ru Ning did some psychological construction. She said: “I have no objection to you to perform the task, but you just need to remember that you have to give me an exact date, and that is to come back alive, otherwise the time will pass. If I don’t come back, I will find you.”

Hao Jian raised his eyebrows: “I wouldn’t be Huang Sheng and Chen Zhen. I cherish my life now, because I now have a younger sister.”

Lian Runing went to lunch with her arm in arm, and then went back to Lian Qingmiao.

This seems to be something that was expected by Qing Miao. He said: “Dad always thinks that you are a well-measured child. You can help Dad not only give full play to your strengths, but also learn more knowledge, but you can’t Because the school is now closed, studies have been abandoned.”

“I know Dad!”

Lian Qingmiao also mentioned Gao Ruosu’s arrangement with Lian Ruji: “The library took the initiative to invite your mother to collect and sort out the existing historical documents. You are all by my side, and I feel more at ease.”

Gao Ruosu is considered a senior talent, so she doesn’t have to worry about not getting proper arrangements like Lian Qing Miao.

Lian Runing has basic knowledge and the science center is indeed short of manpower, so it is not difficult for her to enter the science center.

As for Lian Ruji, he was arranged to go to the archives to do some work that does not require much technical content, which is considered to be the official preferential treatment to Lianjia.

Lian Runing passed the review almost the same day, and was then required to report to the Science Center the next day. She was not able to enter the laboratory at the beginning, after all, the official still had to tell her many precautions.

“Your current identity is an intern assistant in the Geological Environment Research Laboratory. Don’t move some experimental equipment without approval. Your job is to record relevant experimental results, sort out relevant documents, and perform numbering and summarization…”

“In addition, there are a few areas that are dangerous. You can’t go to those places. Don’t be arrogant. Also, you have to sign this non-disclosure agreement. There is also a routine reminder. From now on, what you see in the research room Important research results and encrypted documents cannot be disclosed without permission.”

Although this is the case, there is no problem with internal personnel communication, and apart from important data that cannot be leaked, other things mentioned to the personnel in the system will not constitute illegal crimes, after all, Le Yan has revealed to them A lot of related news.

Later, after receiving the work permit, she was taken to the research room by Qingmiao Lian and met several researchers and students who practiced Qingmiao.

Lian Qingmiao said: “You haven’t joined before, so there are many things that you can’t tell you in detail. Now there is no problem. I will ask your brother to tell me your research direction first.”

Lian Qingmiao’s student Shen Ge is a PhD student and has one year to graduate. Originally, he was doing experiments in the Qingmiao training laboratory with a senior, but the unexpected incident almost didn’t frighten him.

His senior was killed by a zombie, and he and Lian Qingmiao were lucky enough to be rescued by the guards, and then they were taken here for research.

These days, he has also been completely relieved from the fright, and he is sufficiently independent to take charge of a project with his ability, but currently the research laboratory does not need to launch too many projects, so he spends half of his time on research, and the rest The time is responsible for collating information and so on.

Now that Lian Ru Ning is here, he can delegate these chores to Lian Ru Ning and focus on research.

So when he explained to Lian Ruing, he was more careful and meticulous:

“At present, the science center has several large areas, of which the geographic environmental science belongs to one large area. The geographic environmental science is divided into several research laboratories such as plant geography, soil geography, hydrology, and geological environment. Each has research projects, but they also need to cooperate with each other.”

“At present, our main research direction is based on the ecological environment conditions for survival, and we must also overcome the problems caused by the Q virus…”

Lian Ru-ning concluded that there are a few major researches in the large area of ​​geo-environmental science:

1. Study the influence of viruses on water quality and whether water molecules dissolve the virus and whether there is a further explanation for the pathogen of the virus after the change in the medium;

2. Study the direct impact of viruses on the soil, or the impact of zombies on the soil after decomposition;

3. Study the difference in the impact of viruses on different geological conditions;

4. Study the direct and indirect effects of viruses on plants;

5. From the direct or indirect effects of the virus on water, soil, geology, plants, etc., whether it is possible to find a way to make a vaccine;

Of course, the most important point is that the official hopes to find a way to produce crops that have no adverse effects on the human body under the existing environment.

The current research progress is that zombie viruses can decompose and contaminate land and water sources through the blood and organs of zombies, and contaminated water sources can reduce the direct damage of harmful substances to the human body through disinfection. However, the more polluted the water, the more disinfection is needed, and the taste of the water will become more obvious.

For plants polluted by harmful substances decomposed by zombies, even if the tip of the leaf is stained with blood from the zombies, the harmful substance will spread along the tip of the leaf to the root, thereby polluting the soil around the root.

At the same time, studies have found that if a large number of zombies are decomposed, polluted the surface water and then penetrated into the ground, the groundwater may also be contaminated, and some plants that rely on groundwater to extract nutrients will be affected.

There are no relevant experimental results yet. After all, there is a shortage of manpower, and long-term observation is needed to arrive at a corresponding conclusion.

At present, the research laboratory’s first research object is rice, corn and other crops. As for the flowers, plants and trees, they are behind.

Lian Runing felt that it was already quite remarkable to be able to make such progress in such a short period of time. She remembered something and asked Shen Ge: “How is the progress in detecting zombie virus infection now?”

“It’s only a few days since the last progress. New progress will not be made so soon! And the Academy of Sciences is gathering more academicians and researchers to focus their wisdom to break through this difficulty. Junior sister, you are very safe here. Lah, don’t worry about this.”

Lian Ru Ning was not worried for herself. She just thought of Hao Jian’s mission. According to Hao Jian’s temperament, solving the zombies is not a problem. She is afraid that some people infected with the zombie virus will enter the crowd and attack her. Hao Jian and others can be on guard sooner if they can research tools that can detect zombie viruses earlier.


Lian Runing’s concern was not unreasonable. When Hao Jian was performing the first official task of the Special Response Team-investigating and removing the “blameless” forces on Ersha Island, someone attacked her.

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