The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 93

Chapter 90

Hao Jian also learned from this man that although a group of “no guilt” members appeared suddenly, in fact, among the people who had mixed up on the island before, there were also many “no guilt” people. They followed later ones. The difference between the members is that they have no guns on them.

Hao Jian believes that the part of the members with guns and weapons should be the key members. If you can catch a few key members, you may be able to inquire some internal information.

“Do you know how many of them have guns?” Hao Jian asked again.

The man’s face was already very pale, and he was almost fainted in pain. Seeing Hao Jian hadn’t planned to let him go, he confided in his mind what he knew: “I’m not very clear, I have only seen more than a dozen people. They are holding rifles. They usually move around in Huacheng Garden, and there are a few people watching the yachts at the pier… I have said everything I know, you have to talk and count.”

Hao Jian nodded: “Of course, I count the words.”

Then she fired another shot at the man’s other leg. In the man’s ghost cry, she said: “I won’t kill you. It’s up to you to survive next time.”

Hao Jian had heard the cry of the zombies downstairs, and of course the man heard it too. He subconsciously wanted to run, but apart from the pain in his legs, it was difficult to move together. He stared at Hao Jian in despair and resentment: “Fuck. -Your mother, what you say is nothing, you are in the same group with those people…”

Hao Jian didn’t feel any waves in her heart. She put the gun away, and after confirming that the back of the police station was not dangerous, she bought a hemp rope from the mall and climbed down from the window.

“Why didn’t the host kill him directly and exchange points for it!” the system asked.

“Killing for the sake of killing, how is this different from the’blameless’ person?” Hao Jian asked rhetorically.

After a while, she said: “Actually, I’m thinking, are you reminding me, is there such a reason behind the’blameless’ killing.”

“what reason?”

“There may be bloodthirsty perversions and anti-social personality neuroses in the world, but it is very unlikely that these people will be concentrated in the organization of blameless. And an ordinary person, even if it is brainwashed to kill, unless it is psychological Abnormal or driven by interests, otherwise it is impossible to become addicted to murder.

Along the way, we have seen various forms of’blameless’ activities, some are brainwashing ordinary people who believe in religion, some want to seize power, and some are purely to escape reality, even if they encourage and inspire ordinary people to kill the old and the weak. Can, but has not yet reached the point of instigating a morbid massacre.

So this shows that the more you infiltrate the core of ‘blameless’, the more you can discover that the ones who are really bloodthirsty are only a few of the key members. And why can they run rampantly in the city center? Are they so bold and reckless? Is there any backing behind them?

I have always thought that there are high-level officials behind them, but when the officials began to be vigilant, can the spies still support their activities so blatantly? Where did their guns come from? ”

After talking about this, Hao Jian pointed to the hot-weapon special in the mall: “If there is a team like Ding Gu-nian, and the person with the system is upgraded to level 5, he can buy a gun every day, and the bullet is still There is no limit to purchase. He can kill people-if I remember correctly, killing one person can get 10 experience and 200 points. In other words, if you kill ten people, you can buy a rifle, and only ten pieces are needed. Bullet…it doesn’t take a few days for everyone in the team to have a gun, right?”

The system asks: “Does the host think there are many hosts for the backbone members of ‘blameless’?”

Hao Jian shook his head: “As you said, the system is not a high-end product, and the host will not be all over the street. There are many members of “No Blame” and the base number is large. There may be several hosts, but this number is far less. The number of backbone members. So my idea is-the person who really holds the system must be mixed among the backbone members, and he uses the bloodthirsty of other members to cover up the specificity of his murder.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll give you an example. I acted together with Junior Sister, Shi Gongdu, Peng Mao, and Xin Ting. If they don’t kill people, but I am obsessed with killing people, wouldn’t you be surprised as a bystander?”

“Very strange.”

“So, if everyone kills, then I won’t be the one that is particularly obvious. Even if someone will see the difference, they will not pick me out. Others will only think that the dogma of this organization is based on Killing is a pleasure-this also explains why Wugui was clearly just a MLM organization before the end of the world, but in the end it developed into what it is now.”

“…The host’s conclusion?”

“I think that the smart people in the world are definitely not the only one I am. There may be other hosts who have discovered the secrets of the system. They may not trust other hosts just like me, so they will act very cautiously. As for why not Choosing to complete the task…the same water feeds all kinds of people, not to mention that the tasks between the system and the system are not the same, and the host they choose must be very different.”

The system was quite curious about how Hao Jian would respond.

“Undoubtedly, if I encounter the host in’No Blame’, I must find a way to get rid of it, because the other party’s existence will only make this already riddled world more chaotic. Although you call the Doomsday Survival System, you allow , Reward for killing. Regardless of whether the opponent is innocent or not, there will be no punishment even if you kill a good person. So, I think the question I asked you before should be answered, right?”

“what is the problem?”

Hao Jian took a deep breath and slipped into the women’s toilet in the table tennis hall. She took out the sanitary napkins and answered:

“Your system does not exist solely for the continuation of humans, and there may be a cooperative relationship between the hosts, but they can certainly kill each other, even this is an inevitable trend.”


The previous agreement between Hao Jian and the system made the two parties less vigilant and alert when making bold speculations and discussions in this regard, so from another perspective, their relationship seemed to be more harmonious than before.

“By the way, I thought of a question, can you see it when I communicate with the little junior sister in the depths of the soul?” Hao Jian suddenly asked.

“The system has no eyes and cannot see what the host is doing with the love.”

“Then how do you judge that we have had a deep soul communication?”

“Various data changes between the host and the relationship.”

Hao Jian didn’t ask any more. After changing the sanitary napkins, she was about to leave the table tennis hall, but at the door she met a few ordinary people chased by zombies.

Hao Jian thought for a while, and directly drew out the gun to solve the few zombies who chased those people most closely. Then he said to them: “Come in!”

A few people ran into the table tennis hall in a panic, then Hao Jian closed the door and tied it up with iron chains. And the remaining zombies kept yelling at Hao Jian through the glass door, and they wanted to break this door.

And the few people who escaped from the tiger’s mouth looked at the zombie behind the door and Hao Jian in front of them pantingly-if they remembered correctly, this person was holding a gun in his hand.

This recognition reminded them of the people on the island, the alarm bells in their hearts, and their eyes began to float around, as if they had entered the wolf’s den.

Hao Jian glanced at them and said, “Go to the second floor first, it’s not safe here.”

“No, no, thank you for saving us, we—” a thin man said hurriedly.

“What do you want to say?” Hao Jian asked.

When several people saw Hao Jian’s gun point at them, they couldn’t ask anything, but hurried to the second floor obediently.

“I saved them, why are they so afraid of me?” Hao Jian asked the system.

“Take the gun away and ask this kind of question again.”

Hao Jian shrugged: “No way, this is the easiest and most effective way to make them obedient, isn’t it?”

“They may think that you are in the same group as’No Blame’.”

“That means that they have seen the gang of’Wugui’, so I can get some news. After all, I also want to finish this task quickly, and then I can go back to see the little sister!”

“Does the host know about it?”


The second floor of the ping-pong hall is cleaner than the first floor. At least there is no table tennis all over the floor, and the tables are lying quietly, just as they were before the end.

The few people rescued by Hao Jian shrank behind a ping-pong table. Although they were still nervous, they lacked a trace of guard. After all, the situation above was clear at a glance, and it didn’t look like a laboratory.

“You look a little bit prettier, are you the residents of the neighborhood here?” Hao Jian asked.

The thin man replied first: “I am not, I am an employee of the sports shop on the main road.”

“I am an employee of a housekeeping company, and I have no money or food…” A fat middle-aged woman still had some horror in her eyes.

The remaining middle-aged man, a young woman, and a fourteen-five-year-old boy are the security guards, swimming coaches and residents of Huachengyuan.

The juvenile and the middle-aged woman are together, because the middle-aged woman is a nanny hired by the juvenile’s family. The others met on the road and ran away together.

“Which unit of Huachengyuan do you live in?” Hao Jian asked the boy, because if she remembered correctly, Huachengyuan is now one of the lairs of “No Blame”.

“Building B, B6.”

Hao Jian nodded clearly, and then put away the gun. The boy asked: “Are you a bad guy?”

“That depends on how you define good people and bad people.” Hao Jian said.

“Are you in a group with those people?” the boy asked again.

“Who are those people?”

“Broken into our community and robbed and murdered people everywhere.”

The middle-aged woman hurriedly covered his mouth and shouted, “Ayu, stop talking nonsense!”

The young man named Huang You broke free and stared at Hao Jian with straight eyes, as if as long as Hao Jian answered “yes”, his eyes would shoot out hatred anger.

“No.” Hao Jian replied.

Following her answer, the group of people breathed a sigh of relief.

“But I am more interested in the group of people you are talking about. Can you tell me about them?”

Most of them, like the four men Hao Jian met before, made a living here, but didn’t live here.

Before the blockade of Ersha Island, they happened to be on the island. Huang You and their nanny lived here, and there was no reason to leave before the blockade.

Although Huang You’s family has a villa, they are still a bit poorer than other residents, so the villa they live in is not the best. Because of this, when the “No Blame” came to Huacheng Garden, it was not their home that attracted the attention first.

When Huang You’s father knew that these people had bad intentions, he immediately asked the nanny to pack up his things and prepare to leave with him. As a result, when he left the back door, he was found by the opponent. His father was shot and killed, and he was taken away by the nanny.

After hiding in Tibet for a day, they met three other people. Then when they were looking for food in the restaurant, they met a group of zombies and fled for their lives in a panic.

“Where did you plan to escape? Didn’t you hear anything along the way?” Hao Jian asked again.

“We originally planned to go to Haixin Island to find the **** for help, but because the area close to Haixin Island has been occupied by their people, we can only go to the pier at the swimming center to steal the boat.”

At this time, the security guard asked: “Since you are not theirs, why do you have a gun?”

“This is what I took from them after I killed their people.” Hao Jian said calmly.

“But those people are all holding rifles. Yours is a pistol. Are you the guard or the police, are you here to save us?” the nanny asked.

Hao Jian smiled: “I did come from the police station.”

She really just came out there, but she didn’t say that she was a policeman.

When they heard this, the expressions were different, but they almost all breathed a sigh of relief.

“I can take you to the dock, let’s go!” Hao Jian said.

“But the zombie blocked the door, how are we going?” the swimming coach asked.

Hao Jian pulled down the banner on it, twisted it into a twine, and tied the leg of the ping-pong table, and said, “Hang it down.”

When everyone heard it, they didn’t have any comments, but the security guard said: “Ladies first, let the women and children go down first!”

The clerk of the sporting goods store said: “I will go down to help you explore the wind.”

After all, he did not wait for others to speak, so he grabbed the cloth and wanted to go down first. Everyone didn’t fight with him. After he got down, it was Huang You’s turn, but Huang You let the swimming coach go down first before he went down.

The security guard looked at Hao Jian and the nanny and asked, “Which one of you will go down first?”

Hao Jian closed the window and looked at them with a smile: “Before we go down, we might as well play a’rewarded quiz’, how about? Who can answer me first, why did you choose Huacheng Garden instead of Century Garden and Palm Garden as a stronghold?”

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