The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 2 - 002, sinking into the sea

‘Grandpa and grandma, you must bless your eldest granddaughter! ’

Mu Yiren closed his eyes tightly, endured physical discomfort, and tightly tugged at the shoulder strap of his carry-on bag with both hands, praying silently in his heart.

As the plane fell rapidly, Mu Yiren’s heart gradually sank.

It seems that her life is coming to an end!

Suddenly, there was a loud ‘bang’, and the entire plane vibrated violently. Mu Yiren felt that her internal organs seemed to be under a strong sense of oppression, making her breathless.

Before the Muyi people could take their breath away, suddenly, a strong airflow rushed towards him, and the fuselage burst.

With a “boom”, Mu Yiren only felt a violent impact, hitting her body, causing her whole body to twitch in pain.

Following that, her vision became blurred, her head was even more painful and dizzy, and she faintly realized that her body was sinking to the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, Mu Yiren’s mind was blank, and she couldn’t think normally at all, but her body’s desire to survive made her instinctively stretch out her hands and struggle, trying to swim her limbs to prevent her body from sinking.

However, the more she stroked, the more powerless she felt. Gradually, Mu Yiren felt a loss of consciousness.

Then, sank into darkness and cold.


China, 1968, December 6, cold winter, Linhai Village.

Qin Mingsheng was walking on the seashore, wanting to take advantage of the cold weather and when no one was around, come to the beach to see if he could find some seaside food.

The family has a large population, and the remaining food cannot survive this winter at all!

As a last resort, Qin Mingsheng had to venture over the mountain and came to the seaside.

This sea area is considered a restricted area in the village, because many villagers died in this sea in the early years, and gradually, everyone stopped approaching this sea area.

Because their village is close to the sea, it is named Linhai Village. It is the closest to the sea among the dozen or so villages in the surrounding area. This sea is separated from the village by a mountain, and their village has a unique geographical location. Close to the sea again.

Therefore, Linhai Village does not rely on the sea for food, but mainly on farmland. Especially in the early years, many villagers suffered in the sea, and the villagers were even more reluctant to deal with the sea.

Qin Mingsheng was walking on the beach, wanting to see if there were some small fish that were slapped on the beach by the sea.

As soon as his eyes turned, Qin Mingsheng looked at the direction of the sea, and his eyes suddenly became heavy!

Without thinking much, Qin Mingsheng took off his old padded jacket, cotton trousers and rubber shoes, ran towards the sea, threw himself into the sea.

Qin Mingsheng quickly moved forward, watching the struggling hands on the sea not far away, gradually sinking into the sea, secretly anxious, enduring the coldness of the sea, and approaching the person who fell into the water.

Seeing the struggling hands, completely submerged in the sea, Qin Mingsheng immediately took a deep breath, dived into the sea, and saw a figure sinking not far away, he accelerated forward, grabbed the hand of the drowning man, and pulled She surfaced.

It wasn’t until this moment that Qin Mingsheng realized that the person he was holding was actually a young girl, and what surprised him the most was that the girl was wearing a short jacket with a strange shape, with her arms directly exposed.

This dress is really weird, contrary to the secular weather!

A shiver made Qin Mingsheng come back to his senses, so he should swim back to the sea quickly. It’s too cold to save his life!

Qin Mingsheng worked hard, half hugged the fainted man, and paddled towards the beach.

A few minutes later, Qin Mingsheng gasped and took the person to the edge of the beach. It was not an easy task to swim in the sea in this winter and bring a person with him.

He laid the person flat on the beach, and immediately reached out and felt her nose.

“Fortunately, there is still breath!”

Qin Mingsheng was worried, worried that people would be choked by the sea water, and immediately opened her mouth and checked it carefully. Fortunately, her mouth was clean, and there was no seaweed or the like.

It seemed that the girl just fainted and was not choked by the sea water. For this, Qin Mingsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, Qin Mingsheng’s eyes widened when he saw a pair of long white legs, and immediately turned his head!

Why did this girl go out wearing a pair of shorts?

He didn’t pay much attention to saving people just now. Now it seems that the girl not only exposed her arms, but also directly exposed her legs.

White dazzling eyes!

If she looks like this, if other people see her, she doesn’t know how to talk about it!

For a girl, the most important thing is reputation. Although he doesn’t know what happened to her, right now, she really can’t see anyone like this.

Moreover, the weather is too cold, and he has been soaking in the sea for so long just now. If he doesn’t keep warm, he is really worried that the girl’s body will not be able to bear it.

Since everyone has been rescued, let’s do good things to the end, and he can’t throw people here. This is a living life.

Qin Mingsheng immediately picked up the old padded jacket he had taken off before, wrapped the unconscious woman, and immediately picked her up and took him home.

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