The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 29 - 029, salutation problem

Seeing this, Huang Qiuhua knew that it was useless to talk too much, and said to her eldest grandson, “Goudan, you are at home with your little aunt, and grandma is working in the vegetable field. You take care of your brother at home, don’t run around, you know?”

The dog replied in a loud voice, “I know, grandma~”

This is not the first time for this kind of thing. The adults in the family have to work in the fields, and they have no time to take care of their two children. Even when the farming is busy, he has to go to the fields and do some light farm work.

Instead, Huang Qiuhua also told Mu Yiren, “Xiao Mu, if you are not feeling well, just rest at home.”

It stands to reason that there are guests at home, and the host should be there to accompany her, but there is no way. The family has so many mouths to eat, it all depends on the work and the food. In order to take care of Xiaomu, she is more than two hours late today. The task given to her is still there. If she doesn’t go through it, she will not be able to complete today’s task, and her work points will be deducted at that time.

These days, work points are life!

“Auntie, I’m fine, don’t worry, go get busy.”

Mu Yiren actually wanted to say that she also wanted to help, but she thought that she was not familiar with the situation here, so she would not follow her rashly. Let’s wait until she figured out the situation. There will always be a chance to repay this kindness. .

Watching Huang Qiuhua go out, Mu Yiren also quickly finished breakfast and cleaned the pots and bowls.

After she had eaten and drank enough, Mu Yiren felt that she had more energy. She looked at the two little tails that had been following her. She took a few steps, and they followed. Muyi was amused for a while.

Feeling that the whole yard was quiet, Muyi felt a little bored, and there was nothing to do when he was full, and his curiosity immediately surged up.

In fact, Mu Yiren really wanted to go out and see the outside environment, and she also wanted to try to find a way out.

It’s impossible for her to hide in the house all the time and not go out to meet people, right? Obviously this is not realistic.

The most fortunate thing is that the place where she travels through time and space is in the village. The village is far away from the big city. Even if the strong wind blows in the city, it cannot blow to the remote small mountain village.

The so-called mountain is high and the emperor is far away, so the people in the village will not be affected. Generally, almost all villages belong to the same clan, and everyone lives by farming in the mountains. What is going on in the city is too far away for them.

Perhaps, for them, listening to the purpose of those meetings all day is not as real as working like this.

If she was traveling in a town, she would definitely be arrested as an enemy agent without proof of identity. The city is not as simple as the countryside, and the checkpoint patrols are very strict.

Although the environmental conditions in the village are not as good as those in the city, Muyi is very satisfied. The life in the village is no longer suitable for an unidentified person like her.

“Dog Dan, let’s go out for a walk!”

Muyi was not familiar with the village and did not dare to walk around, so he had to find a small guide.

With a small face, Goudan strictly followed the instructions of his grandmother, “Little aunt, grandma said that you are not in good health, so you need to rest more.”

Mu Yiren is too rare for such a small appearance, too cute.

“Little aunt is already well, it’s all right, do you see that little aunt can eat and walk again, like someone who is not in good health?”

Regarding the title of ‘little aunt’, Mu Yiren didn’t ask much. In the era when she lived, at her age, most children would call it ‘eldest sister’ or ‘auntie’ at most.

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