The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 826 - 826, special training student class

After Qin Mingsheng finished speaking, the entire conference room was silent, and everyone fell silent.

Except for the Muyi people, the rest of them fell into a period of contemplation. To be honest, since they met ‘Time No. 1’ a few days ago, they were all in a state of excitement and joy.

Even because Qin Mingsheng is a student of the provincial university, an associate professor of the Academy of Sciences, a local person in the provincial capital, etc., he is a talented person from their jurisdiction, and they can naturally follow this honor.

Therefore, the pride and joy in their hearts made them lose their thoughts, only knowing that they had mastered the only shipbuilding technology in the country, and this technology would bring great benefits to their units and cities.

Therefore, they only want to quickly build the ship, so that the leaders of the country can see it, and people all over the world can see it.

Perhaps in their subconscious minds, all the ships that were so difficult to make were made, and the rest were not difficult at all.

But at this moment, Qin Mingsheng’s remarks were like a basin of cold water, pouring it on their heads in an instant, making their whole body feel cold. Obviously, they completely ignored the current national conditions and status quo.

Where did the technicians who can sail foreign ships come from their country? Before even the core technology of shipbuilding was not available, where can the talents who can repair foreign ships come from?

Of course, except for the sea transport personnel dispatched by the public, the number of people can be ignored, and they can be counted with two hands. Moreover, those dispatched seamen are specially responsible for international turnover transportation and cannot be moved.

After all, their country is seriously lacking professionals in maritime transportation, or, to be more precise, their country lacks professionals in various industries.

Because of the previous famine, the national industrial chain has been seriously affected. After two years of recuperation, it has finally improved.

Therefore, the most in short supply in the country is the talent.

“Did you two have an idea?”

Mayor Luo looked at Qin Mingsheng and his wife, and asked directly. Although he had limited time to contact them, he could see that they were not only smart, but also visionary and courageous.

It can be seen from the fact that they dare to challenge some things that others cannot do.

“Yes, Mingsheng, Xiaomu, if you have any thoughts, just say it.”

The dean of the Academy of Sciences is a little anxious. He doesn’t want to let the staff of the Academy of Sciences become ship repairers. They usually have no time to do scientific research and experiments. How can they go to sea with the ship?

Qin Mingsheng gestured to his daughter-in-law with a glance, meaning that he would leave it to her to express it.

So, Mu Yiren spoke with a firm face and calmly said, “Set up a special school of navigation technology.”

“Navigational Technology College?” Everyone was slightly startled, but they hadn’t thought about this.

Mu Yiren nodded, “Yes, we are in urgent need of specialized technical personnel, and there is no way for everyone to follow the traditional study steps step by step, it is too slow, and we don’t have as much time to waste.

We first set up a sailing training class to recruit people with junior high school education and above, who love sailing, like electrical and mechanical equipment, and have a hobby of hands-on maintenance. We can call this group of people special trainees.

The training period lasts for two months. During this period, we need to invite several mechanical masters from the factory to teach the basic knowledge. Then, we also need to send a professional marine technician from the country to do practical work for the students. Operation guide.

At the same time, our resort will also send a staff member to practice for the students. Of course, Mr. Qin from my family will also do theoretical and guidance work for everyone. “

The dean of the Academy of Sciences asked worriedly, “Is two months enough? Can you fully absorb all the knowledge?”

Which of these technical personnel did not enter the unit after studying hard for 20 years in the cold window, but now, according to their meaning, they have come out to work after two months of study, and they are still engaged in work that their country has never had before. Nautical work.

If the time comes to screw up, and there is no way for the students to learn, wouldn’t it be a shame?

The Muyi people continued to speak in a hurry, “In the past two months, I only focus on the key points of sailing-related knowledge, and there is no need to maintain a comprehensive study like traditional students.

It is equivalent to saying that we are studying in a compressed manner, extracting the most essential professional knowledge for the students. In two months, we will familiarize everyone with the relevant parts of the passenger ship, and even sailing is no problem. Of course, in order to make our In the future, the students will be more proficient and comprehensive in technology, and they will still need to conduct training from time to time.

Our idea is only for the current situation, to accelerate the cultivation of a group of simplified professional talents for the country, but if conditions are available in the future, this technology can be regarded as a discipline, and like other majors, it can be regarded as a three-year discipline. chemical learning. “

“Okay! I’ll see it!” Professor Li took the lead in clapping his palms in agreement.

Mayor Luo thought seriously, and after a short pause, he nodded in agreement.

“I also think this proposal is feasible. Now our country is too short of professional talents, but we have to wait for the students to graduate in batches. I think the model of this special training class can also be applied to other majors. .

In this way, the teaching time is greatly shortened, and we can have more professionals earlier, so that more people can be employed earlier, and the recruitment conditions you just mentioned are also very interesting. “

Mu Yiren was slightly surprised, but she didn’t expect the other party to be able to draw inferences from others so quickly and apply her ideas to other professional trainings. It must be said that the people who can sit in this position are all good people.

“Mayor Luo is right, our country needs talents in all walks of life, but for many students, they may not do well in cultural classes, but they may have a very high talent for a certain industry.

But nowadays, our traditional schools are all based on grades. For some students with specialties, maybe they have no chance to shine in their whole life.

The idea of ​​this special training class is to recruit people with a certain area of ​​expertise, and then give them enhanced training. After they have completed their studies, they can also become elite professionals in this society. “

The dean of the Academy of Sciences nodded vigorously, “Professor Xiaomu is very reasonable. In some majors, it depends on a person’s talent. If the training is targeted, then the knowledge they receive is unified and inherent. , which is also easier for them to concentrate and absorb.”

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