The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 852 - 852, predicament

The morning after Qin Mingsheng left.

Muyi stayed at home to play with the two children, and the two sisters-in-law came to visit with the children.

“Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, why are you here at this time? Isn’t the food shop busy?”

It wasn’t that Muyi felt disturbed, but he was a little surprised. Usually, at this time, the two sisters-in-law supervise the workers in the food workshop, and the commute time is 9 to 5 according to her suggestion.

It’s only ten o’clock in the morning. Could it be that the work of the food workshop is over?

“Hey, I haven’t been very busy these two days. We have finished our own work, and the rest of the work has been done by the workers. I will come to you to pass the time when I have nothing to do.”

Liu Xiaocui’s speech has always been quicker and quicker, and she doesn’t go around too much, especially when it comes to the Muyi people she trusts, she will say whatever she wants.

Chen Chuncao felt helpless when she saw that her elder sister-in-law couldn’t keep her mouth shut and she couldn’t speak too much. She felt helpless, but she still tried her best to make repairs.

“We just thought that you were alone at home with the two children, and the third brother was out of the courtyard again. We were worried that you would be bored, so we came over to sit.”

However, her wish was still in vain.

“Is the business of the food court going bad recently?”

Mu Yiren frowned slightly. Since her business was on the right track, she seldom asked about her family’s business, and she didn’t pay much attention to business affairs, but every month she received a share of the three rooms that the family gave them.

But I just heard the meaning of what my sister-in-law said. The food shop is not busy these days. Does this mean that there are not many orders?

There are not many orders, what does it mean, of course she is not stupid enough to not know.

“not bad!”

“It’s a little worse!”

The two sisters-in-law answered at the same time, but the answers were diametrically opposite.

Chen Chuncao glared at Liu Xiaocui angrily, she was really going to be mad at her.

“Brother and sister, why are you staring at me!”

Liu Xiaocui felt very inexplicable. She didn’t feel that she had done anything wrong. The third siblings were their own family members, so there was nothing they couldn’t say, and they were not outsiders.


Chen Chuncao suddenly felt a block in his heart, and his heart was congested, this stupid bag! If she hadn’t known that she had no heart and a straight temper, she might have been really annoyed by her.

Muyi asked directly, “Second sister-in-law, what’s the matter? Don’t hide it from me, although the food shop is the business of the three of you, the share is also divided by me and the third brother. If the food shop has anything, we will also It’s time to contribute, otherwise our share will be for nothing.”

Chen Chuncao’s face was slightly embarrassed. Now that he has said this, if he still hides it, then there is no silver in this place.

“Actually, it’s not a big deal. Naturally, we have nothing to say about the taste of our food. We have been in the business for so long, and many people like to eat it, but maybe it’s been a long time and we’re tired of eating it. Orders have dropped a lot for a while.

The newly developed Xiangjiang market is not bad, mainly the factories in the towns and villages in our area. In the past two days, I have been thinking about whether to change something new or not. Don’t worry, it is not a big problem. “

In all fairness, the third siblings have already helped them a lot, and this stall is also the responsibility of their families, and they should take care of everything.

The third siblings also have their own things to do, and she doesn’t want to disturb her because of these miscellaneous things.

I don’t know that my sister-in-law is not seen at all. She can’t hide her words in her heart.

“Second sister-in-law, we are a family, there is nothing troublesome or troublesome. If there is anything, we can come up with a solution together.”

The Muyi people can understand the second sister-in-law’s intentions, but if the whole family still cares so much, after a long time, wouldn’t it be easy to have a quarrel?

“That’s right, there’s nothing that can’t be said about this, and the third siblings are so smart, maybe they can help us think of a way.” Liu Xiaocui said with a smile, not feeling shameless at all.

Chen Chuncao smiled helplessly, “Okay, I saw a layman.”

Originally, I didn’t want to bother the third siblings all the time, but the two of them turned out to be good, one was heartless, the other didn’t care, and in the end, she was the one to worry about it.

The topic has been opened, and the Muyi people have turned to business.

“I think the reason analyzed by the second sister-in-law just now is more reasonable. No matter how delicious the food is, it will be boring one day. If the business is to operate for a long time, it needs continuous improvement or diversification of products.”

She also neglected this matter. She didn’t think about it so much before. Now because of traffic, the market that she can do is still relatively limited, so the inherent products will always stay in the inherent market.

But there is always a day when the market is saturated. When the market is saturated, then the sales of products are doomed to stagnate. There are only two ways to change this predicament.

Either develop more sales markets in other cities and expand the scale of a single product, then the final performance is still very impressive, otherwise, we can only add new products and diversify products. Even if the sales of previous products have declined, there are still Other new products can drive performance.

Right now, the method that is more suitable for their family is the second one.

“The three younger siblings, what can you do?” Liu Xiaocui couldn’t help but ask.

Mu Yiren said with a smile, “Didn’t the second sister-in-law just say it? I think it’s a good statement.”

Chen Chuncao tried to ask, “You mean, to increase the variety of food?”

In fact, she didn’t have any clues. She just felt that there should be some changes. If it remained the same, then their business would probably get worse and worse.

But she only had such a vague idea. Specifically, she really had no clue.

“Yes, not only should we increase products, but also our business and sales methods should be revised.”

Now that this problem has arisen, the Muyi people think that they should adjust the plan and change the overall thinking. If there are three stages of doing business, then their family is about to face the second stage.

“Third siblings, if you have any ideas, say yes, we will definitely cooperate.”

Hearing this, Liu Xiaocui took the lead in expressing her position. She knew that her brain was not as smart as the third siblings, so she didn’t bother thinking about it. Anyway, after thinking for a long time, she would definitely not have the third siblings’ idea.

Since there are smart people in the family who come up with ideas, she is stupid, she just needs to do what the smart people say.

Chen Chuncao nodded straightly, “Third siblings, to be honest, I don’t have any clues right now. If you have an idea, just tell us.”

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