The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 90 - 090, stunned

So, no matter how reluctant they were, the villagers left one after another.

However, thinking that the wild boars will be distributed at noon, my heart is hot again, and the steps I take seem to be extraordinarily energetic.

Seeing the crowd disperse, Qin Mingsheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, everyone was pulling himself to ask questions. He stood in the crowd and was about to be broken into pieces by everyone.

Not only asking, but also constantly pulling, he felt that his body was about to be torn apart.

Such things as announcing good news are also exhausting lives.

Qin Yuejin walked up to Qin Mingsheng and patted him on the shoulder with great relief, “Mingsheng, you did a good job! This time it’s a great achievement.”

Qin Mingsheng has always been the best young man in the village, and he is also the younger generation he is very optimistic about. Unexpectedly, this time, he has even hit a wild boar, which is really good.

“Uncle has won the prize, and I didn’t do anything.”

Qin Mingsheng had a calm expression on his face. The incident of hitting a wild boar had nothing to do with him. On the contrary, he was still a little uncomfortable. He was a big man, not even a young girl.

It’s really white!

I don’t know, in her heart, will she think she is weak?

However, in the eyes of other people, Qin Mingsheng’s attitude was unanimously thought that he was being modest, and everyone admired him even more.

This is a wild boar!

“Let’s go, let’s talk as we walk, what exactly happened?”

Qin Yuejin was very curious and wanted to hear the ins and outs of things.

So, Qin Mingsheng took the group up the mountain, and while he was typing out the belly draft, he talked it over seriously.

“It sounds quite dangerous, but fortunately you are quick to respond and know how to use tricks.” Qin Yuejin praised.

He turned to ask, “That girl, are you alright?”

A distant relative came to Qin Dafu’s family. He knew about it yesterday, and some people in the village talked about it, but he didn’t show his face in the village very much.

“It’s okay, thanks to her cooperation this time, the two of us were able to stun the wild boar.” Qin Mingsheng pointed out the goodness of the Muyi people.

“Well, don’t worry, this matter will definitely not treat you two badly.” Qin Yuejin gave a statement.

Although the caught wild boars are collective goods, there must be someone who has the ability to catch them, so this credit and reward are indispensable.

The group walked quickly towards the mountain, while Mu Yiren and others were bored and stood a few steps away from the wild boar, stretching their limbs.

Just as she closed her eyes, her face was slightly raised, her hands clasped together, and her palms stretched upwards, she heard footsteps approaching.

When Qin Mingsheng and his party approached, they saw a young woman with a beautiful face and fair skin, with a small face raised and a smile on the corner of her mouth, revealing her fair and slender neck.

The most dazzling thing for a few young men is that the stretching action makes the woman’s body look particularly bulging forward and backward, and the waist is slender and exquisite. saliva.

“Hey, everyone~!” Mu Yiren looked calm, and waved his hand to say hello with a big smile, without a trace of coyness at all.

Several young men were stunned by Mu Yiren’s bright smile again, dumbfounded at not knowing how to react.

Qin Mingsheng was also a little stunned. He didn’t expect to see such a picture when he rushed back to the mountain, but when he heard the sound of inhalation coming from beside him, he instantly recovered.

Seeing the dumbfounded behavior of the brothers around him, Qin Mingsheng felt a burst of fire, and seeing their straight eyes, he wanted to dig out their eyes.

Qin Mingsheng couldn’t help staring, what to look at, what to see, he had never seen a woman before.

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