The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 900 - 900, Victory No. 1 (4 more)

“If you try it, you won’t know. Many things are obtained through constant pondering and trying. This grafting technique is not difficult. When you succeed in pondering, you will know the benefits of this technique.”

Mu Yiren said with a smile that he didn’t fight with them for a while, anyway, the result was the best proof.

When it comes to grafting technology, I have to sigh, the magic of all things in nature, it is like a mystery full of countless mysteries, waiting for people to discover, many unimaginable things, it seems to be able to produce miracles.

In fact, according to historical records, this grafting technology was invented as early as ancient times, but it has not been effectively promoted and applied. In the early modern period, there were many wars. Who cares about the development of agricultural technology.

It was not until the country was in a stable state that many lost technologies were gradually discovered, and then further research and development led to the gradual emergence of many civilizations and technologies.

Grafting technology can be described as a lot of benefits, not only will it not crook melons and jujubes, what will happen, on the contrary, it can enhance the resistance of the plants themselves, increase the yield, and combine the advantages of the two grafted plants.

In a word, it is able to cultivate excellent varieties.

In the end, Zhao Dongliang and the others returned to the county to conduct research with the homework assigned by the Muyi people.

As for the greenhouse in the village, Muyi handed it over to a planting expert in the village to take care of it. He also watched the whole process, and the promotion work was also handed over to him.

In this busy work, at the end of November, Qin Mingsheng received a call from the provincial shipyard. The ship was successfully manufactured and successfully transported to the country’s maritime borders for use.

The reason why it is so urgent, even before Qin Mingsheng’s final inspection, is also because of the recent issue of maritime borders, which has caused conflicts, and the atmosphere is very tense.

The above is known about the manufacture of the ship, which is why it was so fast. The ship was immediately transported away as soon as the manufacture was completed.

Of course, what makes them so “daring” is also because everyone has confidence in Qin Mingsheng’s research and development achievements. In their eyes, Qin Mingsheng’s research and development ability is obvious to all.

And so far, it has not disappointed everyone, and every research and development has played a big role.

This time it was also because of the sudden incident and the lack of time, they couldn’t wait and couldn’t care about Qin Mingsheng’s test, so they made a rash bet.

Qin Mingsheng was surprised and shocked when he heard it, but he didn’t expect them to do this.

He is confident in his research and development data, but he has not made the final confirmation with his own eyes, so he is still a little worried.

But things have happened, and now there is only hope that everything will go smoothly and be safe and sound.

However, the production work at the shipyard has not stopped, but is still increasing the scale of manufacturing.

“Don’t worry, there will be no problem. The factory is full of old craftsmen. They all make it according to your drawings, so there will be no problem.”

After listening to the third brother’s story, Mu Yiren held his hand and gave him comfort and confidence.

“Well, I hope so.” Qin Mingsheng said solemnly.

With an uneasy mood, time has entered December, the last month of the year.

And the Qin family began to slowly arrange the whole family to enter the provincial capital, because the new year will be in the middle of next month, and this time is also very busy, so many things have to be arranged.

This month, because the end of the year is approaching, the business is particularly good. The food shop is working overtime to rush goods during this time, just to sell more food a year ago.

Secondly, it is also to be able to complete the order early, so as to have a good year off ahead of time.

Of course, everyone’s hard work is not in vain. The Qin family is kind. Not only are there subsidies for overtime work, but also bonuses at the end of the year, so every employee is like a chicken blood, and they don’t feel tired at all.

Perhaps because of the approaching New Year, this last month was also filled with joy, and good news kept coming.

On December 10, the Academy of Sciences called to inform Qin Mingsheng that the conflict over the maritime boundary had been resolved. As soon as their ships came out, they quickly suppressed each other and made them retreat directly.

Not to mention the internal structure and design of the ship, as far as the appearance is concerned, it can be seen at a glance that it is different from the current ships, which is particularly powerful and domineering, which is very bluffing.

Of course, the actual function of the ship is indeed the same as its appearance, which is very deterrent, not just on the surface.

It is not without reason that the ship is domineering. After all, when Qin Mingsheng was developing and manufacturing, he directly skipped the two old-fashioned designs that should be available in this era.

The reason why Qin Mingsheng chose a slightly advanced design was because he heard the historical stories of her era told by his daughter-in-law. Now that he has this innate advantage, he will naturally not foolishly follow the original development step by step. Come.

But in order not to be too high-tech, he finally chose the ship design of the 1990s, which belonged to his daughter-in-law. s reason.

This is also a kind of repression of strength!

The ship’s first battle has achieved such a satisfactory result, which undoubtedly made the leaders of all parties greatly admired and praised the rise of China.

Even the supreme leader gave the ship a name with a wave of his brush: Victory No. 1.

It means victory at the start. At the same time, this ship also allows leaders of all parties to see the hope of the future of China, so they invest more financial resources to support all aspects of experimental research and development.

In an instant, Huaguo’s scientific research career has risen, and several big leaps have jumped up, and it has been greatly improved and respected.

“That’s great! You can rest assured now.”

Hearing the third brother’s retelling, Mu Yiren had a smile on his face. Ever since he learned that the ship had been put into use last month, her third brother has been in a state of anxiety and restlessness.

Because the ship has not passed his final inspection, he is always worried about what happens to the ship when it is put into use because of him, which will affect the country and the comrades who are fighting on the front line.

Her third brother is a very serious and conscientious person when it comes to his studies and work. She can understand his mood, after all, the ship passed through his hands.

If something really went wrong, her third brother would definitely feel very guilty and uncomfortable. Besides, the reason why her third brother failed to do the last step of the inspection was because he was thinking about their mother-in-law and wanted to go home to accompany them. That’s it.

Seeing him in a gloomy mood, she felt uncomfortable herself, so she prayed silently to the system every day.

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