The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 921 - 921, sea transportation (25 more)

On the second day of the new year, it is the day when the married daughter returns to her parents’ home, but this year everyone is celebrating the New Year in the provincial capital, so naturally they can’t go back to their parents’ home.

But on the second day of the first day of the new year, he had already made an appointment with Jianyan, and Jianyan would come to the door with the child, and their Qin family would receive it as her mother’s family.

For the remaining two or three days, they are going to buy some special products from the provincial capital, take a break to recuperate, and prepare to go back to the village on the sixth day of the sixth day.

After finalizing the next itinerary, everyone talked about the family business again.

With a thoughtful expression, Qin Lao Er described the difficulties they encountered recently.

“Three brothers and sisters, I think the market in the provincial capital is quite good. We have been running around in the past few days. We have thought about two or three months. After the store in the county town is stabilized, we will open a branch in the provincial capital.

It just so happens that you have some personal connections here, and you are not without foundation. When the time comes, you will find a few reliable people to help you look at the store and settle the bill once a month.

However, we have a problem, that is, how to transport food from the village to the provincial capital. At present, there is no passenger car that can reach the provincial capital directly. If we can use our current capacity, we can buy a small truck.

Not to mention the huge increase in cost, the cost of buying a car is not enough for us to add up, but we can’t just give up the market of the provincial capital! So, we want to hear, do you have any good ideas? “

“Second brother, this issue you have considered is indeed a very critical factor. Nowadays, although the roads are gradually being repaired, the transportation for travel is not very convenient. Just from our village to the provincial capital, you have to transfer. twice.

Judging from the current situation, it is very easy to open a store. The store does not have to be bought. It is also possible to sign a long-term lease contract. On the contrary, the transportation of goods is the biggest problem, and there is no special outfit for transportation and delivery.

Nowadays, people who own cars are basically owned by public entities, and they can be bought by private individuals, and people will not do transportation work. Therefore, we either save money to buy small trucks ourselves, or we can wait until the economic development of various provincial cities. Get up, and then traffic will naturally be improved. “

The people of Muyi thought of the logistics and transportation industry for the first time, but unfortunately it does not exist yet. This industry is a promising industry, but too much financial resources have to be invested in the early stage.

It’s not something the family can afford at this stage.

However, she felt that the second brother had the brains and courage to do business. After a year or two of delay, after they accumulated some capital, they could let him go for it.

As for the Luwei business, with the ability of the second sister-in-law, they can still hold it. There is absolutely no need for the two of them to be tied together.

“That’s the reason, so we are very worried, but you also said that when you are in the market, you must seize the opportunity, and the consumption and purchasing power of the provincial capital is definitely much stronger than that of the county town.

We are worried that if it is delayed for another year or two, other competitors who make food and snacks will seize the market. “

Qin Lao Er continued to express their concerns. The third siblings in their family were the most business-minded, and she always had the most ideas. In fact, if it wasn’t something that bothered her, they generally wouldn’t bother her.

The current situation is confusing and stagnant.

Muyi thought for a while and gave a suggestion, “I think we can make use of the existing resources first, such as shipping by sea!”

“Oh, I see!” Qin Lao Er reacted instantly.

Muyi smiled, “Second brother should know what I mean, our family has a ready-made boat, and sea transportation does not need to be like a car, and it also needs a stopover, so it can directly reach another province and city.

Even if the ship at home cannot be turned around, the ordering and sales of this ship are the responsibility of the shipyard where the third brother works and Universal Technology. We can order a small cargo ship from the shipyard at cost.

I don’t think Sun Zhenyu and the others will make any money from our family. As long as we pay enough the cost price of the shipyard, there is no big problem. If our family has a ship, can we also help other business owners to carry it around? What about ordering?

At any rate, we can earn some transportation fees to make up for our oil bills and workers’ expenses each time. Sea transportation is much more convenient than land transportation. “

At least under the current conditions of development!

Of course, the most important thing is that nowadays, when buying a car, you have to go through the international channel. It is very troublesome to go through the relevant procedures, and the price is several times more expensive than the local area.

Although she can buy it or exchange it from the system platform, the consequences of that are not a good thing.

On the contrary, it is more appropriate to rely on the cargo ship to go by sea first, so that you can familiarize yourself with the business first, and when the time is right, you can take the big cake of road logistics and transportation.

However, the most important thing is that their family has this ready-made resource. Even if they want to build a boat, they can get a certain discount in price.

No matter how bad it is, you can negotiate with the shipyard and get an installment payment. She and the third brother can make a guarantee, which can save a lot of pressure on the family.

Qin Lao Er slapped a slap in the face, and said excitedly, “Third younger brother and sister, you are really good! Helped us solve a big problem, I understand what you mean, and then we will think about it, first. Negotiate a charter.”

“Okay, if you don’t understand, come find me again.” Mu Yiren said happily, people with good brains are good, just click on it.

Huang Qiuhua looked at the second child and shook his head helplessly, “Second child, I think you are completely into the eyes of money now, all you think about in your mind is money, money, money, today’s New Year’s Eve, you have to pull After everyone listens to you talking about business, are you boring or boring?”

Qin Lao Er smiled and said, “Mother, how can it be boring to make money? What a fulfilling time!”

“Hmph, I’m too lazy to pay attention to you, go away and don’t interfere with our chat.”

Huang Qiuhua gave his son a blank look, his eyes were very disgusting, this second child really ruined the atmosphere.

“Okay, it’s almost time, everyone should go back to the house to rest.” Qin Dafu looked at his watch and reminded.

This is not their countryside, and they have to set off firecrackers after the New Year’s Eve, not to mention this place is not suitable.

Because it is not my hometown, it saves some custom links.

When everyone got up one after another and wanted to take their children back to the house, they suddenly discovered that, at some point, the children had fallen asleep on the carpet.

Not to mention the small toys in his hands, the children’s various sleeping positions also made people laugh. Among them, Wangwang was still pouting his little ass, his upper body was lying on the carpet, and his face was on the carpet.

This pose is also invincible, especially funny!

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