The Tale Never Ends

Chapter 267 - Ins and Outs

Chapter 267 Ins and Outs

With our persuasion, Na San wiped off his tears. Chongxi called for another round of a hundred barbecue skewers and we dug in again with Na San recounting to us the details.

“So a week ago, His Highness became worried sick when he heard that you were missing, Young Lordling. Thinking that you had been secretly abducted by the two other parties, he contacted one of them. I was not privy to their conversation and its contents, but the expression on His Highness’ face after the conversation told me enough to know that things did not go well.” Na San paused. “According to His Highness, Young Lordling, that person seems to be from Shanggu. A man called Jing, Jing Jiu.”

Chongxi stopped eating and thought aloud, “Jing Jiu? That’s the same Jing as Jing Ke, the assassin, innit?” I nodded and breathed grimly. “Yishui Town of Shanggu… He could well be Jing Ke’s descendant. Factor in that connection and the fact that they are after the Shiyan Blade, this could be another progeny of ancient nobility trying to revive a kingdom.”

“Wait up,” Lin Feng interjected, scratching the back of his head and said, “My history is terrible. What ancient nobility?” “The State of Yan during the Warring States era,” I revealed after a quick swig of beer, saying, “And it could be true. Because the ancient capital of the State of Yan during then was situated in present-day Yi County!” Lin Feng and Chongxi broke into expressions of surprise from over the table. Finally, we have found the true purpose of the mysterious organization that based in Yishui for wanting the Dragon-slaying Blade.

“Urm… Young Lordling,” Na San cut in, breaking my line of thought. “Of course, Na San,” I said at once, “Please go on.”

Na San nodded and went on, “His Highness then wished to contact the third party. But no one finds the woman in black. Only she finds us. The last time she met His Highness was in Tangshan. She told him that you would be going to this housing area consisting of bungalows and villas.” I nod my head, indicating that I knew. “But that was the last time His Highness saw her,” Na San said again, “And since your disappearance, His Highness has been looking for you, though his attempts remained fruitless. Until one day, I was accompanying His Highness. We were just arriving in Tangshan city after leaving Wu Zhong. Then these people stormed into His Highness’ suite and took him. I fought desperately to save the prince, but they were just too many. They took even my staff and my knife, nearly taking my life too in the process…”

“But you hardly look wounded,” Lin Feng remarked offhandedly. “I’m not. Because when these people were about to strike the killing blow, a rat deity who was coincidentally passing by the area saw and saved me. He healed me and guided me back here to Wu Zhong,”

“Hold it. You were in Wu Zhong with Jin Qichen all the time?” I interrupted. “Yes. We came to Wu Zhong when we got word that you were hurt, Young Lordling and we’ve been staying in a hotel in town ever since until we left for Tangshan.” I bobbed my head, saying, “So what have you been doing since your prince was taken?” A chagrined Chongxi croaked hoarsely, “Walking… I’ve been walking all the way from Tangshan… I’ve no money…” “Wait a minute,” Chongxi gasped, his eyes dilating with shock, and said, “You’ve not eaten anything for almost a week?!”

“Urm, not really…” Na San husked and said, “There were several kind people who have given me food when I reached the outskirts of Tangshan. I would never have survived this far without their charity.” “How about joining us for good?” Edelweiss suggested suddenly, “Following that prince of yours, you don’t even have enough to wear and eat. See how your master dresses and see what he eats, then look at yourself.” Na San’s head dipped in silence and Edelweiss gave me a knowing wink.

I giggled deep inside. Edelweiss might look like a timid and obedient wife on most times, but she was no less a schemer than she was when she was Aunt Ulan’s lieutenant in her band of outlaws. This was Na San’s weakest moment. The frailest moment of his confidence and trust in his master and the best moment where his faith could be tested. If he could join us, we would have added a powerful shaman into our ranks, a talent which could prove to be a potent asset in the battles to come. Slave or not, Na San had many a time demonstrated his loyalty. If only we could win him over. Despite having not yet witnessed Na San’s prowess in person, Edelweiss knew enough to realize that he had powers on par with us after listening to Big Sister’s accounts about our first meeting.

A hint of doubt flashed in Na San’s eyes. Big Sister, who immediately picked up Edelweiss’ gist, added, “Indeed. Think about it, since when did that Prince Beile of yours has ever given any damn about your well-being? The last time when we took you, your prince fled without so much as a look back at you.” Na San grimaced as he struggled between loyalty and self-preservation, not knowing which he should choose.

I placed a hand on Na San’s shoulder. “That prince of yours has been misled from the very beginning. His dreams of reviving the Qing Dynasty is nothing but a fantasy. With all the piffle about the dragon leys and everything; all of them were nothing but mere figments of delusions of grandeur. You are not a fool, Na San. Even I can see that. I’m sure you can see what a folly this is. Jin Qichen is nothing but a pawn in the greater scheme of things. A cannon fodder prodded to come my way. He would be disposed of if and when those co-conspirators of his have achieved their purpose. You can help us. Help us defeat these people, then persuade Jin Qichen to wake up from his dreams, for his own good. You can decide what you want after that. You can stay with me or you can go with him. Your call.”

Na San wrestled with himself for literally minutes before he pounded a fist on his thigh. “Young Lordling, everyone,” he said to us, casting his gaze across the sprawl of the table, “I thank you for the kindness you have shown me. I know nothing I do will be enough to repay you. But I am His Highness’ servant. Everything I do is for this very purpose—to serve him. This was the final bidding my father gave me before he died: The Empire is no more, but His Highness is our king still and that changes nothing about our oath of loyalty. We Shamans will not renege on our ancestral pledge to eternally serve the Aisin-Gioro line. These are our words that we Shamans will hold true, from now until our end.”

Big Sister emitted a scornful “Humph” and Edelweiss frowned mildly, both visibly vexed by the failure to crowbar Na San into joining us. Yuanyuan and Xiao Yu looked on with the same look one would have when watching a soap drama. That left only Lin Feng, Chongxi, and I who kept silent. Before our quest of pilgrimage, we would have believed Na San a wretched slave with an equally wretched lost cause. Our years in ancient China have seen our character matured like blades on whetstones and we were no longer the reckless and brash young men we once were that would belittle or deride Na San for his blind loyalty. But now, we only felt sorry and sad for him as we lamented his choice.

Nevertheless, even with its failure, “Operation Crowbar” has at least achieved something useful to us: Na San would, at least, never again view us as enemies.

And as my companions grappled with the tacit awkwardness that ensued following Na San’s rebuffing of our offer, another stranger approached our table. I looked around and saw it was the same man who had yelled about how Na San had laid aside his pride to kneel before me for help, holding a beer can in his hand.

I was about to get up but the man put his hand on my shoulder and held me down. “Sit, sit,” he said gently, “No offense intended. I just want to have a drink with you.” I raised my glass to meet his beer can and they clinked to a toast. “What’s your name, friend?” I asked genially. The man, wearing a sleeveless singlet even in the warming season with the tattoos of mantis shrimps down his arm in full display, looked like a street thug. But he was friendly and straightforward, roaring in laughter as he introduced himself, “I’m Zhang Mingwang. Sometimes known by my being the second in the family as Zhang Er’ge (Zhang the Second) too. You’re a household name in Wu Zhong, you know? What happened just now with this friend here?” he asked, gesturing at Na San.

He sat between Na San and me and propped his arms over our shoulders as if we were close friends. A man accustomed to the roughs and smooths of life, he talked and drank with a plucky and quixotic air that I did not dislike. Instead, I rather like people like him. Straightforward people who do not veil their thoughts and emotions behind cunning lies and shrewd plots. Talking to him was easy as there was hardly any need for secrecy. “If only you understand what’s going on, Zhang Er’ge. The boss of our friend here was actually working with another group of people against me. But his boss offered me a favor and provided me with a little help. Somehow his accomplices found out about this and took him. So here is our friend here, asking help from an enemy to help save his boss.”

Zhang Mingwang’s eyes glittered with ardent passion. His hand slapped and shook Na San’s shoulder encouragingly. “Good man! I applaud you both for your gallantry! People don’t talk and behave like you two do these days! Well, for all it’s worth, let me know if you need any help! I’m at your service!” The sinewy muscles on his arm flexed as he grabbed our shoulders passionately and I spied a long and ghastly scar running down his arm. He must have once been hurt before in a fight. A fight that had nearly cost him his arm.

Big Sister snorted satirically and averted her eyes away, obviously disgusted by the imprints on Zhang Mingwang’s arm which reminded her about our last fight in a restaurant with some hooligans. But unlike common thugs and hoodlums, he merely laughed it off without being offended by Big Sister’s behavior.

The more we talked and drank, the more we began to enjoy each other’s company. The restaurant owner appeared suddenly, carrying a tray full of barbecue skewers. He saw Zhang Mingwang and remarked surprisedly, “Ah?! Zhang Er’ge. What brings you here to this table?” “We seem quite a match for each other! It has been quite some time since I met anyone as stout-hearted as these young men and I admire them for it!”

“I guess you haven’t heard of this friend here, have you, Shiyan?” The proprietor said, “This fellow here is like the prodigal son!”

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