The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 406: This Taboo Is Not Bad; It's Mine Now

The mercury-like substance was evidently a product of magic. Moreover, the magic in question should be a taboo-level spell, judging by its incredibly powerful corrosive properties. Even if Alice's Enochian Prism was weakened, it was still a defensive taboo. Yet, it had failed to stand up to the mercury-lie substance for even a moment.

As soon as Alice saw the mercury-like substance decomposing her Enochian Prism, she subconsciously raised her arms to protect herself, particularly her eyes. It would be over for her if that thing hit her eyes. If she couldn't even see, there was no way she could win a fight against Fugallo.

In no time, the mercury-like substance made contact with Alice's arms. Then, almost immediately, an intense stinging sensation spread to her brain, the pain causing her to grit her teeth to keep herself from screaming. This pain that reached all the way to the bone definitely wasn't something the average person could endure.

The instant the mercury-like substance made contact with Alice's arms, visible damage also appeared on her skin. It should be known that Alice's current physique was beyond extraordinary. It wouldn't even be an exaggeration to say that her body was as tough as a dragon's. Yet, the mercury-like substance had still managed to eat away at her skin and flesh.

The mercury-like substance was so powerful that Alice didn't even dare to block it using the Hero's Sword. She could still heal herself if her body got wrecked. However, she could do nothing if the Hero's Sword got broken. She'd have to get the Loli Goddess to make her a new one.

Fortunately, due to the intense pain, Alice's mind started to work even faster, which allowed her to come up with an idea she had failed to consider before.

Doesn't it seem like I can touch this mercury-like substance?

While sensing the physical contact she shared with the mercury-like substance, Alice suddenly recalled when she had gone up against Aird. At the time, she had stolen control of the chains created by Aird's War God's Lock and the stone spike created by Aird's Gaia's Spear. Both the chains and the stone spike were undoubtedly products of magic. Meanwhile, as soon as Alice grabbed onto those objects with her right hand, her right hand would recognize them as weapons and transfer control over them to her.

In that case, didn't that mean she could similarly steal control over this mercury-like substance?

Alice immediately acted on her hypothesis. While continuing to defend herself with her left hand, she returned the Hero's Sword in her right hand to its weapon box. Of course, the instant Alice lost the Hero's Sword's bonuses, her physique weakened significantly. This allowed the mercury-like substance to corrode her left hand even quicker. In only an instant, Alice could already feel the mercury-like substance reaching her bones.

However, Alice was no longer as mentally fragile as when she first transmigrated to this world. Her high Spirit stat allowed her to endure the excruciating pain. After gritting her teeth, she reached for the mercury-like substance corroding her left arm with her right hand.

Although the mercury-like substance looked liquid, the instant Alice grabbed onto it, she found that it was actually an incredibly soft solid material. This was good news as this meant that the mercury-like substance had one whole body and wouldn't split into two puddles just because she grabbed onto it.

Meanwhile, it went without saying that Alice's actions had caught Fugallo off-guard. Originally, Fugallo had been prepared to launch another attack while Alice was busy protecting herself from his initial attack. However, just as he was about to gather enough mana for a second attack, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded when he saw Alice putting the Hero's Sword away to grab the Feather of Silver that was corroding her.

Did she lose her mind?

Fugallo never thought Alice would do such a thing. His Feathers of Silver were clearly corroding Alice's body. Yet, even as her left hand was being severely corroded, Alice had taken the initiative to grab the Feathers of Silver with her right hand. This action was no different than suicide.

However, unbeknownst to Fugallo, the instant Alice grabbed onto the mercury-like substance corroding her, the substance's weapon information successfully appeared in her mind.

[Weapon: Feathers of Silver]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effect: Strength +500, Control +500, Mana +1500]

[Additional Effect:

Mana Feathering (Passive Skill. Feather all mana in a five-meter radius. The degree of feathering depends on the nature of the surrounding mana);

Material Repulsion (Passive Skill. Feather all objects touched. The degree of feathering depends on the nature of the object touched);

Wings of Silver (Passive Skill. You may transform the Wings of Silver into any form to manipulate or attach to yourself.)]

"Feathers of Silver" appeared to be the name of the mercury-like substance. Moreover, going by her experience of wielding the "War God's Lock" and "Gaia's Spear," the name of this substance should also be the name of the spell used to create it. Although the Feathers of Silver was only rated as a "Legendary," it possessed great power and functionality. So, it was most likely a taboo-level spell.

Although Alice still suffered mild corrosion on her right hand when she initially grabbed onto the Feathers of Silver, the corrosion stopped the instant the Feathers of Silver's weapon information appeared in her mind. This was because she now had absolute control over the Feathers of Silver.

However, things were a little different on the other side.

Just like how Aird could feel her connection with her War God's Lock and Gaia's Spear severed the moment Alice grabbed onto them, Fugallo similarly sensed his Feathers of Silver breaking out of his control. Adding on the fact that the Feathers of Silver had stopped corroding Alice's body...

With Fugallo's wealth of combat experience, he instantly realized what had happened. Alice, through some unknown means, had taken control of his Feathers of Silver! This also meant he could no longer use the Feathers of Silver to restrict Alice's movements!

To make matters worse, although the Feathers of Silver had left his control, Fugallo could feel that his mana was still powering the taboo. So, unless Alice took the initiative to dismiss the Feathers of Silver, the Feathers of Silver would continue to deplete his mana!

This was a taboo they were talking about. A taboo's mana consumption was no trivial matter. Although it took much less mana to sustain the Feathers of Silver than to create it, having to sustain a taboo that was under the enemy's control would obviously be disadvantageous for him. If this situation persisted throughout the battle, the advantage in combat experience he had over Alice would get neutralized sooner or later.

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