The Tang Dynasty’s Female Forensic Doctor

Chapter 24 - Analysis site

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The voice shouted and everyone turned and looked out the door. Yan Yan also started, looking up and looking out the door.

The door of the morgue was half-opened, and the light was glaring. Only the taller ones were seen. The white-sleeve wide-necked robe neckline and the blue brocade on the cuffs were embroidered with silver moiré.

“Six brothers.” Han County shouted.

The man walked in slowly, followed by an old man carrying a box. As he stayed away from the glare of the outside, he looked at the person’s appearance. The man was about twenty-six and seventeen years old, his face was sharp and his eyes were black. Deep, his face is white and clean, but it is not like the warmth of the southerners. He is wide-sleeve and sloppy, with a strong momentum that is as stable as Taishan to Han County.

When he and Han County stood in one place, he was actually taller than his brother.

“Six Lang.” The old woman saw the arrival, and greeted him with excitement. The voice was full of grief and trust. “If you come back, it will be fine. You will be back! The mountain is dead, if it is Qin Shilang’s murder, You must be the master of your nephew!”

Han Liulang appease the old woman’s apostasy: “Auntie rest assured that the baby came here for this matter.”

After Han Liulang finished, his eyes fell on Yan Yan, his look looked a little strange, but it only recovered in an instant, as if there had never been any mood swings. He asked indifferently: “Where is this work? Is it a young woman?” ?”

Since the Han Dynasty, the method of trial-and-error autopsy has begun to prevail. The role played by the work of the autopsy has been self-evident, but it has always been self-evident, but it has always been a sacred book, usually made up of untouchables or slaves. He is also engaged in the work of burial and burial. Since ancient times, there have been few female servants, let alone such a young woman.

When Han County saw Sang Chen’s face pale and his eyes were empty, he took the message: “This is the pedestrian who was invited by Mr. Sang.”

“Oh.” Han Liulang faintly responded and turned to introduce: “This is a famous work in Suzhou, Feng Xun, the autopsy has never been wrong for more than ten years.”

For a time, the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing. Sang Chen was a Hanxian 丞 thousand 托万 please help to write a lawsuit, and this seal is also a gold signboard. After Han Liulang learned that his cockroach was killed, he specially invited to help. At the moment, Sang Chen’s brain is blank, and where is the story.

Only silenced the two interest, but it seems to be a long time.

Han County slammed his cough and broke the silence. He said: “If this is the case, let the two successively check it out one by one, so as to ensure that nothing is lost. What does Mr. Feng think?”

Nowadays, only people of insight who are highly respected or highly educated will use the honorary name of “Mr.”, which is a sacred book. Han County said that it gives enough respect to Feng Xing and also the face of Sang Chen. .

This is to say, letting the a priori is a problem.

“Mr. Feng is a predecessor, let this little girl a priori, Mr. Feng pointed out from the side, if the little girl can not test the results, or Mr. Feng disagrees with the results, and then re-examine, how?” Han Liulang Shen Sheng. I don’t know why, he actually let Yan Yan hands-on autopsy.

Everyone in the Han family accepts this proposal. After all, it is double insurance. They are more concerned about the results. As for the process, they are less valued.

“What did Mr. Feng think?” Han Liulang asked.

Feng Xing hangs his head and calmly said: “This is so good, there is no objection to the old.”

Even though the words are said, if the eyes of the seals are as if they are innocent, they will have obvious contempt.

Even though everyone saw it, they didn’t feel any problem in their hearts. After all, a young mother, a veteran who had never made a mistake in the autopsy for more than ten years, who is more credible, I am afraid that anyone will be biased. the latter.

“Little Mother first please!” Han Liulang looked at Yan Yan, with a hint of curiosity and playfulness on the face.

Yan Yan is standing in the shadow of the cockroach, wearing a mask on the face, no one can see her look.

After Han Liulang said this, Yan Yan slightly folded the sleeves, pulled the gloves up and wrapped them around the sleeves, and approached the coffin, and began to quickly unwind Hanshan’s clothes.

Han Liulang and Han Xianyu are close to the coffin viewing process, one is for the credibility of the process, and the other is to prevent the relics of Hanshan.

Yan Yan quickly took Hanshan clothes out of the nakedness. The two men looked a little embarrassed. Han Liulang glanced at Yan Yan and saw her look calm, as if the naked man in front of him was a piece of wood.

However, Han Shan’s current description is really difficult to give birth to other thoughts.

Yan Yan’s voice is flat and authentic: “Mr. Sang please remember.”

Although the sound is not big, it has a cold sense of oppression. This kind of awe, even if Sang Chen’s brain is blank, he can’t help himself. He quickly removes the ink from the box next to him and opens the book to prepare for the record.

Yan Yan Yu Guangjian saw his movements, and thought it was not awkward. He began to say: “The deceased is 20 years old, male, and the height is seven.”

Han County looked at Yan Yan with amazement, because Han Shansheng was born in the year, and he was born in just eight months. It is a premature birth. Han’s family is afraid of outsiders’ gossip, and they have reported it for two months, just after the New Year, Suzhou. Everyone in the city knows that Hanshan is 21 years old this year, but he did not expect that Yan Yan can test the true age!

“The right leg of the corpse has red swelling on the inside of the thigh, like a fist hitting the scar, the nail is black, the body pores are slightly bleeding, the bloating is bloated, the lower body has a little blood diarrhea, and the fruit or the poison of the stone medicine is judged. In addition, the left upper arm has Scratch-shaped bruises, long-inch wounds on the back side of the right neck, fleshy valgus, neat incision, but did not hurt the meridians, bones, bruises on the left cheek, like a fist hitting a scar, a large chest bruise, right side The two ribs are broken, and it is impossible to judge whether or not the viscera is injured.” After Yan Yan slammed the scars on the corpse one by one, Yu Guangzhen saw that Sang Chen had no face color, and he was vomiting. He shook hands on the side of the toolbox. Support the record.

Feng Xing was slightly surprised. After all, Yan Yan looks so young, but her test is like a veteran of the autopsy for decades, even more detailed.

In fact, although Yan Yan has not been examined for decades, the modern forensic system is perfect, and Yan Yan’s reputation is out. The bodies examined have probably more people than those who have been engaged in forty years.

Although the rest of the people did not see the condition of the body, they could understand it in great detail. The middle-aged woman heard such an injury and was already crying and mad. The old woman was still in a better condition, but she had already burst into tears and her body was slightly Trembling.

Yan Yan continued to check the body, did not let go of any tiny place, when he saw the lower body, he reached out and turned Han Han’s male root over.

Han Liulang and Han County suddenly stunned and looked straight at Yan Yan, a young little girl, actually looking at the man’s place is not shy, this is still a woman!

Yan Yan paused, and then said: “There are two bayberry-like ulcers on the **** of the deceased.”

After the inspection, Yan Yan straightened up, facing the two men who looked unnaturally, summed up: “The deceased should be often lingering flowers, suffering from flower disease before birth, at the beginning of the disease. And the symptoms are undoubtedly poisoned before birth, excluding death The possibility of poisoning in the back mouth can focus on whether Han Langjun has recently taken poisonous or gold-stone poisons. The scars on his body are not enough to cause death, but there are also doubts. These are the broken ribs, close to the spleen. If the broken rib is inserted into the spleen, it is enough to kill, but…”

Yan Yan stretched his hand and slightly stroked the surface of the fracture of the rib. “According to my judgment, although the two ribs are broken, the deformation is not serious, and the spleen will not be injured. If the two want to confirm, they can be dissected. “”

After Yan Yan finished, see Han Liulang and Hanxian 没有 have not returned to God for a long time, they have not continued to ask, only turned and removed from the medicine box, atractylodes and saponins ignited on the ground, used for disinfection, not a while, thick The thick medicinal fragrance gradually spread out.

Or Han Liulang first reacted, and looked at Yan Yan with a glance, and turned to Feng Xun, and asked: “How does Mr. Feng think?”

Feng Xun also put away the look of surprise, and said: “The little girl checks it carefully, it is more than the old one, but it is only unknown.”

Feng Xun is a humble person. Seeing that Yan Yan really has real materials, skill is superb, and immediately put away frivolous disdain.

“Mr. Feng please talk.” Yan Yandao.

Feng Xundao: “How do you know that Han Langjun is poisoned?”

Most of the current works can only judge that people are poisoned by poisoning, and at most they can distinguish the poison of arsenic. Others are difficult to distinguish.

Before returning to the sputum, Yan Yan turned the legs of Hanshan slightly and pointed to the edema of the inside of the thigh: “The poison of the poisonous fruit and the stone is the most prominent feature. The pores are slightly bleeding, and the corpse will be up and down. There are traces of redness and swelling that appear like fists in one or two places. As you can see, Han Langjun’s face and chest and fist injuries have begun to bruise, and this place is quite different.”

Is this confirmed? The individuals in front of Yan Yan met with doubts and continued to analyze: “According to the distribution of the scars on Han Langjun, it can be judged that Han Langjun did not wear clothing at that time. Qin Silang rushed into the room, first grabbed After Han Langjun, his strength is inevitably small, and he will leave traces on his arms.”

“Even after Qin Shilang beat Han Langjun’s face and ribs with his fist, Han Langjun rebelled, but he was unable to force it. He was overwhelmed by Qin Silang with his elbow, so there would be a large bruise on his chest. I judge Han Langjun also started to poison at this time.”

“When the two men were beaten, they might accidentally break the porcelain. When Han Langjun fell to the ground, the neck was accidentally cut by debris, so it caused a lot of bloodshed. But if it hurts here, if it stops bleeding in time, it will not kill. ”

Yan Yan looked at the stunned Feng Xun and said: “In this process, Qin Silang had less chance of hurting Han Langjun’s inner thigh with his fist. In addition, the performance of the scar is different from other fist injuries, so judge this. One is a reflection after poisoning.”

Some people in the place were shocked by the immersive analysis of Yan Yan, especially Han Liulang and Han Xianyu. They have read the words of Qin Silang, but they are in the analysis of Yan Yan!

From the scar can be analyzed to the situation, as if witnessed, such ability, not only can not do the seal, all the works of Datang can not be done.

“How do you know that he didn’t wear clothes at the time?” Han Liulang stared straight at Yan Yan, and his deep eyes made people feel oppressed.

“According to common sense, normal people beat each other and subconsciously grabbed the clothes, and it is much easier to hold the clothes than to grab the arm. Han Langjun’s arm is bruised and deep, which means that Qin Silang started from the beginning. In the end, he only grabbed his arm until he fell to the ground. However, Han Langjun now wears clothes, but there is a lot of dust on his back. If he wears clothes at the time, it is impossible.”

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