The Tang Dynasty’s Female Forensic Doctor

Chapter 357 - Ape

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Liu Qingsong immediately withdrew his hand, but Sun Zhen had already dropped a clear mime on his shoulder.

Yan Yan walked downstairs and saw this scene, and she knew that Liu Qingsong was very familiar with the Dali Temple Shaoqing. Although Liu Qingsong’s face is thick, he is not without self-respect. He is generally despised by him, and he will not get together.

“Mr. Liang Liang.” Sun Zhenluo handed a hand and went straight to the topic. “Dali Temple was murdered by Dou Si Niang. I have some things to privately ask Mrs. Liang.”

Yan Yanji, turned and gave him a stairway, “Sun Shaoqing please.”

Sun Zhen is also a face-faced face, Yan Yan looks a bit gloomy, and his face is very wooden, about 40 years old, burly, a face is very straight, thin lips always pick up, face The lines are as rigid as human beings, and it is not too handsome to be born, but the kind of manhood, which is rarely seen in general officials.

With Yan Yan, only Sun Zhen, Yuan Shaoyin and a book singer came up.

After sitting down, Sun Zhen signaled that the book could start recording, and asked Yan Yandao: “Mrs. Liang is the owner of this medical hall?”

“Yes.” Yan Yandao.

“According to the victim’s personal aunt, Suo Si Niang had been to the medical center before her death, and used a kind of clean flour that she had never seen before in the medical hall. I dare to ask who is this kind of thing. Hand?” Sun Zhen sees Yan Yan without any mud and water, and his heart relaxes a lot.

When Sun Zhen asked this question, Liu Qingsong and the late green were nervous. Liu Qingsong wanted to interject and say that he was making it himself, but if he made a fake dismantled, it would complicate things and return to think. People are not killed by them, they should face it calmly, so they are a little bit safe.

Yan Yandao: “The cleansing powder is made by my own hands and does not contain any poison. Dou Si Niang did use this powder in the store, but I can guarantee that there are no side effects.”

There was no change in Sun Zhenmuran’s face, but Yuan Shaoyin frowned slightly. This lady could not speak, and this statement was not conducive to herself.

“Mrs. Liang Liang can know Dou Si Niang before?” Sun Zhen continued to ask.

Yan Yan replied hurriedly and uneasily: “I grew up in Suzhou and grew up in Chang’an, half a year ago. I usually go out less often, so I didn’t know Dou Si Niang before today.”

Sun Zhen nodded, and then asked some questions about how Yan Yan met Dou Si Niang today, how to get to know her, what to say, what to do at the medical center, nothing to do, let people remember It’s down.

Yan Yan’s heart also praised Sun Zhen’s rigorous attitude, and he was a straightforward person, and Yan Yan was slightly relieved.

Sun Zhen’s reading of the book has stopped, and he said: “Please give Mrs. Liang a recent trip to the government.”

“Slow, Sun Shaoqing asked, can you ask me a few words?” Yan Yan said to stop Sun Zhen and Yuan Shaoyin who are about to get up.

Sun Zhen sat back in the position again, “Mr. Liang please.”

“I mainly want to ask the aunt Shi Niang that the aunts have some problems. The case is related to the reputation of me and my Xiao family. I have to be careful. You are all present. Is there any inconvenience?” Yan Yan must take care of himself. Suspected to be removed, and guide them to go to other places to think about it. At this time, they are not anti-customers. I am afraid that they will lose the opportunity to grasp the rhythm of the case.

When Sun Zhenlu thought about it, he agreed.

Yuan Shaoyin brought the aunt to bring it up.

Before Yan Yan did not pay attention to this acolyte, the eyes are next, it is still a beautiful embryo, slender figure, although not as hot as Dou Si Niang, but it can be considered exquisite, five-personal life is not exquisite, but it is matched Don’t have a sense of beauty.

The waiter was scared by the look of no emotion, and quickly bowed his head to everyone in the house.

“You sit down.” Yuan Shaoyin smiled and pointed to a seat opposite the main seat.

The aunt looked quietly at Yan Yan and saw that she was still looking at her calmly, that kind of eyes… that kind of eyes seemed to be watching a dead person, and people couldn’t help but numb. Her knees were soft and she could barely stand and had to sit down on the bench.

Yan Yan’s tone is calm, like her expression, “What is your name?”

“Slaves medicine.” Her voice quality is actually very clear, like a phoenix, but I do not know because of fear, or restraint, it sounds weak, some shaking.

“Pill medicine.” The name is somewhat matched with her appearance. Yan Yan paused and said: “How long does it take for your mother to start to poison after leaving here?”

Peony medicine is hanging down, it is still a subtle tone of life, “about half an hour.”

“What is the situation when the poison is issued? Say it carefully.” Yan Yandao.

Yan Yan’s tone is the same as that of the genius. The peony is a trembling, and the weak voice is accompanied by a crying cry. The shoulders are constantly shaking, and the squatting is only a long while: “Mother… After going out from the medical hall, the mother is in a good mood. I feel that I have hope in the future… Under the rise, I said that I went to Zhixian Building to celebrate it. I went to the Zhixian Building and asked for an elegant room. When the dishes were almost the same, the mother was in a good mood and let the slaves sit down. Eat together, the slave has just sat down, and then sees the red under the mother’s eyes, she asks where she can be uncomfortable…”

The sputum smashed a bit, and the tears slammed on the mat in front of her knees. “Mother said, I felt a little hot. The slaves didn’t care about it at the time. I felt that the weather was hot, so I got up and asked for a squat. After the summer soup, I came back and saw it… I saw the mother’s face full of blood. She licked the parsing and wiped it. The slave was scared for a moment, and immediately let Xiao Xiao scream, and the mother was scared by her own blood. Screamed, fainted on the ground, the slaves did not know how to be good, just holding the mother crying, waiting for the doctor to come, the mother already…”

For the remarks of peony, Yan Yan is skeptical. In the face of two officials, a prince, and no servant, she still looks scared, but her language expression is very intermittent, but it is very organized, indicating that her brain is still very clear. . Such a person, her mother is full of blood, she will not know the time to save the wounded to go to the doctor?

It will take a lot of time for Xiao Xiao to come back. Even if it can save lives, the timing has already been delayed.

However, Yan Yan did not pick up the matter and turned to other things. “That is to say, when there was a small donkey or a waiter in the dish, there are others who are close to your home. mother?”

He was hesitated for a moment, shook his head. “Small cockroaches just put the food on a few, and the distance from the mother is also a rule.”

Yan Yan paused for a moment, and when asked here, the meaning is obviously suspected of smuggling murder, but she did not take the opportunity to excuse, is it sincere, or really care about killing the murderer? Or is it something else that is not known?

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