The Tang Dynasty’s Female Forensic Doctor

Chapter 38 - Surrounded by the jungle

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“The necropsy?!” Liu Rang can no longer calm down, and the sound suddenly rises.

Just when Yan Yan thought that he would be severely rejected, he actually slightly indulged and slowly said: “This matter will be discussed again.”

Yan Yan’s slight glimpse, is the reason for Yang’s death so important to him? This Yang Jue is superficially a hidden accident. The results of the five or six tests are the same. Even if he really judged this result, no one doubts anything? And he was already anxious to even ask her a mother. Yan Yan does not believe that Liu Rang is an official who is just right. In the officialdom, people who are truly righteous, honest and honest, but have no background, do not go long, let alone become a history of four thorns!

After Yan Yan understood the meaning of Liu Rang, he organized the clothes of the corpse, and after packing it up, the group quickly went out of the corpse.

For Liu Rang, it is already a big breakthrough to be sure that Yang Jue was indeed subjected to violence before his death.

“Hey! Since the death of the Queen of the Sun, everything is different!” A silent Liu let suddenly sighed inexplicably, and then gave Yan Yan a “you know” look.

Yan Yan mouthed a pump, had to be frank, she did not understand at all, what is this “everything”? What is the difference? The original memory of the current government is almost zero. I only know that it is now 11 years in Zhenguan. In addition, I don’t know much about the overall situation. Fortunately, Yan’s own history is not bad. I know that the Queen of the Suns died in June.

After this age, Yan Yan was very admired. Although she did not feel that she could have the honor to see the emperor living in the deep palace, but heard the death of the empress of the grandson, there is still some regret in her heart.

Liu Rang did not say anything any more. When the pedestrians walked around the Xicheng Gate, the moonlight gradually became covered with dark clouds, and the torches around the city gate showed a faint light.

“I am a team of people to **** you back to Zhuang, you can rest assured.” Liu let see the sky is not good, swearing words to comfort Yan Yan and Sang Chen.

After Liu let off the car and told him everything, he stood under the car and opened the curtain: “The old man took over the history of Suzhou, and many people still can’t fully trust it. Only the west gate ensures safety. From here to the south, it is farther away. You have worked hard. Second.”

After a pause, I said to Yan Yan: “Your person, the old man will pay you soon, so don’t overdo it.”

“Thank you for the history of Liu Ting.” Yan Yan slightly.

The door slammed open, and Liu let the car curtain down, and the carriage slowly started.

There are only two people in the carriage, Sang Chen and Yan Yan. Sang Chen’s face is white and has not yet recovered from the shock. Yan Yan is quite satisfied with Sang Chen’s performance today. Although it is very embarrassing, at least it has not faded. It is already a good progress. “You are not bad today.”

Yan Yan will not regret the words of praise.

When Sang Chen’s eyes lit up, he suddenly multiplied and his face turned back to a lot. “School is a shame! It’s not the next day!”

When Yan Yan’s finger trembled, don’t go too far and stop looking at him. What kind of thing is it worth to be proud of?

Under the soft and soft orange light, the beautiful side of Yan Yan Ling was dyed with a little warmth. It was not like a normal person. The slender neck stretched into the white collar, and the slender clavicle was looming.

When Sang Chen saw such a scene, his heart suddenly jumped up and suddenly struggled for a long while, and then weakly said: “Mother, there is a saying that I don’t know what to say when I don’t speak.”

“That would like to say it again.” Yan Yan is not salty and not authentic.

Sang Chen stunned and opened his mouth. After a while, the Yan Yan, who was next to him, was a little gasping and could not help but be annoyed. “Say!”

When Sang Chen’s heart was happy, when he was about to talk, the carriage suddenly slammed, and the curtain of the car slammed into the black. It was like a gust of wind, carrying a cold and sigh of breath. The black scarf of the coming person covered his face, his eyes glanced like a gaze, and between the gasps, Yan Yan and Sang Chen had not yet reacted, and a sword with a cold light was already on her neck.

All of Sang Chen’s words were stuck in his throat, and he looked at him with horror.

“冉娘!” The soldiers outside the eager voice.

“If you don’t want her to die, keep going!” The voice was cold and magnetic, filled with bloodthirsty taste.

The outside soldiers didn’t know what to do at the moment. The team that took the lead was also a cold. This person could rush into the carriage under the eyes of their team and choose to attack. There will be no good results. .

Yan Yan also thinks the same way. In the Tang Dynasty, the army was compiled. There are as many as 50 people in the first team. This person can come in without any effort. Who is he hiding? These thoughts flashed past and the sound was flat and said: “Go ahead.”

Although her voice is cold, it is different from the cold and murderousness of the black man, but it has the power to stabilize the heart.

The outside soldiers heard the instructions of Yan Yan, hesitated a little, and then continued to move forward under the leadership of the team.

The black man did not slack off, and the long sword in his hand was just right on the neck of the face. The sword looked like a blow, but never cut her skin. It shows that the person’s control over himself has become abnormal. The point.

“You are hurt.” Yan Yan sensitively smelled a faint **** smell, and the twilight turned slightly, and fell on a chest where he was soaked. “Injury to the heart.”

“Quiet.” The voice of the black man looked a little weak, and his temper was not violent.

“You, don’t mess around!” Sang Chen was able to return to the gods, shaking and swearing: “Oh…”

“To shut up!”

“To shut up!”

Yan Yan and the black man whispered in unison.

Yan Yan darkly turned a white eye, the black people have asked for quiet, this two goods actually hit the sword front at this time. If you angered him, killing the **** rabbit, if he killed himself, wouldn’t it be embarrassing?

The black man seems to think that Yan Yan is still acquainted with her, or she is afraid of her tricks, she will approach her ear: “Don’t be careful, even if I am seriously injured now, a team of people in the killing area is still a problem, if you cooperate Point, I will leave after I have passed this forest, and will never hurt you.”

Across the distance, Yan Yan can feel the warmth of his breath, and a little bit of breathing, for a time, the situation is a bit embarrassing.

When Sang Chen saw it, he was a little red-eyed. “Jun can’t be bullying and swearing, you can’t be light!”

Hey! The cold light flashed, and the face was remarkably dissipated, but the sound was not exported, but the black man covered his mouth.

Sang Chen was stunned, watching the cockroaches inserted on his shoulders, and the blood flowing from the cockroaches quickly opened a large red in the gray robe, his face gradually became white, his body became more and more powerful, and finally his eyes turned and halo. The past.

Yan Yan sighed, and he didn’t hurt the key. He was afraid that he would just faint.

The breath of Yan Yan is sprayed on the palm of the black man’s hand, like a current flowing through the body, making people numb. At this time, he noticed the soft touch under his palm, and the feeling of numbness and crispness immediately hit the bottom of his heart.

The black man quickly retracted his hand, and Yan Yan just regained his gaze and looked at him.

Four eyes are opposite, Yan Yan suddenly found that the person’s dark eyes are faintly dark blue, cold and deep, like the **** of never seeing the sun, the nose is tall and tall, and the eyebrows are long. In memory, only one person has such a brow.

Su Pharmacist, Su Fu, Yan Yan heart meditation.

“You! Have you ever seen a black man passing by?” asked the man outside the carriage.

Su Fu’s body was suddenly tightened, and the long sword against Yan Yan was also tight.

Yan Yan glanced at him and said: “The team is working, what happened?”

The faint cold voice drifts from the carriage, blending into the warm and humid wind of summer night, bringing a refreshing coolness. The brawny who was asking was slightly stunned and couldn’t help but look at the carriage.

The team is knowing that it may be that the Seventeen Niangniang is threatened, and will immediately remind him, and immediately shook hands: “The night leaks deeper, we are rushing, and we have never seen anyone passing by.”

“I don’t know who is sitting in the carriage?” The strong man asked unwillingly, he thought that the man must be nearby, and could not find anywhere else, probably in the carriage.

“Sorry, the government is not allowed to disclose to the warriors.” The team is showing the token.

“Baiyi, retreat.” A man calling in the gorgeous carriage on the side of the woods. The voice was low and dumb, lazy, and the momentum of the superiors was overwhelming. It was just a normal word, but it was very incomparable from this population… sexy.

The sound is still able to be clearly introduced into the ear through the distance of about seven or eight feet. It seems that the feathers are gently swaying at the bottom of the heart, and I can’t help but want to see him.

The brave man named Bai Yi received the order and reluctantly returned to the carriage and turned over.

Hearing the sound of the carriage and getting farther and farther, Su Fu whispered coldly: “Go.”

Yan Yan opened the message to the team, but the heart was secretly alert, thinking about how to hold Su Fu.

Because he once took the initiative to borrow an umbrella for her, Yan Yan did not feel bad about him, but he can also feel that this person is as cold as ice, and his hand is decisive and stern, who can guarantee that he will not kill people?

“You are a doctor?” Su Fu put away his sword and leaned against the wall. He was wearing a black suit and couldn’t see the blood, but the wetted place was attached to his body, revealing a well-balanced body.

“Yes.” Yan Yan looked at the blood dripping on his car board and said: “You have hurt the key, no longer heal, afraid that it will bleed.”

Su Fu did not know where to find a tea-green ceramic vial, laboriously untied his clothes, halved the inside and outside clothes, unplugged the cork, and sprinkled the powder on the wound. Although his upper body is only half exposed, he still can see the perfect figure, white skin with a faint glow in soft light, and a little blush in the chest, which is enchanting.

“Need help?” asked Yan Yan.

Su Fu paused a little, continued to pour the powder, cleanly wrapped the wound with his own coat, and then put on the coat, there is no sentence from beginning to end.

When Yan Yan saw that he closed his eyes and raised his spirit, he moved to Sangchen slightly before he moved, and he was immediately stared at by a cold eyes. Yan Yan was shocked by his keenness.

Su Fu is also slightly surprised, the general mother was stunned by this eye, it is absolutely panic and trembling, but this beautiful girl who looks beautiful is more bright and upright to get up to the companion, the trick is to pull out the man’s body, then fly quickly Drug dressing.

The carriage gradually drove out of the west of the city and entered the south of the city. The forest gradually became sparse and the vision widened. Until there were no obstacles in the five rounds, Su Fu determined that there would be no ambush or tracking, and immediately clenched the long sword, and the deep and dark eyes swept away on the face, and the murderous faint leaked.

Yan Yan tightened his hand nervously, shivering slightly, shaking a bottle of poison powder in the wide sleeves into the palm of his hand.

Su Fu seemed to notice her movements, glanced at her, and jumped out of the carriage.

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