The Tang Dynasty’s Female Forensic Doctor

Chapter 439 - Wishing the wine to the east (the finale)

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“This is a public.” The voice of the slamming sounded again.

Sang Chen looked around and determined that no one else would look at the sound. Still the woman, she used her wide sleeves to block her appearance, and she said with a soft voice: “I have been asked to pay tribute to the public, but I have not yet asked for a name.”

“In the next sangchen, the word goes far, is the common brother of Ci’en Temple, not the same.” Sang Chen salute, after answering it, he remembered, did he rescue her?

The woman twisted her body and revealed her half face. She smiled like a lotus flower and immediately ran away like a wind.

The drums that close the gates are ringing.

Sang Chen still stood in the same place looking up at the sky, considering, where the little girl was. Little Shami has been called for a few times.

The people in the temple are used to it. In the past, Sang Chen II, now it has become two and staying. In fact, there is not much difference. The snow mountain adds to this. The monks can calm down.

After an hour, a person dressed in the street led a woman to the Ci’en Temple.

The man, through the moonlight, is seeing the steps of the door, squinting at the individual, and fixing his eyes, but it turned out to be the famous Sang Suiyuan, and quickly handed it to him: “Mr. Sang.”

Sang Chen gave him a stunned look.

That patrol street: “When Fang Cai changed his class with a friend, he said that he was not allowed to check out a little girl who didn’t stay at night. This little girl said that she knew you, and someone just went back to see the mother, and brought people to you by the way.”

The patrolling street smiled and said: “People have been sent, some have to say goodbye!” He saw Sang Chen’s words and stops, and he wanted to stop and talk, and quickly said: “The style of the scholar, some know a little, like a midnight delivery The kind of elegant and chic thing that the mother went to the temple, some of her favorite, Mr. Sang does not have to thank.”

After that, turn and run away.

In the Tang Dynasty, it was not a small crime to commit night bans, especially those who were dressed strangely and behave strangely. If they were still caught in the middle of the night, they happened to be in a bad mood, and they were killed when they were killed. kill.

The patrolling street will give this little mother a band, all of which are directed at the name of Sang Suiyuan.

“Sang Xianggong, slave family…” Her voice was sobbing, and it was blown by the mountain wind.

Moonlight 皎皎, Sang Chen stared at the strange woman who was licking her face. The night wind was fluttering, and the delicate and graceful posture was different from all the Tang Dynasty women he had seen. I don’t know why, suddenly there is a poem like poetry in my mind – I wish the wine a warm wind and a total calm.

Sang Chen is in a daze.

The leaves make a slight sound, such as the twitching butterfly wings sullen.

Heaven and earth are in silence.

Chang’an in October.

The penalty was finally determined: the waste was defamation, and the exile was in Zhangzhou.

After all, Li Shimin did not have the heart to kill him. The rebellion subsided overnight, except for the official and the woman, the surname was not clear when the family reunion celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival, what happened to the entire center of Datang. Li Shimin had already controlled the spread of the news, so everyone only knew that conspiracy was rebellious and was dethroned.

Paper can’t hold fire, but the water is fierce, and the rumors of fire have not been able to burn quickly.

The next day, the imperial decree of Wei Wang Li Tai moved to the fiefdom was followed. It is said that because Li Chenghao left the palace, he slammed Li Tai in front of the holy.

The new reserve candidate is also on the agenda.

It seems that Li Wei was elected without any suspense, but he did not expect that Li Shimin had half of the opposition when he proposed to set up Li Wei as Chu Jun. Later, Li Shimin privately summoned the grandson Sun Wuji, and Chang Sun Wuji took the opportunity to push Jiuhuang Li Zhi out.

Time has not been dragged on for a long time. No one knows what the reason is. Li Shimin gave up the best Li Wei in all aspects of the Emperor.

Immediately after an imperial edict, the position of the Governor of Li An’an was restored, and he was ordered to leave for the next day.

The sacred decree seems to solve the roots of all turmoil easily, but everyone knows what kind of storms have gone through this.

A little deserted courtyard.

Li Wei held the imperial edict and watched the official leave.


Why did he play with Li Chenghao and Li Tai in the palm of his hand, so that they would lose both sides, but the final winner is not him?

Why did he count the organs, but in the end, it was cheaper and cheaper, Li Zhi, who was weak and unpredictable?

Why did he have outstanding military skills and outstanding political abilities, and he had never lost his morality. In the end, there were so many people who opposed him.

What is it all for?

“Ha!” Li Wei laughed and laughed. Then, it was a burst of laughter. The birds around were stunned and fluttering. He laughed and screamed, but did not stop.

How ironic this result is to him.

He easily guided Li Tai to go to the opposite side, but spent a lot of energy and carefully controlled the relationship between Li Chenghao and Li Tai under the eyes of the savvy father.

Why did Li Chengzhen know the things that Li Taimou countered? Who destroyed the section and blamed Li Tai? If it weren’t for him, how could Li Tai easily know the various virtues of Li Chenghao?

He never did big moves, but he was able to control it just right, and he was struggling.


However, until now, he grasped the sacred purpose, only to see the crux of the problem, he realized that no matter how hard he was in the dark, how talented and foreign he was, he could not reach that position after all! Because he is not out, the more excellent he is, the more he will be suppressed.

It’s ridiculous that he actually hated the murder of Li Zhi in the past few days.

Even if the assassination succeeds, presumably his father, full of martial arts, will still find ways to keep Li Tai or Li Chengyu, unless they kill them all, but is that possible? At that time, I am afraid that he himself is exposed…

He can do everything under his own savvy father.

Li Xiao smiled and lay down on the ground, looking at the high sky, just a circling eagle.

He, like his eagle in the air, seems to be very close to the sky, but he can’t touch it anyway.

In the middle of Xiao.

Yan Yan leaned on the lounge chair and looked at the sky. Xiao Yu handed the cut apple to her mouth.

“Fu Jun, a child’s birthday banquet should be done.” Yan Yan took a bite of an apple, vaguely.

“You are injured, you can’t move, how are you going to do it?” Xiao Yu used a bamboo stick to string another apple to her.

In the mouth of Yan Yan’s mouth, he had already eaten the apple and handed it to Xiao Yu. He held his head and continued to cut the fruit.

“Just get a week, then please come close to people to eat dinner. It is better than not to do, after all, is an important day.” Yan Yandao.

Xiao Yuji, “Good.”

Yan Yan suddenly remembered something and sighed: “My sin of Wu King has not yet been presented, but it is actually the nine emperors!”

After Xiao Yu’s analysis, Li Tai is afraid that there is no foresight to kill Li Zhi. Li Chenghao is busy with rebellion. The only thing that can do this is Li Wei.

Yan Yan just inferred according to logic, there is no evidence. Li Wei has always been more clean than Li Chenghao and Li Tai, but things like tactics do not need to be conclusive. A suspected species is left in a soil full of calculations and will surely thrive.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly and did not answer.

On that snowy day, he learned that Li Wei had bullied Yan Yan and vowed to take revenge, so he patiently waited for this moment.

In fact, Xiao Yu has long been privately examining the evidence, and some time ago he took the time to hand over to the grandson.

He felt that it was not a good thing to get rid of the sacredness because of revenge. Some of them were not worthwhile, so they sold them to the grandson and he was a human being. Anyway, those were exactly what he needed.

Xiao Yu knows that the grandson is not guilty of causing Li Shimin’s resentment, and will not be shackled, and will not put Li Wei in a dead place. He was a little relieved because he later learned that Li Wei did not take a look at Yan Yan. After all, Li Wei was his brother-in-law.

Yan Yan squinted. “I heard that Yan Xianzhen was involved in rebellion and was abolished?”

Xiao Yu knows that she is dizzy again. She wiped her hand and helped her to seduce her face. “I was listening to Liu Qingsong. He still dared to come? It is best not to touch me, otherwise I will be abolished.” he.”

Liu Qingsong threatened to listen to this matter, Xiao Yu has been stunned.

Yan Yan felt that Liu Qingsong was a bit embarrassed this time. The possibility he said was indeed there, but she did not clarify for him.

“You should also hear that the new sage is Zheng. The Zheng Xianyi was close to her mother-in-law. She is new and will be eager to consolidate her position. As long as you show it slightly, it is easy to pull the relationship.” Xiao Yu smiled and said: “It is also time to start to have a relationship with Yu.”

Xiao Yu’s voice fell, and he heard Liu Qingsong shouting loudly: “冉颜,冉颜, tell you a good news!”

Liu Qingsong rushed in like a gust of wind, suddenly saw Xiao Xiao looked at him like a smile, could not help but stunned, said: “The concierge actually lied to me, actually told me that you are not.”

Xiao Yu took the rag and wiped the fruit knife. “I told him to say this, otherwise, how do you wait for you to send your neck to my knife?”

“Jiulang, don’t mess around! I have no credit and hard work.” Liu Qingsong stuck to the column.

“Look at the mood. Let me talk about the good news.” Xiao Yu said faintly.

Liu Qingsong swallowed swallowing water and said dryly: “I have written about the last thing I discussed with Jiuyi. Today, Shangshu Province gave the reply. The Holy Spirit agreed with this matter, but said that the details still need to be improved. ”

“Really?” Yan Yan’s eyes lit up.

Yan Yan and Liu Qingsong felt that the timing was almost the same, and they discussed the matter of teaching forensics in Datang. The Medical Department is responsible for the treatment of the nobles in the palace. At the same time, it is also a medical school and trains several medical personnel. Therefore, they suggested to separate a forensic category from the Medical Department. Liu Qingsong mainly teaches classes, and Yan Yan teaches classes and goes to a class one month.

This forensic doctor is not the name of “small work”, but an anatomy. Once it is established… What is it that they are not counting?

As one of Huayi’s most proud younger brothers, he is willing to teach not to pass on secret techniques. Even Zhang’s medical order and Zhou’s medical order can’t wait to sign up. Shangshu Province has just received the discount of Liu Qingsong, and has not yet reviewed it. The news will “go away”. The medical department, which has always been low-key, has opened a pair of “who is stopping people who are sinners of the ages. “Strong posture, ready to argue.

Besides, the main lecturer is Liu Qingsong, and it is not Yan Yan.

“This is in my expectation, it is not a surprise.” Such a creative and ill-conceived idea is of course the advice given by Xiao Yu. He has never been unsure.

Liu Qingsong quickly approached Xiao Yu and lowered his voice: “That Su Fu took the Princess Jinyang, and the Holy Sepulchre wanted to go through. Is this incident a good news?”

Xiao Xiao took a moment and immediately smiled: “It really is good news.”

“What good news?” Yan Yan asked the two mysterious people.

The two laughed and said nothing. However, Xiao Yu’s heart doubts that Su Fu’s indifferent person will do something interesting.

However, the Princess of Jinyang has always been shun, and the age is small, it is impossible to run with people for no reason…

Taking into account the feelings of Yan Yan, after Liu Qingsong was driven away, Xiao Yu helped the vinegar altar and tried not to overturn, while talking about Su Fu.

Yan Yan is very pleased, whether it is men or women, as long as he can find a trace of warmth, just fine.

After a warm winter.

Yan Yan’s trauma has healed and he can walk around, but it is still fainting. When the blood is flowing, it is fast, and it takes a long time to make up for it.

But the most serious injury in her body was not the one on the back, but the torn tiger’s mouth. Her thumb was slow to respond, which was almost a fatal blow to a scalpel-based forensic doctor.

However, Yan Yan has never given up. She believes that insisting on rehabilitation will definitely have an effect. At the same time, she has made the worst plan. While doing rehabilitation, she began to practice using the left hand knife.

The forensic category of the Medical Department has been prepared in a proper manner. The students of the Medical Department have no need to worry about it. The medical staff of the Medical Department have won the bloodshed for several places in the district. After consultation, the number of places has been increased to ten.

The weather in February is still a bit cold.

Yan Yanzheng wrapped up the skin to eat pig liver porridge, Xiao Yu is discussing with her to throw a little guy to the mother in the early summer, the husband and wife went to Guanshan together, the evening green came in and reported: “Lang Jun, my wife, a visitor, is Zhou’s mother.”

“Zhou’s mother?” Yan Yan did not think of who it was.

Late Green reminded: “Zhou Lang who saved her wife in Suzhou.”

“Ah.” Yan Yan thought that when someone inquired about her rescue, she heard that the mother had left Suzhou, but she did not expect to go to Chang’an!

Just after a dull winter, there were some old people visiting, and Yan Yan’s heart was happy, so I let them lead them to the eclipse.

When Yan Yan met the old man, Xiao Yu went to the study to sort the files.

There was a small snow drifting outside.

Yan Yan walked slowly to the eccentric hall with the help of the acolyte.

The hall was not big, so the stove was very warm, and I took off my skin. I sat down on the main seat and looked at a small square lamp on the case. I couldn’t help but smile. When I remembered it in Suzhou, I used to It was like this, waiting to read the book under the gallery. At that time, I also lost the body of Zhou’s mother into the lamp.

Later, when the situation was forced, she had to give up bringing Zhou’s mother to her side. This move did not help her. What it seems is that she has earned her personal feelings.

Yan Yan is taking a fire and igniting the square lamp.

It seems that nothing has changed between the past few years, the square lamp in front of her, the round waist bed under her body, and the book on hand.

Looking at the two familiar figures at the door, Yan Yan carefully looked again and found that Zhou’s mother clothes were glamorous and very decent. Obviously, life was good, and their manners were still decent, as if they should be such people.

“Mrs. Liang.”

The mother and the two went to salute.

“No need to pay more, sit down. Late green, tea.” Yan Yan is very happy inexplicably, in fact, she and Zhou’s mother can not be very emotional.

Zhou said: “I heard that my wife was injured. I have been worried about the previous days, but I am afraid that my wife will rest. These days, my wife should have healed before I can visit. I also ask my wife to be late. ”

“Mrs. Zhou doesn’t have to be so polite, you can have this heart, I am very happy.” Yan Yan smiled and looked at Zhou Lang, he has grown into a young man, born very well, with a pair of eyes quiet.

The young man gave a slight gift and seemed to be looking at her.

Mrs. Zhou and Yan Yan said a lot of things that were not coming, and they were as hot as their loved ones who had not seen them for many years. Yan Yan feels that she is afraid that it is because they are the ones they met before Datang, and this will give birth to such feelings.

“There is something, I have always felt very upset.” Zhou Shidao. Especially nowadays, they are all in the capital, and Yan Yan is now highly identifiable, and things must be frank.

Yan Yan smiled and said: “But it’s fine.”

Zhou deeply practised a ceremony. “In fact, it is not a survivor. Zhou is the surname of Zhai. Because of some family affairs, he fled to Jiangnan Road, and he followed my surname, and his name was buried in the past. The recent storm has returned to Chang’an. It’s really hard to tell the truth.

Yan Yan was not surprised at all. She saw from the beginning that the mother was not an ordinary family, so she smiled and asked: “Mrs. Zhou’s family is…”

Zhou’s seeing Yan Yan was not unpleasant, and he became more apologetic. “The husband’s family name is Di, and I’ve been a Shangshu Zuo, who has passed away. The husband is now a Dali temple, but he is not a big official.”

Yan Yanwei, muttered: “Di… Renjie.”

This is full of Datang, except Di Renjie, the grandfather of Di Renjie, who has served as a left-hander of Shangshu, and no other relatives.

It turned out that the future of the ages, the prisoner, has already appeared in her sight early, but fate and her opened a hidden joke.

Yan Yan looked at the youngster’s surprised expression, and there was a light smile on the face.

The people of the Queen’s Era of the Week began to appear in the most youthful manner. Yan Yan knew that she would be able to watch them change step by step, and finally prop up a more prosperous world.

She is very curious, what kind of work she can do when she walks side by side with them, what traces will be left in the history of Datang.

All this is a period and another beginning.



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