The Tang Dynasty’s Female Forensic Doctor

Chapter 88 - Night talk

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Su Fu saw that she did not say much, and did not ask more.

“I will get into trouble after the autopsy tonight?” Yan Yan is not sure. Her recent events have been rumored in Suzhou City. Although she did not pass on her post-mortem technique, it is easy to think of it. . If the other person is an ordinary person, or if you don’t care, you can look at the posture of those people, and you know that you can’t easily get rid of it.

Su Fu faintly said: “As long as you don’t have a handle on his hand, he won’t be like you.”

Yan Yan looked at Su Fu deeply, and wondered if he had any handles in the hands of that person.

The problem of Yan Yan is very measured and looks sharp, but in fact it does not spy on many things, so Su Fu did not produce much rejection.

The chicken is already cooked, and the two people are silently facing each other. They cut the chicken with simmering. When they have an obsessive-compulsive disorder, they get a “corpse”, and she will subconsciously ponder how to best separate the bones. The incision is minimal.

This is not the habit of all forensic doctors, but the body is in the hands of Yan Yan, and she will try to keep the body in the cleanest and most complete state under the premise of thorough analysis.

Su Fu seems to be eating seriously. In fact, he has been paying attention to the movements of Yan Yan, but he is not a gossip. Even if he has doubts, he will not ask more.

Quietly used up the nightingale, Su Fu got up and sent Yan Yan back.

Unloading him fully, he was like an ordinary handsome man, hung his eyes, quietly walked beside her, helping her to hold the toolbox, and the charm of the moonlight deep-cut facial features. Yan Yan’s gaze lingered on him, and his heart secretly regretted that he could not appreciate this body.

Su Fu has been paying attention to this seemingly weak mother. She can always surprise him. She remembers the appearance of the ribs when she was holding a broad knife in the wilderness. If she didn’t know it beforehand, she could never imagine that it was a mother. .

“How is the injury on your body?” Yan Yan remembered that Su Fu had a wound in his waist. He could still do such a violent activity just now, and he did not know how to earn it.

“Nothing serious.” For Su Fu, as long as it is not a fatal injury, there is nothing wrong with it.

Yan Yan did not believe it, but since Su Fu said it, she would not have to ask more, only a slight jaw, and then took the box and left the fruit forest.

When I walked to the bamboo poles, Yan Yan suddenly stopped and turned to look at Lin, the tree shadows in the mother-in-law, the white shirt still standing in the same place, with a hint of smile, When Yan Yan turned back, she suddenly froze, and immediately became a toe, as the wind was hidden in the forest.

Yan Yan blinked, she was absolutely wrong! Su Fu laughed! Even if it was only a trace of subtlety, it was almost impossible to detect, but the appearance of the genius of the genius had entered the eyes of Yan Yan without warning, and she had not been able to return to God for a long time.

People are visual animals. Some people think that people who pay too much attention to their appearance are superficial. However, no matter who they are, more or less, they will be more consciously and unconsciously more tolerant of beautiful people, especially beautiful ones.

After standing for a moment, Yan Yan regained his mind and entered the hospital. When entering the dormitory, Yan Yan discovered that she was still wearing Su Fu’s robe. After sinking it, I folded it and put it in a hidden place. Otherwise, I would rather explain it like the blood in the basin.

Without hot water, Yan Yan carefully wiped the body with well water. After shampooing, he slammed into the quilt. After a while, the warm feeling spread throughout the body.

This reminds her of the past, every night must be physically and mentally exhausted to fall asleep, she dared to go to the morgue in the middle of the night, but did not dare to face those dreams.

The body of Yan Yan’s body gradually loosened, but there was a glimmer of fire in the room. Yan Yan turned back and saw Xing Niang holding the lamp, picking up the curtain and coming in. After seeing Yan Yan’s eyes, she was shocked and held her heart: “How can I still sleep?”

“I am going to sleep, how come you are.” Yan Yanyong was sitting up.

Xing Niang put down the lamp, took a dry towel from the screen to help Yan Yan twist her hair, and let her breath sigh: “The old slaves only see the mother alone in the courtyard, but it is the night of the evil night! The people who swim can’t be disturbed, and the old slaves don’t dare to be alarmed. Seeing you enter the house, this dare to come over. What kind of head is washed in the middle of the night! It’s scary.”

Yan Yan listened to Xing Niang’s mouth, as if she didn’t know that she had gone out before, she turned to the topic: “Is it green and small enough to wake up?”

Xing Niang twisted her hair and said: “It’s very late to sleep in the green, shouting and shouting, but Xiaoman is awake. The old slave is old and feels less, so she will continue to sleep.”

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“The next time will not be.” Yan Yan also understands this truth, and slyly follows the words of Xing Niang.

Yan Yan’s hair was very long. It took a while to wring dry. Then she asked Xing Niang: “Can you inquire about the mountain in the daytime?”

She knows that Xing Niang will inquire, and she just wants to know what is going on under the mountain.

Xing Niang sighed without a word. “The Yan family still cares about the face of Yan’s face after all, and returned to this family member, but it has set a fifteen mother.”

“Fifteen mothers? With Yan Erlang?” Yan Yan raised eyebrows, fifteen mothers are the prostitutes of the house, such a status, is definitely not worthy of the Yan family as the eyes of Yan Erlang.

“Yes, it’s just awkward. It’s said that after the lady’s door is over, she will pick up the fifteen mothers.” Xing Niang snorted and said: “The old slave is pondering, this matter is just a strict family. Face, the bride has not yet passed the door, how can the Nazi thing be settled? Yan Erlang will have to be a noble family prostitute in the future, how can such a mother be affected by such aggrieved.”

In the Tang Dynasty, Labuan was to go through the consent of his wife. Although the law said so, most of the time, even if the wife is not willing, and because of such reasons, I have to agree, but this is fixed before the wife has not passed the door. The name of the sly is really not respectful to the wife of the future. Both of them have some old people. I am afraid that this thing is also well known to each other.

Fifteen mothers 冉 beautiful eve… Yan Yan recalled that the girl was a little timid and timid, and she had been careful to follow the girl behind her fourteen mothers. What kind of person is Niang?”

Xing Niang took the comb and carefully combed the face with the blue hair. Hearing the face of Yan Yan, he paused and thought about it for a moment: “The old slave has only seen the fifteen mothers, but the impression is not great, but before Song Lan said to the old slave, the fifteen mother is not simple, her biological mother is just an acolyte, because she was born to be raised as a scorpion, Ya Niang slave knows, no idea, if not ten Wu Niang is behind the advice, fearing that it can’t be favored like today.”

Xing Niang never doubted the judgment of Song Lan. She saw no color on her face, and then continued: “If you don’t see the wisdom of the song blue, the old slaves don’t believe that the fifteen mothers can be young.” What role?”

Yan Yan smiled slightly, listening to Xing Niang’s meaning, is fifteen mother teaching Ya Niang how to hook her father’s heart? Then she is really not simple.

“When the hair is dry, my mother will go to bed earlier, and I will wake up tomorrow morning.” Xing Niang urged.

Yan Yan nodded and lay down. Xing Niang asked if she would leave a light. Yan Yan let her go out.

The room fell into the darkness, and the eyes adjusted for a while, then gradually I could see things, watching the frosty moonlight on the ground, and I was thinking about a lot of things, and I slowly closed my eyes when I was tired.

The nightmare of the past life floated up again, entangled, so that she was frowning in her sleep.

Until the dawn of the day, Yan Yan heard a long bell, penetrated the pure mist, as if a clear spring, washed away the fear and resentment of her heart.

The bells kept going, and when it was about twenty times, it was already faint to hear the voice of the monk. They are swearing in Sanskrit, and even if they don’t understand it, they can still feel the power of peace.

Monk? Yan Yan was puzzled and wondering, gradually accompanied by this calming voice, and gradually fell asleep.

Until the sky was bright, late green came in to call her to get up.

“This meal is not very good, the feng shui is good, the mother came to these two days, I feel much longer.” Late green took out a few clothes from the box, and squatted in front of Yan Yan, “Which one is wearing today?” ”

The late green hands are all made by Yun Yunsheng, which is specially designed for Yan Yan. It is exquisite and gorgeous, and Yan Yan slightly frowns: “I came over to repair, even if I have to do it, how can I wear such clothes.”

Late green looked at the clothes in his hand, and felt that something was wrong. He took a few pieces of plain skirts, and Yan Yan chose a dark dress to wear.

Xiaoman waited for her to wash.

The evening green cleaned up the bed and said: “Mother, are you going to listen to it?”

“Well, you don’t have to follow.” Yan Yandao.

If the general aunt listened to this, he would have feared inside, and felt that he had provoked the Lord’s dissatisfaction. Later, the green man jumped back and said: “Really?”

“Leave it to copy the medical book, and copy the “Herbal Medicine Collection” given by Master. The writing should be clear and neat, and you should not be lazy.” Yan Yan faintly added the second sentence.

The late green drums screamed at the gang: “Mother talks without such a big gasp, and it hurts the slaves to be happy… but the mother and the slaves are not recognized…”

Xiaoman is just combing her face, she can only use the corner of her eye to squat to the late green road, not too slow to say: “You are the accompanying aunt of the niece of the priest, how can you be so meager?”

Late green pouting, this is not a meager problem, the words, not that she can know when they know, Xiaoman grinned, but listened to Yan Yandao: “Xiaoman also accompanied the evening green together, copy together Medical book.”

Xiaoman shook his hand and widened his eyes: “Mother, slaves don’t have much literacy.”

“Let the evening green teach you.” Yan Yan looked at the bronze mirror, the hair was already combed, and he got up and went out, but he took Xing Niang to listen.

Left behind the green and small full of two half a catty two people with big eyes and small eyes.

Xiao Manxin knows that Yan Yan is for her good, and she succumbs to the green in the evening: “There is a green sister who teaches me.”

The evening green is the first two big, she has a headache when she sees the word, and will teach others now? It is better to kill her directly.

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