The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 216 The long night is coming, I will keep watch from now on! (2)

Gentlemen, I think Gao Yuan is obviously unreliable, okay?

If Gaoyuan says it wants to engage in planetary development research, does it mean that the entire earth will be given to Gaoyuan for research?

For Gao Yuan, this answer is not problematic at all. It is a normal thing to do interstellar colonization research.

In the system information he obtained, it was also explained in this way. The experience and technology accumulated by Sky City will become an important basis for mankind to build ocean cities and interstellar cities many years later.

When Gao Yuan showed the blueprint of the City in the Sky to Chu Luoluo, the girl was immediately stunned and vowed that she must buy a small house in this city in her life, the kind that can overlook the entire urban area from the balcony. .

Then there is Xu Qingzhou, this hot-blooded middle-aged man is inexplicably excited. He vows to lead the materials research department and invest in super building materials until death, and then die...

Chu Luoluo's father, Chu Hongfei, was always a silent and dull man, but now he devoted himself to work like a chicken. The city in the sky needs powerful mechanical automation assistance, and the software department needs to be fully adapted to Zero.

Too many, too many idealists in the company, crazy about the Sky City plan.

But for the gentlemen in the imperial capital, this thing is whimsical and unrealistic.

Can't we do scientific research well? Whose will be the wasted resources and land to build this thing on the land of China? If it ends up becoming a ghost town, it will be the laughingstock of the world.

At dusk on the third day, Gao Yuan and Wu Dongming walked out of a certain ministry location with disappointment on their faces.

"Boss Gao, please go back first. We still need to study this matter."

Everyone understands the meaning of this sentence in modern Chinese, which is an implicit rejection.

Wu Dongming frowned, "How about you go back and study it? To be honest, just because I am willing to help you with this matter does not mean that I can understand you. Why do you have to build a city? This is reality, not a joke. civilization】."

Gao Yuan was surprised. He never expected that Mr. Wu was actually a player of the [Civilization] series?

After walking out of the gate, a black car suddenly stopped, and then Han Chang got out of the car with a smile on his face.

"Have you hit a wall again?" Han Chang said with a smile.

Gao Yuan nodded without explaining much.

"Let's go, Mr. Ding has made an appointment with a group of friends to have roasted whole lamb at the Xijiang Consulate in Beijing. Gao Yuan, Mr. Wu, you can come too." Han Chang said: "Let's get together and study the land issue. .”

Gao Yuan nodded with a smile and asked Mr. Wu to get in the car with him.

Mr. Wu called the driver and asked him to go back first, and then got into the car driven by Han Chang.

"Can you still help me solve the land problem?" Gao Yuan asked suspiciously: "Let's make it clear first, even if you give me the land for special purposes, I don't dare to ask for it. If someone exposes it, I will have to go to a military court."

Han Chang said with a smile: "Do you think we are fools? You are afraid of going to military court, aren't we afraid?"

"Don't ask so many questions yet, you will know when we get there."

Gao Yuan curled his lips, "It's three thousand two hundred square kilometers. Anything less won't be enough for us."

Han Chang said: "No matter how big the problem is, it's okay to increase it ten times."

Gao Yuan and Mr. Wu looked puzzled and followed Han Chang to the Xijiang Liaison Office in Beijing.

In the Imperial Capital, there are many hotels with the Beijing Office brand. They were set up by local authorities in the Imperial Capital to receive government officials from all over the country. Incidentally, they also have an important function of promoting local delicacies.

The Xijiang Hotel in Beijing specializes in delicacies such as red willow barbecue, naan pit pork, noodles, baked buns, milk skin, fried rice noodles, lamb lungs, pepper chicken and so on.

As for the most famous cut cake in Western Xinjiang, Gao Yuan would never dare to try it, because with his financial resources, he can't afford it at the moment, and he might go bankrupt if he cuts it.

"Mr. Ding, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you lately?"

Pushing open the door to the private room, Gao Yuan immediately greeted Ding Songlin, but his eyes were fixed on a roasted whole lamb on the table. It seemed to have just been taken off the grill. It was golden, crispy, and sizzling with oil.

Licking his lips with his tongue, Gao Yuan could see clearly that there were actually more than a dozen strangers in the box. They were all tall and thick, with slightly darker skin and rougher skin. They should be soldiers who came to the mainland from Western Xinjiang.

When they saw Gao Yuan, everyone stood up. Ding Songlin pressed Gao Yuan's shoulders and introduced him to these rough guys.

"This is the famous Boss Gao. Is Kunlun Group awesome enough? The whole thing belongs to him! If any of you can convince Boss Gao to develop with you, future generations will be blessed, let alone employment issues!"

With endless emotion in his eyes, Ding Songlin said emotionally: "I know it's not easy for you to take root in Western Xinjiang. For so many years, you have been exposed to the wind and sun, growing cotton, raising livestock, and you have just turned from a group of big-headed soldiers into a group of soldiers." Farmers, wives and children will all suffer along with you."

"Damn it! I feel sorry for you when I think about it. I have to farm and practice at the same time. I put down the hoe and carry the gun, put down the gun and carry the hoe. I am busier than a rabbit all day long."

"But there's nothing we can do about it. Your sea-fixing needle is indispensable in the west!"

"In the past, we always said that we would support Western Xinjiang and let the brothers in Western Xinjiang live a good life, but our strength is limited and we don't have many methods. We have the heart, but we don't have the ability."

"Now is an opportunity, a huge opportunity!"

"Boss Gao has money and industry, and Kunlun Group has people, wisdom, and methods!"

"If you can convince Boss Gao to build a city with you, that would be awesome!"

By now, Gao Yuan already knew the identities of these dozen rough guys.

Han Chang once said that before Ding Songlin took charge of the equipment department, he was from Western Xinjiang, so he was extremely excited today and even cursed, as if he had returned to his youth and wandered freely in the desert of Western Xinjiang.


I saw a man in his forties who suddenly saluted Gao Yuan, then excitedly took Gao Yuan's hand and said, "We, the Second Division of the Xijiang Production and Construction Corps, welcome Boss Gao to invest in Bayingoleng! Our place has abundant water and grass, vast land, sheep, horses, and foxes!”

"I'm from the Twelfth Division of Turpan! We have plenty of land, as much as we want, and we have endless grapes to eat! Endless wine to drink!"

"Don't listen to them. Boss Gao, come to our Altay 10th Division. We have Kanas Lake and snow-capped mountains there!"

The rough guys surrounded the plateau and introduced it enthusiastically. The plateau, which had been ignored by everyone in the past few days, actually became a favorite in their eyes.

Western Xinjiang is really too difficult. History has long proven that just garrisoning troops is not enough. If you want real stability, you need people, investment, and prosperity! Let the mainlanders take root in that barren land and live forever.

Therefore, these generals from Western Xinjiang traveled thousands of miles to find the plateau, carrying with them the sense of responsibility and strong sense of mission that history has given them.

After all, in the face of the increasingly prosperous inland and coastal areas, those who are still willing to stay in Western Xinjiang and defend the land are obsessed with it and truly love this land.

It's too difficult. In recent years, faced with the temptation of prosperous coastal cities, people are leaving Western Xinjiang at an alarming rate, never to return.

Kunlun Group wants to build a city, conduct ecological experiments, and engage in scientific research. This news gives hope to the generals of Western Xinjiang. Perhaps the Kunlun Group's appeal can really bring some hope to this barren land.

And Gao Yuan looked at these rough guys, their weather-beaten faces, and listened to their simple but sincere words, and felt endless emotions in his heart.

The long night is coming, I will watch from now on until death...

There is no doubt that they are the most respectable night watchmen in the real world!

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