The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 234 Sorry, I want SMIC!

A few days later, the imperial capital.

In the unknown deep mansion compound, the bosses are listening to the technical officials' evaluation of Zero Smart.

Wearing glasses, a gentle middle-aged man stood on the podium, facing the slightly dazzling light.

The light made it difficult for him to see the faces of the people in the audience, and because of this, he relaxed a little. If he recognized all the people listening to his report, who they were, and what their official positions were, he would probably be greatly frightened. After a jump, he would never be so calm.

"After our careful evaluation, the Zero Smart series EDA tools have far exceeded the level of international competitors. They are currently the most powerful semiconductor design software in the world."

"The power of Zero Smart is not only reflected in its compatibility with all semiconductor architecture platforms, but also in its friendliness to junior engineers, allowing engineers who could only perform junior semiconductor design to take on more complex and arduous tasks."

"This has a huge impact on my country's semiconductor design field that cannot be underestimated. After all, looking around the world, our number of semiconductor engineers and their educational level lag behind Western developed countries."

"And in recent years, because the West has refused to allow Chinese students to have access to the semiconductor industry, the young people we sent to study have lost many opportunities to learn advanced technologies..."

Technical officials try their best to explain the characteristics and significance of Zero Smart technology in language that the bosses can understand.

Zero Smart is highly intelligent, coupled with a large and powerful tool library, making semiconductor design, an originally difficult task, much simpler.

The West’s blockade and prohibition of Chinese students from studying key majors is actually not something that just happened today. Decades ago, the West banned Chinese students from entering top majors such as nuclear physics and satellite control.

Now, as the contradiction between the East and the West has become public and expanded, more majors have joined the ranks of rejecting Chinese students. Databases, robotics, remote sensing, etc., etc., almost all science and engineering disciplines are strictly guarding against Chinese students.

The West likes Chinese students to study finance and art the most. Why?

Because international financial students will spread the seeds of capitalism, and international art students will expand the influence of Western culture in China.

Didn’t you see that the Japanese authorities invest billions of dollars in marketing funds in China every year? It is true that the culture of the island country has its own uniqueness, but there are a large number of Japanese companies in China, and young people generally have a great impression of Japan. However, Japan The result of long-term planning and foresight.

Ironically, according to the Asahi Shimbun's 2020 annual survey, while China's goodwill with Japan has reached its highest level since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Japan's dislike of China has also set a historical record.

The Chinese people have gradually fallen in love with Japan, but now Japan, more than ever, wants China to explode on the spot.

From technology to the general environment, the officials' reports were very detailed, and their analysis of China's current difficulties also made the big bosses nod frequently.

Zero Smart is the ultimate solution to all difficulties. It directly copied the hometown of the West and opened a huge plug-in for China's weak semiconductor design industry.

"After our detailed and rigorous testing, there is no need to question the safety of Zero Smart. There are no problems. It can be adapted for major domestic scientific research institutes and the military!"

After the technical officer finished speaking, he slowly raised his head, and the audience burst into warm applause from the big guys. These applauses were not only for the test team, but also for Plateau and Kunlun Group.

Who would have thought that this private enterprise could single-handedly solve the problems that have plagued China for many years.

"It was a wise decision to let them acquire Xinhua Zhang."

"Yes, we lost the Xinhua Chapter, but gained the world-leading Zero Spirit!"

"Although Kunlun Group is a private company, it is not an ordinary private company!"

"I suggest that companies like this should receive more support!"

"However, the current scale of Kunlun Group is already amazing. Could it be..."

"What are you thinking? When companies like Alibaba and Tencent get bigger, it's a tragedy for the whole people. But when technology groups like Huawei and Kunlun get bigger, it's a blessing for the entire Chinese nation!"

"To put it aside, can you imagine North America without Boeing and Lockheed Martin, without Microsoft and Google?"

After discussion, the big bosses unanimously decided to increase support for Kunlun Group.

There is no doubt that Kunlun Group is China's hope in the semiconductor field!

"Even if we plan to help Boss Xiao Gao, we still have to know what he needs, right? So I think we should send someone to Jiangnan, sit down, and have a serious talk with him."

The big guys nodded in agreement.

Different from Gao Yuan's prediction, he believed that the national team might call him to Beijing to discuss cooperation.

However, the fact is that the national team attaches too much importance to the Kunlun Group and decided to take the initiative to go to Jiangnan and talk to Gao Yuan.

After discussion, the big guys unanimously decided that it would be most appropriate to give this task to Wu Dongming. After all, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is the direct management department of Kunlun Group, and Wu Dongming and Gao Yuan are relatively familiar with each other, and they have a close friendship.

"As long as we can ensure that we pass the semiconductor level, if Kunlun Group wants money, give them money! If it wants people, give them people!"

The top boss's words set the tone for this meeting.

It was almost one o'clock in the morning, and Gao Yuan was having supper with Cao Feiyu and Chu Luoluo.

The company is getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more things to do, and it is already too early to do so. Gao Yuan can't even remember the last time he woke up naturally after a good night's sleep.

"How can you eat dumplings without eating garlic? You guys should try it too. One mouthful of dumplings and one mouthful of garlic are very exciting."

Gao Yuan was confused, Cao Feiyu and Chu Luoluo shook their heads, thinking that garlic was a scourge.

Didi didi~

At this time, Gao Yuan's phone rang. Chu Luoluo and Cao Feiyu were startled at the same time. They knew very well that not everyone knew Gao Yuan's mobile phone number. Except for the top management of the company, it was the Imperial Capital and the military.

At this time, the company had just finished its high-level meeting, so it definitely couldn't be Xu Qingzhou and the others, it could only be the Imperial Capital.

"Mr. Wu, haven't you rested yet? You're quite old, and overworking is bad for your health." Gao Yuan saw that Wu Dongming was familiar to him, and he felt a little more relaxed, so he answered the phone and said.

"It's rare that you actually care about me, an old man." Wu Dongming said.

"It's necessary. With your strong support in the ministry, we feel like we have a backbone. I hope you can live a long life." Gao Yuan said. His words were not flattery, but came from the heart.

As a straight man, Gao Yuan is actually very reluctant to deal with officials. He always feels that official language and polite speech are awkward.

Wu Dongming and Ding Songlin, one in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the other in the military, gave Gao Yuan strong support, which helped him avoid a lot of detours. He didn't have to deal with the superiors. If he had something to do with the two bosses, they could solve it and they would naturally help. solved.

Wu Dongming felt warm after listening to Gao Yuan's words, but after all, he had something serious to talk about, so he gathered his emotions and seriously told Gao Yuan about tonight's meeting, as well as the decision from above to give full support and let Kunlun Group take the lead in solving the semiconductor problems faced by China. Dilemma.

Gao Yuan listened carefully and nodded repeatedly. Unknowingly, the dumplings on the plate were getting cold. Cao Feiyu took the initiative and asked the canteen to bring another hot plate.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yuan looked out the window in a daze.

Neither Cao Feiyu nor Chu Luoluo disturbed him, knowing that he was thinking about something.

“If you need money, give money, if you need people, give people.”

Gao Yuan muttered, pondering Wu Dongming's words in his mind.

Suddenly, Gao Yuan had a thought in his mind. He took out his ball pen and wrote the four words "SMIC" on a piece of white paper.

"Would it be too much if I ask for this?" Gao Yuan tapped his fingers on the table and muttered softly.

I was stuck. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to just do it to the core.

Although there are rumors in the world that Liang Mengsong has not resigned, everyone understands that there are powerful people trying to calm down the incident. After all, what happened? Liang Mengsong clearly stated in his resignation announcement that how long has it been and he is still doing this? The whole country With so many technology enthusiasts, how can we not be disappointed.

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please recommend!

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