The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 238 Trinary is the prerequisite technology for advanced artificial intelligence!

Gao Yuan showed his ternary computer research and immediately shocked everyone.

Everyone is full of doubts. Is Kunlun Group really carrying out this crazy project?

Gao Yuan introduced: "Where we are now is our ternary computer research center. It is undeniable that binary digital devices are simple and reliable, using few components, and the technical implementation is very simple. There are only two numbers 0 and 1, and the basic operation rules Clear and easy to operate.”

"However, binary logic cannot perfectly express human beings' true thoughts. After all, human beings have not only two answers to questions, true and false. There is also an answer called don't know. Therefore, in many fields, binary computer language has been greatly affected. Limitations.”

"So we plan to do some ternary research. At present, this center has just started operating. The research direction has been clear, but the project leaders and researchers have not yet been fully deployed. In short, we attach great importance to and are very optimistic about the ternary project."

Everyone nodded slightly. If they didn't pay attention, Gao Yuan wouldn't be the first to take everyone to visit the ternary system research center.

It's just that it's too crazy to try to start a new one and open a ternary front based on the already very mature binary computer.

Even those who support the plateau the most find it difficult to imagine the future of the ternary system. After all, it is a complete subversion. I am afraid that everything about computers currently cannot be applied in the ternary world. Everything requires Start from scratch.

This is equivalent to Kunlun Group re-developing computers and retracing all the paths that computer science has taken.

The subversion is subversive enough, and the shock is shocking enough, but everyone is very doubtful that it is really necessary to spend so much energy and financial resources to develop a ternary computer?

"I thought it was something amazing, but it turned out to be a ternary computer. The Soviets had conducted similar research as early as the 1950s. It was not an innovative project at all!"

"And the ternary system was a road that even the Soviets in their heyday couldn't take. You can do a project that the Soviets couldn't do!? Boss Gao, why are you so confident!?"

After Zhang Jiangliang said these words coldly, he couldn't restrain his pride.

I think back then, the Soviets were a superpower that could stand up to North America. It was really arrogant for Plateau to try to do something that they couldn't even do.

Perhaps because of previous consecutive successes, Gao Yuan's ambitions have inflated and he has forgotten how much he weighs.

In short, Zhang Jiangliang despises people like Gao Yuan the most. He relies on some achievements, is young and frivolous, and doesn't know how to respect his seniors in the industry.

In fact, Zhang Jiangliang was not the only one who questioned the ternary computer. He made a start, and the others stared at Gao Yuan curiously, wanting to see how he would respond. Even Mr. Wu Dongming's eyes were full of question marks.

Is it good to subvert Western computer hegemony?

It's more than good, it's simply great. Countless people are dreaming of this day.

But Wu Dongming is also very worried. Is Gao Yuan subverting for the sake of subversion?

After all, if the ternary system was easy, the Soviets would have done it long ago. It is just because it is too difficult that no one has succeeded for many years.

Gao Yuan smiled, turned to a blackboard in the center of the hall, and wrote complicated numbers and formulas with an ink pen. While writing, he muttered something.

"As we all know, there are actually two kinds of ternary systems, ordinary ternary system and symmetrical ternary system."

"For computers, the ordinary ternary system is meaningless, because in essence, the ternary system is a carry system with three as the base, which is too similar to the binary system."

"But the symmetric ternary system is different. It greatly expands the computer's logical capabilities and its ability to express integers."

"Ordinary ternary uses 1, 2, 0 to represent numbers. For example, the decimal number 365_(10) is expressed in ternary as 111112_(3). But to express -365, we will find that it is still the same as binary, lacking the corresponding Symbolic expression.”

"The symmetric ternary system uses -1, 0, 1 to represent numbers. It is customary to replace -1 with F. In this way, 365_(10) is 1FFFFFF; and -365_(10) is F111111, symmetrical ternary system For the expression of negative integers, there is no need for a sign bit."

"We know that normal human thinking cannot be judged solely by the logic of true and false. Many times, we also have an ambiguous thinking judgment called uncertainty."

"The ternary computer is more powerful because it can be closer to human thinking and can express all integers concisely and express uncertain or unknown states."

"You may think that the above inferences are useless and are all rubbish, because binary computers have proven by facts that they are the most classic calculation method."

"But I still hope that you can think about the problem from another angle."

“In the field of artificial intelligence, the biggest problem we face is not calculation. The existing supercomputers are already powerful enough to support the computing needs of large-scale artificial intelligence. What we really need to solve now is how to make artificial intelligence close to human performance. way to think.”

"With the current binary calculation method, zero is the limit of artificial intelligence. I have thought for a long time about how to improve zero to the level of intermediate or even advanced artificial intelligence."

"Due to the limitations of the underlying algorithm of the computer, it is simply impossible for us to continue to improve zero's logical judgment ability, because binary cannot express uncertain issues in logical thinking."

"So our ternary project is not prepared to replace the existing computer system, but for more advanced artificial intelligence."

"In other words, ternary system is the prerequisite technology for advanced artificial intelligence!"

"Without the ternary system, artificial intelligence would come to an abrupt end!"

What the hell!

When Gao Yuan finished speaking, the scene was completely silent.

People who don't understand feel that the plateau is bragging, but those who understand feel that their mouths are dry, their adrenaline is secreting crazily, their blood pressure begins to increase, and they suffer from dizziness and brain swelling.

I see!

The ternary computer is the prerequisite technology for intermediate artificial intelligence and even advanced artificial intelligence!

No wonder, I always feel that the development of artificial intelligence has hit a bottleneck over the years. After AlphaGo and Zero gave mankind a glimpse, artificial intelligence has not developed in a smarter direction, but in a more professional direction.

Google's Alpha learned to calculate proteins, and Kunlun Group's Zero was more ruthless and learned to help humans solve EDA design problems.

Both Google and Kunlun Group are constantly launching new artificial intelligence products and developing more technical branches.

However, these new products are all achieved through training. The intelligence of artificial intelligence is almost the same as when it was first born, and it has always stayed in a relatively preliminary stage.

This is like raising a dog. Although its IQ is not high, if you train it correctly and work hard persistently, over time, you can train it to become a good working dog.

After all, even Erha, who is generally ridiculed, can pull a sled.

However, there is a special case called the Border Collie.

This guy is so smart. People who have raised border collies often wonder, are you training him, or is he training you? Those little eyes blinked, no one could guess what he was thinking.

After a pause, Gao Yuan continued: "The direction we are working hard now is to advance the basic artificial intelligence to the intermediate level. To achieve this goal, the existing computer hardware must be subverted. I can say with certainty that under the binary computer system, , Intermediate artificial intelligence cannot be born, because the most basic logical system is missing a crucial link."

“With the development of science and technology, computers must be iteratively updated. On September 20, 2019, Google claimed to have achieved quantum supremacy. The world’s first supercomputer, Summit, took 10,000 years to calculate the results, but Google’s quantum computer failed In just 3 minutes and 20 seconds, this result confirms the unparalleled superiority of quantum computers."

"It seems that quantum computers are the future of mankind, but have you ever thought about it? Quantum computers and classical computers are completely different existences. Classical computers are based on certain results, while quantum computers are not a binary or ternary problem, but based on probability. , based on inconclusive results.”

"Is it possible that quantum computers and classical computers will coexist at the same time in the future?"

"I don't have an answer to this question. I only know that existing binary computers have restricted the development of artificial intelligence. If we want to make Zero more intelligent, we need to solve the problem at the bottom and use ternary computer logic."

Gao Yuan is always one step ahead of others and thinks more than others. When everyone is still thinking about traditional computer problems, Gao Yuan is already thinking about the ternary system and the more advanced artificial intelligence brought by the ternary system.

"Artificial intelligence more advanced than zero!? I can't imagine what kind of world that will be..." Wu Dongming murmured to himself with an excited expression.

Everyone nodded, all fascinated by the world with advanced artificial intelligence.

In addition, Gao Yuan said, in the future world, quantum computing and ternary classical computing may coexist? It is also an unimaginable scene, almost like science fiction.

"Impossible! How can you be sure that more advanced artificial intelligence must be developed on the basis of ternary computers, and that the two computing systems will coexist in the future!?"

"It's all your guess! No one can think of such a distant future!" Zhang Jiangliang said a little gaffefully.

Gao Yuan smiled slightly, glanced at Zhang Jiangliang, and sneered: "Why?"

"Just because while you were sleeping, I was studying!"

“While you were eating and drinking, I was studying!

"While you are building relationships, I am learning!"

"When you are punishing others and suppressing those who disobey, I am learning!"


These words not only left Zhang Jiangliang speechless, but everyone present was also convinced. No matter how hard you put in, you will be rewarded in the end. This is also true when it comes to breaking the sky.

Not far away, Wu Dongming looked at Gao Yuan with satisfaction. These people present today all have close ties with the national team bosses and do not need to report by themselves. I believe this scene will be known to the top leaders soon.

Perhaps this is the person who can lead China's semiconductor industry out of trouble.

Although Gao Yuan is not a member of the system, he has a temperament that is rare in the system.

Wu Dongming thought this way, his eyes looking at Gao Yuan gradually changed, emitting a faint light.

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