The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 274 Its name is little guy!

The live program in mid-February was suspended due to the Spring Festival.

But Gao Yuan did not rest because of this. He became busier than before. He ran to the farm early every morning and stared at his precious plant in a daze, falling into deep confusion.

"What kind of plant is this? It seems to be quite special." Rao Yi strode over and asked, raising his glasses.

Dean Rao came to Jiangnan from the imperial capital to look for Gao Yuan. He happened to see Gao Yuan taking a green plant out of a constant-temperature incubator and transplanting it to an indoor nursery.

What plant?

Gao Yuan was depressed, how could he know what kind of plant this was?

When Plateau received the knowledge and data from the system that day, I felt that the memory area of ​​my brain was rapidly expanding, and countless profound and mysterious knowledge entered my brain and was stored.

When Gao Yuan opened his eyes again, he saw a seed floating beside him as if weightless. It was pure white, crystal clear, and as big as a cherry.

Gao Yuan suspected that it was something provided by the system, but he was not sure. After all, Gao Yuan was not able to see the scene of how the seeds appeared, so he could only speculate based on logic.

So Gao Yuan went to the farm, found a breeding box, and carefully planted the seeds.

Who knew this guy could grow so fast? In just three days, it grew from a cherry-sized seed to a 30-centimeter-tall sapling, delicate and green, very handsome and cute, and the plateau gave it the appearance of a sapling. I gave him a name and called him little guy.

"I'm not sure. I just found it in the experimental field and thought it was special, so I transplanted it separately." Gao Yuan shrugged and lied to Rao Yi.

Rao Yi did not have the slightest doubt, nodded slightly and said: "Perhaps there is a genetic mutation. This is normal. We humans are the product of typical genetic mutations. All animals can produce vitamin C by themselves. Only humans cannot, because of our ancestors. , during the genetic mutation process, a group of gene fragments were lost."

Gao Yuan smiled, called Rao Yi to his office, and said, "You're celebrating the New Year. Why are you here when you're not at home?"

Rao Yi did not answer, but asked Gao Yuan with a smile: "Did you know? There is a flying bus line from the airport to your city. The whole journey only takes seven minutes and twenty-five seconds."

Gao Yuan nodded, "I seem to have heard about it. It seems that the national team's test in the three northeastern provinces was very successful. The flying car withstood the harsh climate there and had zero safety incidents, so it started piloting in the east and south again."

Rao Yi added: "Then do you know that because your Kunlun magma showed amazing creativity when building the Sky City in the Tarim Basin, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has approved that based on Kunlun magma, in coastal areas Dozens of coastal cities will be built in a row to bring people from impoverished mountainous areas to live along the coast, so that they can also enjoy the fruits of China's development."

Gao Yuan nodded, "I've heard something. It seems that the national team feels that the high housing prices are too much and wants to take advantage of the real estate giants."

"How come the new coastal city is not better than the Gobi Desert when it is built?" Rao Yi joked: "You might as well stop building your city in the sky and ask the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development for a new coastal city. With your contribution to China, they will definitely agree."

Gao Yuan waved his hands seriously and said, "That's not possible. When we start space projects, nuclear fusion projects, and space jump projects, we will inevitably need huge test sites to carry out various high-risk experiments. Not only are there many people along the coast, but there are also It’s the testing ground we need.”

Space! ?

Nuclear fusion! ?

Rao Yi was startled at the time, and then he realized that Gao Yuan was joking with him, so he shook his head and said: "You guy, you bluffed me for a moment. Hey, the reason why I told you this is because you have already I haven’t gone out for a long time. In the past few months, I have been stuck in the company, and even the live broadcast program has film crews traveling to various parts of the country.”

"There are great changes in the country. These are all due to your contribution. We old guys are very happy about this. Compared with the great cause, it is not that important to celebrate the New Year or not. I heard that your agriculture is booming. I Of course I have to come and take a look.”

Rao Yi is the kind of gentleman who has the world in mind and is magnanimous. I think back then, in order to return to work in China, he directly quit his North American citizenship without even the slightest hesitation. It is still a good story to this day.

Rao Yi didn't come here by himself. He is now the dean of Zhongke Science and Technology, and he has also brought the strength of the national team.

In general, the plant technology provided by the system to the plateau is a scientific genetic model.

As long as the genetic data of the plant is input into the model, an evolutionary route can be automatically generated, knocking out these genetic keys to avoid pests and diseases, and inserting these genetic keys will increase the yield dramatically.

Although the genetic model is powerful, it is not omnipotent. For example, the biological upper limit of a cherry is the size of an apple. If you force it to death, it will not grow to the size of a watermelon.

Genetic research is of course important, but within two days, everyone was deeply attracted by another thing. People discovered that the little plant on the plateau was growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Two days ago, it was only three years old. It was a small sapling ten centimeters high, but now it has grown to over fifty centimeters, and the trunk has grown a whole circle thicker.

Such a miraculous change attracted the attention of the whole hospital. Director Xu Guangling simply set up a high-definition camera to film the little guy's growth process 24 hours a day.

Rao Yi took a leaf from the little guy and led a team of Chinese experts to conduct research and compare genes.

It was not long before the gene comparison results came out. The little guy had no connection with any plants in the species database. He jumped out of the Three Realms and was not among the Five Elements. He was like a monkey jumping out of a stone. He appeared out of the blue. .

This result shocked everyone. As time passed and people watched it grow day by day, they became more and more curious, what kind of species is it?

"live streaming?"

Rao Yi and Xu Guangling said doubtfully at the same time, looking at Gao Yuan with strange eyes.

"It's not good. Even we don't know what species the little guy is. How should we introduce it during the live broadcast?" Xu Guangling said.

Gao Yuan showed a disapproving expression and said: "It's just because we don't know that it makes sense. We share the discovery of a brand new species with the whole world and study it together, so that the audience can witness the whole process of the research, and we take the opportunity to popularize science for children and for the whole world. To popularize science in the world, trust me, in the name of live broadcast, we can moisturize things silently and popularize scientific knowledge."

Rao Yi nodded slightly. He would not object to popular science. Not only would he not object, but he would support it with both hands and feet.

As the world's top expert, Rao Yi's time is so valuable. However, he is always interested in science popularization work and often writes popular science articles himself.

Xu Guangling frowned, feeling that the boss was a bit rash. Although the little guy's growth was amazing, so far, no one could determine the fate of the little guy. What would happen if he died during the live broadcast.

However, Xu Guangling didn't know that the reason why Gao Yuan dared to propose the live broadcast was because he was becoming more and more certain that the little guy must be a gift from the system. After all, the growth rate was too fast. With Gao Yuan's understanding of the system, he gave The stuff must be good stuff.

"How about giving it a try?" Rao Yi said, touching his chin.


"I'll go! What's going on? It's not March 1st yet!"

"Is it Boss Gao who is planning to celebrate the Lantern Festival?"

"No way, he was lazy and didn't update during the Spring Festival, so what kind of important festival is the Lantern Festival?"

"No matter, everything will be clear tomorrow anyway, so just wait."

"You're right! I'm going to prepare potato chips and fat house water."

Live broadcast on the morning of the Lantern Festival. After this news was announced, the entire Internet was in an uproar.

Because the Lantern Festival is on February 27th, there are still four days until March 1st, and Plateau has always broadcast live on the 1st and 15th of every month.

Could it be that there was something special?

With enthusiastic audiences around the world waiting anxiously, the Lantern Festival has finally arrived.

At 9:30 in the morning, major live broadcast platforms around the world started on time, and tens of millions of enthusiastic viewers rushed in, especially Chinese viewers. Since it was during the holiday, everyone had time, so they came to support Gao Yuan one after another.

However, while the cheering audience came with potato chips and Fat House Happy Water, the protagonist did not appear for a long time. The picture showed a huge indoor nursery. There was a small tree over three meters high in the center of the nursery. Other than that, There is nothing, no plateau, no stage, and no live audience.

"It's so strange. Why are you taking pictures of a small tree?"

"Is this tree valuable?"

"I don't know, but it looks quite beautiful. The trunk is smooth and straight, and the leaves are green."

"It's a bit strange. I studied agriculture and forestry, and this tree doesn't seem to be a common species."

"Yes, the tree shape and leaves are too perfect. Trees in nature are always full of pits and scars, but this tree gives people an unreal feeling."

The audience was talking a lot, and what happened next was unexpected by everyone.

In the picture, Gao Yuan finally appeared, but he was not alone. He was accompanied by Rao Yi, Xu Guangling, and several other most senior researchers.

"Good morning, dear viewers, welcome to the Kunlun Group's live broadcast." Gao Yuan smiled and said to the camera: "What you are seeing now is a special live broadcast. Unintentionally, we got a very special plant. , that is, the tree in the center of the lens, its name is Little Guy. After genetic comparison, Little Guy does not belong to any known species on the earth."

Hearing Gao Yuan's introduction, the audience was shocked!

Doesn't belong to any species known on Earth?

What the hell is this?

Could it be an alien plant? ?

The last chapter was blocked. No matter how I modified it, the background just couldn't get through, which made me almost collapse.

I had no choice but to scrap the previous chapter and write it again.

Sorry for causing trouble to everyone.

From tomorrow on, I will stop trying to catch fish and work hard.

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