The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 279 City Building Plan and Cell Strengthening!

Gao Yuan raised the issue of housing prices to the level of the nation and pointed out very seriously that if high housing prices continue like this, it will threaten the survival of the Chinese nation.

Such a thrilling statement not only did not arouse disgust among the audience, but instead aroused great resonance. Countless barrages broke out in an instant, and behind these barrages were people who were seriously hurt by high housing prices.

"I have given up a long time ago. With my current income, I will never buy a house in Shanghai in my life. I plan to save some money and go back to my hometown to get married."

"Buying a house may not necessarily make life easier. I am unemployed at the age of 40 and have a monthly mortgage payment of more than 8,000 yuan. I wake up from nightmares every day."

"There are too many things tied up in housing prices. The authorities are also the biggest beneficiaries of housing prices. Boss Gao, please stop bragging. We believe in you when it comes to scientific research. I think you'd better not get involved in the muddy waters of housing."

"Yes, if you do this, you will definitely offend a lot of people."

"It's okay now. Not only the hostile forces in the West want Boss Gao to die, but domestic vested interest groups also want Boss Gao to explode on the spot. Why do you think you are doing this? Wouldn't it be nice to be the richest man in the world?"

Gao Yuan checked the barrage and felt increasingly heavy.

When it came to the house problem, the audience did not cheer at all. Everyone generally felt that Gao Yuan could not solve this stubborn problem, and even sympathized with him for falling into the quagmire of housing prices.

This shows how much harm real estate has caused to ordinary people in China. The barrage and text reveal deep despair, as if everyone has almost given up resistance.

Gao Yuan smiled and said: "Recently, I saw a very interesting post on the Indian forum. A third brother sent out a soul torture and asked why India, which is also the most populous country on earth, is so economically inferior to China? The West? They always boast that India is the largest free country on earth and has institutional advantages that far exceed those of China. Why can’t it turn this advantage into economic results?”

"The answer to the question is actually very simple. Smart, well-educated people are the driving force for social and scientific development. Illiterate people who still believe in monotheism will never be able to push a civilization forward."

"Maybe you still remember this photo, taken at the Fifth Solvay Physics Conference on October 24, 1927, Einstein, Planck, Bohr, Lorentz, Heisenberg, Di Lack, Schrödinger, Pauli, De Broglie, Born, Marie Curie, Langevin, Compton, Ehrenfest, Debye, Kramers..."

"These giants come together to shine brightly and shine on the entire galaxy!"

"What are we doing in the meantime?"

"Our ancestors are still struggling in the quagmire of the old era. In Einstein's manuscript published by Princeton University, Einstein once wrote such a passage. He believed that China is a group of dirty, slow, low-IQ inferiors. nationality."

"In fact, until 1950, there were only 500,000 primary school graduates and 20,000 college graduates in China every year, 80% of which were drama, literature, and other liberal arts majors, and less than 100% were in science and engineering. Twenty, in that era, as long as you had attended elementary school, you could already be classified as an intellectual."

"However, the Chinese people have the highest average IQ on the planet. Today, we have become one of the most powerful forces in the world. Just a few decades after we got rid of our backward tradition, we gave Einstein a hard blow. Face!"

"The main reason why we are able to get to where we are today is that we got rid of the shackles of feudal society and released the energy and wisdom of the entire Chinese nation in the right direction."

"Such a crazy pursuit of the world's advanced civilization proves one thing. For our Chinese nation, the most important thing is to choose a correct direction. As long as the direction is correct, we can create something with our own strength."

"Obviously, real estate is heading in the wrong direction, as are excessive financialization, marketization of education and medical care. If we want to move forward, we can only correct these mistakes and completely break the shackles around our necks!"

"So, there is a city-building plan of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Next to the original old city, a new city will be built using cheap and fast Kunlun magma technology. Like the City in the Sky, the main body of transportation in the new city will be flying cars and clouds. A composite transportation network composed of rail lines, high-speed railways, and highways..."

Gao Yuan introduced the city building plan in a fast and steady tone, and people gradually began to understand that this plan was not aimed at real estate developers, nor was it an old city renovation project, but rather chose a direction for the development of Chinese civilization for many, many years to come.

It seems strange to be in this direction now, no one knows exactly what it is, but most certainly not capitalism, but a radical plan based on science and the development of civilization.

Everything starts from science, and everything is for the better and faster development of Chinese civilization. One day, mankind will move towards the stars and the sea. By then, Chinese civilization should be the natural leader.

Everything that stands in the way of these two goals is a shackle that needs to be broken.

The city-building plan is very complex. In addition to the low to almost free rent, there are also a large number of public kindergartens, primary schools, middle schools, and an astonishing number of socialized juvenile and child care and care institutions.

The ultimate goal of everything is to solve the worries of young people and give them the courage to start families and raise their own children.

History has long proven that no civilization with a fertility rate below 2 can maintain technological innovation and economic development. This is true for Japan and Europe.

Although South Korea looks good at the moment, they are a latecomer country after all. When Koreans look back on today in fifty years, they will probably be miserable.

In short, from Gao Yuan's point of view, low fertility rate is a complex social problem, not entirely caused by housing prices, but housing prices are definitely one of the most important issues.

A society without young people and a society ruled by the elderly will have no future. I believe everyone understands the principle that when young people are strong, China will be strong.

"As expected, it is a serious science and technology program. I feel very heavy now after being talked about by Boss Gao. I feel so much pressure on my shoulders."

"There's nothing to say, just try to get out of singles this year."

"No one can stop me, I'm going to get married!"

"I never expected that Boss Gao would draw such a big pie, but it would end up like this."

"Don't be discouraged, brothers, let's start making friends!"

The barrage was filled with emotion and a lot of high spirits.

The reason for this is because Gao Yuan revealed at the end of his speech that it turns out that there are conditions for participating in the city-building plan. In order to encourage people to start a family and start a business as soon as possible, it is more difficult for singles to apply. There are only small apartments of more than a dozen square meters. The advantage is that The small apartment is composed entirely of unmarried young people, making it a good place to get out of singles.

It is in line with what Gao Yuan has always said, everything has a price.

China is like a high-speed sprinting chariot. Everyone is a member of the car and cannot escape.

Those Chinese people who immigrated to the West thought that they were moving towards freedom, but whether this was actually the case is actually a question mark.

It is a fact visible to the naked eye that more and more racial discrimination against people of East Asian origin is occurring. This is while China is in a head-on confrontation with the Angsa civilization, but the battle has not yet produced a result.

Assuming that China loses, it's okay, and overseas Chinese can continue to be their second-class citizens.

If China wins, no one can guarantee what will happen given the violence and racial discrimination in Angsa’s bones.

The reason why racial discrimination becomes racial discrimination is because it will not change just because you change your nationality and evade your responsibilities as a member of a civilization. As long as you do not become blond and blue-eyed for a day, this kind of discrimination will always follow you. .

"Actually, I didn't expect that this topic would become more and more serious when I talked about it." Gao Yuan faced the camera and said with a self-deprecating smile: "The above is the entire content of this live broadcast."

"If you want to know more details, or apply to settle in Sky City, you are welcome to log on to our website Kunlun Dao, or download the Kunlun Dao exclusive app."

"Today's program ends here. I am Gao Yuan. Let's see you next time."

After that, the plateau left the picture, leaving only the majestic City in the Sky and the majestic Kunlun Mountains in the distance.


Gao Yuan let out a long breath, took the soda water handed over by Chu Luoluo, and drank it in one gulp.

Recently, I always feel that my stomach is not feeling well in plateau, I have a bit of acid reflux, and I have a fever and panic, so I like to drink alkaline soda water.

"What are you doing?" Cao Feiyu looked at the barrage and live broadcast data and said with a black face: "We were supposed to celebrate together like crazy, but you made most of the audience start to think about life. Those who have already got married lamented that China It’s not easy for civilization to reach this day. Singles are beaten by your chicken blood, and they are inspired to leave singles one by one."

Chu Luoluo blinked her eyes innocently and said: "Is there any problem? Isn't it good to think about life? Don't you often complain that there are too many heartless people in the world, who are full of celebrities and don't care about the future of mankind? ?"

Cao Feiyu was speechless after hearing Chu Luoluo's words. He thought that life should be divided into time and occasion. Today is the launch of Sky City, a great day that everyone is looking forward to. Everyone can just have fun. It's time to celebrate, so why do it so heavy?

However, just when he wanted to talk to Gao Yuan about something else, he looked around and found that Gao Yuan was gone.

Suddenly there was a ding in his mind, and Gao Yuan knew that it was the system prompt.

So he hurried back to his office, closed the door, and entered the system space.

Sure enough, the task progress bar reached 100% at some point, indicating that the task had been completed and whether to draw a reward.

Gao Yuan didn't understand how his speech for the Sky City actually promoted plants and agricultural tasks?

Maybe it’s the vast Kunlun God Bean vegetation around the Sky City, or maybe it’s the big pie he painted for the world when Gao Yuan gave his speech.

In short, the task was completed unknowingly, which was a good thing. Gao Yuan didn't think too much and directly chose to draw the reward.

As the surrounding galaxies circulated rapidly, Gao Yuan saw a line of text displayed on the system panel, "Extraction completed, rewards obtained, cells strengthened!"

This is actually yesterday's chapter. I don't know why it was uploaded to the backend, but it was not published. I only found out when I woke up this morning. I was really dizzy.

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