The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 281 Weapons research and development and land-based mid-course anti-missile!

Gao Yuan accepted a new mission called a laser weapon. However, after he sorted out all the data and knowledge provided by the system, he suddenly discovered that this laser weapon was not a laser in the traditional sense, but an electromagnetic constraint. High energy plasma.

For many years, people have been misled by science fiction movies and TV shows. They always imagine laser technology as a colorful beam of light, which is so powerful that it can cut steel plates at will and even cut off skyscrapers in half.

But in fact, most lasers are just a translucent white light. The energy causes the air and dust on the light path to heat up rapidly, so they glow. As for those colored lasers, they are just the beautiful fantasy of film workers about laser technology. It is impossible. Yes, after all, this is a laser, not a rainbow.

The laser technology provided by the system to Plateau is like the lightsaber in Star Wars. The energy is excited through the crystal to a high-energy plasma state, and then the high-energy plasma is strictly constrained by a directional magnetic field to produce a form.

The lightsaber in Star Wars is actually achievable from the perspective of scientific principles, but due to technical limitations, it is difficult to miniaturize and hand-hold it.

According to the blueprint given by the system, the super laser weapon is a huge photoelectric device composed of four parts: energy, excitation, confinement, and emission. You can simply understand it as a lightsaber launcher, which constrains high-energy plasma to form an energy shell, and then Launch towards the target.

Not to mention the lightsaber in your hand, even ordinary battleships do not have enough space to install super laser weapons. I am afraid that it will take an aircraft carrier or a giant cargo ship of hundreds of thousands of tons to modify a movable laser weapon base.

After understanding the principle of the super laser weapon, Gao Yuan's excited arms trembled slightly. Although it was very huge and expensive, it was a legendary laser weapon after all!

Controlling high-energy plasma to form a lightsaber, and then launching the lightsaber, just thinking about it makes me feel excited, and it will make the blood of science fiction lovers all over the world get excited!

Without further ado, after Gao Yuan figured out the principle of the super laser weapon, the next step was to assign research tasks to his scientific research team, and use the Galaxy Eye distributed research mechanism to conduct crazy trial and error to select the most suitable materials from the earth's existing materials. of matching.

The Eye of the Galaxy has been continuously optimized and continuously absorbed scientific and technological elites from all over China. As of today, this scientific research system is quite mature.

Looking around the world, countless countries and companies hope to emulate Plateau's Galaxy Eye, but no one has been able to succeed.

The reason behind this is actually very simple. Gao Yuan's Galaxy Eye is based on the fact that he has a plug-in and knows the answer.

The direction is clear and the technical plateau is mastered. At this time, if he brings scientific researchers on earth to solve real-life problems, he will naturally achieve twice the result with half the effort.

The West has only scratched the surface of the Galaxy Eye and does not understand the essence of this scientific research system. The distributed scientific research system is not actually important. What is important is the plateau, the extraordinary and holy knowledge structure in the plateau's mind.

It is the plateau that creates the Eye of the Galaxy, not the Eye of the Galaxy that creates the plateau. Without this scientific research system, the plateau can still succeed. It is just a matter of efficiency and speed.

In short, a raging battle for super laser weapons was quickly launched in the Tarim Basin. Electromagnetic physics experts, high-energy physics experts, and plasma experts gathered from all over the country to the barren west.

Being qualified to mobilize the resources of the national team gave Gao Yuan enough confidence. After these experts came to the Sky City, they were also shocked by the plan given by Gao Yuan. They opened an experimental base deep in the Gobi and tried various methods day and night. Combination plan.

The most difficult part of super laser weapons is not the energy source or the launch, but how to control the powerful and violent energy.

Kunlun Group has experience in this regard, because the lithography machine project is essentially a kind of precise control of lasers. However, the power of the lithography machine is relatively weak and cannot reach the level of high-energy strategic weapons.

At 14:02 on December 4, 2020, China's controllable nuclear fusion experimental device, the circulator No. 2 M device (HL-2M), was built in Chengdu and achieved its first discharge, marking that China has mastered the world's most advanced nuclear power equipment. Carmack device technology is a milestone event that can be recorded in history.

One of the key technologies for controllable nuclear fusion is the magnetic confinement of high-energy plasma. Although it is very different from super laser weapons. Controlled fusion is much more difficult than laser weapons, but there is no difference between the two. There is nothing to learn from.

Since the entry of top institutions such as the Institute of High Energy Physics and the Institute of Plasma Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the outcome has been determined. Gao Yuan is the leader who truly understands technology and holds the key in his hand. China's high energy physics research is in the first echelon in the world. , very powerful.

The result of the strong alliance is that the project progress has improved by leaps and bounds.

In addition, there is the military that is extremely concerned about the laser project, which is also a mysterious and powerful force.

Han Chang reported Gao Yuan's idea, and the military brass immediately went crazy!

They took the plateau's sketches and project designs and studied them carefully. They found that if this thing was used in the industrial field, it would be like killing a chicken with a knife. It should be used in the military to engage in missile interception, or to exaggerate it, it would be more reliable to turn it into a giant aerial cannon. Well!

So awesome!

The military potential of this laser device is so awesome! It’s simply sky-breaking!

So, Han Chang led a military team studying high-energy physics and magnetic constraints to the City in the Sky overnight.

"Welcome, welcome. This is your first time here after we officially moved. If I don't see you again, I plan to go to the Imperial Capital in person to send you an invitation."

Gao Yuan and Han Chang joked. They have known each other for many years and are close friends who talk about everything.

Han Chang shook his head and said: "Since I met you, our General Equipment Department has become busier than a rabbit. Suppose we used to test one hundred new types of equipment every year, but now we have more than three hundred. If it weren't for an important task this time, I’m afraid I won’t have time to come and sit with you until the end of the year.”

Gao Yuan said with a smile: "As the workload increases, we will expand the manpower. By the way, what is the important task you mentioned?"

Han Chang looked serious and asked the middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses: "Come, let me introduce to you. This is our high-energy physics expert, Professor Luo Sihan."

"Professor Luo, he is Gao Yuan, the boss of Kunlun Group. We come to Sky City this time to prepare to work with Boss Gao."

Han Chang said that Gao Yuan finally understood that the military had discovered the potential of the laser project to develop into an advanced military weapon and couldn't wait to send a group of weapons experts.

Gao Yuan was not surprised at all by this. Due to the particularity of the system, weapons were not things that he could just get involved in casually, especially laser weapons that were so extraordinary. He had to find a way to let the military speak first, so Once here, the plateau can be followed.

Therefore, Gao Yuan made some small changes to the super laser weapon and reported it to the government in the name of an industrial laser generator. Only then did Professor Han Chang and Luo Sihan enter the Sky City.

"Weapons?" Gao Yuan pretended to be surprised and said, "It's not that I haven't thought about it. It's just that weapons and equipment are of great importance. Even if I have ideas, I don't dare to get involved easily."

Han Chang laughed loudly and said: "I knew you would be so cautious. This time I came with the boss's instructions. The army and the people are one family, and with your current status, you don't need to worry too much. Just do it boldly. , the big guys are willing to fully support you.”

Gao Yuan nodded slightly. This was what he was waiting for. As the old saying goes, Gao Yuan would never use chicken feathers as arrows just because he had a good relationship with the military. That would take him too seriously.

Now, the military not only approved Gao Yuan's development of weapons, but also personally sent an experienced team to assist. Gao Yuan no longer had any scruples, completely let go and was ready to fight.

Professor Luo Sihan is worthy of being an expert assigned by the military. His joining has accelerated the progress of the project again.

In mid-April, the high-power laser generator was put into trial operation.

In late April, the first plasma confinement experiment was successful.

Also in late April, the energy directional exciter was successfully installed at an unknown experimental site deep in the Tarim Basin, and on a dark and windy night, it emitted an inconspicuous and brief white light into the silent deep sky. .

North America,

Leon was in his office, looking at several high-definition satellite photos on the blackboard, and fell into deep thought.

These photos are of the City in the Sky, with giant single buildings surrounded by green grasslands and seas of flowers. A series of passages in the sky connect all the buildings, and countless cars flying between the buildings are full of science fiction.

"Your Excellency, General." Secretary Dicardo said with a ferocious expression, pointing to the photo of City in the Sky, "According to intelligence."

“As time goes by, Sky City is becoming more and more important.

Leon frowned and said gloomily: "Don't forget,

Thinking of this matter, Leon was very depressed and felt as if he had swallowed a fly.

As a rule of thumb, the shorter the news, the bigger the deal.

On February 4, 2021, the Chinese authorities issued a text message claiming that a land-based mid-course anti-missile interception technology test was conducted within the country. The test achieved the expected purpose. This test was defensive and not targeted at any country.

Then, there is no more.

The news is very short and seemingly inconspicuous,

"There's no rush, let's wait and see."

Leon seemed to suddenly remember something. He raised his wrist and glanced at the time, "It is the early morning of May 1st, Chinese time. In a few hours, the routine live broadcast on the plateau will begin. Your proposal will be waited for. We’ll discuss it later.”

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