The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 287 Paris Vacation and Controlled Nuclear Fusion! (2)

The girl was overjoyed and quickly opened the bag and let Gao Yuan choose.

Gao Yuan chose a pair of black sneakers, and after putting them on, he found that the feeling on his feet was much worse. He must have been used to wearing limited edition high-end shoes, and he was a little out of touch with the masses.


There was a crisp sound, and Gao Yuan transferred a sum of money to the cowboy girl. The girl calculated that it was equivalent to almost two thousand euros, but at the moment she only had less than two hundred euros on her and needed to get it from an ATM.

So Gao Yuan walked forward with her and found a Santander bank. Gao Yuan waited outside with the package for her so that the girl could go in and withdraw money.

Suddenly there was a whistle behind him. Gao Yuan turned around and saw several plump black girls. Seeing Gao Yuan's perfect figure, they couldn't help but whistle at him.

It seems that for these foreigners, a good figure and masculine temperament are more attractive. The popular small meat in China has little market in the West. Western girls think that the small meat is too girly.

Being teased, Gao Yuan found it quite interesting and smiled at the black girls. There was no other meaning, it was just fun.

As a typical workaholic, Gao Yuan has forgotten the last time he dated a girl. After all, people are not machines, and they still need to relax occasionally.

Just as she was thinking about it, the girl in the denim jacket had already come out of the bank. She put the cash in an envelope, carefully avoiding other people's eyes, and quietly handed it to Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan took the envelope and squeezed it, without counting it, he stuffed it directly into his jeans pocket and said to the girl: "It's quite hard for you to set up a stall in a place like this. Do you want to find a stable job?"

"A stable job? In Paris?" The girl obviously didn't believe it. "Stop joking, can't you let me be your secretary for a rich second generation like you?"

"I already have a secretary, and with your ability, I'm afraid it won't be enough for you." Gao Yuan replied very straightly: "The work will be arranged later, and now I ask you to be my tour guide. From now until midnight, 20,000 yuan How about it?"

Pay twenty thousand dollars between now and midnight?

What are you bragging about? How could anyone throw money away like this?

The cowgirl pouted and was about to get angry when her phone suddenly started ringing.

"Alipay arrived, 20,000 yuan..."

The cowboy girl looked confused, but Gao Yuan had already reached out to stop a taxi, "Let's go to your house first, put down these things of yours, and then show me the Eiffel Tower."

"Taxis are very expensive. My home is nearby. We can just walk there. How can we waste money?" The cowboy girl hurriedly stopped Gao Yuan, apologized to the driver, and asked him to leave first.

Midnight in Paris, on the left bank of the Seine, in an all-night bistro.

Gao Yuan already knows that this girl who likes to wear denim jackets is called Nie Caiyi, nicknamed Xiaoyi, and she is a self-funded international student studying oil painting.

Subway, bus, public bicycle, Plateau never imagined that the first time the world's richest man came to Paris, he would be traveling on a budget. If he had known better, he would not have exchanged so many euros. After exchanging two thousand euros, he was left with nineteen hundred. Thirty-seven, it's useless, it's quite heavy to carry around.

Xiaoyi carefully ate her chestnut cake. The cake cost six euros for a small piece. Xiaoyi thought it was expensive, but Gao Yuan paid without any explanation. She could only try not to waste it now.

Xiaoyi is a girl who knows how to live a good life. During dinner, Gao Yuan wanted to have a French meal, but Xiaoyi pulled him to eat Turkish kebab flatbread. The roadside stall didn't even have a table, so the two of them sat on a park bench. On the way, I was drinking soda water bought from the supermarket. It was a bit shabby, but it also had a different flavor.

"What are you thinking about?" Xiaoyi asked Gao Yuan.

"I'm thinking that in the future, Paris will need to undergo a complete transformation. While not destroying the appearance of the city, a more advanced public transportation system will be installed. The subway must be expanded, but the air must be used more. The high-intensity Kunlun Dark Star can It is used to erect long-span light rails, build aerial aprons, and let light rail flying cars connect the entire city..."

Gao Yuan talked about his idea, Xiaoyi was dumbfounded.

She thinks Gao Yuan must be crazy, otherwise why would he regard Paris as his own backyard and want to transform Paris? The Paris City Hall will certainly not agree.

"That's not necessarily the case." Gao Yuan smiled slightly and said with an arc at the corner of his mouth: "Under the leadership of China, Greater East Asia will sooner or later prosper together, and sooner or later the whole world will unite and move towards more distant space. I am not against the global Oneness is just an opposition to global oneness under Aung Sa’s leadership.”

After that, Gao Yuan drank up the red wine in the glass. This glass of Bordeaux red wine cost 4.5 euros, which was not expensive and the taste was quite satisfying.

Looking at the moonlight in the sky, it was already getting late. Gao Yuan stood up and said to Xiaoyi, who was still savoring the deliciousness of the cake: "It's already midnight, our contract ends here, I'll call you a taxi. "

Having said that, Gao Yuan really waved for a night taxi and told the driver the address in fluent French under Xiaoyi's surprised gaze.

Gao Yuan had carefully inquired about Xiaoyi's personal information before, and planned to ask his partner's branch in Paris to give her a job in the future in return for today's help.

"Didn't you just arrive in Paris? Why do you speak French so well? You are much better than me." Xiaoyi said in surprise.

Just a single click of the French tongue tortured her to death, but for Gao Yuan, who had the ability to know all languages, this was just child's play.

"I learned it in China."

Gao Yuan smiled and pushed Xiao Yi into the car. He couldn't help but make a driving gesture to the driver. The driver had just received Gao Yuan's two hundred euros and was in a good mood, so he naturally complied with Gao Yuan's request.

Xiaoyi was anxious, she opened the car window, looked out to Gao Yuan and shouted: "Do you still need me to be your tour guide tomorrow? It's free, no money!"

Gao Yuan waved his hand and refused, "No, I don't have time tomorrow."

"What about the day after tomorrow? Go find me at home, you know the address!" Xiaoyi shouted again.

At this time, the car had gone far in the dark night, and Gao Yuan's figure was no longer visible. Xiaoyi heard his voice coming from the distance, "I won't have time anymore."


Such an upright answer almost made Xiaoyi suffer internal injuries. She asked Gao Yuan his name, and Gao Yuan asked her to call her boss, and did not leave any contact information such as phone number or WeChat.

The only connection between the two is probably the Alipay transfer record.

However, Xiaoyi doesn't know that Gao Yuan is actually hiding his selfish motives when promoting AI Zero to the world. In this set of artificial intelligence programs, there is a backdoor that only Gao Yuan can control. During today's trip to Paris, Gao Yuan and Xiao Yi The transfer records between them will not be known to anyone, including the military.

It's not that Gao Yuan can't trust anyone, it's just that as a public figure, Gao Yuan needs to keep some secrets of his own.

For example, like today, when I occasionally work hard, I come out to relax, go to some places I have read about in books, and date a girl I meet by chance. If this kind of freedom does not exist, then life on the plateau will be too much. That's sad.

"Distance is 6,927 kilometers, estimated flight time is twelve minutes."

After Gao Yuan got on the Phantom shuttle, the autopilot system prompted this.

During the flight, Gao Yuan let out a haha, closed his eyes, and entered the system space.

"Do you want to continue receiving the mission?"

Looking at the prompts on the system panel, Gao Yuan understood that the short vacation was over, and high-intensity work was still waiting for him. Fighting was his destiny. Occasionally spending time with Miss Xiaoyi was just a coincidence.


As Gao Yuan chose to receive the task, the text on the system panel suddenly changed.

"New mission, controllable nuclear fusion..."

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please recommend!

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