The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 290 You are only three percent away from eight-pack abs!

Facing the camera, Gao Yuan said with a smile: "In the long history of mankind, there has never been such an abundant food supply as today. Now we can not only fill our stomachs, but also pursue comfort and delicious food."

"On January 22, 2021, North America's famous Time magazine published a column, claiming that China eats 28% of the world's meat, and the greenhouse gases produced by breeding are a huge burden on the earth's environment. The West hopes Chinese people eat less meat and more vegetarian food to reduce environmental pressure.”

"I am very, very unhappy with this argument. Does what we eat have anything to do with the West?"

"China has only consumed 28% of the world's meat. Are you unhappy? In the future, when we consume half of the world's meat, 70%, or even 80% of the world's meat , what are you going to do? Die?"

Gao Yuan looked around with his eyes and said very seriously: "The most important thing in a person's life is to learn to think independently. If Time Magazine says this and you believe it, that would be the biggest tragedy."

“Raising the same kilogram of meat requires five times the carbon emissions of beef and eight times that of chicken, duck, and fish. However, our country’s eating habits are exactly like eating pork and poultry and aquatic products, and we don’t eat much beef. In 2019, Our country eats four kilograms of beef per person, while North America eats twenty-seven kilograms per person.”

"So at the end of the day, even though we have a population of 1.4 billion, which is far more populous than North America, the livestock industry produces almost the same amount of greenhouse gases."

"It can be seen that if we really want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by eating less meat, North America should first give up beef, which they like to eat. We in China are willing to provide production of tofu, yuba, vegetarian chicken, etc. A range of alternative food technologies.”

"And when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions from the breeding industry, there is a country in the world that is more bizarre than China and the United States, and that is Asan."

"China raises pigs and North America raises cattle. After all, they are to solve the problem of food. What's the matter with Ah San raising more than 300 million cows? Just because in the legend, cows are the mounts of the great god Shiva, Ah San just let those cows go. Walking around the streets, not only are they not allowed to kill and eat meat, but the people must provide food rations to feed them until these sacred cows die."

"Asan raises the largest number of cattle in the world and emits the most greenhouse gases in the world. In the end, they have no way to become human food and are wasted."

"This is a typical example of harming the world but not benefiting oneself, that is, it damages the earth and cannot provide calories for humans. If there is a universal law on the earth, Asan cattle breeding should be completely banned."

Gao Yuan criticized North America and Asan as soon as the show started, and the audience burst into laughter.

The best thing is that Gao Yuan showed his spirit as a straight man in science and engineering, presented facts and evidence, and overwhelmed the other party, but the other party was still unable to refute.

"Damn it, I've read that article in Time Magazine. If Boss Gao hadn't explained it, I almost would have believed it."

"Our greenhouse gas emissions are only half as big, so why should we be told to eat less meat? Isn't this too overbearing?"

"Asan raises so many cows but doesn't eat them. It's the biggest insult to a foodie!"

The barrage was raging, and Gao Yuan continued: "You may still remember that I once said in the past program that due to the improvement of living standards and the availability of meat for children, the average height of young people in China is growing crazily, and it has now reached a full Surpassing Japan and South Korea and catching up with Britain and the United States, it won’t be long before China will become the most physically barbaric nation on earth!”

"This incident illustrates two issues. First, the Chinese nation has never been genetically weak. This can be proven by countless alien races that we have exterminated. In history, the battles between civilizations and races were far more cruel and bloody than today. Assuming that our ancestors were weak, China would have ceased to exist long ago."

"The so-called yellow people's physical fitness is simply a false proposition. They have ignored the most critical factor in East Asia, competition."

"The land of East Asia is the most fiercely competitive region on earth. Our ancestors did not have enough food for several days. They could not even fill their stomachs, let alone eat meat and nutrition."

"Second, we are not eating too much meat now, but too little."

"Before the Kunlun Group moved to the Western Region, I was waiting for a traffic light on the road. I happened to catch up with the middle school after school. Looking at the groups of tall and strong teenagers and girls, I had an irrepressible idea."

"You must see it with your own eyes in this life! What is the upper limit of the physical fitness of Chinese people!?"

"With comprehensive nutrition, how tall can young Chinese people grow and to what extent can their muscles develop!?"

At this point, Gao Yuan's conversation suddenly changed, and his tone was no longer excited, but calmed down.

"Of course, while the average height of Chinese young people has officially surpassed South Korea and topped Asia, there is also a very thorny problem, and that is body fat rate."

"I don't like to describe others as fat or thin, because that's not scientific."

"The scientific description should be body fat rate, which is the proportion of fat in a person's body. If it exceeds a certain proportion or falls below a certain proportion, it is unhealthy."

"A person who looks thin is likely to have an excessive body fat percentage and is at risk of cardiovascular disease at any time, while a person who looks fat and thick may be very healthy, eat delicious food, and have a great body."

"Having said this, I must tell you a very heartbreaking fact. Genes have already determined that Chinese people are not suitable for excessive obesity. In fact, this is the case throughout East Asia. The same is true for obesity. The incidence of malignant diseases in East Asia , far higher than in the West…”

Gao Yuan spoke very seriously. In his view, health is definitely not something to be joked about. After experiencing his father's stroke and illness, Gao Yuan is particularly interested in health and is willing to use his knowledge of life sciences to Share it with everyone.

Chinese people have always had the tradition that eating is a blessing, but unfortunately, tradition and science are often incompatible and may even conflict with each other.

For example, the 2016 Nobel Prize in Biology and Medicine was awarded to the study of autophagy.

What is autophagy?

This thing is really amazing. Studies have shown that when people have insufficient caloric intake, cells will survive and the fittest will be eliminated. Healthy cells will eat up necrotic cells to achieve the purpose of self-purification.

Autophagy is almost as good as Shaolin's secret art of Yi Jin Jing. The difference is that Yi Jin Jing requires boy's skills, talent and the help of an old man. The conditions are so harsh that almost no one can do it, but autophagy is completely Yes, as long as you skip two meals.

Gao Yuan said seriously: "To sum up, by controlling insulin secretion, reducing fat and free sugar intake, eating smaller meals, and controlling overall calories, we can achieve the goals of health and longevity."

"But I also know that it is really difficult to ask everyone to stay away from cakes and kebabs. It seems that what we are fighting is food, but in fact it is not the case. What we are fighting is nature, and the love of eating is something written in our genes. , it will never be changed.”

"Is there a way for us to eat the delicious food we want while keeping our bodies healthy and well-proportioned?"

"Logically speaking, this possibility does not exist. Because of the conservation of energy, how much food you eat and how much food you consume can be accurately calculated using calories. The calories that are not consumed will become your Body fat.”

"However, after our research on Shendu powder and small red fruits, we found a strange phenomenon. When we used Shenbean powder to replace flour and rice, and used small red fruits as an after-dinner snack every day, everyone's muscles and bones were strengthened. , but the fat has been greatly reduced.”

Gao Yuan said that in order to let the director play comparison pictures, Kunlun Group employees all took full-body photos when they joined the company. Comparing the past photos with the photos after taking the magic bean powder and Xiaohongguo for three months, it can be clearly seen that everyone They all seem to be one size smaller.

"I'll go, this is amazing, isn't it!?"

"Look, this man's jawline has lost weight!"

"It's almost impossible to tell that they are the same person. Don't tell me, this fat guy is still quite handsome after losing weight."

"Awesome! The overall appearance of Kunlun Group has improved to a new level in just three months!"

"Don't be so hateful. In order to lose weight, I am so hungry every day that I feel dizzy. You eat and drink a lot but still lose weight? Is there any justice in heaven!?"

"It's such a happy decision. I will eat Shen Bean powder every day from now on!"

"As a southerner who regards rice as his life, I will fight with anyone who mentions the word rice to me in the future!"

The content of the barrage is so crazy that Gao Yuan can't even imagine how far modern people can go to have a good figure.

For humans, fat is an important food reserve to resist famine. It is like a national food reserve. It will not be used unless it is absolutely necessary. Even if new food has been stored for a few years and becomes stale, it must still be kept in the warehouse. Save.

Divine bean powder and small red fruits contain a magical substance that no one can explain, which can promote fat decomposition, and the decomposition process is very strange. All short-chain fats and long-chain fats are converted into medium molecular chain saturated fatty acids C8, which is also It is commonly known as bitterness.

Among all fatty acids, only C8 caprylic acid is directly metabolized by the liver. The energy release process is extremely rapid, and it is almost impossible to store it as fat. Simply put, it means eating oil but not growing meat.

In short, divine bean powder and small red fruits will decompose fat, and the process of breaking down fat and converting it into C8 will consume a lot of calories, which causes the body's basal metabolism to increase. After eating small red fruits, even if you sit motionless, your body will still Consuming energy quickly.

After all, the function of small red fruits is to convert fat, and conversion of course consumes a lot of energy.

If the magical bean powder and red fruit are so powerful, will they cause excessive weight loss in consumers and threaten their health?

Not really.

The reason is very simple. Shendu powder and small red fruits decompose fat to lose weight, and do not consume protein and carbohydrates in the body. Once the body's fat is decomposed to a certain extent, the process of converting fatty acids into C8 will automatically stop.

After testing by the Academy of Life Sciences, when the body fat rate reaches 15% for boys and 25% for girls, Xiaohongguo and Shenbean powder will stop converting fat into C8.

You know, if a boy's body fat rate reaches 12%, he can clearly see eight-pack abs. Fifteen percent means there is a thin layer of coverage above the abdominal muscles, which is only one step away from the washboard abs. a step far.

Due to the different physiological structure of girls, it is almost impossible to reduce the body fat rate below 20%. If it really drops to 20%, it will seriously affect the endocrine system, and even the aunt will run away from home.

The body fat rate is 15% for boys and 25% for girls?

As expected, after hearing these two numbers, the whole world went crazy!

There was something going on today, so I uploaded it late, sorry!

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