The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 295 Tritium and deuterium reaction! Fusion is initially completed!

Since entering summer in June, the plateau has appeared unusually low-key in the face of the aggressive North American offensive.

On June 15, in a regular live broadcast of the Kunlun Group, Gao Yuan introduced the huge project of diverting water from Qinghai-Tibet into Xinjiang.

On July 1st, Gaoyuan made a special episode of flying cars. After more than a year of preparation and exploration, flying cars finally landed in the densely populated eastern region, but only in the field of public transportation, such as long and short-distance lines between cities. , flying taxis and more.

In this way, the air transportation system will officially cover the whole country. From the south to the north, air transportation hubs are springing up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Due to the use of cheap electricity as energy source, Kunlun Group's strong material science foundation has greatly improved the durability of the flying car. The safe life of the whole vehicle is as long as fifty years. Therefore, although the flying car looks high-end, the actual cost is less than High-speed rail is even lower, and once it was launched, it was greatly welcomed by the people.

Taking Shanghai and Hangzhou as an example, the whole journey only takes fifteen minutes. Shuttle buses depart from both places at the same time almost every minute. During the crowded hours in the afternoon, the number can reach more than 200 times per hour.

A dense national air transportation network is being established rapidly. It is now more convenient for people to travel, saving a lot of time on the road. Gao Yuan is very happy about this, because his dream is not only about the stars and the sea, he also wants to use technology to change everyone. human life.

The Chinese people are naturally happy to see the changes happening around them, but in the West, the media and the melon-eaters have discovered that Kunlun Group has not launched any eye-catching new technologies for two full months, and they have made a big fuss about this. Add sarcasm.

"Isn't it because all luck has run out? Kunlun Group has been very low-key recently."

"We're hurtling toward the space age, and they're still building houses, digging canals, and creating some goddamn flying bus network."

"This is the gap. Chinese people have always been petty and clingy to their own little land without knowing how to develop into the future."

"Bye bye China, I will miss you when we arrive on Mars."

"The Chinese people are quite hard-working. If they are willing to submit to us, we can consider giving them some tickets to the interstellar era."

The huge space exploration plan has given the Angsa people more confidence, or in other words, they have regained their former arrogant face, full of sarcasm and ridicule.

However, little did they know that behind the plateau's low profile, an undercurrent was becoming increasingly turbulent.

On May 12, the plasma operation stability model was officially established. Gao Yuan used the knowledge endowed by the system to fill in all previous theoretical flaws and create a solid foundation for the final implementation of controllable fusion.

On May 23, the first set of fusion divertors in human history was completed. This set of divertors can discharge the impurities generated by the tritium-deuterium reaction out of the first barrier, and is also compatible with the future use of deuterium and helium-3 as fusion materials.

However, mining helium-3 requires the establishment of a lunar base. Judging from the current progress, the West is far ahead in space projects. I am afraid that in the near future, Gao Yuan and Musk will start a fierce competition for lunar mining rights.

After all, Musk’s high-profile plan for an Andean lunar base cannot be a public welfare activity for the happiness of all mankind. If Gao Yuan’s guess is correct, he must be aiming for the huge amount of helium 3 on the moon.

As we all know, tritium has a half-life of only twelve years and cannot exist naturally. It must be artificially prepared through the reaction of neutrons and lithium. This process is called tritium regeneration in fusion engineering.

To put it bluntly, tritium regeneration technology is like taking off your pants and farting. The power consumed is too great. It is basically fusion for the sake of fusion, and the efficiency is horribly low.

Deuterium and tritium reactions have no future.

There is an astonishing amount of helium-3 on the moon. At the same time, the earth's seawater contains 45 trillion tons of deuterium. The reaction between helium-3 and deuterium is the key to humans obtaining permanent energy.

If all deuterium and helium-3 are used up, it will be thousands of years later. By then, humans will have at least mastered the Dyson sphere technology and can fly far and wide out of the solar system.

Anyway, Gao Yuan feels that he and Musk must have a battle on the moon. He is so crazy now, mobilizing the entire Western power to carry out space exploration, just to compete for space hegemony, to block himself in No Man's Sky, and to compete for the vital Resources Helium III.

On June 7, the test of the super heat-resistant material required for the first barrier to controllable fusion was completed. It is still the specialty of Kunlun Group, polymer carbon materials.

On June 16, the fusion energy extraction device was completed. The design Q value reached an astonishing 350. Later, when deuterium and helium were used to react, the Q value would reach thousands.

On June 24, the radiation-proof shell was completed.

On June 30, the liquid lithium-lead circulation system and the fusion cooling system were completed at the same time.

At this point, the last and largest technical barrier left before the realization of controllable fusion is the tritium circulation system.

Although Plateau will definitely replace tritium with helium-3 in the later stage to achieve neutron-free fusion, at this stage, there is still no way around the problem of tritium.

Producing tritium requires a large amount of lithium, which is extremely expensive. What's even more difficult is that tritium will produce a large number of neutrons during the fusion process. How to deal with these neutrons is the key to determining whether deuterium-tritium fusion can succeed.

Time passes day by day, and the West is still celebrating crazily. The media and the melon-eaters are making wild claims, claiming that the space age has arrived and will be led by the Angsa Group.

Although the Chinese people have made rapid progress in the field of science and technology recently, with ferocious momentum, they will not be able to do it once they reach the space age. If they do not accept Western leadership and do not accept the title of vote, they will inevitably decline.

The wind in the Tarim Basin is always so dry, and it feels stinging and uncomfortable when blowing on the face of the plateau.

Stretching, Gao Yuan looked at the night sky and saw the stars shining brightly, mysteriously and vastly.

Since there is no light pollution, you can often clearly see the starry sky, which is one of the benefits of moving to the Western Regions. When I was in the south of the Yangtze River, I had never seen so many stars on the plateau.

"Boss! Boss!"

Chu Luoluo ran over out of breath, her thin little chest rising and falling.

"Looking at you, you must have passed the operation?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Yes!" Chu Luoluo nodded heavily, "It has really been realized. The self-circulation of tritium inside the plasma will still produce a large number of neutrons. The neutrons will impact outside the magnetic confinement and the first barrier. Otherwise, our fusion system will The system is almost perfect!”

Gao Yuan smiled, gently touched Chu Luoluo's hair, and helped her tidy it up, "Theoretically, the reaction between tritium and deuterium is destined to be impossible to be perfect, but for the current stage, it is enough."

Gao Yuan accepted the result calmly, because he had already expected success. After all, he was the only man on earth who had opened a cheat.

"Boss, boss, what should we do next!?" Chu Luoluo asked curiously: "Give the aerospace group an order to mine helium-3 on the moon?"

"I'm worried to death. I'm afraid that all the helium-III mines on the moon will fall into Musk's hands, and we'll be doomed! We can't lose this battle!"

"It's too early for you to worry. It's impossible for all Helium III to fall into Musk's hands, because we haven't officially entered the game yet." Gao Yuan said with a smile: "As for now, we have finally completed the fusion reaction. How can we be embarrassed?" If we don’t hold a live broadcast press conference, the whole world will be shocked.”

Grandma celebrated her birthday and went to drink.

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