The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 304 From summer to early winter, Kunlun Yunxiao finally comes out!

"As we expected, after Musk was rejected by Boss Gao, he mobilized more power to speed up the Andes Project again."

Liang Shaojie said with a smile at the early morning meeting: "According to the photos we took with the reconnaissance satellite, they are building three Poseidon giant rockets at the same time. Adding the three previously completed rockets, the total reaches six."

"After all, it is a big thing that can be reused. According to calculations, North America will have the ability to launch six times a month in the future, delivering 6,000 tons of materials to low-Earth orbit and 2,400 tons of materials to the moon."

"In addition, we have also detected the fourth, fifth and sixth lunar landing modules in North America. They should also be prepared to compete for the lunar ilmenite area. Of course, we do not rule out the possibility of them entering Mars in advance."

"I have to say that they have gone crazy now. Just the part that we can see with the naked eye has invested no less than 25 billion US dollars, plus various hidden costs and labor costs. It is conservatively estimated that the entire Andes Plan , costing more than 50 billion US dollars, it can be said that no expense was spared.”

After hearing this, everyone smiled.

The West does not know that China has made the final decision to skip the moon and go directly to Jupiter to collect helium-3.

So no matter how much territory Musk seizes on the moon, it will ultimately be a waste of time and money.

Of course, they can also transport helium-3 and ilmenite back to the earth, but for North America, helium-3 is not of much use because they have not yet figured out the controllable nuclear fusion technology. Whether it is magnetic confinement or inertial confinement, North America has Still a long way to go.

Gao Yuan said solemnly: "Although we don't want the helium-3 on the moon, the moon must not be handed over to North America just like this. We must complete the Jupiter project first, and when we look back, we will give them a big surprise."

Chu Hongfei nodded slightly and said: "I agree with both hands. After all, the moon is too close to the earth and is the only way for space strategy. The control of the moon must not be given to others. It's just that we can't take advantage of it now."

"In addition, our rocket base in Tarim has started construction with great fanfare. The North American side should have noticed it, right?"

Liang Shaojie frowned, "Yes, their spy satellite hangs above the rocket base every day, constantly taking photos and videos. If the higher ups allow it, I really want to use the Kunlun Zenith to kill it for him."

Gao Yuan smiled and waved his hand, "That's not necessary. As long as we keep our core secrets, we can't figure out our technical route by taking pictures. This is like when we were studying ASML's lithography machine. If we didn't understand the principle, what's the use? "

"In addition, our nuclear-powered rockets are highly concealed in design and use plasma jets as thrust. Our rockets have the same features as conventional rockets, but the cores are different. If they want to see it, let them see it. If you can understand, I lose."

North America, Washington.

Satellite pictures were pinned to the blackboard in the conference room. Deep in the Tarim Basin, China's super-large rocket factory, with countless engineers and many large machines, was working day and night, making the night look like day.

With today's satellite photography technology, large-scale projects cannot be hidden from others. High-definition cameras have already captured China's new rockets clearly.

"According to speculation, this is a rocket with a weight of about 5,000 tons and an orbital load of about 300 tons. Its volume is between the Poseidon giant rocket and the Long March 9 large rocket. In view of China's very high level of materials science, in the end The data may vary, but the error will not be higher than 15%." NASA experts informed everyone of the final conclusion.

"What are you doing? China's new rockets are completely unattractive."

"I don't understand. The delivery capability of this rocket is only 30% of that of the Poseidon. With this garbage, how can China have the courage to refuse our olive branch?"

"It seems that this is the limit of their technology. China does not have the ability to build a behemoth like the Poseidon, so it has to settle for the next best thing."

"It's unimaginable that they only have such rudimentary technology, but they rejected Mr. Musk's proposal. They really overestimate their capabilities."

Everyone was talking a lot, and there was a lot of disdain in their words.

They don't know that with the crazy thrust of a nuclear-powered rocket, there is no need to pile up volume and weight. The more important quality than largeness is to be strong and durable.


Musk slammed his fist on the table, looking extremely annoyed.

If Gaoyuan rejected him because he had a giant rocket of the same level as the Poseidon, then that would be fine. But in the end, they actually came up with such a thing?

The carrying capacity is less than one-third of the Poseidon?

What the hell!

"Just wait, I will make you pay the price sooner or later." Musk gritted his teeth and muttered in a low voice.

Since June, the whole world has seemed to have become a stage for Western performances. Poseidon, Celtic, and Andes, three major space exploration projects, have been released one after another, shocking the whole world.

This summer is destined to be uneventful, although China’s completion of the controllable fusion project Kunlun-1 deserves special mention.

But starting in August, Western media have continuously released news, pointing out that the current operating costs of Kunlun-1 are very high and cannot replace the existing world energy pattern.

The West not only exaggerates the technical difficulty of tritium and deuterium fusion, but also describes the neutron bombardment brought by tritium fusion as very terrifying, with the danger of explosion at any time.

For a time, both China and Plateau were pushed to the forefront.

At the same time, they also released satellite pictures of China's new rocket being built, pointing out that the rocket China is accelerating development is simply not good enough in the face of the powerful Poseidon.

What's more, in addition to Poseidon, the West is also studying a larger super rocket, with an estimated orbital carrying capacity of at least 5,000 tons. The strength gap between the two sides is too great, and they are not on the same plane at all.

All in all, the war of public opinion in the West is all-round, and the ultimate goal of suppressing China is, in the final analysis, for business. Through extreme pressure, Plateau will transfer part of its current technology in exchange for a helium-III mine on the moon.

Amid the commotion, Gao Yuan remained silent.

Time flies to September, and from September to October, Plateau's live broadcast programs have not been interrupted, but there is no black technology that shakes the world. It is more about popularizing and supplementing past scientific and technological achievements.

Although technology is Gao Yuan's promise to change life, in the face of the West's aggressive smear campaign and public opinion suppression, Gao Yuan's indifferent and non-responsive attitude inevitably makes those who care about him anxious.

Does China want to join this space race? Do you want to land on the moon? As a leader, Gao Yuan should at least give me a word.

However, as if Gao Yuan had not heard the voice of the people at all, he continued to work hard, and the time came so quickly to November.

On November 1st, at 9:30 in the morning, major live broadcast rooms around the world opened on time.

"Coming in! Who can be faster than me?"

"What's the point of being quick? The key is persistence."

"When it comes to longevity, Boss Gao is definitely an expert. I've been looking forward to a fierce battle between him and North America since the summer, but it's already early winter, and Boss Gao is still standing still."

"Hey, by this month, Angsa Group has established four permanent bases on the moon, two of which are already occupied by astronauts, and we don't even have a launch vehicle yet."

"There is a shadow. Didn't the New York Times publish a long feature? It seems that Boss Gao's rocket has only 30% of the thrust of the Poseidon in theory, and it is also a non-recyclable model. The technology is very backward."

"Time is money. Now it's not just a question of rocket thrust and whether it can be recovered. What's worse is that North America has locked the best helium-III mine on the moon. We are a step too slow. Even if we go up, we can only Pick up some scraps.”

"Look what you said, no matter what, we have to believe Boss Gao."

"I didn't say I didn't believe it. Aren't we all worried about him? Can you please tell me something to save us the trouble of getting angry here."

It can be clearly found that there are some negative emotions in China's live broadcast room.

This is actually normal, just like we all love our hometown, but if our hometown does not do well in any aspect, we will not pretend not to see it, but will still point out the mistakes.

Without the spirit of seeking truth from facts, there would be no Chinese civilization today. After all, no civilization in this world is maintained by lies. Behind one lie, there are often countless lies to cover it up.

"Did you hear that China seems to be launching their little firecrackers today?"

"Little firecracker, hahahaha~ I'm laughing so hard."

"In front of the powerful Poseidon, China's newly built rocket is already small, and coupled with its poor technical level, it is not safe enough. Once it explodes, it will be nothing more than a small firecracker."

"It seems to make sense..."

"Those who overestimate their capabilities will suffer sooner or later. Over the past few months, China has been frantically building fusion reactors without even solving the problem of fuel. They are simply seeking death by doing this."

In overseas live broadcast rooms, Western melon-eaters are also having heated discussions, some of which are malicious.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and at ten o'clock sharp, Gao Yuan appeared in front of the camera on time, wearing a white shirt and jeans, and said the same opening remarks that would never change.

"Hello, viewers, welcome to Kunlun Group's live broadcast. I am Gao Yuan."

"Before today's program begins, I would like to first report good news to you. As of now, we have built 12 controllable fusion energy centers, 35 are under construction, and 81 are planned to be completed."

"In other words, a total of 128 controllable fusion energy centers have been put on the schedule. They will be completed by next summer at the latest. Then before next winter comes, these 128 can If we control the fusion energy center, it will be fully operational.”

"At the same time, by the end of next year, China will be forced to scrap the last batch of fuel vehicles, transition all to the era of electric transportation, and reduce electricity prices to zero in one fell swoop."

"Yes, you heard it right. Starting from the end of next year, China will completely cancel electricity charges and allow the whole society to use completely free electricity. By then, everyone will lie at home and turn on the heating if they want to eat ice cream. Just eat ice cream, no need to worry about energy waste, just feel comfortable."

"At that time, we will say goodbye to snow plows and snow melting agents, say goodbye to the scorching summer heat, and install central heating and cooling fans directly on both sides of the road to blow hot air in winter and cool air in summer..."

Does the road blow hot wind in winter and cool wind in summer?

What are you bragging about? ?

At this moment, countless people in the West are slandering in their hearts. After the constant slander and exaggeration by overseas media, these people have been deceived and believe that China's new rocket is very rubbish. Regardless of the technology or load capacity, they are not good enough and have no value at all. There is no way to compete with the powerful Poseidon giant rocket, so any promise made by Gao Yuan is just bragging, and they don't believe it at all.

However, at this time, the corner of Gao Yuan's mouth curled up and he said lightly: "Now the question is, how can we achieve such an ambitious goal?"

"The answer is simple. If you want to achieve energy freedom, you must conquer space."

"So, based on Kunlun 1, we developed an unprecedented nuclear-powered rocket, Kunlun Yunxiao!"

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