The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 309 The first interstellar cargo ship in human history! (2)

As we all know, breaking away from Jupiter's gravity requires an object to reach an acceleration of fifty-six kilometers per second, and the acceleration of Kunlun Yunxiao has reached an insane fifteen thousand kilometers per second, which is enough to offset the pull of Jupiter.

"Look, Kunlun Yunxiao is already in place, and the carbon nanotubes hanging down rapidly from the middle of the rocket are used to absorb Jupiter's resources."

"Everyone must have deep doubts about building a permanent resource space station in a dangerous place like Jupiter. After all, the space station has to fight against Jupiter's gravity all the time."

"But what I want to say is that most things in the world are actually a matter of resource matching."

"For example, the essence of boyfriend and girlfriend and marriage is the matching of resources. Nowadays, many girls dream of marrying Yi Yang Qianxi, which means that there is a problem with the matching of resources. They are forced to match resources that they are not worthy of. The final result is an older leftover girl."

"The same goes for space stations. Of course I know that outside the atmosphere of Jupiter, maintaining not one but a group of resource-gathering space stations requires a huge amount of resources."

"But what's the most abundant on Jupiter?"

"Isn't it just that it has a lot of resources? This giant gas planet, which is 1,300 times larger than the Earth, has a huge amount of hydrogen and helium inside it."

"We extract deuterium from hydrogen and helium-3 from helium to complete the fusion reaction and maintain the operation of the space station."

Gao Yuan explained while showing the chart explanation.

It turns out that the space station outside Jupiter's atmosphere is a fully automatic and self-sustaining type. It automatically extracts fusion reactants from Jupiter and uses fusion reactions to maintain the operation of the space station. The Earth side does not have to worry about the space station consuming resources.

"Awesome, a fully automatic space station?"

"Why does it feel a bit like the Japanese invaded the village? Wherever they are stationed, they eat wherever they are stationed. They grab chickens, ducks and rice."

"Hey, you're right, we went to Jupiter just to plunder resources!"

"So, what's our slogan?"

"Grab money, grain, and Jupiter!"

The barrage suddenly became cheerful, and Gao Yuan took the opportunity to explain: "It can be seen that mining Jupiter is not only a waste of money and resources, but also the most economical plan with a major impact on the future. After all, if we can even mine Jupiter, Within the solar system, it will be difficult for anyone to stop us."

"Jupiter's upper atmosphere is composed of about 90% hydrogen and 8% helium. It also includes methane, ammonia, silicon, carbon, ethane, hydrogen sulfide, neon, phosphine, etc., Resources are extremely abundant, especially ammonia. The outermost layer of Jupiter's atmosphere is directly a layer of frozen ammonia crystals, which is not easy to mine."

"In addition, the atmosphere of Jupiter is as high as 3,000 kilometers. If you fall downwards from outside the atmosphere of Jupiter, you will find that the gas concentration is getting higher and higher. In the end, you will simply enter the thick jelly, which is the liquid hydrogen ocean on Jupiter. The thickness of the liquid hydrogen ocean is 27,000 kilometers."

"The core of Jupiter is equivalent to the mass of fifteen Earths, and its temperature is as high as 30,000 degrees, which is higher than the temperature of the surface of the sun. It may be metallic hydrogen, or it may be a fluid mixture composed of hydrogen and helium that rotates like a solid. .”

"In short, have you discovered that Jupiter is really a huge planet with unparalleled resources, enough for us to build an interstellar super fleet in the future, and send expedition fleets out of the solar system one after another to explore the wider galaxy."

Gao Yuan began to imagine the future in the near future. As an idealist, although there is currently no expedition fleet on the earth, he is willing to prepare fuel for the expedition fleet to go to the depths of the galaxy in advance, within his own ability.

This is the reason why Plateau didn't go to Uranus or Venus, and instead took down Jupiter, the most difficult planet, first, for the sake of the expedition fleet.

The audience was fascinated by the bowl of chicken soup on the plateau. After all, it was about exploring the world outside the solar system. Human beings are like a group of frogs at the bottom of a well. So far, not even the Kuiper Belt has been explored, let alone the more distant deep space.

Gao Yuan looked at the big screen opposite him and said: "Look, Kunlun Yunxiao releases long carbon nanotubes from the middle. Because the carbon nanotubes are made of extremely thin material, Yunxiao carries enough length, and only releases hundreds or thousands of them." It will take a lot of time to build a kilometer-long pipe.”

"Let Yunxiao continue working. Let's turn our attention back to the earth first. Please look at the big screen! The on-site commander just told me that the launch site has been prepared, the climate and environment are suitable, and it can be launched at any time."

Launching again?

Or the Kunlun Sky Rocket?

Gao Yuan had not previously announced that there would be a launch plan today, so the audience was at a loss as to what kind of aircraft Boss Gao was going to build.


When the camera turned from distant Jupiter back to the Tarim Basin Launch Center, everyone's eyes immediately lit up.

I saw a rectangular parallelepiped lying flat in the center of the huge launch site.

What’s even stranger is that there are four Kunlun Clouds installed around this rectangular body! The momentum is fierce, pointing straight to the sky.

"I'll go! What is this!?"

"Not only are there fusion rockets all around, but there also seems to be a jet port at the tail."

"Could it be what I imagined?"

"No way, it's too exaggerated!"

"Is it really it? It seems different from those in science fiction movies."

The barrage was refreshed violently. Some science fiction fans pointed out that this thing is very similar to the legendary interstellar spacecraft, but the plateau one is too rough. It is completely shoddy, stupid, and black.

Apart from being big, it is useless, like a black lump with four rockets attached to it.

"Isn't this the building they built in the desert recently?"

"Why was it put on a nuclear-powered rocket?"

"Look at this gesture, the four rockets are to help it escape from the earth's gravity?"

In North America, some staff immediately searched for the original footage captured by spy satellites and discovered that the black bumps were originally factory-like buildings in the desert.

Even the intelligence personnel ignored it, because in the imagination of normal people, this thing could not be used for flying in any case. How could such an unattractive existence be an interstellar aircraft.

However, the reality is shocking. The black, huge cuboid is ready to go. The Kunlun Yunxiao rocket it carries is obviously shorter. It should be the sister model of the Kunlun Yunxiao, specially designed to propel the spacecraft.

Gao Yuan deliberately paused for a moment to give the audience time to wow and give full play to their imaginations.

Then he smiled with great satisfaction and said: "It seems that everyone has guessed it."

"Yes, this is the first giant interstellar cargo ship in human history, with a load capacity of 200,000 tons, the Desert Ship!"

Thank you for your concern. I am still struggling to implement my one meal a day plan. The cost is indeed relatively high, but I am still stubborn and want to give it a try.

In addition, the recent poor update is not just a lack of carbohydrates. The main reason is that I wanted to get rid of my dependence on melatonin and sleep normally. The result obviously failed. I took 10 mg of melatonin yesterday and finally slept for six hours. hours, so I wrote two chapters today.

As far as I know, there are many sensitive writers who suffer from insomnia, and I am not the most serious among them. I have heard of cases where I was hospitalized for severe insomnia, and it seemed that I was admitted to a psychiatric department.

I envy some people who still fall asleep even when the sky is falling, but unfortunately I can’t learn from it. Anything, any message from you, will disturb my mood. Even when I hear the national flag being raised in the primary school outside the window, my eyes will turn red. , so I am the only great person in the entire starting point who does not have a readership.

The third reason is that it is really difficult to write science and technology novels. What does Jupiter look like, what is its structure, and how can we develop Jupiter? I can't just make up these things.

I think back in those days, when I was writing superpower novels, my longest record was 10,000 words a day for twenty-nine consecutive days. For science and technology, 4,000 words a day was a huge hit.

I hope everyone understands the above, and I hope everyone will vote to support me, an unsatisfactory author.

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