The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 31 Technology VS Capital is about to explode!

"Welcome to Kunlun Laboratory." Gao Yuan greeted Bai Hongyuan and others with a smile and said, "I have heard Xu Qingzhou mention their names a long time ago. It is really an honor to meet here now."

The older Xiaohui said: "Boss Gao, please don't be polite. We have been colleagues and friends with Xu Qingzhou for many years, and the emergence of your company's X series fiber has greatly boosted the enthusiasm of those of us who make basic materials. To improve morale, you should help.”

Tan Qinggu said: "Who doesn't know the name of Boss Gao now? Being able to come here and see the birth of X-fiber with our own eyes is also a learning experience for us. Maybe we will also witness history."

The arrival of these high-level talents immediately made Kunlun Laboratory a lot more lively.

After a while of pleasantries, Gao Yuan resigned and went to find Cao Feiyu to finalize the treatment of these foreign aids.

Although they came to help temporarily, they could not treat others badly. All aspects of food, clothing, housing, transportation and bonuses must be properly arranged.

In addition, it has been a full week since X2 fiber was launched, and Gao Yuan still needs to check the company's financial status.

The factory area is actually quite large. In addition to the laboratory, Cao Feiyu also bought beds and furniture, set up a canteen and tea room for everyone to eat and rest, and bought a Buick GL8 and a Toyota Coaster specifically for researchers. They travel to and from the city center.

However, as time goes by, the disadvantages of industrial zones gradually become apparent.

It is really inconvenient to place a research team in such a remote place. Kunlun Company is not attractive to high-level researchers. When recruiting people, they heard that they had to work in a far away industrial zone. They all backed down.

Although during this period, Cao Feiyu has established the Finance Department, the Commerce Department, the Human Resources Department, and the Administration Department in accordance with Plateau's requirements, it is not easy to find truly high-level talents.

"Thinking about it now, your original judgment was correct." Cao Feiyu smiled helplessly, "Big cities not only provide convenience and prosperity, but also have a talent siphon effect. It is too difficult to recruit people in small and medium-sized cities. What’s more, we’re still in a barren suburb, and there’s not even a movie theater around.”

"As for Xu Qingzhou's group, they were assigned by the national team to work in our local area. They may be transferred to other scientific research institutes in a few years, so they cannot be considered local talents."

"Let's work hard to make money. Later we go to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen to buy properties and build a group headquarters or something."

Gao Yuan frowned and smacked his lips, "It's better to rent an office building. Although we are now very profitable, we don't dare to think about buying a house in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Damn the housing prices. Sooner or later, we will do what we have done." Those in the industry will all be forced to death."

"By the way, X2 type fiber is now in stock. How was your finances last week?"

Cao Feiyu took out the compiled report and put it on the table. "Last week, the shipment volume was 1,200 tons. Due to the season, the sales volume of X1 fiber dropped to 350 tons, leaving 850 tons." Ten tons is the X2 type, and the average gross profit per ton can reach about 23,000 yuan."

Gao Yuan looked at last week's financial report and fell into silence.

It is clearly written on the report that the total output of the foundry exceeded last week's total output of 1,200 tons. After all was sold out, the inventory was zero. This is a typical situation where supply exceeds demand.

However, this is only the first week of official shipment of X2 fiber. I believe that as the running-in degree of the foundry increases, the production capacity will gradually increase. However, with the scale of the super factory, the maximum is probably only a few thousand per week. Just a hundred tons.

"You go ahead and get busy. I made an appointment with Li Guangda from Nanhua to discuss OEM matters." Gao Yuan said to Cao Feiyu.

He was about to leave, but was stopped by Cao Feiyu, "Nanhua is a large state-owned factory. If the negotiation can be concluded, the production capacity will increase significantly. Should we make a price reduction plan first?"

Gao Yuan blinked and said meaningfully: "Good things are never cheap. I thought about it all night last night and decided that I still can't lower the price."

Cao Feiyu was slightly startled, "But the price of Japanese products has dropped to less than 7,000 yuan per ton! And our X1 and It’s sixty thousand yuan!”

Cao Feiyu's concerns are understandable. Such a huge price gap is enough to make a large number of customers fall into the competitor's camp.

The actual situation is indeed like this. When Japanese goods took the lead in slashing prices and dumping them, the number of calls to urge goods that had never stopped from morning to night suddenly decreased a lot.

There is no other reason. Now that customers have obtained cheap Japanese products, the demand for X2 type fiber velvet has naturally become less urgent.

"Most of our customers now say they will use Japanese products as the main sales force, and then use our X2 fiber to create higher-priced series. You should know what high-end series means."

Cao Feiyu said extremely seriously: "High-end means low sales. Although European, American, Japanese and Korean manufacturers have sacrificed profits, they have maintained their market share. This winter, they will maintain their share and not be completely defeated. Next winter, when they have accumulated enough With strength, you can launch a desperate counterattack against us!"

"In the face of those giants that have dominated the chemical fiber industry for hundreds of years, we must not take it lightly! To cut the weeds, we must remove the roots. This is what you said."

Gao Yuan nodded slightly and said: "Of course I know what you said, but I also know that in this world, price is not everything. Otherwise, Xiaomi would have killed Apple long ago, and Lao Luo should have inherited Steve Jobs's mantle."

"Is there such a possibility?"

"Because of our existence, even if Japanese products are reduced to cost, it will be difficult to sell them?"

"And because our products are high-tech, even if the profits are huge, they are still unstoppable?"

"A careful calculation shows that compared with using X series fiber and using Japanese products, the additional cost of each piece of clothing is only a few dozen yuan. Maybe the bedding will cost a little more, but this will not necessarily become an obstacle for consumers to purchase. "

After hearing these words, Cao Feiyu was immediately stunned.

From a rational point of view, the possibility mentioned by Gao Yuan certainly exists, but after Cao Feiyu heard the news about the price reduction of Japanese products, he instinctively thought of following the price reduction strategy.

“Either the east wind overpowers the west wind, or the west wind overpowers the east wind.”

"Technology or capital, who is the most powerful force in the world? I also want to know the answer to this question."

"By the way, help me get in touch. I would like to treat the customers who are still willing to cooperate with us in depth to dinner."

Gao Yuan muttered, he dropped these words and walked straight out of the finance room.

It was still the Honda Accord that had been driven for more than ten years. Gao Yuan drove non-stop to the largest local chemical fiber group, the Southern Chemical Fiber Group.

I think back then, the main reason why Gao Yuan's father cooperated more with Chaoda Chemical Fiber and less with Nanfang Chemical Fiber was that state-owned enterprises were more cumbersome and not as flexible as private enterprises.

But in terms of scale, Nanhua is at least equivalent to three supermaxes, and the equipment is also brand new.

However, Gao Yuan didn't know that although he was not a key target of attention now, he was still registered even within the high red brick walls of the imperial capital.

Before Wu Dongming returned to the imperial capital, he asked someone to greet Li Guangda of Nanhua, so Gao Yuan was pleasantly surprised to find that his cooperation with a large state-owned factory went very smoothly.

Throughout late September, Plateau was very busy.

On the one hand, he is focusing on increasing production capacity of Nanhua Group, and on the other hand, he is making intensive plans with his partners to launch an autumn and winter offensive.

The price is at a plateau and we are not prepared to lower it. The cost is only 6,300 yuan. Lowering the price is tantamount to committing suicide at a loss, but we have to argue with this tone.

Thus, a confrontation between technology and capital.

On the verge of breaking out!

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