The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 311 The Desert Ark sets sail and Angsa’s plan! (2)

"If it weren't for the awesome material science technology, this ship would have fallen apart long ago. What is it? A coffin plate welded with stainless steel plates. The outer layer relies on a polymer material shell, and the inner layer relies on a high-strength carbon support frame. If Without these advanced materials, Desert Ark is nothing!" Zuckerberg said bitterly.

Comrade Xiao Zha has been having a very unhappy life recently. Gao Yuan doesn't like to deal with the Angsa Group, but he has made good friends in the third world. However, those small third world countries need a prerequisite if they want to get technical support from China. Then That is to remove social networks controlled by Angsa.

What Comrade Xiao Zha didn't expect was that Gao Yuan's vicious idea of ​​​​exterminating households would actually receive widespread support. Many countries launched vigorous de-Facebook campaigns and declared war on the social hegemony dominated by the West.

On March 3, 2021, a book called [Capitalism on a Ventilator: The Impact of Communism on China and the United States] was banned from sale by Western e-commerce giants headed by Amazon. For no other reason than the author told the truth That’s all.

People who pay attention to the West may find that the strategy of the Angsa Group has actually changed now, and has become mainly internal propaganda. The true state of China does not matter, as long as the Western people believe that China is the axis of evil.

Therefore, they do not allow anyone to say even a good word about China within their sphere of influence. As for whether doing so violates the values ​​they preach, it does not matter at all. From ancient times to the present, Angsa's values ​​are To discipline others, not themselves.

Comrade Xiao Zha, like other Angsa bosses, has a bad butt. In addition, if he joins the Chinese camp, he can immediately get visible benefits. As a result, Facebook has been boycotted on a large scale and the market has shrunk day by day.

After all, in this world, only China has achieved energy freedom and food freedom. Even if a little bit flows out from the fingers, it is enough for these third world countries to be ecstatic.

A large number of small and marginal countries submitted petitions to China to drive Facebook out of their sphere of influence. This incident made Comrade Xiao Zha furious and helpless.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Everyone could see that Gao Yuan relied on his advantage in materials science, so he decided to take a drastic step and weld a frame out of stainless steel, supplemented by polymer materials to ensure it was strong and durable. It didn't matter if it was rough, as long as it was usable.

Everyone felt quite sad and angry. The West tried its best but could not build an aircraft of this level. However, Gao Yuan clearly had the technology and materials, but chose a simple and crude design with no aesthetics.

The Desert Ark is one of the most important milestones in the history of human spaceflight. Didn't Plateau consider the impact? Don’t you plan to set an example for the next generation?

In fact, both Musk and Xiao Zha got it wrong. As a senior industrialist and a loyal believer in the Church of Scientology, Gao Yuan despises flashy things. In his opinion, simplicity, roughness and effectiveness are the only truth in China. , a word of disagreement and artillery washing is the only tactic of China.

Under the leadership of Gao Yuan, Hua Xia ran all the way on the stupid and thick road. This was not only not an accident, but Gao Yuan's ideal. He did it on purpose.

"You have all overlooked an important issue." At this time, Mr. Gates suddenly said: "The exquisitely polished Desert Ark may be beautiful, but simple and crude aircraft can be mass-produced."

"After all, you and Gao Yuan are fundamentally different. You are successful businessmen and the best product managers, while Gao Yuan is an idealist and an industrialist through and through."

"For Plateau, money is not important, and the eyes of the world are even less important. The most important thing is to fill the solar system with such dark, bulky and ugly aircraft as soon as possible!"

"It looks good, but it's really good to make it. Just weld the stainless steel plates, make a shell out of polymer materials, and install the fusion jet engine. You can go into space directly. It's more wonderful than any other design."

"Anyway, the plateau has the strongest artificial intelligence in the world. The Desert Ark is unmanned during the entire journey. There is no need to consider the complex survival issues of astronauts. Even if the spacecraft is hit by a meteorite during the voyage, it can still fly. This kind of power Its self-sustainability is completely incomparable to that of a manned spacecraft."

"You are here laughing at Gao Yuan for not understanding aesthetics. In fact, Gao Yuan is also laughing at you. When he owns ten, a hundred, or a thousand Desert Arks, you won't be able to laugh anymore, right?"

When everyone heard this, their faces turned pale.

It has to be said that Jiang is still smarter with his old age. Gates is indeed a battle-hardened veteran who can see through the calculation behind Plateau at a glance.

What he wants is not beauty, but practicality.

What he wants is not Jupiter, but the entire solar system!

"We must not let him be proud!" Musk looked pale, gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "We don't have much time left. Once the plateau really brings helium-3 back to Earth from Jupiter, it will be too late. Let’s concentrate all our efforts to find out whether there are loopholes in the entire plan that we can exploit.”


"Do it now."

"I'll call the data analysis team right away."

Everyone agreed and silently picked up the phone.

As time passes, the Desert Ark is getting closer and closer to Jupiter.

Just when the Angsa Group was extremely nervous, they finally discovered a problem, or a fatal flaw in the plateau plan.

"Is the data accurate?" Musk frowned slightly as he looked at the form sent by Sergey, his voice a little excited.

Sergey rolled his eyes at Musk. As one of the top geniuses on earth and possessing the stubborn spirit of a fighting nation, Sergey felt that this was an insult to himself.

"Come and see for yourself." Sergey wrote quickly on the blackboard in the conference room and said calmly: "Jupiter is a gas planet, and the gas flows extremely fast. If you have observed Jupiter's storm surge with a space telescope, You’ll understand what I mean.”

"The matter spins at crazy speeds, and wind speeds can reach up to 320 kilometers per hour, which is powerful enough to tear apart any object that dares to enter its interior."

"Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the carbon nanocollection tube designed by Plateau to enter Jupiter's atmosphere. Even if the collection tube enters within a short period of time, it will be torn to pieces very quickly."

"This is the biggest flaw of the entire plan. Perhaps Gao Yuan was too confident in his material technology, overestimated the strength of carbon nanotubes, and underestimated the power of Jupiter's storms, which led to this fatal problem."

"The information in your hands contains the entire process of my calculations. I can be sure that the carbon nanotubes on the plateau will be destroyed after entering the atmosphere of Jupiter, and this will cause him to become a laughing stock around the world."

There was unconcealed viciousness in Sergey's words, but everyone in the conference room was ecstatic about it. After all, Angsa and Huaxia were rivals, and their opponents lost everything. It was Angsa's white-skinned people who wanted to Hope to see the results.

"In other words, tomorrow, when the Desert Ark arrives at Jupiter, it will be the moment when we witness Gao Yuan's transformation from a hero to a fool!?" Comrade Xiao Zha asked impatiently, his face turning red due to excessive anticipation.

"Well, you can say that." Sergey nodded and said coldly.

It was already half past one in the morning when I finished writing.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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