The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 320 New mission, miniaturization of nuclear fusion device!

As Gao Yuan finished speaking, the live scene disappeared and was replaced by the dark and deep space. Judging from the light and shadow effects, it seemed to be a computer CG composition.

Gao Yuan said seriously: "Please believe that we are serious about entering the era of the big universe. The development of the energy shield system, in addition to protecting against various sudden disasters, is also a weapon, a super weapon that can cope with galaxy-level conflicts." arms."


Then the scene suddenly changed, and a strange fleet suddenly appeared, with an exaggerated black hull, a bit like a black reptile in space.

Opposite this strange fleet is a lone starship. Although its model is unknown, the PLA's red five-star logo on the hull undoubtedly proves its identity.

Alone and alone, the PLA starship charged towards the opponent. It was like a stray cannonball, shooting straight into the opponent's battle formation.

At this time, people finally saw clearly that the body of the PLA starship was also covered with a layer of blue light, which was the plasma energy shield.

The next second, the shield turned out to be the weapon of the Earth's starship. Although it was under siege, it still relied on the powerful lethality of the plasma shield to carve out a bloody path. Any enemy ship that encountered it was immediately severely damaged. , the energy protection and armor protection were broken down one after another, and eventually turned into bright fireworks in space.

This is obviously an unfair contest. The Earth Starship has the dual protection of a force field shield and a plasma shield. It is not afraid of physical attacks or energy attacks. Once the enemy ship contacts and collides with the Earth Starship, it will also be The scorching backlash of plasma!

So, whoever touches it will die!

This strange fleet not only failed to stop the Earth starship, but was actually escaped by it. The faint blue light emerging from the Earth star ship seemed to be mocking the opponent's incompetence, forcing it coquettishly.

The video ended here. Gao Yuan smiled slightly and said to the camera: "Everyone has seen that the dual shield system has the ability to defend and counterattack at the same time. I don't know if there are aliens in this universe. Their technology No matter the level, I think that after having the dual shield system, China may have a little more confidence and confidence in its journey to the stars and the sea. Even if there are really aliens, they may not be that scary."

"Okay, that's all the content of this live broadcast. Thank you everyone for watching. I am Gao Yuan. See you next time."

As usual, Gao Yuan ended the live broadcast neatly.

However, the shock that the energy shield system has brought to the world has just begun.

Everyone can feel Gao Yuan's huge enthusiasm and his extremely serious attitude. He really pursues the stars and the sea as his lifelong career. A man with such a serious attitude naturally has a different kind of charm.

"Do you feel it? An unprecedented new era is approaching us quickly!"

"Yes, if no one is convinced, I will be convinced by Boss Gao. Watching his live broadcast is like he is taking us to dream together. I couldn't even think about the stars, sea, and alien battleships in the past!"

"The key is that everything Boss Gao boasted about has finally come true!"

"Others are bragging, but Boss Gao is really awesome!"

"I found that my list of goals in my lifetime has become longer and longer. Today I solemnly wrote this line on the list: While I am still alive, I will participate in a war with aliens and defend my home planet, the earth. …”

"I'll kill you! It's such a goal. Do you want aliens to attack the earth, so that the world will not be in chaos?"

The whole world was shocked by the energy shield technology, and countless audiences discussed it wildly and imagined the future.

Especially the militaries of various countries, many think tanks have stated that China's war capabilities and potential have exceeded all the militaries in the world combined, and this is only the part that has been publicly unveiled.

Gao Yuan vaguely seemed to hear the system beep, so after finishing the live broadcast, he immediately rushed back to his office, locked the door, and came to the system space.

"The mission is completed, the mission evaluation is excellent, and the system rewards have entered a cumulative state. Do you want to accept the next mission?"

Gao Yuan was slightly startled. Sure enough, the fastest way to complete the task was to create a big event and create a big scene, so that the whole world would realize the power of black technology.

And when the whole world recognizes the power of black technology, the system will collect enough exclamation and admiration, and these are necessary conditions for completing the task.

But, what exactly is reward accumulation?

No lottery this time?

Save it until the end for a big reward?

Gao Yuan shook his head. He was really helpless towards the system. He had no explanation at all and his temperament was extremely cold.

"I hope the system is really holding back a big reward, otherwise it will be a big loss." Gao Yuan nodded slightly and muttered to himself.

After feeling a little bit, Gao Yuan decided to move forward and accepted the next task.

"New mission, study the miniaturization of nuclear fusion devices."

"Do you accept the mission?"

Immediately, the system displays the following two lines of text.

Nuclear fusion device miniaturization! ?

Gao Yuan was startled suddenly, and suddenly felt the urge to burst into tears.

This big pig in the system was really shocked. He had just canceled Gao Yuan's reward, which made him feel neglected, and now he suddenly came up with such an awesome new technology, which flattered Gao Yuan.

The small fusion device is really amazing. Without it, the future world will be incomplete.

For example, small nuclear fusion devices are a precursor to robotics.

Only with a small nuclear fusion device can robots be able to perform tasks for a long time without being limited by the total amount of energy.

Can you imagine that during a fierce battle, the war robot returns to the base to recharge, and says hello to the opponent's commander, and when I come back fully charged, we can fight again?

Another example is starships. It is impossible for all starships to be big ones weighing hundreds of thousands of tons. Reconnaissance ships, star mapping ships, and interceptor ships, these small starships are also indispensable.

All in all, small fusion devices are important technological products in the era of the big universe. Together with large-scale fusion, energy shields, and energy traction, they are all indispensable in interstellar travel.

Gao Yuan has a feeling that the system seems to be doing its best to help him open the space travel technology tree, and the reward for holding back the ultimate move in the end may be related to this.


As a ray of white light shines into Gao Yuan's brain, a lot of theoretical knowledge about energy fusion miniaturization is stored and fixed, becoming part of Gao Yuan's personal memory.

"I see!"

"So this is ah!"

"You can still do this!?"

Gao Yuan tried to learn and integrate these knowledge and theories, and quickly became astonished.

After successfully winning the controllable fusion project, Gao Yuan has not thought about miniaturization and allowing robots, electric vehicles, and even smaller machines and electrical appliances to use fusion energy.

However, all his efforts ended in failure without exception. Now he finally knows that the original small nuclear fusion device is not to scale down the large fusion generator, but to start from scratch and use a completely different technical path to solve the problem. Problems with fusion reactions and magnetic confinement.

I have been on the wrong path all this time, no wonder I still can't make it.


Gao Yuan's eyes sparkled, and he picked up the phone and called his personal secretary Chu Luoluo, "Luoluo, call everyone for a meeting right away. We want to study a new project!"

There was no update yesterday because I went to XZ and was suffering from severe altitude sickness, a splitting headache, difficulty breathing, and even wanting to die.

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