The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 324 New life! Super stem cell technology!

Chapter 326 New life! Super stem cell technology!

Gao Yuan returned to his office, locked the door and entered the system space.

The crisp sound heard on the way back was indeed the system prompt when the task was completed. At this moment, the huge text on the system panel displayed the following content.

"The task has been completed and the evaluation level is excellent."

"The mission rewards have been accumulated. Do you want to accept a new mission?"


"Without rewards and dispatching tasks one after another non-stop, does the system really treat me like a mule?" Gao Yuan curled his lips and muttered to himself.

Gao Yuan has a feeling that since the start of the controllable fusion mission, the system seems to have been accelerating, and the suspension of reward distribution is more like holding back the ultimate move. After accumulating to a certain extent, it will give Gao Yuan a big surprise.

"I hope it goes as I expected."

Gao Yuan nodded slightly and chose to accept the task.

"The new mission, life genetic engineering, do you accept it now?"

Gao Yuan looked at the text on the mission panel, his expression fell into a dull expression, and then turned into ecstasy.

What is life genetic engineering?

To put it simply, it is to precisely control the human body at the cellular level, repair the damage caused by disease, and even extend human life to the maximum, until immortality.

Facing the long and endless universe, the biggest enemy of mankind is life span. No one can travel the entire universe in a limited life span. As for temporary life sealing technologies such as cryonics, they only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and can easily cause serious consequences in the process. Nerve damage, the risks are high and the benefits are small.

Assuming that Mr. Qian Xuesen could live to this day and continue his research work for two or five hundred years, what a huge contribution would that be to mankind?

Gao Yuan often thinks like this when he has nothing to do.

For a scum, even one second of life is a waste, they do not deserve to be born in this world.

For those who have made significant contributions to all mankind, even if they live for ten thousand years, no one will think it is too long, and they only hope to never lose them.

Of course, there are our loved ones...

In an instant, Gao Yuan thought of many things. Relying on genetic engineering to eliminate diseases and enable humans to achieve a state of near-immortality is certainly a good thing, but at the same time, it will also bring about many social problems.

No matter what, let's take it one step at a time and choose to accept the task with consciousness. In an instant, the knowledge and data about life genetic engineering entered Plateau's brain and became his inseparable and permanent memory.

"Super stem cell cultivation and transplantation technology!?"

“It turns out to be this technical route!”

Gao Yuan experienced the newly added knowledge in his mind and felt an indescribable excitement that made his blood rush and his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

For a long time, people who eat melons have always had a misunderstanding, thinking that researchers in genetics and life sciences do not do anything serious. After so long, why is it that there is still no breakthrough in human lifespan, and it is difficult to get rid of the entanglement of birth, old age, illness and death.

To put it this way, cutting-edge research in life sciences is actually somewhat underestimated. From ancient times to the present, humans have always invested a lot in the study of immortality. Ancient alchemists refining elixirs, and modern scholars recombinant genetic maps are essentially the same thing. Son, I just want to seek eternal life.

As for the research results, basically the average life span of modern people is close to the physiological limit of human beings.

And this limit is one hundred and forty years old.

In other words, in the absence of fundamental breakthroughs in modern life sciences, no matter how many supplements you drink from childhood to adulthood, stay in shape perfectly without smoking or drinking, exhaust all efforts, and hire the most prestigious doctors in the world, In the end, it is impossible to exceed the natural chasm of one hundred and forty years old.

Logically speaking, human cells are renewed every day, old cells die and new cells take their place.

When you look at your right hand, you need to understand that although your right hand now has the same shape as your right hand two years ago, it is completely different in nature. Every cell has been replaced.

There is God's will. Inside the cell, a small thing called telomere determines the number of cell divisions. According to different genetic genes, the limit of telomere division is usually around fifty times. Whoever completes five times first After ten cell divisions, who will meet the great man first? Things are so simple and cruel.

Sometimes we say that someone is energetic and has a fast metabolism. In fact, it is not necessarily a compliment, because science tells us that only beings with a slow metabolism like tortoises can last for a long time. If they have a fast metabolism, they often walk fast.

So the question is, if we change the telomeres and let them divide forever, can't we live forever?

Not to mention, there are cells in the world that are constantly dividing and never age. These cells that reproduce indefinitely are called cancer cells...

All in all, under the current scientific conditions, it is impossible to have immortality. Scientists are very certain about the research conclusions of life sciences. No one can reach the age of 140, no matter how much money you have.

So at the beginning of the 21st century, the world's richest people have invested in telomere research. Since there is no breakthrough in life span, people hope that telomeres will be full of vitality, at least within their limited life span, they can live healthier.

In addition, researchers led by Harvard Life Sciences Laboratory Sinclair hope to reduce self-oxidation and activate the AMPK gene channel to achieve longevity and health.

Pauling, the king of chemistry, crazily proposed the antioxidant theory of vitamin C. He practiced it and took up to fifteen grams of vitamin C every day. You know, the vitamin C supplements we buy from pharmacies only have 100 mg per tablet. Pauling, he, Take at least 150 tablets of vitamin C every day!

Of course, Comrade Pauling was ninety-three years old, and his lifespan was far longer than that of most people. And according to speculation, if he took vitamin C before each meal to avoid the negative effect of vitamin C accelerating iron absorption, he might still have lost his life. A few more years to live.

In any case, in the dark ages before the emergence of new technologies, even the super genius Pauling, who won the Nobel Prize twice, could only rely on desperate madness to try to increase his lifespan, and no one can explain it clearly so far. , whether Pauling's longevity was due to eating a lot of vitamin C.

This is such a despairing tragedy. The king of chemistry is still running around like a headless fly, let alone ordinary people who have no knowledge base.

But from this moment on, things finally changed. Gao Yuan got the key to a new chapter in life sciences, and the name of this key was super stem cell technology.

In fact, stem cells are not a new term. Life science researchers discovered the unparalleled power of stem cells a long time ago. Many rich people quietly inject stem cells into the body to replace the blood of young people, all trying to use this path. An attempt to gain immortality.

Simply put, stem cells are a kind of universal cell. When your liver is damaged due to long-term alcohol abuse, stem cells will enter your liver and transform into liver cells.

In the same way, stem cells can also be transformed into any component of your body. As long as you have enough stem cell reserves, you can continue to repair and replace your body, and you will never die.

Unfortunately, you don't.

Super stem cell technology attempts to create eternal life from two aspects. The first is in vitro culture.

Using advanced biotechnology, stem cells are cultured and replicated in vitro, and then injected into the human body to build a stem cell reserve pool.

Having a stem cell reserve pool is amazing. Any damage to the body can be repaired by extracting stem cells from the reserve pool.

However, the stem cell reserve pool only solves the problem of raw materials. How to use these raw materials to accurately repair damaged parts of the body and eliminate cancerous parts requires another black technology, genetic engineering technology.

Life is like a building. The raw materials and construction workers work together to build the building and maintain it for a long time.

Those wealthy people may be able to buy a sufficient number of stem cells and inject them into their bodies, but in the end they will not be able to live forever because they do not have the corresponding genetic engineering technology.

Gao Yuan spent some time and finally figured out what he had. Although he was still not sure whether enough stem cells could create immortality, he thought he was really not far away from immortality.

Therefore, after just finishing the research on miniaturization of nuclear fusion, Gao Yuan started research in the field of life science without stopping.

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