The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 331 Super-time and space quantum communication technology comes to Neptune!

The hyperspace quantum communication plan is advancing rapidly. In the blink of an eye, Children's Day is coming on June 1st, and major live broadcast rooms around the world are opening on time.

As time goes by, the speed at which Plateau releases black technology has not become faster and faster, but has slowed down a lot. It usually takes two or three months before there is a major technology release.

The audience has gradually become accustomed to this. After all, Gao Yuan has repeatedly emphasized that technology changes life. It is one thing to develop new technologies, but it is another thing to put the technology into practice and enter the lives of millions of people.

Furthermore, black technology is not a piece of cabbage. It cannot pop out of the cracks in the rocks at any time. It requires a lot of time to study and try.

In short, on Children's Day, June 1st, at 9:30 a.m., the audience flocked to the venue. At 10 a.m., Gao Yuan appeared in front of the camera wearing a white shirt and jeans that had never changed for thousands of years, with the same smile on his face.

"Hello everyone, welcome to Kunlun Group's live show."

"As we all know, we have completed the research and development of some space technologies not long ago, which has promoted China's rapid progress towards the stars and the sea."

"Today, I will bring you a very shocking and disruptive black technology, please watch it on the big screen!"

As soon as Gao Yuan finished speaking, a planet appeared on the screen. Its blue color was even more in line with the positioning of a blue star than the earth.

"I know, this is Neptune! The farthest one from the sun among the eight planets!"

"Awesome, the Chinese probe has reached as far as Neptune?"

"The key point is, look at this picture. This is the first time I have seen Neptune so clearly!"

"No, those flashing light spots should be thunderstorms on Neptune."

"Could it be that the technological products to be released this time are related to Neptune?"

"What would it be? A colony on Neptune?"

"Please understand the properties of Neptune before we talk about it. Not to mention humans, not even robots can survive on Neptune. The high temperature and pressure in that damn place can press carbon into diamonds."

The audience was talking a lot, and they were all shocked by the Neptune in the picture.

On August 25, 1989, Voyager 2 arrived in the orbit of Neptune. It was the only time in history that a human spacecraft has come close to Neptune.

Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the technical conditions at the time, the image data sent back by Voyager 2 was of poor quality. People only know that Neptune is blue and has the most violent thunderstorms in the entire solar system.

To this day, the Chinese aircraft has once again arrived near Neptune and brought live broadcast footage with extraordinary clarity, which naturally shocked all viewers.

Smiling slightly, Gao Yuan faced the camera and said: "Yes, the protagonist of today's live broadcast is not me, but Neptune. Just yesterday, our Neptune probe just arrived at its scheduled destination, and I will control this probe to enter Neptune. Inside, get a glimpse of the most distant and mysterious planet in the solar system.”

"Now, our Neptune probe has begun to accelerate and rush towards the atmosphere!"

As Gao Yuan explained, the picture indeed began to approach the blue planet. The speed was not particularly fast, probably to keep the live broadcast picture stable.

"Entered! The Neptune probe successfully penetrated into the atmosphere. The gases you see now are composed of a large amount of methane and hydrogen! They appear in a white curling shape, very strange and magnificent!"

"The thickness of the cirrus cloud layer is about ten kilometers. At our current speed, we can pass through it very quickly."

"Look, everyone, the temperature is dropping rapidly and has already reached minus 212 degrees!"

"Viewers! We have now reached the hydrogen sulfide clouds! This place is filled with a pungent and unpleasant smell, and the air pressure is six times that of the earth!"

"Awesome! So awesome!"

"Viewers, please pay attention to the real-time wind speed displayed by the Neptune probe!"

"Two thousand one hundred kilometers per hour! Our detector is increasing the energy value of the fusion jet to fight against the fastest wind in the entire solar system!"

"Neptune is the king of winds in the solar system! Even the wind speed on Jupiter is far inferior!"

"Viewers, this is so amazing! It's completely dark all around. Because it's too far away from the sun, light can't reach the middle region of Neptune. The wind here is still fierce, but there is no light anymore. The claustrophobic darkness makes people feel depressed. .”


Accompanied by a lifetime of deafening thunder, white lightning pierced the sky and was extremely dazzling, followed by the exciting sounds of the plateau.

"Friends in the audience! Our detector has successfully reached the sailor cloud! It is no longer cold here, the temperature and air pressure are rising rapidly!"

"Come on, the pressure has reached 10,000 atmospheres! I can seem to feel that the Neptune probe, which is made of super strong carbon materials, is trembling at the moment!"

"Oh my god, the temperature has exceeded one thousand degrees Celsius! The detector is facing the double test of high pressure and high temperature!"

"The exciting time has come!"

"The superheated layer, this is the superheated layer of Neptune, friends!

"Our pressure gauge has failed because the external pressure at this moment has been beyond imagination! It has exceeded the limit of the pressure gauge! And the temperature has reached 4,000 degrees! Can you imagine, the pressure exploded! The temperature exceeded 4,000 degrees! What kind of hell on earth it is!”

"Attention, please pay attention! The detector is starting to lag!"

"This is because methane and ammonia ice become viscous under high temperature and pressure and appear in a fluid state!"

"It's amazing! Those dazzling spots of light are all diamonds!"

"I'm not lying to you. Due to the high temperature and high pressure, all the floating carbon atoms crystallized into diamond state!"

"There are so many! The spots of light that appear all over the sky like a torrential rain are all diamonds, my friends! This is a rain of diamonds that you can't even imagine, my friends!"

"Awesome!" Gao Yuan shouted hoarsely, but his voice broke here.

"After an arduous landing process, our detector has arrived at Neptune itself!"

"This is a solid continent made of rock and ice crystals!"

“The dazzling light of diamonds is shining everywhere! There are so many of them, it’s like a sea of ​​diamonds!”


Just when Gao Yuan was getting excited while explaining, the scene in front of him suddenly stopped and turned into darkness, while Gao Yuan also froze in place, revealing the dark color of regret.

"What's going on!? What's going on!?"

"Why is the live broadcast gone? Where is the legendary Neptune Diamond Sea!?"

"I'm so excited, so excited! I'm about to squirt because of Boss Gao!"

"Isn't that right? It's just a live broadcast. Do you want to be so passionate?"

"Originally, I was quite calm and prepared to watch a live broadcast of interstellar science, but Boss Gao's voice was really unbearable and the sense of immersion was too strong!"

The audience sent out barrages one after another, asking why the live broadcast was suddenly interrupted. At the same time, they were still complaining. Gao Yuan howled at the top of his lungs all the way, and his blood was excited. As a result, the audience watching the live broadcast also rose and fell emotionally with Gao Yuan. It's like being on a roller coaster.

After watching a live broadcast, I felt like I had a heart attack.


After being stunned for a long time, Gao Yuan finally let out a deep sigh, with a look of regret on his face, and said to the camera: "I'm sorry for the audience, due to the high temperature and pressure inside Neptune, our detector has been unable to withstand the huge pressure. And crashed."

"Although the Neptune probe has been destroyed, it has still made its own contribution and left us with first-hand images of this magical planet, as well as a large amount of field survey data."

At this time, the corner of Gao Yuan's mouth slightly curved, revealing a rather mysterious smile.

"In the live broadcast just now, I don't know if you noticed that due to the distance, the data delay between the Earth and Neptune is about five hours, but we successfully controlled the detector in real time and transferred the captured images The data is transmitted back to the Earth headquarters in real time. Why is this? How do we control the Neptune probe from a long distance?"

Gao Yuan had a wicked smile on his face and asked a series of questions, leaving all the audience stunned.

Just now I was just watching the detector approaching Neptune, and I didn't notice at all that this was a live broadcast. You know, Neptune is thirty astronomical units away from the sun, making it the farthest among the eight planets.

Just when everyone was confused, Gao Yuan's voice suddenly sounded, "It's very simple, because this is not a live broadcast about the detection of Neptune at all, but we are testing super-time and space quantum communication technology!"

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