The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 339 The trap of the Seventh Expeditionary Fleet! 【The final chapter】


Unparalleled excitement.

The Euler Empire's expedition fleet was dispatched. Like great white sharks that smelled blood, they desperately pounced on the cantilever outside the Milky Way, the inconspicuous place called the Solar System.

Fleet Captain General Friedrich is a middle-aged man with great ambitions. The head of state promised him that as long as he can occupy the solar system before other interstellar civilizations, he will be the first colonial governor of the solar system, and his Future generations will once and for all share in the benefits from the solar system.

Standing on the front deck of the flagship Brilliance, General Friedrich spread his legs slightly, witnessing the stars disappearing rapidly due to the warp effect, with a proud smile on his lips.

"It would be a very happy thing if I could settle down on Earth and spend my old age peacefully." Friedrich muttered softly.

For a long time, many people on Earth have felt that since the universe is so big, there should be many planets with environments similar to Earth's.

But no.

A habitable planet with a suitable environment and rich species is like housing in a school district in a metropolitan city. It will always be a scarce resource.

In fact, even Nagadelin, the capital of the powerful Euler Empire, is inferior to Earth. However, the Euler Empire has been operating in Nagadelin for a long time and has already built it into the strongest structure in the universe. One of the fortress planets.

It is not that the head of the Euler Empire has not considered moving the capital after occupying the earth. The environment of the earth and the radiation-filled Oort Nebula in the outer reaches of the solar system are all these qualities that deeply attract the head of state.

However, considering the long distance and the huge cost of moving the capital, the head of state finally gave up the idea.

It is impossible to move the capital, but the head of the earth is determined.

There is never an airtight wall in the world. The news that the Euler Empire has discovered a planet with advanced habitations will be known to other forces sooner or later.

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, the Führer sent General Friedrich to lead the Empire's elite Seventh Expeditionary Fleet, and promised Friedrich a reward that he could not refuse to avoid long nights and many dreams.

The encounter between the Euler Empire and the Earth was an accident, but everything that happened afterwards depended on the greed of intelligent life.

Liu Cixin once said that the universe is like a dark forest with no rules. Every civilization carefully searches for prey in the forest, and at the same time, it must avoid being hunted by others.

People who believe that there must be good intentions among civilizations are either naive fools or brainwashed lunatics.

Looking at the predicament China is facing today, isn't this a manifestation of the ill will between different civilizations?

In any case, Friedrich is here, the 7th Expedition Fleet of the Euler Empire is here, and the hunters in the dark forest are rushing towards the earth at full speed.

Even with the Euler Empire's most advanced warp drive, it still took three years and five months to travel from the empire's capital, Nagadelin, to the solar system.

On the scale of the earth, a lot of things can happen in three years, but on the scale of the universe, three years is not even a moment.

So Friedrich was very confident. It was only three years, so what if we let the earth develop? Could it be that they could still use three years to build enough equipment to resist the Seventh Expeditionary Fleet?

How can it be!

You know, the flagship of the Seventh Expeditionary Fleet, the Glory, is a super-dreadnought ship that can easily destroy asteroid-level objects with its terrifying howitzer cannon.

Just to build the Glory, the Imperial Navy's giant shipyard in Viner took a full twenty-nine years and four months.

The entire Seventh Expeditionary Fleet, in addition to the flagship Brilliance, also has the sub-flagships Split, Dominator, Gulf, and Full Moon, with as many as twenty-six main battleships, one hundred and ninety-two cruisers of various types, and one thousand Two hundred and thirty-five frigates, reconnaissance ships, logistics supply ships, heavily armed assault ships, and so on.

Not to mention the earth, which has a very low level of civilization, even medium-sized cosmic forces may not be able to block the offensive of the Seventh Expeditionary Fleet.

General Friedrich was confident about the coming war. He declared to his deputy Hal that only three Earth days would be enough to capture the entire solar system.

As for the seven billion people on earth, Friedrich has no intention of killing them. Facing the infinite universe, population is not only not a burden, but also a very scarce resource.

After all, no matter how large the territory of the empire is, it still needs wise people to manage, cultivate and develop it.

Therefore, the final destiny of the seven billion people on earth will be to serve the empire's great colonial cause and be assigned to all corners of the universe to engage in the most difficult and lonely work.

The Earth will be occupied by Magpie Nest Doves. The nobles and businessmen from the Empire have already impatiently purchased the land promissory notes on the Earth. Once the Seventh Expedition Fleet successfully captures the Earth, they can use the promissory notes to share the land on the Earth. soil of.

"The future is so wonderful." General Friedrich sighed.

"General!" the deputy's voice came from behind.

"Speak." Friedrich said in a deep voice without looking back.

"We are about to pass through the Oort Cloud and enter the solar system. You said, let me remind you." Deputy Hal said.

"Understood, I really want to see what the expressions of those ignorant Earthlings will be like when our Seventh Fleet appears in the solar system. I remember the report said that the Earthlings have the ability to detect the entire galaxy. Ability, right?" The general asked with a wicked sense of humor.

The deputy nodded, "Yes, General, the people on earth have the ability to detect the entire galaxy. Once an existence like the Seventh Expeditionary Fleet appears, it will definitely be discovered by those people on earth, which will scare the shit out of them."

Having said that, the deputy stood on the side of the general. At this moment, the surrounding starry sky began to move slowly, and the entire Seventh Expeditionary Fleet entered a state of diminishing warp speed.

A few minutes later, when the fleet ended its warp voyage, passed through the Oort Cloud, and entered the solar system, the scene in front of it petrified General Friedrich on the spot.

The general looked pale and kept rubbing his eyes with his hands, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"what on earth is it!?"

"Oh my God, we're surrounded!"

"Trap! There are too many enemies. I have never seen such an amazing scene in my life!"

"It can't be true, right? Is there something wrong with the radar array? It's all an illusion!"

The crew members were the first to panic. They shouted desperately in the command center and frantically checked various scan data, trying to confirm whether the enemy was real or just an illusion.

If it is the latter, they may still have hope of survival, but if it is the former, I believe that no one in the entire Seventh Expedition Fleet will be able to see the nebula in their hometown again.

After all, the gap in strength is really too big. Who can imagine that those crazy earthlings created a large ocean of battleships, and they even went so far as to hollow out the resources of the entire solar system!

Looking around, there are dilapidated planets everywhere. Jupiter has become an energy supply station for the Earth Fleet, Saturn and Venus have become mines for the Earth Fleet, and the Kuiper Belt is full of Earth mining ships.

In just three years and five months, the solar system has completely changed. People on Earth are like a large group of crazy ants, collecting all the resources they can and building all the warships they can.

"It's finished, we're finished!"

"Why on earth? Why can the earth develop so rapidly!?"

"Damn it, what the hell are we in!"

"General! What should we do!?"

"General! Please give the order as soon as possible!"

Beside General Friedrich, the wailing continued. It was a kind of desperate wailing that would only be emitted when a person can't see any hope and his spirit is on the verge of collapse due to excessive pressure.

However, what made them collapse even more was yet to come. The sea of ​​battleships began to lock onto themselves at the same time.

This is like a lonely and helpless person surrounded by 10,000 special soldiers, with the black muzzles of 10,000 assault rifles pointed at his head. Assuming that a mentally fragile person encounters this situation, he is afraid that he will be killed on the spot. Scared to death.


As the Earth Fleet approached, General Friedrich finally discovered that standing behind the other side's porthole turned out to be a group of robots.

Robots are commanding the starships, and the mining ships in the distance are also commanded by robots. There are countless earth bases throughout the solar system, all of which are produced and worked by robots. They are responsible for mining minerals, refining metals, and manufacturing warships.

What’s even scarier is that the robots are also responsible for making robots.

In this way, the Earth fleet has almost unlimited productivity, and the robots make themselves and then make everything.

No wonder…

After General Friedrich figured out the power of advanced intelligent robots, he couldn't help but gasp. With seven billion humans, there is no way the earth could have developed to this extent in three years and five months.

But, robots can!

The little earth that is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the general is actually a civilization that masters advanced artificial intelligence and advanced robotics technology!

I regret that I came to provoke these madmen. Now the size of the Earth's fleet has exceeded 100,000 starships, which is enough to overthrow the most powerful force in the universe!

And all this took only three years and five months...

"General! The other party took the signal!"

"Oh my God, they hacked our command data link!"

As the crew members exclaimed loudly, the image of Gao Yuan appeared on the screen. He was young and thin, and his skin was slightly pale due to spending many years in the laboratory.

The ultra-quantum computer has unparalleled logical computing capabilities, and it is not difficult to crack the data link of the Seventh Expedition Fleet.


The general gulped, thinking that this man should be the ruler of the earth...

Just as he was thinking about how to talk to Gao Yuan, another red-haired cartoon appeared.

"Either life or death! Old man, you choose one!" The red-haired cartoon boy wiped his nose with his thumb and said sternly: "Hmph! If the master hadn't stopped me, I would have thought that there would be a guy like you in the universe. Leave no one behind, kill them all!”

General Friedrich: # %…………%#@#@##

Full text, end.

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