The Third Prince Of Darkness

Chapter 49:Battle of Elgarion

In the South, near the Elgar Mountains, there was a great city. This city was never conquered because one side was surrounded by mountains and the other by a river. Additionally, this city was the birthplace of the Conqueror Ogedion. He was a great emperor who had captured most of the Human Continent and even the northern shores of the Drakoria Continent. The legendary man's birthplace was the city of Elgarion, which was currently the capital of the Elgarion Clan.

And today, a red-haired, limping man who was a fan of the Conqueror Ogedion was looking down at the great city from the caves within the Elgar Mountains. The man's name was Alpshar, and he had already captured half of the southern clans with his own hands. Each passing day, this red-haired man was turning into a greater legend. He was only 18 years old, but his fame had already spread across all the continent.

Last year, Alpshar had fought against an army much larger than his own when the three largest southern clans formed a coalition and attacked him. He won that battle with cunning tactics and became the most powerful man in the South in an instant. Undoubtedly, Alpshar played dirty, but it was necessary for him. His life had been full of hardships since the day he was born, and he always had to fight.

Now, after all these events, he was about to do something for the first time because he wanted to. He wanted to take the city of Elgarion. As known, no one had ever taken the city of Elgarion, and if someone did, it would bring great prestige. However, what Alpshar cared about was not prestige.


"Fragontt" was the respectful title used to address the southern clan leaders. Just as the king in the North was addressed as "Your Majesty," the clan leader in the South was addressed as Fragontt. It was not considered proper to address the top person in the hierarchy by name. Moreover, since the word Fragontt was based on an ancient mythological story, it was thought that being called by this title was necessary for legitimacy.

Alpshar turned around and looked at the man who called him.

"The preparations are complete. What are your orders?" he asked, bowing his head.

"Good. We will wait until night," said Alpshar, turning back to look at the city below from the small natural window in the cave.

"Sir, our supply routes will be extended for a long time—"

"Where did you find the courage to give me advice? Did anyone ask for your opinion?!" Alpshar snapped in a harsh tone. After puberty, his voice had become quite deep and slightly rough.

"I have committed a dreadful sin, Fragontt. I request my head to be cut off right now for forgiveness" he said, quickly kneeling.

Southern people were a warrior community. And the most crucial criterion for the continuation of warrior communities was discipline and hierarchical structure. Indeed, the main reason why the southern people could never be occupied by the northerners for a long time was this. In this community, making a mistake against someone of a higher rank was the greatest sin. Therefore, over time, the sociological structure of the southerners had developed to a level that could be considered quite radical.

"As Fragontt, I do not allow this. But today, go and think for a long time about the mistake you made," said Alpshar.

"Yes, sir!" he said loudly and hurried away. Undoubtedly, he would truly think about the mistake he made for a long time.

This was how the evolution of this society had developed, and looking at history, it was clear why the southerners were such hard opponents. There was a saying in the southern sages: "The day the southerners stop fighting among themselves will be the day the world finds its true owner."

As night began to fall, Alpshar reviewed his plans one last time. The desire to capture Elgarion was beyond personal ambitions; it would be a symbol for the unification of the southern clans. Taking Elgarion could mark the beginning of a period where the southerners could unite and aim for greater goals.

The preparations in Alpshar's army in the mountains were complete. Alpshar's soldiers were moving quietly, preparing the necessary equipment and weapons. Alpshar trusted the discipline and loyalty of his men. Winning this battle would not only be a tactical victory but also a turning point that would change the fate of the southerners.

There was a specific reason for Alpshar's night attack. Today was the tenth day of the ninth month of the year, a very important day. It was the birthday of the great Conqueror Ogedion. Today, there was a grand celebration in the city of Elgarion, where they claimed to be the greatest representatives of Conqueror Ogedion. But already, The soldiers and city residents had nothing to worry about, as the city had never been conquered throughout history.

In fact, no one had dared to attack this city for the last hundred years. But tonight was a night that would shock the entire South. The crazy leader of the South, Alpshar was about to attack this city.

Alpshar's small army emerged from the mountains and slowly descended a bit. After all, the place they had stayed in all this time was quite high. The army of about two thousand men, after descending enough, positioned themselves at the planned location.

"Prepare!" a man shouted the order in a deep voice.

The entire army activated their Kaizer power. The soldiers in this army were at least at Kaizer Stage 2. But mostly, it consisted of soldiers who had reached Kaizer Stage 3 or 4. There were even a few soldiers who had reached Kaizer Stage 6 among them.


With this command, the army of two thousand mages launched their attacks on the city of Elgarion. As magical attacks rained down on the city, most of the soldiers meant to defend Elgarion were either drunk or unconscious. After all, today was their greatest holiday.

And thus, at 1:15 AM, the Battle of Elgarion began.

The magical attacks falling on Elgarion drove the city into unexpected chaos. Buildings were collapsing, streets were engulfed in flames, and the citizens were fleeing in panic. Alpshar's plan was working flawlessly; an unprotected and unprepared city could not withstand a night attack.

Alpshar, leading his army, was directing the assault. This young man, looking as if he had lost his mind, was determined to break through the legendary walls of Elgarion. The attacks from the mountains by the mages were mostly focused on the inner and outer walls of the city. Of course, such a large city could not be taken with just two thousand soldiers. The main army was waiting in the forest across the river.

Because it was a holiday in Elgarion today, the guard towers outside the city were very weak. Few soldiers were stationed outside the city, and most of the Elgarion soldiers guarding these positions were drunk.

Yes... Alpshar had planned this day in every detail years in advance.

Alpshar’s main army, hidden in the forest across the river, began to flow towards the city. The Elgarion soldiers, suddenly forced to wake up, rushed to the walls facing the mountains, as the attack had come from there. But they didn't know this would be a fatal mistake. The main army of Alpshar entered through the outer walls with little resistance and began to flood into the city through the inner walls with relatively more resistance.

Meanwhile, the mage army attacking from the mountains continued their assault without stopping, but since Alpshar had ordered his soldiers not to attack the city’s historical and artistic structures, the army in the mountains didn't have much difficulty.

Everything had already gone according to plan, and the main army had already entered the city. So at 2:00 AM, Alpshar gave the order for the mage army to launch a full-scale attack, and the army of two thousand quickly ran down from the mountains to reach the walls of Elgarion.

The soldiers on the walls facing the mountains had abandoned their positions because of the larger attack coming from the river. Therefore, when the mages easily entered the city, the Elgarion army found itself surrounded by enemy soldiers on both sides.

So the Elgarion army was like ice melting in the summer heat , began to slowly disappear.

When the first light of dawn hit the east, the city of Elgarion was nothing more than a battlefield. Amidst destroyed buildings, rubble, and chaos, the city was now under the control of Alpshar's army. But very little damage had been done to special structures.

The city’s residents were trying to understand what had happened in shock, but they already knew an attack had taken place. Thus, especially women and children were staying in safe places. Mostly hiding in temples and basements, women and children were trembling with fear. Among these women was a beautiful and intelligent woman who would later become Alpshar's first wife.

When Alpshar, clad in armor, entered the city on his noble steed, all parts of the city had already been taken under control, and all the top officials of the city had been captured.

And so, having won the Battle of Elgarion in just one night, Alpshar once again achieved a success that would be written in golden letters in history books.

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