The Third Prince Of Darkness

Chapter 54:The Devil

Despite being surrounded by nobles, I looked at Count Luadrin, who was speaking arrogantly. The last thing I wanted right now was for something foolish to happen at the opening party of my media company, especially in the presence of such important figures.

"Thank you for your offer, Count Luadrin, but we don't need your protection" I said.

The whispering of the nearby nobles and the frown on Count Luadrin's face made it clear that my words were not very polite. Well, I still haven't adapted to the way these nobles speak.

"Are you sure? The south is dangerous, especially for a northerner like you," he said with a smirk.

This man... I don't know why, but the more he talked, the angrier I got.

"Thank you for your concern, but I don't think there will be a problem" I said. After all, I had made many plans to ensure there would be no issues. With the information I would obtain from the servant guild, I could sway a high-ranking noble in the Kingdom of Herumzam to my side.

"Concern? Me? For you? Hahaha! I was just being merciful to you, boy. But now I realize you definitely don't deserve my mercy. Let's see if you can make any money in our kingdom" he said threateningly.

This man dared to threaten me, huh? Heh, arrogant people like this drive me crazy. Oh no, I think my dark element is starting to react, and my anger is rising uncontrollably, but thankfully I can still control myself... I hope I can.

"Count Luadrin, you are overstepping your bounds! There are certain etiquette rules you must follow as a guest here. Please mind your manners" said Marquis Benjamin, intervening.

"Yes, yes, that's right! Especially insulting northerners is unbecoming behavior" said another noble.

Count Luadrin looked around with a frown. Seeing the disapproval and shock in the eyes of the other nobles, he paused for a moment. But soon, a haughty smile returned to his face. "Ah, you misunderstood me," he said mockingly. "I just wanted to help a young and inexperienced businessman from the north, but it seems this young man is brave enough to challenge me. I declare in front of all of you that Baron Arthur's Godfather Bank will never operate in the Kingdom of Herumzam!" Count Luadrin said arrogantly.

"Count Luadrin... you call me inexperienced, yet you threaten a man you know nothing about... This could lead to your demise. You should be careful," I said.

I really can't control the dark element. I didn't mean to say that, but it just slipped out. Haah... there's nothing I can do. I can't back down at this point.

"Are you threatening me, young man?" said Count Luadrin, frowning. His haughty expression had disappeared, and he now looked at me with the eyes of a predator. I immediately understood he was strong because he was emanating from his aura.

"Oh no, Count Luadrin, you misunderstood me..." I said, smiling.

Everyone thought I was backing down, and Count Luadrin's lips curved into a haughty smile again, but I continued speaking.

"Why would I threaten you? After all, only a fool would bend down and threaten a bug. If I wanted to kill a bug, a simple movement of my foot would be enough."

When these words echoed throughout the room, everyone looked at me in shock. Huuh, the dark element is getting stronger, I think. But I already have to kill Count Luadrin. After all, he could cause me problems in the Kingdom of Herumzam. Also, if I had bowed my head to Count Luadrin passively here, people might think I'm an easy target. Besides, I plan to reveal my true identity as a prince one day, and if I reveal it before ascending the throne, people might make bold moves. 

"Now... I think you understand that you are not wanted here. Please leave before you embarrass yourself further" I continued.

Count Luadrin's face was red with anger. The fury he could no longer hide was reflected in the mocking glances of the surrounding nobles. He took a few steps back and took a deep breath, but he didn't take his eyes off me.

"You will pay for this disrespect, Baron Arthur," he hissed. "You don't want to make enemies in the Kingdom of Herumzam." He said and angrily turned and walked towards the main door. After he left, I could feel the nobles looking at me differently.

The silence among the nobles was broken by the echoes of Count Luadrin's angry steps. When everyone's gaze turned to me, there were traces of mixed emotions on their faces. Some were respectful, some curious, and some clearly fearful. Marquis Benjamin stepped forward and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Baron Arthur, your courage and determination are admirable. But I must remind you to be careful. Count Luadrin could be a dangerous enemy."

I nodded slightly in gratitude. "I am grateful for your concern, Marquis Benjamin. But if I am to succeed in the Kingdom of Herumzam, I am aware that I must proceed without fear and with determination."

Marquis Benjamin's granddaughter, Marilanne, was also looking at me with admiration. What is this feeling growing inside me now? Ahh, I felt this before too. I don't know why, but after losing Emilia, I developed a desire to add all the beautiful women I saw to my harem. But I must save this desire for the Dragon Academy. After all, I have plans for some women there, and I don't need too many women around me now. Besides, Avanne more than meets my sexual needs.

Then the other nobles approached us, offering various praises and warnings. During this time, I kept thinking about Count Luadrin's threats and the reactions of my dark element. Controlling my power was vital for both myself and my media company.

As the party progressed, the tension in the atmosphere gradually began to dissipate. People returned to chatting and dancing. However, the shadow of Luadrin's threat still lingered over us. I continued to socialize and build good relationships with people as planned, seeking to establish new allies. At the end of the party, I gifted everyone who attended with the finest cigars, which had never been sold before, and bid each person farewell by giving them the first issue of our magazine and first weekly news magazines printed from the press.

When everyone had left, only Avanne remained in the room, gazing at me with passionate eyes. She finally approached me, wrapping her arms around my neck. Rising onto her toes to kiss my lips, I bent down slightly and kissed her back.

"Are you free tonight, Excellency?" she asked with her seductive voice.

"Sorry, but I can't. I have business tonight" I replied.

Though Avanne tried to hide it, I could sense her disappointment. "I'll make it up to you another day" I said.

"That's fine. You know I'm not a flirt, right? You don't think I'm one of those kind of women because I want you so much, do you? I only behave like this towards you..." she said, pulling away.

After kissing her lips once more, I pulled back and caressed her cheek. Her cheeks reddened slightly from my sudden gesture. "I know you're not that kind of woman. I have to leave now, but when you wake up in the morning, you'll find me beside you, wrapped around you. Good?" I said.

"R-Really? Well then, I hope you don't forget" she said.

What’s this? Why has she started blushing when talking to me recently? Anyway, I really need to go now.

"I won’t forget. See you later," I said and immediately left through the door behind us, merging into the darkness of the night.


(Third-person POV)

—A few hours later

The dim light of the rising moon was unable to illuminate the earth, as rain poured down as if it had suddenly decided to drench everything. Under this rain, several carriages and mounted knights moved quickly. This group was Count Luadrin's escort.

When this group set out, it wasn’t raining, so they were unprepared. While Count Luadrin sat inside the carriage angrily, the sounds of lightning striking the earth rose. As the Count clenched his fist in frustration, he heard another loud sound... but this time; it wasn’t the sound of thunder.

The Count, with irritation, opened the slowly moving carriage door, but all he could see was nothing because of the intensity of the rain. However, amidst the heavy downpour, he could hear pained screams. He quickly went back inside, grabbed the sword from the corner, and activated his Kaizer power. After hearing some incomprehensible sounds for only a few minutes, he heard a loud scream and realized that it was the voice of his own carriage driver. Gripping the sword with his trembling hand, he braced himself.

When the carriage came to a complete stop, the door opened a few seconds later, and a tall man with black hair and lifeless blue eyes, who had to bow his head to enter, stepped inside. Count Luadrin felt the arrogant expression and the noble aura of the man before him with his entire being.

“W-who are you?!” he said with a trembling voice.

"Huh? I almost asked that question myself because I couldn't see the arrogant expression on your face" said the blue-eyed man.

“I warn you! "I am Count Luadrin, a noble of the Herumzam Kingdom with the power of a Tier 3 Kaizer!"

“Oh, is that so? Hah… you’re no fun. Go on, make your best attack” the man replied.

Upon hearing this, Count Luadrin quickly concentrated all his Kaizer power into his right hand and activated the water element. As he prepared his spell, he immediately targeted the man, who was very close by, and released his spell. However, the man began to yawn as he merely raised one hand. The water spell was less than a second away from hitting the man, but something shocking see Luadrin.

Just as the spell was about to reach the man, he directed his hand towards it, and the spell slowly began to disappear as if it had never existed. In just a few seconds, the dark portal in the man’s hand lazily nullified the spell, as if dealing with a child.

“Hm. I guess this ability is quite powerful, huh? Ah, I’ll kill you painlessly for showing me this...I guess...” the man said as he took a few steps closer.

“You’re a devil! A devil! A devil! This can’t be, a devil!” Count Luadrin began to scream.

“Yes, that’s right, I am a devil, and also Prince Ethan. The future emperor,” said Ethan as he grabbed Count Luadrin with his bloody hand.

Then, in that desolate place, the final pained scream was heard...and the howling of the wolves mixed with the rain, amplifying the sounds of nature...

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