The Third Reich: I Became Emperor

Chapter 165

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"Don't worry, I have studied it. The Turkish Air Force is very weak. Apart from purchasing a batch of our fighters, the rest of the fighters are not a big threat to us. Besides, the Air Force is ready to attack the Turkish Air Force. I believe it won't be long before the Turkish Air Force will be wiped out by us. In that case, the Turkish Air Force will not pose any threat to us."General List said with a smile.

He was able to become the marshal of Army Group A, and he still had some ability. It was only because of different ideas that he retired. However, August thought he was a talent, so he demoted him to Greece and let him be in charge of the Greek guerrillas.

It must be mentioned that after List arrived in Greece, the entire guerrillas suffered a devastating blow and were almost wiped out. Fortunately, a consensus had been reached at this time.

"Well, it's always better to be careful. Our attack will start tomorrow morning. We will first bomb the big cities and airports of Turkey to create conditions for the subsequent large-scale offensive of the army."General Wright said loudly.

""Well, how are the vassal armies preparing?" General Lister asked.

Hearing this, General Wright smiled bitterly and said helplessly:"It's just like that. They are a group of rabble. Their combat effectiveness is very poor, not even as good as the third line. However, the morale of the Greek army is very good. They heard that they are going to recapture Constantinople and their morale is high. They can be used."

In this regard, General Lister shook his head and said:"Disband all the vassal armies of Nantes and other six countries, let them form companies and platoons, disguised as guerrillas and enter the rear of the Chicken Country, and use their guerrilla characteristics to destroy the enemy's logistics. The Greek army will let them take the lead. I want to see the combat effectiveness of the Chicken Country's army."

Hearing this, General Wright's eyes lit up. If he were in charge, it might be a regular attack, but General Lister's command made the best use of everything.

First of all, the troops of the six countries of Yugoslavia were newly created, and many of them were originally guerrillas. It was no problem to let them harass the enemy in the rear, but it might not work to let them fight a tough battle.

So throwing them into the rear"520" of Turkey Country and giving full play to their characteristics, I believe Turkey Country will have a headache.

As for why the Greek army was the first to take the lead, it was because their morale was high. There was no need to wait any longer. After all, morale would eventually run out, and it would be best to test it at this time.

Thinking of this, General Wright could not help but admire him, and at the same time he admired the arrangements of the Supreme Command.

""Yes, Commander." General Wright responded.

At this time, after the emergency expansion of the airport in El City, the number of fighter planes parked here has increased significantly, and the Empire's engineers are also building field airports on the front line.

According to the agreement, all airports within 200 kilometers of the front line will be requisitioned by the German army. Greece fully agrees to this. They know that their air force is no match for Turkey and can only rely on the German air force.

At this time, four FW-190 squadrons were stationed at El Airport. They provided cover for bombers taking off from other places.

At ten o'clock in the morning, a bomber wing from the city of Lyubi took off and flew towards the city of Aydir.

A full eighty Stuka bombers took off one after another and formed a formation. After the formation, they headed for the airports and other places in Turkey.

The FW-190 went at full speed to catch up with the bombers and escort them. Although Turkey's air force was weak, they also had many German fighter planes, some of which were trained by German advisers themselves, so they still had a certain combat effectiveness.

Although Turkey's air force had many German fighter planes, it did not have high-tech weapons such as air search radar.

So they only had one way to discover the enemy's attack, and that was to observe with the naked eye. After seeing it, they notified the headquarters by phone for early warning.

At this time, the huge formation of the Imperial Air Force was sailing at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour. Half an hour later, it entered the territory of Turkey.

"God, the Germans have dispatched so many planes. Can we really defeat them?"An officer from Turkey was shocked when he saw the overwhelming number of planes flying over their heads.

"My God, so many planes, more than the total number of our planes." Another officer also shouted in shock.

"Where are they flying to?"

"Is this the capital? Damn it, are they going to bomb our capital?"The officer's face changed drastically, and he rushed to the phone without saying a word, and immediately called his superiors to report the situation.

Fortunately, the speed of telephone transmission is much faster than the speed of airplanes. Even if the speed of airplanes is faster, it is still not as fast as telephones.

The general staff of the Tuji country, which received the report, was also in a panic.

"Oh my god, the German army actually launched an attack."A staff officer was also surprised and said

"Immediately order the Air Force to launch all fighter planes and stop the German fighter planes."The chief of staff next to him immediately said loudly


Soon, the fighter planes of the Air Force took off to meet the enemy. At the same time, the president and other senior officials immediately went to the air-raid shelter for refuge. They did not expect that the German army would aim at their capital right away. This was a fight to the death.

The President of Turkey was very angry when he learned that the German army had actually sent fighter planes to bomb their capital. At the same time, he ordered that he must find a way to stop the German army from bombing their capital.

After all, this is their capital. Once it is really bombed by the German army, it will be a real shame.

The Chief of the General Staff could only say that he would try his best to stop the German fighter planes, but it was hard to say whether the Air Force could stop them.

"Do you think we can stop the German fighter planes?" a Turkish pilot asked with some concern.

"I don't know. The gap in our strength is too big. We are no match for the German fighter planes. The best way is to surrender."The teammate next to him answered helplessly.

The planes they were driving were purchased from the German army, and even the training tactics were personally guided by the German advisers. Now the master is beating the apprentice, they really have no confidence that they can stop it.

"No matter what, we must organize the German army to bomb the capital."

When the German fighter planes were less than 50 kilometers away from the capital of Turkey, suddenly more than 50 Turkey fighter planes appeared in front of the German fighter formation."Hey, they actually dared to take off, I thought they didn't dare to take off"

"I want to see how they are doing.".

"Then teach them a lesson."

Although the other party was once their student, they are now enemies. When it comes to fighting, the German pilots are ruthless and directly launch attacks.

Turkey is also equipped with a number of BF-109 fighters, but any aircraft depends on who is operating it.

The quality of the pilots of the Turkish Air Force is generally not high, their flight time is very short, and their air combat skills are very poor. The key is that the German fighter formation also has a squadron of TA-152 fighters, which is one of the most powerful propeller aircraft, and its performance directly crushes the BF-109 fighter.

Yes, the air battle between the two sides was almost one-sided. The Turkish Air Force was not only shot down by German fighters.

In just ten minutes, the Turkish Air Force lost more than 30 fighters, and the remaining fighters were also scared.

"Oh Allah, save me, I don't want to die"

"Save me."

Seeing the fierceness of the German Air Force, the Turkish pilots completely collapsed and fled in droves. Only three German fighter planes were damaged, and no one was shot down.

"Even worse than Soviet pilots, too bad"

"It seems that our consultants did not train hard enough."

"Look, the swinging posture is completely like a group of novices."

"It's so boring. When can I fight with the real masters?"

The German pilots did not pursue them. After all, their mission was to escort them. Besides, there must be many anti-aircraft forces in the opponent's capital, so their mission was to deal with those anti-aircraft artillery.

At this time, Stuka bombers and JU-87 bombers began to drop bombs at high altitudes. Nearly two thousand aerial bombs turned a large area centered on the presidential palace into ruins. A large number of buildings were destroyed, and the streets and municipal facilities were all turned into ruins.

Despite this, Turkey's air defense firepower was still firing back fiercely, but facing the bombing of fighter planes and the dive bombing of Stuka, the air defense forces suffered heavy losses and did not pose much threat.

After dropping all the bombs, the German fighter planes flew away, leaving Turkey in tears.

""Assholes, damn Germans, they actually bombed our capital, what assholes they are." The President of Turkey was very angry when he looked at the presidential palace that was bombed beyond recognition.

Originally, he still had a little affection for the Germans, but now it was gone. He only had one idea, which was to ask all troops to fight back immediately and defeat the Germans.

However, after this order was issued, many people frowned. They knew how powerful the Germans were, but it seemed that no country that wanted to defeat them had come out yet. Although the German army suffered heavy losses on the Eastern Front, compared with the Soviet army, their losses were only a fraction of the Soviet army. According to incomplete statistics, the Soviet army lost at least more than 10 million people, while the German army lost at most 2 million people.

Therefore, no country has been able to defeat the German army head-on. Now that the troops of Turkey have heard that the president wants them to defeat the Germans, everyone thinks the president is crazy.

"How can we defeat them? The German army is so powerful that we cannot imagine it."A major general from Turkey said helplessly.

"General, what should we do now?"The adjutant next to him asked

"Follow the order." Although the major general said this, he had made up his mind to surrender immediately if the situation got bad.

"The Air Force actually bombed the capital of Turkey?" At the German headquarters, General List looked at the contents of the telegram with a dull look on his face.

"Yes, the air force just sent a telegram."The communications staff hurriedly responded.

Hearing this, Lister was a little confused. Didn't they agree to bomb the city and the airport? Why did they bomb the capital of Turkey?

"Why bomb the capital? Wouldn't that arouse the will of resistance from the Tuji Kingdom?"General Lister said with some dissatisfaction.

The troops under his command were not elite, but second-line troops, and many of them were vassal troops. It would be good if they could win. If they really aroused the will of resistance from the Tuji Kingdom, it would be troublesome. He felt that the air force was simply making things worse.

Although the air force was under his command, the specific bombing mission was issued by its commander, so he was very curious why the capital was bombed.

"The reason given by the Air Force was that they were lost."The communications staff said helplessly.

"Damn, lost? The capital of Turkey is hundreds of kilometers away from the border city, how could you get lost?" General Lister was furious.

Hearing this, General Wright on the side smiled and said:"Commander, in fact, bombing the capital of Turkey is also a good thing, at least let those vassal troops see our determination, so that they can fight to the death."

Although he did not agree with bombing the capital, but since it has already happened, let's look at it from another perspective......

In fact, the German Air Force originally planned to bomb the airport on the border, but after a round, they found that no Turkish fighter planes came to meet the enemy, so they temporarily changed to bomb the capital.

Since the capital had been bombed, the Air Force could not really deal with its own subordinates, so they found an excuse to get lost.

Anyway, it was normal for them to fly in the sky and not see the ground. I believe General List would understand

"Next time, you can't change the bombing mission at will."General Lele, commander of the 4th Air Force, said dissatisfiedly.

"Commander, Turkey's air force is too weak. Bombing those airports is a complete waste of bombs. It would be better to use them in more useful places.���The commander suggested

"Is this the reason why you bombed the capital of Turkey?" Admiral Lele said calmly.


"All right, go back and write a self-criticism. All your contributions this time have been cancelled, including your application to test-fly the J-5 fighter. All are gone." Admiral Leer glanced and said

"Huh?" Hearing this, the air force commander in charge of the bombing had a painful expression on his face and muttered,"If I had known the price would be so heavy, I would not have changed the order."

"Stop talking nonsense, we have more important bombing missions waiting for us next." Admiral Lele said lightly.

The bombing of the capital of Turkey into ruins also marked the beginning of the German large-scale air raid on Turkey.

Under the repeated bombing of German bombers, Turkey suffered heavy losses, and a large number of cities and airports were destroyed. It should be noted that Turkey paid a heavy price before the army launched an attack on Turkey.

As for the Turkish Air Force, although it purchased a number of advanced fighters from the German army, it did not gain any advantage against their masters. Even the BF-109 fighter was killed by the German FW-190 and TA-152 in the early stages of the battle. The fighter planes were destroyed, and the damage caused to the German army was minimal.

The German army sent out so many bombers for bombing with only one purpose, hoping to force Turkey to surrender through bombing.

If this is the case, the German army may not have to send out the army to solve the problem, which is also very good, after all

, it can save a lot of time. You must know that Persia is still waiting for the German rescue at this time, but no matter how much the German army bombs, Turkey has no intention of surrendering or compromising.

It seems that they are determined to hold on to the end, but the more resolute the resistance, the greater the price will be, so the bombing of the air force is becoming more and more fierce.

""Asshole, order a national mobilization, call on all young people to join the army, distribute all the weapons in stock, and stop the German attack." The president of Turkey roared angrily.

While issuing a resistance order, he also sent a foreign minister to ask for help from the United States and the Soviet Union. After all, Turkey's industry is not strong, so there are not many weapons in stock. Once the mobilization order is issued, hundreds of thousands of troops will be added in an instant. Together with the original troops, Turkey's army will exceed one million. It is still difficult to arm these one million people, so the diplomats he sent out hope to get weapons.

"Sir, we need your support. We have joined the Allied Forces. We are allies. We hope you can sell us a batch of weapons. Can you send volunteers to our country to fight and assist us? Our pilots have also suffered heavy losses. We hope your country can send pilots to support us."The Turkish ambassador was closest to the Soviet army and flew to the Russians first.

As soon as they met, he used the fact that he was also a member of the Allied Forces and hoped to send fighter planes and pilots. Without fighter planes and pilots, it would be impossible to stop the large-scale bombing of the German army.

Turkish country did not have many pilots of its own and their quality was not high. After a few days of air combat, they had almost lost all their pilots. Now they could only pin their hopes on the Russians.

"Please rest assured, I will report to the leader immediately. I believe the leader will not let your country down."The diplomats in charge of the reception were the Russian bears.

In fact, he knew very well that it was impossible to sell weapons. It was still possible to send volunteers, but there were conditions.

After all, the ports and bases of Turkey were places that the Russian bears coveted. Once they had these places, the Black Sea Fleet would change from an inland fleet to an ocean-going fleet.

"Thank you, Your Excellency. We will always remember your help to us. From now on, we will follow your lead."The Turkish country's diplomats said hurriedly, hoping that this statement would make the Russian bear help Turkish country as soon as possible. Turkish country

's statement was actually of no use, because the Soviet army knew that since the German army had taken action against Turkish country, it showed that the possibility of Turkish country being able to hold on was not high.

Under such circumstances, it was simply a joke for Turkish country to continue to exist. Although it joined the Allied Forces, it also spoke with strength. It was normal for it to be destroyed because of its lack of strength.

Even a country as strong as France was destroyed, let alone a mere Turkish country. Therefore, the Soviet ambassador did not care at all, but still reported this information to the leader.

"It seems that the German bombing of Turkey is very sharp. Turkey can no longer hold on. Their air force is bound to be defeated by the German fighter planes.���"No doubt." said the bearded man.

He has always known the German army's combat effectiveness, especially the new fighter planes that appeared recently, which made him envious._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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