The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.05 – Floor One II

Fiona had pulled her sleeping bag behind the rock, tucked herself in and not said a word. She was in a cocoon of shame. She was away from the fire but her embarrassment kept her warm.

“Its ok” Liddy said, after probably four hundred hours of silence.

Realistically about a minute, but definitely at least four hundred hours.

“I was just.. I was just surprised. I’ve never seen a girl with.. You know.” She clearly wanted Fiona to feel comfortable but that would be impossible. Especially after the display she’d just made. There was cum on the cave ceiling! And no chance Liddy hadn’t heard.

“It’s a natural reaction.” Liddy continued.

“No its not” Fiona said. “It’s ridiculous.”

She buried herself deeper into her sleeping bag.

Liddy was silent for a minute. Then she started giggling. “I mean, yeah you did cum a ridiculous amount, there’s some by the entrance! And by the oceans its enormous” She laughed a genuine, hearty laugh, bubbling to the surface. Fiona sank further into the shame cocoon.

“Fiona its fine. I’m not gonna judge. I know I get excited sometimes from combat. You just can’t tell” That somehow made Fiona pull herself even deeper into her sleeping bag.

“We’re gonna be in here for at least a few more days” Liddy said, her voice coming closer. Her silver eyes suddenly popped into Fiona’s vision, having popped out from the rock she was hiding behind. Fiona spun around burying her face into the floor
“I’ve seen worse. I.. Much worse. I wouldn’t even call this bad I kinda li- I Mean it was fine.” Fiona rolled slightly to the side, one eye peeking up at the gnome. She looked lost in thought. That had to be Fiona’s imagination. Liddy couldn't have enjoyed this?

Liddy kept trying to get some form of response from Fiona, who felt like she had melted into the floor, gone into stasis and just kept retreating further into her cocoon. Nothing could hurt her there.

“Ok, I’ll leave you be tonight - but you have to speak to me tomorrow. I’m not doing a dungeon with only me talking.”

She retreated back towards the fire, and Fiona could hear her get into her own sleeping bag. The berserker laid there, stewing in her shame, being made worse every minute as the longer she stayed there, the longer this kept going, the less likely she thought it was a dream.

Hopefully the shame would disappear by morning.


Sunlight beamed through the opening in the cavern ceiling bathed Fiona’s face in a nice, soft warmth and woke her up. It was a lovely way to wake up in the morning. As she blinked her sleep away, a shadow cast appeared over her.

“Morning big girl!” Liddy said, standing next to Fiona. “Mo-morning” Fiona managed to get out. Remembering yesterday. Trying her best not too.

“Great! You’re speaking!” Liddy smiled down at the much larger woman, as Fiona was looking right up at Liddy. Up at the fabric barely covering her nethers, at her shapely muscular ass.
Liddy noticed, clearly. And did not help by squatting down next to Fiona’s head giving her an even better view.

“I think I saw some fish in one of the deeper ponds back a bit” She mused, not making a big deal out of anything. Fiona was so grateful. “You, uh. You deal with that while I’m gone.” Liddy was blushing. Again. Glances down towards Fiona’s crotch, which she realized was tense, hot and at attention. Again.

She peeked down her body, down the sleeping bag and saw the protrusion she already knew was there.

She let out an incredibly confident, mature noise that could be described only as a squeak and pulled her head back into the sleeping bag, only her pink fringe and the top of her head still sticking out.

“Its fine. You deal with it, big girl” Liddy giggled again, a friendly pat on Fiona’s head. “And don’t you dare be hiding away when I’m back. I am making you breakfast, and you will have started the fire” She paused for a second then“ We’ll talk about it then.” She didn’t need to gesture towards Fiona’s crotch when she said that, but it underlined it. Fine. They did need to talk about it.

Fiona was burning up with shame and... And she was unbelievably horny. Somehow Liddy knowing she was going to masturbate while she was away, again just turned her on so unbelievably much. Which was the opposite of what she needed.

She was mortified, and she also couldn’t wait for the release. Was this what every morning with a cock would be like? And after every fight?

If she was alone she wouldn’t have minded, she probably would have wrung her member out many, many times by now. Never mind if Annabelle, Quinty or Mariell was here. But they were safe. She didn’t know Liddy.

She heard Liddy’s feet move towards the exit of the cave, shortly followed by a “Right, you are free too.. Free to do whatever now! I’m off for a bit” and then the faster pitter-patter of feet on rocks as she ran down the hallway.

Fiona wasted no time grasping her member, same immediate jolt of passion shaking her body. What would it feel like Liddy’s delicious, full lips wrapped around it and went to - what? what was that thought?

Fiona definitely did not carry on that train of thought as she got to work on her morning relief.


Liddy’s footsteps were marking her return just as Fiona had gotten the fire started, using the flint and tinder from her starter pack. Apparently she’d have to restock it herself, but the tower set adventurers up for success for the first few floors at the very least. She’d positioned her back towards the door so she didn’t have to look her short companion in the eyes. She definitely couldn’t handle that.

“Great! You’re up - did, ehm, did your” Liddy didn’t seem to quite know how to ask someone she’d only known for a day or so if she’d had a good wank. “You don’t need to ask” Fiona said, timidly.

“Ok. Ok.” Liddy tried to walk around to look at her friend, but Fiona shuffled around awkwardly, the two spinning around like a strange carousel who’s main purpose was to avoid all eye contact. “I know we have to have a conversation” Fiona said, stoically. She was feeling very brave for not hiding away and just starving in the dungeon. “But I don’t think I can look at you during, its too embarrassing.”

Liddy nodded. “Ok. Let me get the fish cooking.” Fiona could hear the sound of two heavy thunks hitting something, and Liddy rooting around, presumably gutting and preparing the fish behind her. Her stomach rumbled - the second bit of relief she’d need this morning.

The two sat in silence for a while, Liddy focused on gutting and skewering the fish, Fiona hugging her knees to her chest, willing her member to never get hard again. At least unless she was alone. Her face buried in her muscular legs did something for her she was absolutely not ready to admit.

Why was she not just horny for her new friend, but also herself? She’d never been that vain. Was she developing narcissism?

“So” Liddy started after an eternity. “You said it was new?” Fiona managed to nod and grunt and acknowledgement.
“Right. Part of your class then? You said you only just got your class?” Another nod.

Liddy was quiet for a moment. “Look, I know this is technically a rude question - you might not know its rude I suppose - but you’re not just a Berserker right?” She took a second. “Berserker don’t grow.. You know.” Fiona could imagine the waving of hands in the air, a mannerism Liddy seemed to do a lot. “Those things” She finished. For someone who’s first words to Fiona was commenting on her boobs, Liddy seemed a bit awkward about mentioning her other appendage.

“Why would it be rude to ask?” Fiona started. She’d read so many stories. In some you kept your class all to yourself, secret, cause people could abuse it. In others it just wasn’t polite, but no other reason. And some everyone would announce their class and their abilities to the world.

She didn’t quite know what this realities rules was. And she was becoming more and more sure it was reality. A reality at least. She’d had a dream last night - and who dreams within a dream? That’s nonsense.

Liddy thought for a moment. “Its private isn’t it” She shrugged. “And I supposed you don’t know who I’d share it with, higher up people do try to fight each other. Class information could be crucial, especially if its unusual.” Fiona heard her shuffle about, and turned her head slightly - two large, juicy fish were speared and suspended over the fire. Liddy stepped towards her, a nervous hand touching Fiona’s shoulder in support.

“Look, you don’t have to tell me anything. We’re gonna be in here for a few more days - you can find other party members for the next floor” She sounded almost sad saying that. “But we get on, I like how you fight - I’d like to stick together, at least to the first village. And it would help to know more about each other. Of course I’d tell you too, just whatever you are comfortable with.”

Fiona nodded.

“And, you know - we need to figure out a way to deal with your… Physical reaction. Its not always safe for me to just leave.”

Fiona took a breath. She’d promised herself she’d do this - and Liddy was right, she couldn’t always have the privacy. She needed to be an adult about this. And she definitely wanted to stick with the gnome - she had been really helpful. She was friendly.

“I’d like to stay in a party with you” Oh no was that too forward? “At least to the village. Our styles work well” She added quickly. The last thing she needed was for Liddy to think she wasn’t at least trying to be professional. Although she did really enjoy spending time with the gnome.

She was really cute and hadn’t ran away immediately upon seeing the massive cock. Which, definitely was a benefit.

She took another breath. “Ok Right.” Breathe in. Breathe out. And again.

And again.

“I am a [Berserker of Endless Passion]” She said, linking her full abilities to her new friend - and hiding her face as Liddy read through the description.

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