The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.21 – Buffs

Fiona was elated. She couldn't remember much - it had all been a blur of violence, gore, and extreme fun. But she was fine. And Liddy and Qae were fine.
"That was GREAT!" Her heart was still beating fast, adrenaline surging through her body as she helped Qae and Liddy to their feet. 
"It almost felt too easy though." Her disappointment was clear, Fiona wished the fight had lasted longer. Or been more of a challenge. Her muscles could have used more of a workout.

"The first six levels are considered an introduction." Qae said as she clambered to her feet. "Still deadly, but considered far easier. Then there is the... seventh floor" She brushed herself off.
"Oh yeah, Liddy mentioned floor seven. It's a maverick?"
"That's one word - I prefer divergent. The seventh floor can not be failed." She took a breath. "The eight is a village, and then the tower starts in earnest. No more help. No more finding party members. Nothing easy."

Liddy had seemed ecstatic they had survived the encounter again, how powerful they had been, but after what Qae the gnome's mood seemed down. Fiona didn't know much about what had happened on the gnome's first climb, but it must have been difficult. And she didn't make it past the introduction.

"However, this party is also extraordinarily strong. Your ability is unheard of Fiona. Even if it requires the usage of your unconventional instrument to prepare." Qae looked at Fiona again. "As long as you do not shy away from any of your abilities, I do not believe this party will struggle for a long time."

Fiona blushed again, she knew exactly what Qae meant. And it seemed Qae wanted to stay with them - which Fiona didn't mind. The dragon queen's commanding voice was always welcome. And she was excellent in combat.

"How do you... How do you know so much?" Fiona started, it had been something she wondered about with Liddy - but Qae knew so much more.
"Oh, I forget. New sphere" Qae gave Fiona an inquisitive look. "There are artifacts, items that can be gained at certain floors that can be used to communicate in various ways outside the tower. This information is often gathered by the highest climber from a sphere, who shares it with their acquaintances to give future climbers an advantage. It can be used rarely, and is rendered impotent at higher floors - but it has given us significant knowledge of the lower floor, particularly the first seven." 

So the good players created guides for the worse ones so everyone could get further. That made sense to Fiona, although she was again confused about who had even set this whole system up. It was all... It was strange.

A noise from the center of the room reminded them all of the fourth figure that had been there at the start of the fight, and they turned as one to see the Merfolk woman get back up on her feet.

"I am ever grateful adventurers..." The blue woman stood up, surveying the trio and the carnage they had created. 
"You were the voice... In the orb"  Fiona helped support the woman, dizzy after her exertion of holding back the creatures. Tried to not admire her features too much.

"I am Jota Nel. Witch Queen of the Reef" She tried to stand up tall, proud. Tried to be what Qae was. "Our city is under attack - the Dark Depths they... They covet our city. Our magic." The sadness in her voice cut through Fiona, but looking at her companion's Qae seemed the most touched. "An insider turned off the barrier. Let them in. A traitor. Responsible for thousand of our kins death."

She looked at the party. "Will you help me rekindle our braziers? Restart our barrier?"
Fiona was about to accept, but Qae interrupted. "I am Qaerlyz Mazayl Franath, Dragon Queen of the Blue Clade. I swear,we will do all we can to assist you in protecting the remainder of your kin." There was another deep sorrow there. Something behind Qae's stern eyes stirred, not tears. Not sadness. Grief. A deep grief.

The two queens grasped hands, and the moment seemed over. Qae back to her normal, stern self - as if nothing had ever been different.

Liddy looked at Fiona, who shrugged. 
"We need to move - there isn't much time if I want any of the city to remain. Trust you will be rewarded greatly." Jota Nel went to the middle of the platform, beconing the trio over. The tattoo's on her body swirled for a moment, and Fiona failed to look away and avoid her loins stirring. Suddenly a large, grinding noise was heard, and the coral platform moved downwards further into the sea.

"We will reach the city proper within minutes - if you have any questions, I will answer them now. I am afraid we will not have a lot of time once we reach the bottom." She said with urgency.

"So what do we need to do?" With no tact, Liddy started off the questioning. "To raise this barrier?"
"There are three Brazier's - one on land, two in the city. You have already lit one - once the other two are lit, the barrier will be raised." The explanation was simple, wether executing the plan would remain to see. Fiona could not use her [Lost in Passion] again today, hoping they wouldn't need it.
"Witch Queen, may I ask if you are able to assist us in the fighting?" Fiona gave her best shot at being polite, having some decorum. This world confused her, but she'd try.
"I... I am able to cast enchantments on you, if you wish. They may assist. I am unfortunately not able to do much fighting - I held the lieutenants back for a long time, it has drained me."
"That... That would be useful - would you be able to do that before we arrive?" Additional help was always good, Fiona thought. More buffs had never hurt anyone in any game she'd heard of.

"I can only use each once at a time...Give me a moment."

She first walked up to Fiona, placed her hands on the berserker's temples. Fiona could feel a weird buzzing going through her, almost something flowing through her skin. When she looked down, she saw faint glowing line's similar to the merfolks on her arms, coalescing in large orbs on the back of her hands.
"This will provide your strikes guidance, ensuring they strike true." Fiona nodded her thanks, as Jota Nel moved towards Qae.

She reached up, touching Qae's temples - the dragon bowing slightly, allowing the fellow queen to do so. Similar glow passed through her, Fiona thought she could see through the armour a slight glow around the dragon's legs.
"This will give you poise, sure feet and ensuring you will keep balance." 
"I am grateful" Qae said, with reference as Jota Nel nodded.

"And for you, I hope I am not overstepping." She stood before Liddy, placing her hands on the gnomes head. More lines spread out over the gnome's entire body, glowing sharper than for either Fiona or Qae. "Some of the creatures we will be fighting are sizeable. I hope you may stand on equal footing."

And Liddy grew. And grew. Fiona's smallest friend, was suddenly a few inches over her. Liddy looked at Fiona. Looked at Fiona's groin. and grinned.

"How long does this last?" She asked, with the widest smile Fiona had ever seen.

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