The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.57 – Ears

Annabelle didn't say anything, they were all just sat holding Fiona's hand for the first few hours, silently eating the food Qae had brought, making sure Tamling got extra as she exhausted herself. The bunny girl hadn't asked for any compensation, and favours yet - just offered to help a previous party member's new party member, and she had been there for hours already.

Fiona seemed better, breathing slowing down, some colour returning but still unconscious. She had started muttering in her sleep, though Annabelle thought that seemed good. She tried to pretend she didn't hear her own name muttered. The glow over her eyes had stopped, Tamlin no longer forcing her to sleep.

Ash had fallen asleep at the foot of her Mistress's bed, Liddy in her chair. Qae had gone and sat in a corner, leaning against the wall. Everyone was staying, no one even questioned it. Everything had been going so well for them, every battle every floor. And then out of nowhere.

But Annabelle was reasonably confident Fiona would be fine now, even if Tamlin stopped this second. She could get some healing potions - make some, maybe. So it was time.

"Tamlin" She asked softly. The Priestess was the only other person than Annabelle awake, now would be  a good time to ask. But she didn't want to seem rude. "What happened after we split up?" She started.

The bunny-cat rolled her shoulders, getting some stiffness our of them having been mostly bent over attending to Fiona for the day.

"Ehm. Nothing particular" She stretched her arms above her head, enormous breasts Annabelle had been trying to ignore, trying to focus on her sick friend, bounced in her tight white robes. The goblin's eyes were transfixed, moving up and down with the jiggly orbs. "My parties weren't amazing, but no more Gertrams... He changed so much, what even happened to him to want to be a mage? He was fine on floor one." She looked back down at Fiona, making some slight adjustments to the healing fire floating around the berserker. "We got through everything, a bit of a struggle but fine. Why?"

Did she not know she was a bunny? That couldn't be possible.

"So... no weird bosses, or strange curses or anything." Annabelle studied her face looking for anything.

"No, why do you ask?" She looked perplexed. Annabelle felt weird. Had she always been a bunny? She couldn't have been a bunny - she had cute little orange cat ears in her blonde hair.

"Uhm.. Like, you've not had any changes or anything?" The goblin had a headache. Her friend was hurt, and she was questioning the healer who was doing it free of charge, for no reason. She was clearly a bunny. Annabelle didn't know for sure there wasn't any way to change your species entirely in the tower, but if there was why wouldn't you remember?

"You mean like leveling up? Of course." Tamlin kept her focus on Fiona, continuing to adjust the flow of the fire as Fiona gained more colour in her skin, breathing seeming normal again.

"Yeah no..." Why was she doing this again? It was fine. fine. She'd been so angry at Gertram for the absolute majority of that floor anyway. And it's not like her ears had been what she had been looking at. Maybe she was wrong. Fine. "It's fine." She repeated. "How is Fiona doing? Will she wake up soon do you think?"

"She's... She's very resilient. She's just asleep now, a normal rest." Tamlin kept the fire moving though, floating over the berserker, throwing her and the room in a strange orange light. "The infection is weak, it's still there but if she is awake enough to drink a healing potion that should do it." She sighed, sweat dripping off her brow with exhaustion. 

Annabelle didn't know what else to say, so she decided to try out her profession for a bit as she waited for Fiona to wake up. She didn't want to sleep while everyone except Tamlin was asleep - not that she didn't trust the ca. The bunny. She just... She felt like someone Fiona knew should be there.

So she sat in the corner, playing with her [Alchemy - Deep Desire]. She hadn't really had a chance too - she'd seen Fiona tattooing Liddy only minutes after learning the profession, and since then been... Well preoccupied.

So she sat in the corner, crafting various potions. She had purchased ingredients and vials and was on her way back to her room previously. Professions here were incredibly strange - she knew she should need burners, mortars, all sorts of various items to do any actual alchemy - an entire lab really.

Instead, she had reagents - herbs, organic parts, minerals whatever, and a vial. She didn't even always have to put them all into the vial - she just... Kind of held them together. Pushed her will into them - what they should be. She tinkered away, as she kept looking over to her friend.

Her profession let her see the name of what she was making - but she couldn't find out the actual effect if she didn't try - it seemed the benefit depended on how much you drank of a potion, but the benefit was always the same. Just at a different scale. She kept crafting and drinking little sips, checking on Fiona between every one.

[Potion of Healing] already had it's description - she'd tried it before.

[Potion of Diserable Search] Didn't do anything when she tried it, but the description said it would help you find whichever inanimate object you most desired at the time. She always worried about that word, it wasn't needed or wanted but desired. Gertram was a great example that what you desired might not help you, the fool.

[Potion - Water Breathing] Boring. Snooze. She made a couple cause they could be useful, but packed them away. Although the girls said they already had been in a underwater floor and they never needed it, it seemed useful. Fiona was still sleeping, Tamlin had settled down not doing much now.

[Potion of Desired Outcome] - She had a guess on this as she drank it, and was very surprised. It... Fiona had said she wanted one she supposed, but with that woman's kinks this seemed bad. A contraceptive - or increased fertility potion. That worked depending on your desire at the exact moment of orgasm. This... She put it aside. Probably could sell that. The fire danced around Fiona still, helping her fight the infection, as she slept peacefully.

[Potion of Minor Levitation] - She drank a small sip of this, and floated an inch or so above the floor. She realized suddenly she couldn't move, as she couldn't gain traction. Annabelle could see uses, but only fun ones. She looked at Fiona again as she was softly deposited back on the floor.

[Potion of Polymorph - Desired Appearance] She chose to not drink that one, wanting to save that - not thinking shapeshifting right now was the best idea. She looked at Tamlin. No, she would have remembered drinking this.
She put it back in her inventory, saving it for later. She and Fiona had already had this effect, really, but maybe one of the others would like it. Maybe they could use it to play with one of them - what would Qae desire to look like? It would either be herself, or something insane. She giggled.

[Potion of Clear Mind] - She drank a sip and... Snapped her face to Tamlin. She had been a cat. And something had affected Liddy's brain.

"YOU! You were... You have! You changed!" She nearly shouted as she jumped up and walked towards the deceiving woman.
"How- you shouldn't - how did you?" Tamlin started.

And then Fiona awoke with a gasp.




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