The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.66 – The Plan

The party found them snuggling on the bed a little while later, to whistles and jeers. Fiona made no move to cover up, and she was pleased to see Tamlin not looking away. She was clearly awkward, but she had expected some of this, she had been warned.

Fiona had no shame around fucking her friends anymore, they offered and they all enjoyed it. They truly were the best of friends, and by the way all of them - including Tamlin's odd glance - were looking at her emissions leaking out underneath her pet's tail, as the two cuddled and stroked each other, they all appreciated her lack of shame. 

"Tamlin," She asked, trying to make her voice as sexy as possible. She thought she'd failed, but the bunny stood stiff as a post, the spotlight suddenly shining on her, mouth slightly agape. "Did you find anything about Gertram?"

The priestess shook her head. "Oh." She seemed to have been expecting something else. She almost seemed disappointed it wasn't something else, as she watched Ash's tail wag softly back and forth on the beds. "Uhm, I... Well.. ahem." She looked away, gathering herself for a moment. "Someone by his description is running some sort of cult, Arcane Sanctum of something they call it. To 'Throw away the oppression of mages and allow everyone access to magic'. I asked for more info, but it'll take a day or two - seems a good lead though." 

"Did they say anything about how many were in this arcane sanctum? It's certainly not an organization I have heard of." Qae added chin in hand, deep in thought. "If he has any form of actual organizational power, we may need to be careful."

Tamlin shook her head. "No, it seems new. I'd imagine a handful of people at most but, I have no idea. The man has gone completely weird, such a strange obsession with becoming a mage, he used to be a competent fighter, if weird." Annabelle looked away, almost in shame. "It's not your fault Annabelle. You used the ability on multiple people, right? And only one went really strange." She looked at Ash, cum covering her rear and thighs, as she rolled on her back against Fiona, lazy happy tail wags rubbing against the bed, everything exposed. "Well, harmfully so" she muttered quietly.

"So" Fiona continued. "I guess we're going looking for a boss?" She looked at the three conspirators, who had a stack of papers each

"Lidvinia and Annabelle saw it fit to make it into a game. As we don't have any knowledge of what abilities the bosses have, a pure strategic approach seemed impossible so I saw no reason to deny them their fun." As if Qae wasn't smiling herself, she loved bullying Fiona.

"What's the game?" Fiona asked. Of course, Annabelle would make it a game, oh they couldn't just pick a boss secretly for her to fuck. They had to make it a game.

She'd really normalized the idea of fucking bosses hadn't she.

"We have to do three bosses. We've picked three each. We all put one forward, you pick one, and whoever you pick gets a point." Annabelle said, a grin on her face.

"So you're trying to predict what boss monster I am most attracted to?" Fiona hugged Ash closer to her, mostly out of shock and not a desire to cuddle up closer to the hot naked woman in her arms. Infront of all of her friends.

Well, not all. She still missed Quinty and Mariell dearly. She shook the thought out of their head. Annabelle had given them the link, and while it was unlikely, they might make it to the tower.

"That's exactly it! Or which ones we'd think is the most fun to watch!" Annabelle grinned, her generous breasts bouncing in excitement in time with the wobble of her floppy witch hat.

Fiona sighed. "Fine." She said. "But only cause it'll make you happy and not cause I want to have lustful passions or whatever the tower wants to call it with its boss monster." She tried lying, but she didn't quite believe it herself. Every boss so far had been a wonderful new experience, and she couldn't wait for another one.

Wait. The set bonus for the [Garments of Endless Passion]. She'd forgotten about that for a moment, but new passions might upgrade her items.

Oh no.

She was gonna have to pick a weird one. And make an excuse for it.

"Right let us decide which ones we are presenting one second." Annabelle, Liddy and Qae went to each of the corners of the room taking this incredibly seriously it seemed. They all had their little papers with descriptions, holding them up, weighing which ones they wanted to show first. Timmy and Chompy floated over the other two's shoulders until a rule of 'no cheating using summoned spirits' was established.

"Tamlin - Can you collect and shuffle these, please? I believe that is the best way to ensure Fiona is uncertain of who picked what." Qaerlyz addressed the priestess, her eyes softening slightly before she added. "Only if you are comfortable, of course. I am aware our party is eccentric."

"Nono, it's fine it's... I'm just making sure the game is fair." The women handed her the paper sheet, and she turned away from Fiona and shuffled them slightly, before walking back to the bed. Smiling slightly at Ash, before catching herself and looking away and handing the human the papers. "I think the second one is neat" She whispered, before blushing and looking away.

Fiona smiled and looked at them reading over.

"What are they? We picked in secret, tell us!" Liddy bounced impatiently.

Fiona looked up and noted which one Tamlin liked. She smiled. She shuffled the order so the others wouldn't know, and started reading out.

"Right, so in the ring we have three entries - number one." She put on her best announcer voice, and Annabelle started a drumroll. Liddy tried to join in, but it clearly wasn't a thing on her sphere and she somehow messed it up, but made up for it with excitement. She read out the title of the first page.

"Harpy Queen!" She announced. It had a drawing on it of a gorgeous woman, with clawed feet and feathery wings, wild hair, and entirely naked. Hot, indeed. Tempting - definitely not Qae's, she'd be concerned about Fiona getting an ability related to having wings similar to what happened with Penthi the Thunderer Captain.

"Harpy Queen lives in the canopy, and are sentient and known to accept barters and challenges instead of combat." She looked up at Qae. "Didn't it say we had to defeat them? The system announcement?"

Qae nodded. "Yes, but it doesn't say defeat them in what. A lot of monsters don't give us a choice, but it can be in many things. If not your ability would be... complicated, where you'd have to kill the boss after satisfying it and yourself. On higher floors with sentient monsters, many have full dungeons based around a challenge or a riddle. It's not common this low, but the forest has so many monsters you find all sorts." She stopped for a minute. "We have only picked monsters that we think are feasible to convince, that won't attack us immediately."

Fiona nodded. That made sense, she supposed, or her ability would have been impossible. And games where you had alternate win conditions she found fun anyways - she did like bashing things with her hammer, but if conversation was possible she liked the option.

"That makes sense - right, option one. A strong contender." She put it on top of one of Ash's breasts for safekeeping. "Now, our second entry into the contest is - Ancient Dryad!" She looked at the drawing, a woman covered in leaves and vines, flower growing in her hair, rooted into the ground. "Lives in the deepest parts of the forest can be defeated in combat or convinced to grant Climbers a blessing by offering an unusual seed." Liddy snorted. "Is stationary, but controls vines and flowers in the surrounding area that can impact the senses and bind careless Climbers. Definitely a consideration." Would it accept Fiona's seed? Who knew, she was certain someone would have tried it in the past, but it wasn't mentioned. She put the sheet down on Ash's other breast.

"And for our last entry - Pixie Mob! Oh, a group boss?" The drawing of a small group of women, lithe and nimble with butterfly wings behind them. "Nearly impossible to defeat in combat as they will try to escape at any opportunity, will respond well to challenges they have never attempted and chances to commit mischief." She looked at the drawing again. They were cute. She could definitely think of unusual challenges. "Huh." She said as she placed it down covering Ash's wet pussy. Hopefully, it wouldn't stain the paper, these were reused as far as she understood.

She looked at the three options for a minute, considering her options. Not just what was hot or useful, but how she could get back at the group.

She finally picked one up, and Annabelle punched the air, as the other two looked defeated, but determined to come back in the next round.

"I KNEW IT! I know you, Fiona!" She grinned.

Tamlin did a little celebration in the back, that no one but Fiona noticed, as the party prepared to head off immediately.


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