The Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship, the Style of Painting Is Wrong!

Chapter 381

Chapter 383 Complete The Mission If You Can’T Beat It

Zoro and Luo are contained by Kaido’s tornado,

Only Nami didn’t come back,

When several people saw that the factory was almost destroyed, they quickly evacuated.

With Nami’s help, the two quickly got out of trouble.

Finally, Lu Chen learned that Nami was being held in Kaido’s room.

For this kind of behavior, Zoro is the most suitable,

“Well, there must be nothing wrong.

“”Flame Array!” In an instant, (really)

A flame barrier appeared in front of Lu Chen,

“After more than 20 years of hard work, I will definitely kill you.”5

Instantly switched to dragon form, to kill them.

I started to inquire about Nami’s news,

Luffy kept looking for the account in the room,

Although I know I can’t beat it, I have never lost the momentum.

Others also quickly launched an attack to rescue Usopp,

“Kaido, Laozi refuses to accept, get out and fight again.”

Kaido got angry,

But Zoro, the two-headed green, still has to fight,

Kaido is also surrounded by this barrier,

Watching Usopp go round and round in the tornado,

Finally, under the coercion and inducement of Luo and Nami, they agreed to retreat.

Looking at the main characters who destroyed the manufacturing plant,

After everyone returned to the base camp, they found that Robin, Brook and Luo had all returned,

Kaido will think we’re going to war,

Then the three acted separately, constantly destroying various equipment in the factory.

Then discuss to save Nami.

When Luffy and Lu Chen came to the manufacturing plant, they found it in a mess.

Now that possibility is gone.

Destroy the factory together and then leave separately.

Robin and Brook continue to destroy the factory,

A four-on-one embarrassing situation was formed for a time.

Usopp and Zoro said at the same time:

Because no one wants to go out to inquire about news with a stunned youth.

Then everyone decided to go back to base camp,

Luffy hurriedly went to find out the news with Lu Chen,

Stop Kaido from empowering the Beasts Pirates.

Kaido was instantly furious when he saw this scene,

When seeing the bounty issued by Kaido,

So far, except for Zoro, the battle maniac has appeared,

With Kaido’s departure,

After several people’s beautiful, finally decided,

Luffy looked at Zoro in front of him and asked Nami how they were,

After knowing this news,

Suddenly Kaido attacks,

Zoro asked to go with him but was refused,

Suddenly I heard a sound coming from the wall, it seemed to be Nami’s.

It is also to remind Lu Chen not to fight,

In an instant, they had a countermeasure.

Nami came to the two and explained the countermeasures just now,

At the same time, the temperature of the flame will also have a certain impact on Kaido.

Lu Chen also saw Luffy’s worries,

Immediately, a few people started planning.

Robin and Brook got into action in an instant.

“in the room?”

Luffy worried that they would be revenge by Kaido,

Everyone looked at him like a fool.

Lu Chen said bitterly.

Then turn around and look for the vandals in the direction of the factory.

“Go back, Laozi will kill them with his own hands.

Seeing Zoro and Luo in such a critical state,

Makes people suddenly very uncomfortable.

After constant searching, I finally found the location of the organ,

Originally, I was thinking of secretly rescuing Nami,

Since several people retreated separately, they did not know each other’s situation.

Usopp’s stinky mouth didn’t forget to laugh at Zoro before he left:

This is why Lu Chen admires Luffy.

The more he thought about it, the more angry Kaido vomited on the ground with a mouthful of old blood.

Zoro looked confused and could only answer truthfully.

“Forget it, you kid, Lu Chi, you’re still a stunner.々.”

In Tornado units, they have power but are completely incapable of exerting it.

But suddenly it occurred to me,

Because watching these clowns wreak havoc here,

That would only make things worse for the factory.

I feel very sorry for her.

Because destroying the factory is unbearable for Kaido.

hurried back to the base camp,

“Zoro, Usopp, Luo, I and Lu Chen” The five of us went to Wanokuni.

The other three looked at them in astonishment,

You can also inflict massive damage,

The crowd felt bad.

At this time Kaido will definitely stop,

Back to the Donquixote Family,

After a while Kaido came out,

After a period of discussion, the Jedi decided:

The other four have no news at all,

Then Luffy goes to Kaido’s room to save people.

But it is not certain where it is, and there is no way to save it.

After Luffy took out a few guards and looked at Nami covered in blood,

Zoro reacted in a short time and almost slashed him with a knife.

I saw Zoro shouting at the door of Wanokuni Kaido:

Usopp, Zoro, Luo, Lu Chen go to the front, Kaido leads out,

So it was decided that five people quietly rescue Nami back.

Kaido in dragon form unleashes a tornado,

Kaido faced the four without a little panic,

Afraid that he will hurt Nami.

But I didn’t find Nami’s figure,

After taking countermeasures,

The straw hat quartet is also constantly resisting,

At this time, Luffy also reacted,

Zoro and Luo received less tornado pressure,

The hard work of more than 20 years cannot be destroyed in one fell swoop,

Robin and Nami and others are also unusually anxious.

Except for Usopp, the big injustice, no one else has failed.

They found that only Nami was absent,

As the biggest “reckless man” of the Straw Hat Corps, it is best to call the team.

“If I were Kaido, I’d be crazy by now.

But in this enchantment, Lu Chen’s attack and defense are strengthened,

Nami, let’s go. Luo and Zoro are rescued,

After Luffy and Lu Chen confirmed that Nami was in Kaido’s hands,

My own men can’t get here in the next time,

It must be very dangerous by then.

Although Kaido’s defense is amazing,

Then, with Usopp, I hurried to the direction of the base camp.

Because “friend” Luffy’s favorite thing,

Usopp and Zoro displayed unusual rage.

Lu Chen directly opened the third form and attacked Kaido directly.

In the enchantment, Lu Chen and Kaido fought each other with one punch and one kick.

At this time, they also responded,

I saw all kinds of explosions suddenly rise and fall in the manufacturing factory,

Luffy was restless all the way,

Because if too many people go,

Just when the Kaido family was about to go up to help,

Luffy, who used to be noisy, suddenly became very quiet,

See if they make it back safely.

There’s a good chance Nami has been caught.

Hastily took Nami and carefully escaped Kaido’s territory.

The furious Kaido was even more angry when he saw this,

We are here only to destroy the factory,

If Nami was killed or caught by Kaido, it would be a bad outcome,

After Luffy and others arrived at Wanokuni,

On the other side, Luffy came to Kaido’s room,

Lu Chen comforted, “It’s alright, Luffy. Nami will be alright.”

After Robin saw that Nami had been rescued,

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