The Transmigration Missions Are Not Scientific

Chapter 107 - Eschatology (8)

The rodent, some call it the ordinary crystal nucleus treasure, and some call it death chase.

If a group of high-powered people meets a small group of mice, it means they make money, because each mouse has a crystal nucleus, and at least one hundred mice in each group are collective actions, so as long as you kill Most mice are equivalent to a large number of nuclei.

But what if tens of thousands are encountered? Do n’t think about it, it ’s important to run away. If you are the prey they think, they will chase behind you like a black wave. The food you pass by will be swept away. Even zombies or humans will be eaten. Nothing was left behind, except for what they feared, or they could be their place anywhere.

“Everyone defends!” Mu Qingli shouted.

The earth wall, dark fog, and charged water wall were all framed around the crowd. At the same time, the rat group squeaked towards this side.

Each one is entangled with some micro-electromagnetism, which is a mutant Thunder mouse! Gu Anran didn’t know if they were to lament their luck or not.

Today’s mice have the size of a cat, green eyes the size of a soybean, sharp teeth, and they come over quickly because of thunder.

Gu Anran visually observed that there were more than a thousand, and the number was a lot, but there were still many emerging from the back, and Gu Anran did not know the exact number.

what! With a scream, a man was biting a rat on his feet, and alas, the piece of meat was bitten down, and because of his encounter, everyone’s formation became chaotic.

what happened? !! The defense is clearly not broken yet! Gu Anran turned his head in amazement, and saw a fist-sized hole appeared where the man stood originally! Actually drilled into the tunnel!

“The soil-powered person withdraws the earth wall, and the mice in the soil are left to you!” Duan Hongwu waved his hands, and all the rats that had gotten out of the tunnel were burned to ashes.

The soil wall was withdrawn instantly, and all the soil-based abilities touched the ground, closed their eyes, and as they moved, fewer and fewer rats poured out. Gu Anran knew that they were controlling the soil spurs, and for the enemies in the soil In terms of restraint, of course, they are the soil abilities that can control the soil.

However, due to the evacuation of the earth wall, the defense on the outside also became difficult, and water abilities such as Gu Anran could only increase their power output in order to effectively resist.

There were waves of rats, the ground was full of scorched or rotten corpses, but the rats were still endless, the dark powers were pale, and the outer black mist began to drift and gather. It seemed that the power It is almost exhausted and the spirit of control is exhausted.

The water abilities are slightly better. After all, there are two people, but it is not a good way to consume them. If the wall of water that is the last line of defense disappears, it means that everyone is exposed to the rats.

But with more rat corpses, and the original snake corpses, the mice crawled forward or drilled out directly from the corpses, making the water wall more and more necessary.

The electrical shock that the lightning mutant rat can resist is not an ordinary wall, which also makes the lightning ability must increase the current output.

The dark fog of the dark abilities is now so thin that it can only slightly erode the mutant mouse’s skin, and the impact is almost invisible. Today, only the lightning abilities, water abilities, soil abilities and Fire-powered.

Here the power abilities and speed abilities cannot perform at all, and the fists that are thrown out cannot match the speed of the mice.

“All non-combatants raise their guns.” Mu Qingli’s calm voice came.

Click … countless guns sounded in the hall,

“Retreat the wall! Launch.” With Mu Qingli’s words, the water wall immediately withdrew, banging, a series of gunshots fired and divided into three teams. After shooting a wave, they moved back and changed the next wave, changing the bullet. The shortcomings were offset by this tacit exchange, and the snoring sounded continuously.

Theoretically, bullets are very precious in the early days of the last days. They are indispensable for building bases, but now everyone’s powers are bottoming out. What about the bullets if they are important for life? It’s useless if you’re dead.

Banging … the sound of opening and closing is endless. After no rats came out, everyone was relieved and threw down the guns in their hands. Regardless of the dead body on the ground, they sat on the ground panting and throwing them down. The gun’s hand was red and swollen, and it was trembling. It seemed that the gun was fired too much and the recoil was too much.

As the only treatment department, Chi Mengyan started the treatment. The green hands covered the red and swollen hands. The wound began to swell at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye. The visual effect was very comfortable and the body felt more comfortable. Like the original, it is still sour, but there is no pain at all.

Gu Anran stood up and moved, because the long transition was tense, and now he relaxes, it is really aching body!

He pulled out the black cormorant and slashed a few zombies that were attracted by the sound of gunfire, and then joined the ranks of tile taking nuclei.

Fighting zombies is tiring, and digging the crystal nuclei is not much better. Everyone panted and dug out all the crystal nuclei. Nearly three hundred blue crystal nuclei were mixed with the energy of speed power. Small, it seems that the mutant animals will also be promoted, and the mutant mice are all the size of soybeans. The golden crystal nuclei emit thunder energy.

“Ah … so tired, so dirty …” Hong Qingyi looked at the dirt on his hands, and even his clothes were dirty, his face was disgusting.

Gu Anran barely condensed some water, washed his hands and face, and then took out a few water basins and filled them with a basin of water to wash other people’s faces.

“Let’s get out of here first!” The **** smell attracted many zombies. Although there was no threat to them, it would be troublesome if they attracted mutant beasts again.

They quickly left there and found an apartment nearby as a makeshift location.

“Ahhh … so disgusting!” Hong Qingyi took off his shirt and put on clean clothes. He threw the dirty clothes with his **** and threw them aside.

“Hey! Don’t throw it at me!” Gu Anran flashed Hong Qingyi’s “Raid” and said unhappyly.

The two men who felt comfortable changing clothes did not notice the fiery eyes of the other two not far away.

Gollum .. Mu Qingli swallowed and looked at Gu Anran’s fair skin. Although it was still unclear who Gu Anran was, her appeal to herself was undeniable.

Two unconscious people!

Mu Qingli glanced at the same change of clothes, but the corners of his eyes did not leave Hong Mengyan’s Chi Mengyan, and he lamented that both of them had really fallen into it.

Gu Anran took the food that was just put into the space intact and took it out. After entering the fierce battle just now, everyone began to eat again. It can be said to be swept away. Who knows if he will run out again during the meal? Something, alas … talking nonsense, eating and eating.

Probably the biggest gain from this trip belongs to the speed abilities and the thunder abilities, especially Mu Qingli, who is a thunder abilities, because there is only one thunder abilities in the team, all the thunder abilities The crystal nuclei were all handed to Mu Qingli, what an objective number.

Each of the speed abilities also entered a hundred speed nuclei, and Hong Qingyi stepped into the fifth order smoothly, becoming the first fifth-order power, and the other two abilities, one entered the fourth order. A third-order peak, the overall strength has risen to another level.

Although Mu Qingli has obtained a large number of thunder abilities, because of his dual abilities, he can’t just absorb thunder abilities alone, so there will be an imbalance between the two abilities, so he needs to take thunder abilities. At the same time, ordinary crystal nuclei can not be less, there is a feeling of eating together.

Maybe it was because the crowd was suppressed by the mutant herd just now, and the bad breath in his mouth could not be vented. He even got up to fight the zombies, drove the car, and rushed out when he saw the zombies. That was crazy.

Innocent Zombies Affected: “…….”

And because of this sweep along the road, the zombies on the streets were cleaned up, if it were not for the zombies on the ground and a little black blood, otherwise they would have thought that they were in a busy city.

“Ah! Cheer up!” Hong Qingyi threw the nucleus, which was the third-order zombies she had just solved. Now she doesn’t need to take a car at all, she runs fast with a running one, and there is no sign of a gurgling sound. Large number of crystal nuclei.

If it is not suitable for absorbing nuclei in the car, Gu Anran looks at the nuclei like a hill in the basin, why give it to me? I also want to go outside to kill zombies!

Seeing that everyone was out of breath, feeling a comfortable expression of body and mind, Gu Anran was full of resentment, and looked at the more and more nuclei piled up in the basin, his job is to wash away the stains above, think about all Depressed, believe it or not, my mother absorbed all the crystal nuclei!

Gu Anran murmured in his heart, but he still cleaned it up. After absorbing these crystal nuclei, the strength of everyone will increase.

I don’t know how far they have gone, whether every road rushed in and swept, and Gu Anran only felt that he had washed numerous crystal nuclei, and his actions were almost numb.

Alas, the car stopped.

Uh … arsenal? Gu Anran raised an eyebrow in depression.

“Enron, we have to go in to collect ammunition and guns. We just wasted a bit just now and need to be added. There is no reason here to intervene, so the supplies should be quite adequate.” Mu Qingli pointed to a map, which was painted The scope of the base is unknown, and the investigation is so detailed. The location of the small or medium-sized bases near Mu Qingli’s base and the range of activities have been drawn. This arsenal is remote because it is relatively remote. It is not the division of power by which base.

Putting the crystal nucleus and the vehicle into the bracelet, Gu Anran watched as several power abilities were tearing down the fence.

A: A sudden footsteps sounded, and everyone turned around alertly, and saw a group of four or fifty people carrying backpacks and iron bars leading the way with guns approaching here.

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