The Transmigration Missions Are Not Scientific

Chapter 84 - Interstellar (14)

All the students who want to participate in the planet expedition are gathered on the playground, many more than the last pairing, because in addition to the students of the Mecha Department and the Mecha Manufacturing Department, there are also medical students.

Medical students are assigned one per group, and Gu Anran is one of them.

“Lin Cai, a freshman in the medical department.” A beautifully-looking, but expressionless alpha stood before them.

Most of the medical departments are alpha and beta, and there are few omaga, and some of them are not weaker than the mech students. It is like Lin Cai is a class alpha, why do n’t they come to mecha? Does everyone have a will! Everyone’s direction is different.

Oh! correct! The school that can’t offend the most is the medical department. There is no way. Only people will get medical treatment. If it offends a specific one, they will avenge it. There is obviously a common medicine that can cure it, but I will give you another one, which will still hurt. Ten times the kind, where do you cry and where do you cry, you have to use it with tears.

Why not find someone else? The medical department is a famous unity, unless it is really deadly, otherwise you just offend one, and you are offending the entire medical department. Let ’s see how a senior has offended a new medical department student before. It ’s a joke, it ’s a new brother who happens to be injured, so … since you ’re so powerful, you do n’t need anesthesia, and the scream is echoed in the entire medical room, but after that The mouth seemed to be plugged, which did not cause turmoil.

The school came to ask afterwards, everyone said that this was not the case, and the senior did not dare to say anything, so … the medical department must not mess with it! This is the purpose behind the military academy.

However, the students of the medical department are all very good. If this is the case, then the medical department can dominate the military academy, so in fact, the medical students are very friendly.

“Hello, I’m Gu Anran, a mech manufacturing student.”

“Hello, I’m Hong Qingyi, and I’m a student in the Mecha Manufacturing Department. Please enlighten me.”

“I’m Chi Mengyan, Mecha, please take care of this event.”

“Mu Qingli, a student of the Mecha department, please advise me.”

Several people introduced themselves to each other on the surface, but the only one who really wanted to introduce was Lin Cai. After all, everyone was familiar except her.

“An Ran, should I get your luggage for you?” Mu Qingli worried that Gu An Ran would crush his body, and wanted to carry Gu An Ran’s backpack on his own back. Anyway, they did n’t have a lot of luggage. According to school regulations, they could only bring Three outfits, the others are all prepared by the school, and carrying six outfits is nothing to the alpha.

“It’s okay, you guys have to be tent and food, and the clothes aren’t heavy. That’s fine.” Gu Anran quickly refused. She didn’t want to be judged to be a weak and delicate princess.

“Okay.” Of course, Mu Qingli knew Gu Anran’s thoughts, and touched Gu Anran’s head with a smile, and greeted Chi Mengyan to get resources.

“Lin Cai, is it okay for you to carry so many things?” Hong Qingyi curiously glanced next to the bag Lin Lin was sorting out, and Gu Anran also glanced, there were many bottles and cans in it.

“These are all made by myself. As long as it is a medicine made in the course, you can take this activity with you. Of course, the teacher must prove that you can only bring up to five kinds, and the rest must be collected locally.” Lin Cai pointed out Refers to a place on the bottle with the signatures of five teachers, showing how harsh it is.

“Then what did you bring?” Gu Anran asked, bending down.

“Internal and external treatment of injuries, anesthetics, stomach drugs, inhibitors.” Lin Cai said lightly.

“Inhibitor? What inhibitor?” Hong Qingyi asked puzzledly.

“Now that we are all adults, we are almost ready to take it, and take it for the occasion.” Lin Cai touched the jar of medicine, his eyes were a little gloomy, and he seemed to be caught in some memories.

“Enron, Tsing Yi, Lin Cai, it’s time to gather and get ready for the spaceship.” Mu Qingli and Chi Mengyan came over with significantly larger backpacks.

“Let’s go, Lin Cai.” Gu Anran patted Lin Cai’s shoulder.

“Um … I see.” Pulling up his backpack, Lin Cai followed Gu Anran and walked towards Mu Qingli and Chi Mengyan.

“This is the spaceship!” Hong Qingyi exclaimed.

The shock at long and close distances is completely different. The spaceship Gu Anran saw last time was probably the size of an airship, but in closer view, it was larger than ten aircraft! The military emblem is also shown above, showing how wealthy the military school is.

Five people sat in a small box with toilets or beds, sofas and other equipment. They seemed to be well prepared. They expected that it would take twelve hours for the spacecraft to reach their destination. This time was very long. .

“Enron, look!” Hong Qingyi pointed out the window excitedly, they really flew in the universe, one planet after another, the meteorite cooled off beside the spacecraft. This can only be done on the earth by relying on the special effects of the movie. The scene is now in sight.

Gu Anran took a few photos and passed it on to her sister and brother. They immediately recovered. They also accompanied the event with cheering messages, which made Gu Anran quite happy.

“Would you like to take a break? There are 11 hours left to save energy.” Mu Qingli patted the prepared bed and asked Gu Anran and Hong Qingyi.

Gu Anran is not the one who will be excited because of these small things. Anyway, they have a long time in the interstellar. With the financial resources of the two, they can do whatever they want, and they don’t have to live in the moment.

Waking up in Gu Anran, only half an hour away from the destination, rubbed some confused eyes, straightened up, and handed a white towel in front of him.

“Thank you.” Gu Anran smiled at Mu Qingli, who handed her a towel. He took the towel and wiped his face, fiddled with his hair, and jumped out of bed.

“Enron, let’s eat something!” Hong Qingyi greeted, and a large pot of noodles was placed on the table today, and the aroma was scattered, making Gu Anran, who was already hungry, swallowed.

“Let’s eat it.” Mu Qingli filled Gu Anran with a large bowl full of meat and vegetables, and even some eggs.

“How can I have these?” Gu Anran sat down beside Hong Qingyi holding the bowl.

“Oh, it’s in the refrigerator. Anyway, we are going to survive in the wilderness, so we boiled a box of noodles and vegetables and meat in the refrigerator. We do n’t eat white, and there are a few eggs!” Hong Qingyi signaled Gu Anran next to it.

Gu Anran, who just drank the soup, almost saw the direction indicated by Hong Qingyi, and saw that there was an empty box in a small kitchen filled with many sides of wrapping paper, as well as fresh-keeping films of vegetables and meat, a box It’s not enough, and it’s spilled out, so they can see that they have completely consumed all the stored food in it!

“You cooked this noodle? It tastes good.” Gu Anran judged with a mouthful.

“No, when I get up, they are cooked.” Hong Qingyi shrugged.

“Ahem … is that right?” Gu Anran looked at them a little embarrassed, and no wonder Gu Anran would ask that, because someone had master cooking after all.

“It ’s not a boil. When I got up, I saw them boil water, then threw the noodles in, and threw vegetables and meat into it. If I didn’t remind them to add salt and some seasonings, now you What I ate was jealous of the original miscellaneous meeting. “Hong Qingyi added lightly.

“Oh …” Gu Anran looked at the three embarrassed people, and even Lin Cai, who was expressionless, showed an obscure expression.

“It’s okay, at least it can still be eaten, it’s not scorched …” But she didn’t expect that she just couldn’t lift her head when she finished talking.

“They scorched three pots, this pot is the only finished product.” Hong Qingyi explained without raising his head.

“….. ???” Gu Anran smiled awkwardly, did he sleep too much? No charred smell.

I had never seen the three alphas in the kitchen watching two asleep omaga and decided to make delicious food for them. Of course, the main motive was Mu Qingli and Chi Mengyan! Lin Cai just came to the cinema.

But here comes the problem! Or how to drive?

Mu Qingli almost pulled up the gas switch. The fire just didn’t come out. There was no way to reach the three of them and they had to check the light brain. No matter on earth or interstellar, the Internet is the most convenient!

After trying for a few more minutes, the fire finally ignited.

Well, put on the pot, and then … then they threw the ingredients in … yes! Just throw it away!

For the first time, of course, the ingredients became charred …

The second time Lincai tried to add some water to it, and the water was dried up. The ingredients were cooked at the bottom, but not cooked at the top, and the water was dried quickly. They did n’t know, they did n’t pick it up, so It ’s darker and blacker, who dares to eat? no one….

The third time, Chi Mengyan didn’t believe in evil, he filled the water with water and threw in the ingredients, um … when he was done, put the lid on and went back to the house to do his own thing … but one hour later, Mu Qingli suddenly remembered that they were still cooking, opening the lid … the things were lumpy, the water had dried up and turned into an unknown gadget …

“At least … you didn’t blow up the kitchen! That’s good. Think about the first time I went into the kitchen, I blew it once. It’s okay, you are much better than me.” Gu Anran comforted and looked at the three Better complexion, also relieved.

“Hurry up … we’ll meet in a moment.” Hong Qingyi glanced at the time, and presented Gu Anran a spoonful, urging.

“I know, I know.” Gu Anran nodded quickly, speeding up eating, she did not want to participate in the wild survival hungry.

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