The Trial Game of Life (renjian shi lian youxi)

Chapter 185 - Book of Spirits (9)

A series of nine stars, of course, cannot stop Mr. Crow who can come and go freely in the copy. When he saw clearly what was happening on Redstone Plaza, what he said was the same as when he saw Lei Jie.

“Crazy, crazy, crazy…”

Mr. Raven hovered agitatedly at low altitude, sometimes screaming, seeming to be angry.

Outside the nine-star chain, there was a calm sea, and Haoyue was in the sky.

In the nine-star chain, the continuous blood has stained the lights on the street red. It was blood red and rose red. The vines that grew out of the magical pattern were contaminated with the magic of time. The rose that appeared was sprinkled with starlight, which was extraordinarily charming and bright.

The vines are spreading wildly, and many people are caught in their hands and feet before they can react. The more struggling, the tighter the vines are tied, the spikes pierce the skin, and the rose blooms with the breath of the person, as if it were alive.

Many people want to speak for help, but the mouth just opened, and the rose bloomed from the mouth. She was stunned with wide eyes. Although her beautiful face was full of panic, she was especially beautiful with the delicate rose.

The first people who died were young men and women. The vines wrapped around the body like snakes, the **** roses set off the face, the soul was gone, and the beautiful empty shell remained.

The blood meandered, partly absorbed by the rose, partly infiltrated into the magic circle.

The rose is still very picky, except that young men and women hardly deal with the elderly. The members of the Rose Sect lurking around Yorkshire worked in this era, and swords and magic appeared together.

Tonight, a generation of people gathered at Red Rock Plaza said less than 40,000 to 50,000.

Among them are ordinary residents with ordinary families, tenant farmers, and some aristocrats who come to join in the bustling or attract people. Nobles often go out in groups, accompanied by guards, and Yorkshire itself has guards stationed. The magic circle caught everyone off guard, but when the Rose sect showed up, they finally reacted.

When the two sides meet, the time magic begins to take effect.

Various visions appeared around the Redstone Plaza, resulting in the entire space being unstable. At a glance, the cracked mirror reflects countless realities, which are dazzling.

Black Hat has seen it once, and adapts well to it. He shuttled through the crowd quickly, trying not to deal with people, just want to find that person quickly.

Mr. Raven was angry, but he was not angry with the Rose Sect, nor was the **** scene uncomfortable. He is Mr. Crow of Yongye City, and he likes to watch everyone fight.

This is the same as those humans have played and those animal performances.

He was angry that the black hat was the same as the two black-hearted lambs.

If you are bold, just be brave, and pick the things. The laws issued by the black hat in Yongye City are still very popular with Mr. Crow. But he didn’t learn what was good, and he couldn’t pass the customs!

The copy mission is clearly to stop the Rose Sect, but he helps!

Players who do not pass well are not good players!

It seems that this black hat and the two black-hearted lambs are not together, obviously not together, and they both make the crow angry, which is really abominable.

Mr. Raven’s thoughts became more and more difficult, but he was curious about the next development.

Things soon changed, and Edwin arrived with his Cavaliers. He wore a moon-white robe and a big hood, and there was some sickness between the eyebrows, which made him a little weak. Even if he had a sword around his waist, he was not like a powerful knight.

But his movements were quick. Jiuxing didn’t hide him, even if he hadn’t seen the chaos in Redstone Plaza, his brows frowned deeply.

“Master Duke, there is a magic barrier in front!”

“Rush over!” Edwin accelerated as he spoke. His mount is a one-horned horse. Nine-star chains are in front of him. He holds the reins in one hand and pulls the sword in the other. The tip of the sword is pressed down slightly, and a moon-white light gathers on the blade.

There are also magicians in the **** team, long-range magic first hit the nine-star chain barrier. The knight headed by Edwin charged again, like a sharp pointed cone, and heaved hard into the barrier.

Under the continuous charge of the Grand Magician and the Advanced Knight, the barrier broke. But this is a high-end equipment produced by the fantasy unlimited market. The barrier here has a big hole, and the rest is intact.

Edwin and his **** drove in from the rupture chief, maintaining a pointed cone formation, and entered the battlefield.

There were more than a hundred guards in the escort. Edwin and two big knights from the left and the right were at the top. They stopped all the time, even if the surroundings were full of sorrow, they did not stop.

Later, the team split from the second half.

Two teams, one left and one right, split out, and they were divided into five groups. A magician was equipped with four knights to quickly divide the enemy.

After traveling a distance, two teams split up again. After the split and then split, the whole process was methodical, and Edwin, who was the cusp, always maintained a charge posture and rushed to Redstone Square.

The scattered knights shouted while killing the enemy: “The white knight of the Baihua Kingdom is here!”

“Everyone takes up arms!”

“Please defend your land!”

“The White Knight of the Baihua Kingdom is here!”

“There is still hope!”

“Please take up arms!”

The loud cry is like a strong needle injected into the hearts of everyone in Yorkshire, the white knight family of the Baihua Kingdom, and the famous godly knight.

That’s a natural God of War!

The desperate people raised their heads and saw the moonlight shining on the silver armor. Even if they hurried by, they couldn’t help but ignite the fire of hope.

It was the Duke of the Duke who came to rescue them, it was the Duke of the Moon who was like the moon.

Courage breeds in hope. The honest tenant farmers pick up the iron bars on the ground and pierce the enemy’s back. Warm blood splattered on his face, he shivered, and roared with grief.

At the front, only Edwin and the twelve knights remained.

The closer it is to Redstone Plaza, the more lush the roses bloom here. The vines are wrapped around the horseshoes of the unicorns, and they are frantically preventing them from advancing, but the White Knight family is strong and the special iron hooves are enchanted. Under the attack, the roots of the vines break.

The wind blew Edwin’s hood, revealing long silver hair.

In a hurry tonight, Edwin came down from the bed and even had time to tie his hair. At the moment he pursed his lips, and Ren Changfa fluttered in the wind, just to hurry and hurry.

Only by destroying the magic circle can you have a chance to save Yorkshire.

Redstone Square was in sight, Edwin Fei dismounted, and immediately ushered in a fierce battle.

The Rose sect did not know his arrival. Seeing that the vines couldn’t stop him, all the people near the Red Rock Square surrounded them, and all the moves were killing.

“Stop him!”

“No matter who it is, as long as you kill the descendants of the White Knight, you can go back and become a bishop!”


Under the reward, the attack of the Rose Sect is even more deadly.

Edwin’s sword was magnificent, and his figure was light. The slender sword was like a mirror, as if it would be broken when it was folded, but between the turn and the raising of the hand, the sharp sword was as sharp as iron.

It was just that Edwin was ill, and after a while, his face flushed abnormally. The two knights quickly stood beside him, anxiously asking: “Master Duke, are you okay?”

“It’s okay.” He took a deep breath, drew a sword flower, closed his eyes, and his breath settled.

The next second, he fluttered his sword lightly, and stepped out in one step. The whole person walked like the moon, and he traveled gently and calmly through the sea of ​​roses. It was like a gust of wind, and it passed the side of the Rose Sect in a very beautiful posture.


The vines were blown by the wind, and the petals fluttered down beside him, hairpins in the silver hair. He stopped by the well, turned and opened his eyes—

A blood line appeared in the neck of all the people, and the blood ran out of it afterwards, and then with the body, buried in the sea of ​​flowers.

“Cough, cough.” Edwin couldn’t stop coughing while covering his heart. But he didn’t dare to relax, because there was another man in the dark, the archbishop of the white robe.

Edwin frowned, and it seemed that the Rose Party would aspire to this action.

“It is worthy of being a descendant of the White Knight. This trick roams under the moon, and the blue is better than the blue. I am afraid that among the successors of the past, no one is more suitable for this trick than the Lord Duke.”

“Admiral Bishop.”

Edwin held the sword tightly, and the real battle began.

At the same time, Aesop finally arrived outside the nine-star chain.

What surprised Tang Cuo and Jin Cheng was that the systematic warning disappeared without warning when they stepped into Yorkshire. Jin Cheng speculates that it may be because of the switch of the copy. Yorkshire belongs to the copy of “July Rose”. Although the two people do not belong to this copy, it still makes the system’s judgment wrong.

Without further investigation, Jin Cheng then found clues on Jiuxing Chain, “This is a prop of Yongye City, not a copy of it, the black hat has arrived!”

Tang Cuo frowned, then this barrier was used by black hats to stop them.

The black hat thing couldn’t tell Aesop, the two only expected Aesop to move faster and break the barrier and rush in. Aesop didn’t know what they expected, but in his eyes, something blocking the road was abhorrent enough to be annoying.

Without saying a word, he broke through.

At the moment when the barrier facing Aesop was also broken, the black hat that had been searching hard had finally found the goal. Through the rose and the knife light, he stared at the strange and familiar face, and was indifferent even if he was cut with a knife in the back.

He stiffened for a moment, his feet seemed to be rusty, and no matter how his eyes breathed fire, he couldn’t move. The bitter hatred, the burning anger that has not been extinguished for more than ten years, has burnt his body into a red iron block, which is so welded to the ground.

He finally found him again.

This time he didn’t miss it.

He gasped heavily, feeling his body burning again. The members of the Rose sect who cut him saw that this man was astonished. He was shocked by him. After he was stunned, he cut it again.

“Go to death!” The vicious curse rang in the ears of the black hat.

The sword was cut off, and the black hat was finally awakened by this voice, and turned to hold the sword with his bare hands. Ren Xianxue ran down the palm of his hand, and he severely broke the long sword. In the consternation of the other party, he thrust the broken sword into his chest.

Solve this person, he immediately ran towards the goal.

The soldering iron soldered to the ground was broken, the rusty gear of fate restarted, the black hat ran forward desperately, and there was only the sound of the wind in his ears.

But the identity of the man at this moment is just ordinary npc. In the ruthless killing of the rose sect, he will neither exert much force nor have the courage to fight hard to resist.

He looked useless and incompetent, frightened, screamed, and collapsed. The last time the black hat saw him, he was desperately chasing after him, but after seeing him die of the Rose Sect’s magic bomb, he had no time to do anything.

This time he even panicked, hugged his head everywhere, and went straight to the center of the battlefield.

In the central area, the battle between Edwin and the Archbishop of White Robe has become more intense. A knight confronts a magician. The original Duke of Edwin’s orthodox white knight, the current duke, is definitely better than the other. Still ill, can only barely draw a tie.

In such a high-profile battle, other people who want to intervene can hardly get in.


The aftermath of the two players spread out, oscillating the already unstable space into transparent ripples. But the man had already ran to less than 100 meters from Edwin. The black hat was in a hurry, and an arrow rushed up to throw the man down.

The defensive props opened in time saved the two, and the black hat grabbed the man by the collar and dragged him out, but did not take a few steps, seeing his trembling look, his anger surged in his heart, making him stop regardless of the danger. .

“Look at me, you look up at me!” The black hat shook him hard, “Are you so useless? What do you mean by murder?!”

Clearly know that this person is a npc, it is no longer the former.

Clearly know.

But the black hat still felt angry. What a fierce and fierce person at that time, let him track down a person who has gained nothing for fifteen years, why should it be like this now?

What is his pain for so many years! ?

“You come back to me!”

“I want to kill you, I want to kill you by hand!”

The black hat stared at his eyes, and his face, which had not seen light all year round, was pale and almost morbid. He squeezed a sensible reason and took out the carefully prepared potion from the equipment bar, but his hand could not stop shaking.

For this medicine, he prepared for four years.

In these four years, he broke off with his beloved woman, with Lin Yan Dongxu and the snake, he made all kinds of plans, treat others as chess pieces, and let himself be others’ chess pieces, and finally opened the dream unlimited market, and finally got the required medicinal materials. Complete preparation.

Only one step away is the last step.

The black hat broke the man’s mouth and poured the potion. But this is still in the center of the battlefield, and the Archbishop Edwin and the white robe will ignore him as a small person, and others will not think so.

The magic light flashed behind him, and the shadow of the sword was hidden in it.

On the occasion of a desperate attack, the black hat turned around and threw various props. It was all part of his preparations, there were imprisoned, defensive, and offensive.

Countless props are like scattered flowers, don’t throw money away like money.

In the different sounds of various props, one by one fell, but for a moment, a vacuum was cleared around the black hat. Even the battle between Edwin and Archbishop White was affected.

Both of them were seriously injured. Under this wave, Edwin directly spit out blood with his sword. Archbishop White was not much better than him. He dropped one hand unnaturally and was injured in many places on his body.

Regardless of the black hat, continue to pour medicine into the man’s mouth. But at this moment, a metal arrow came out of the wind, nailed straight to his hand, almost nailed through his palm.

But even so, the black hat still didn’t stop, until the medicine was all poured into the man’s mouth, he turned his head and stared at the direction of the arrow-Jin Cheng!

Jin Cheng raised an eyebrow at him.

Since the copy was changed, and this copy is not his own, the system has given up the warning, so he naturally does not need to hide and tweak, directly on the strongest weapon.

Filling the bowstring again, he pointed the arrow at the black hat-come to play.

On the other side, Tang Cuo held the sword of adjudication, a jump-killing skill [Starfall], and took the archbishop’s head straight. The Archbishop took a deep breath and evaded in a hurry, but he still cut off one arm.

“Master Bishop!”

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