The Trial Game of Life (renjian shi lian youxi)

Chapter 213 - Celebration (22)

After answering all the questions, even with the multiple choice question, many players still score in single digits. As the laser continues to shrink, these people have to stand up to answer questions and reduce their footprint.

Jin Cheng and Tang Cuo were only two wrong, and even Su Miaomiao and Meng Na Lisa did not compare with them.

Although the future is uncertain, and everyone’s scores are not the same, but the players’ mood at the moment is the same-it’s amazing to have a boyfriend, goddamn.

Meng Na Lisa continued to be soft and weak like a dodder flower by the window, and I still felt pitiful. Su Miaomiao felt anxious in his heart. Yu Guang looked at Jin Cheng, but he saw him looking at him with a smile.

“Your teammate can’t answer correctly, but you can’t pass.” Jin Cheng said.

Su Miaomiao understood his mouth and knew that he was forcing himself to publish the answer. He didn’t do it himself, but let him do it. But Su Miaomiao couldn’t ignore his teammates, so he glared at him and reluctantly raised his answer board.

Because her teammates were scattered, she couldn’t just point the answer board in one direction. In the end she simply lifted it in every direction, and wanted to copy it together. Anyway, there is no her enemy here, just give it a helping hand.

The rest of the players were relieved, especially those who had already stood up, could not help but nodded to Su Miaomiao, believing her love.

After a while, the bottoming test ended, and the final scores were: Tang Cuo and Jin Cheng 94, Meng Na Lisa 90, Su Miao Miao 88, the rest of the players were all below 70 points, and more than half of the people floated at low altitude for more than 60 points. There are also the last six unlucky eggs, because of the mistakes in the early stage, they were miserable.

Su Miaomiao shrugged her shoulders, she helped, and it’s not her business to fail anymore. Anyway, her teammates passed.

After the laser dissipated, all the players who failed failed to go to the corridor to punish the station, but they knew with their knees that there must be danger in the corridor. The six people remained calm and vigilant, and walked out of the classroom in a hurry with the teacher’s “slap, pop” teaching whip and urge.

Tang Cuo carefully observed, at this time, it shows that the players in the a zone are different from the players in the other zones. This quality is not moral but combat quality. No matter what kind of situation they face, they will not be overly panicked, calm, thoughtful and cautious.

But whether it is indoor or outdoor players, they obviously underestimate the difficulty of this game, so that when the sudden change, they are stunned one by one.

This mutation is not a certain danger, but the player itself-they have all become dogs.

When you go out, you become a dog, and your friends walk together.

“Bang, Boom, Boom!” Bai Wu spread out, and the six-man tall man turned into six common breeds of dogs, staring at each other with round eyes in the corridor.

Teddy, Corgi, Shiba Inu, Golden Retriever, Husky and Samoyed, tall and short, fat and thin, all colors, all available.

Such a wonderful scene made the passing players who were still in the classroom rush to the window to watch. Many of them were in a team with a certain player outside, and they were worried and wanted to laugh.

“Brother, what’s wrong with you, brother? Which one is yours, brother, if you’re there, cry out?”

The six dogs barked together, and the barking was rather annoying. But after they called out, they seemed more embarrassed, so they shut up and turned their heads in anger.

But at this moment, something even more dazzling happened, and suddenly at the ends of the corridor, a dozen people wearing silver protective suits rushed to the six dogs with a set of rods, ropes, and various dog grabbers. .

“Wang Wangwang!” The dogs were in a hurry, but now they have become dogs, and many skills and props are not available. And those in protective clothes are so tall in their eyes at the moment.

“Lying trough.”

“What is this for? Is it grabbed and sent to the slaughterhouse?”

“I don’t look like it.”

“Mommy, it’s weird.”

The players in the classroom talked eloquently, Tang Cuo was sitting by the window, watching with arms folded. In the end, he seemed to feel something, and looked at the teacher holding the pointer.

The teacher walked to the door, with his hands on his hips, his hand pointing at the dog who was anxiously hurling, and cursing in a tone of hatred and ironlessness: “I can’t even pass the bottom exam, I think you all have lost the need for transformation! If you don’t have the qualifications to fall in love, let alone pass on the lineage, they are all sent to sterilization, and it saves no more resources!”

“Lying trough!!!”

“Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang?”


Going to castrate!

Human tragedy! ! !

At this time, the players’ hearts for gloating are gone, and the vast majority of the men present are male. When they hear the word “sterilized”, they feel a breeze blowing under them, so they are not scared.

The six dogs struggled together and ran away like crazy before they were caught. Teddy runs the fastest, relying on his small body and flexibility, showing the speed of flying.

Shiba Inu can also use props, a skateboard flew out, he jumped on the skateboard, rushing left and right suddenly without stimulation. Golden Retriever, Husky, and Samoyed are relatively large, and can also struggle with collision for a while, and then seize the time to use available props. Only Corgi, except for his two eyes glaring out of his orbit, didn’t run far with his four short legs, and was caught by two people wearing protective clothes.

“Wang!!!” Let me go!

On the occasion of a desperate attack, Corgi finally resorted to a skill–open his mouth and spit out the wind blade, hit the two people directly to the door, and took the opportunity to escape.

It seems that this is a wind power.

“My God, it’s a battle between people and dogs.” The players in the classroom exclaimed, his mouth wide open. But the teacher won’t leave them too much time to amaze. He closed the door with a bang. He walked back to the podium and knocked on the blackboard, and then entered-classroom question and answer time.

It can also be referred to as “death question and answer”.

Those who answer the wrong question will face various punishments, bayonet protruding from the belly of the desk, a black hole suddenly opened under the chair, a fast falling electric fan, a chalk bomb, etc.

The question types are the same: “Your girlfriend and your mother fell into the water at the same time. Which one do you save?”

On this basis, the conditions are continuously superimposed, from “the sudden appearance of the mother-in-law” to “the joining of the old man in the lifeguard next door” to “the starting price of the corpse boat”. The player’s mind is swelled, and the relationship between the characters is almost unclear.

Teachers who read the topic will even set traps deliberately to guide players to make mistakes.

“Your girlfriend and your mother fell into the water at the same time. Your mother can’t swim. Your girlfriend can swim but the technique is not good. You can only move forward slowly with a dog planer. Who are you saving? Teacher, he tells your girlfriend that she is 600 meters away from the shore at this moment. She is known to swim at an average of 0.3 meters per second. At this time, the water flow speed is an average of 10 kilometers. The math teacher asks you how long will she be able to swim to the shore?”

The player was fainted by one question after another. After listening to the first half, it was difficult for him to get around. Suddenly he received the torture of the soul from the math teacher. He was stunned and answered blurtly: “I don’t know!”

The teacher immediately shouted: “Answer wrong! What do you control the math teacher?! Do you answer if you ask? Your mother and your girlfriend are still in the water, and the questions will not be properly examined. Ask who you save or not. You do arithmetic! A person like you deserves to be single!”

Player: “[email protected]*#¥%@#¥&#?!”

A series of standard national accusations were automatically blocked by the system. The cover of the podium suddenly rose in the next second, and a mechanical sound of “click, click” came out, and a large barrel came out of the podium.

“Bang–” The player was standing at the end of the classroom and was hit by a cannon through the wall without knowing if he was dead.

There was silence in the classroom.

After looking around, after a series of questions and answers, everyone with disabilities and injuries can sit safely on the chair, and the five hands can come over. On the wall and on the window glass, there was splattered thick blood.

There were also dogs screaming outside the window, from far and near, and from near to far. “Wang Wang Wang” was noisy, and I didn’t know if any dog ​​was sent into the courtroom.

Just listening to the cry, sad and miserable.

Looking forward, the player in the front row of Tangcuo is bleeding. When answering the previous question, he answered wrongly. A black hole suddenly appeared under the seat, causing him to fall together with the chair. Fortunately, he inserted a knife into the wall in time to block the trend of falling, but he was also forced to die because the black hole was closed instantly. Amputate your legs.

There is no way to sit. He can only lean against the wall with a wry smile and take out the therapeutic bandage to stop the bleeding.

Su Miaomiao was also injured, but her face was pale and she had no problem. The most surprising Meng Na Lisa, the teacher seemed to avoid her every time she asked questions, so only her side was bloodless and clean.

Even Tangcuo stood up to answer a question once, and the superimposed condition he encountered was a corpse boat, without blinking, answering: “Throw the corpse boat into the river, grab his boat to save the girlfriend and my mother . To see people alive, to see dead bodies.”

This answer obviously exceeded expectations. The teacher was stunned for a while, and hesitated a moment later, “This student answered well, please sit down.”

Tang Cuo calmed down to sit down, a big man style is convincing.

Other players expressed their understanding of the essence of the answer, so in the next question and answer, people from all walks of life were thrown into the river and used all the props available in the question. Anyway, as long as they can float on the water Can save people. It doesn’t matter if the girlfriend or the mother is the same, it is king to save both.

Jin Cheng said that he was with You Rongyan, and he even learned to answer questions without waiting for the teacher to read the whole question. The teacher was so angry that his glasses were crooked, and he almost punished him regardless of the rules.

Jin Cheng shrugged and leaned his head to ask Tang Cuo: “Did I answer well?”

The whole class is watching.

What Tangcuo can say, between the eyes of others and his boyfriend, of course he chooses his boyfriend, which is not a multiple choice question at all.

“Good.” Tang Cuo said.

“So why did you two come to participate in this game?” Su Miaomiao next door rubbed her sore head and sent out soul torture again.

You are all out of order, don’t you show off?

Jin Cheng said no.

Su Miaomiao rolled her eyes again. Yu Guang glanced at Meng Na Lisa by the window, but she saw her cheek and looked at this side, intoxicated and shy. At first, Su Miaomiao thought that she was in love with Jin Cheng or Tang Cuo, and was planning to laugh at her in her heart, but when she looked at it, she discovered that she might just be doing cp.

What happened to this world?

Su Miaomiao asked herself, there was no answer.

After a while, the answer finally came to an end. Meng Na Lisa failed to escape and was asked to answer the question. Because she is a girl, the question becomes: “If your boyfriend and your idol are trapped at the same time and have lost their ability to save themselves in a coma, and you can only save one, who do you save?”

In fact, there is no answer to this kind of question. Just now, Su Miaomiao just randomly chose one, so she was punished. When it was Monna Lisa’s turn, she heard the question, covered her mouth with tears in her eyes, incredulously, and shuddered with a small, soft voice, asking: “How could this happen, how could such a thing happen…I To love them so much, how to have the heart to give up one of them, is too cruel for me. What can I do, thinking about it, I have to save neither.”

Teacher & all players: “Huh??”

Meng Na Lisa wiped a tear from the corner of her eyes and said, “If I save my boyfriend, my brother will die tragically, and his fans will never let us go. My boyfriend survives and is better off. There is never a day when people hang up online. But what if my boyfriend’s family is saved if I save my brother? Will they also be angry with my brother? I become a fan of the brain, my brother is accused by the entire network of morals, and my career directly flops to the end. , Sullen, hateful. So you said how can I save them, I save any one of them, it is harming them!”

It’s not over yet, and a stern expression suddenly appeared on Meng Na Lisa’s face, “And they love me so much, I hope I can live well, I have to take their part to live well, so that it’s best to love them. The way.”

The hearts of the players have been greatly shaken, and the teacher started talking and robbing: “You seem to say this… It seems a bit reasonable… No, no, you are sophistry!”

Mena Lisa: “Oops.”

The teacher was finally angry, and the npc favorability value was no longer effective at this moment. He grabbed a box of chalk and threw it all away. The colorful chalk exploded and the bomb exploded, and the smoke enveloped the entire classroom. And at this moment, Tang Cuo narrowed his eyes, and finally saw through the smoke how Meng Na Lisa fought.

She is a wood-based psionicist.

The lush vines emerged from her palm and wrapped around her body in the blink of an eye, like a delicate bird cage. In the next moment, white flowers bloomed on the vines. These flowers were dyed as soon as they touched the colorful smoke, and they were densely colored. The layers of colors piled up like oil paintings.

Do not.

Tang Cuo frowned, not that the flower was dyed, but that it was absorbing the attack of chalk bombs. There is vine protection behind, and when the attack really touches Meng Na Lisa, only the breeze is blowing.

Meng Na Lisa stood in the colorful flower cage, smiling sweetly.

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