The Trial Game of Life (renjian shi lian youxi)

Chapter 217 - Celebration (26)

When the last rays of the setting sun flooded from the horizon, the windmill finally took shape. Using the signal transmission tower in the small town of Delhi as the pole of the windmill, the four huge blades are welded with steel pipes to form the veins and shapes, and then collect the fabric that can be used in the whole town to sew it up. Black, white, colorful, nylon, cotton, and tarpaulin, a windmill in a hundred clothes was just built.

From a distance, the windmill looks like the wings of a thin colorful butterfly, because it can still transmit light. When you look closer, it looks like a patched sail, which makes people worry about whether it will be destroyed by the next storm.

Even so, some crew members are still romantic.

“Zac, don’t paint it, come down quickly, we should go to cook! Later, Lilith is coming, and you will be scolded for your business!” Huang Mao’s boy shouted in a trumpet with his hands under the signal tower, and he looked up Looking at the people who climbed up high, they shouted in relief.

“I’ll be fine soon!” The young man named Zac graffitied the leaves. He carried a sack of spray paint on his back and grabbed time with the sunset.

In the evening, the wind had already blown, and poisonous smoke began to spread towards the town. Although the speed is not fast, the panic brought about is unstoppable. Only a romantic young man like Zack will think of graffiti on the ugly blade at this time.

Many people do not have hope for this inexplicable windmill, they just have to grab the last life-saving straw, but Zac doesn’t think so.

In the companion’s urging sound, he speeded up and ran out the last can of paint, painting the last red wave. That is the color of the setting sun.

“What did you draw?” the companion asked him.

“It’s hope.” Zach landed and looked up at the windmill again, saying, “I have a hunch that this will become a masterpiece handed down to the world.”

“Aren’t you? Just your painting?”

“No, I am talking about this windmill.”

After speaking, Zach turned and ran again. The companion hurried to catch up, shouting behind him to make him hurry to cook, but this was the task they assigned, and they could not be kicked on the buttocks by Master Lilith.

Zac didn’t care, he ran fast and passed the sunset wind. He ran to the switch and pulled down the switches of the headlights around him—

light is on.

It was a large searchlight of several kilowatts, located around the signal tower square. It turned out to be a small, unassuming small park in the town, with wisteria flower promenade and the most common fitness equipment. After dinner, idle aunts often come here to dance squares, so the people in the street do A few lights were installed here.

When the light is on, the uncles can sit here and play chess and chat. This small square is the best testimony of countless ordinary lives in the past.

Suddenly one day, the zombie came, the end came, the life was destroyed, the human nature began to deconstruct, and gradually fell apart. Is there any hope? Zac believes there will be.

He looked up at the windmill illuminated by the light. Although it looked a little funny, it was always a hope.

The craftsmen began to do the final reinforcement work, and Zac finally returned to the temporary collective cafeteria with his companions to devote to the preparation of the dinner.

But in the tent area, a group of people are fighting for a pig. The only surviving black pig in the town of Delhi, even in the doomsday era when supplies are scarce, is still raised to be fat and strong.

Everyone is arguing whether to kill the pig.

Some people think that they are going to be killed by poisonous smoke. The last meal should be good. Some people think that if they are not dead, it is a pity that they may find a second pig to breed in the future.

“I said no to kill! No to kill! Whoever wants to kill Paige killed me first!”

“You broke the onions I planted in the pot yesterday!”

“No one can stop me from eating pork! Shit!”

“Go away!!!”


Lilith and Yu Yiyi looked at the three-story building not far away. Yu Yi lifted the curtains and said, “Look, it’s better than shouting slogans for them. Dishes are an eternal topic.”

“Rather than talking about pig farming here, it’s better to think about how your spells will change. Poisonous smoke has spread in and the windmills have been set up. If you relax here again, they will not only kill pigs, but will also kill you. Threw it into the pot and cooked it together.” Lilith was sitting on the sofa applying nail polish. After so many days in the copy, her nail polish was almost gone.

Yu shrugged one by one and went back to the table to continue the painting. On the floor, on the chair, and on the sofa, there were already filled with more than one yellow rune paper, with red runes painted with cinnabar on which Lilith could not understand.

While waiting for the nail polish to dry out, Lilith watched quietly against the sofa arm for a few minutes. When drawing the symbols, Yu Yiyi looked like a magical stick with one hand behind his back, one hand holding the pen and writing like a wind.

“You said you were a Taoist before?” Lilith asked suddenly.

“Yeah, do I look different?” Yu answered with a smile.

“Have you ever caught a ghost in the world?”

“It’s true that the ghosts haven’t been caught, but everyone has ghosts in mind. Moreover, my little Taoist who lives in the country, when the villagers want to make a big wilderness, go and write to them “Jiang Taigong’s order, no taboos” On the wall of the fu, occasionally go to see a feng shui, and then grab the rice bowl with the monk. The best job is to give people a lucky day. The old lady in Shili Baxiang likes me very much.”

Lilith always feels that his words are half-truths, and can’t help but ask curiously: “What is your track number?”

Yu Yiyi was about to say that after thinking about it, he swallowed it back. It’s not that his track number has anything to say, but he remembered that he had long hair and braids.

This kind of thing, if known to Lilith, always feels bad.

Yu Yiyi, the track number Yuquan. Grandpa is a Taoist and Dad is a Taoist, so his serious 985 graduate is also a Taoist, and he lives in the countryside for 28 years.

He felt that the most suffocating thing in his life was not that he was called back to become a priest after graduation, but that he died in a family dispute with dog blood. He just went to show people Feng Shui. Feng Shui didn’t see anything bad. He saw a bunch of pickles. Finally, they started to fight, and the city gate caught fire and pond fish.

Why is it so miserable?

Dreaming back at midnight, Yu Yiyi often asked himself this way.

This must not be known to Lilith, so I thought about it one by one, and talked to her about other things while drawing a symbol, “I haven’t caught a ghost, but the notes left by my grandfather said that when he was a kid Seems to have seen it. I didn’t believe it when I was in school. I didn’t believe it when my grandfather asked me to go back to inherit the mantle before he died. Later, when I arrived at Yongye City, I began to believe it was true.”

Lilith raised her eyebrows, “Do you think that ghost might be related to Yongye City?”

“Isn’t it.”

“What did you find out?”

Yu looked at the time one by one, “It’s not too early, you are not urging me to change your spells? You want to know, I will tell you after I go out.”

Lilith was a bit disappointed, but it was really early. She walked to the window and glanced out. The black pig named “Page” was still in the pigsty, and it was seen that she survived successfully.

In the distance, large searchlights illuminate the windmill, and the reinforcement work of the craftsmen is about to come to an end. Lilith no longer hesitated, turned around and left a sentence of “you as soon as possible”, and hurried down the stairs.

Yu Yiyi looked at her back and touched her nose. He urged Lilith to leave for another reason. When Lilith listened carefully to someone’s speech, her eyes were very cute.

A generation of fierce female demon head, who became the leader in the copy, actually allowed some unimportant little npc to call her name directly, which is also a little cute.

Love must be.


Yu shook his head one by one and continued to draw symbols.

On the other side, Lilith had quickly moved to a location close to the town. She climbed up to the roof, gazing at the poisonous smoke gradually invading not far away, her eyes condensing.

“Sound the alarm, everyone will gather under the windmill in half an hour!”

Not long after the words fell, the harsh alarm sounded through the town of Delhi. People who were eating dinner couldn’t help but speed up the chewing movement, and some people ran to the cauldron of hungry dishes starving to death, fighting for another bowl.

“Don’t squeeze! There is, there is!” Zac waved the spatula to maintain order, but the scene was out of control once, and the guards in charge immediately pulled out their guns to warn them.

“Bang!” The gunshot scared the child, and the black pig started restlessly.

The sound of sirens and riots and gunshots from all over the place also reached the ears of Jining outside the poison circle. He stood on the roof of the car, holding a telescope to see the nondescript windmill, frowned slightly.

“Boss, you’ve been staring at the windmill for almost half an hour. If you’re really worried, why don’t you just hit it?” The former vaccine research institute’s companion suggested.

Ji Ning looked at the windmill from presence to absence and probably guessed Lilith and Yu Yiyi’s intentions. Isn’t the windmill just blowing? But how does this wind blow?

“You let them prepare the shells, but don’t rush to fight.” After the other party has established hope and then destroyed it at the last moment, it can give a fatal blow to people. Ji Ning knows this.

Only in this way will the people in the town react more to Lilith. Lining doesn’t even need to shoot again to force Lilith to bow her head.

That’s right, Ji Ning didn’t want to kill Lilith directly. He also needs the blood of Lilith to make “Angel One” to help him continue to consolidate his rule in this world.

Ji Ning watched as long as the alarm sounded. After about ten minutes, Ji Ning waved, “Ready to release.”

At this time, the poisonous smoke that has spread has turned into a dense fog that covers the entire periphery of the town of Delhi. With the naked eye, the people in the town cannot see the outside of the town, nor can they spy on the true situation of the town, only dimly see the lights .

The windmill was very tall, and it protruded a head in the dense fog, directly in front of the moon.

According to the time in the copy, tonight is August 15, Mid-Autumn Festival.

“call out!”

“Boo! Boo!”

The sudden windbreak made the people in the town nervous, the bullets were loaded immediately, and all the weapons were ready to fire. They thought it was an attack, but after a closer look, they discovered that it was a piece of paper wrapped in stones.

This is a persuasion book.

It is also Lilith’s guilt.

On the paper, he did everything he could to instigate, and portrayed Lilith as a traitor who fled with the hope of all mankind, “Angel One”, even if it could not be immediately believed, but at least planted the seeds of doubt.

And at this moment of life and death, any trace of doubt is fatal.

As long as someone shakes.

Thousands of miles of embankment will collapse in the ant den.

“Surrender, let’s surrender!”

Such sounds can be surrounded by points and faces, such as waves, as if they can encircle people in an instant, as if sung on all sides. More and more people gathered under the windmill, and there were more and more such voices. People were frightened, struggling, and uneasy. Seeing the poison smoke getting closer and closer, death had choked their throats.

Lilith stood at the top of the windmill, screaming “Yu Yiyi is slowly dead”, and choked and pulled the knife. Everyone knows the leader’s temper, so his scalp is tight and there is an instant silence, but he listens to her loudly:

“Jining wanted me, and it would be useless for you to surrender. I don’t want to surrender, then no one can force me to surrender.”

She looked arrogant, but not arrogant. She pointed her long sword and pointed her eyes. “If Angel One is the last hope of mankind, then this hope is me.’Hope’ will not be a puppet of someone. It is freedom, any. In the name of persecuting people of the same kind, they should, deserve to die.”

In the last sentence, Lilith spoke one word at a time. It’s true that she has a bad temper, but it’s true to study with Jin Cheng for so long. Ji Ning’s little trick, she still doesn’t pay attention to it.

Looking across the audience, Lilith asked again loudly, “I finally asked you, who of you want to be with the outsiders? I can’t guarantee to kill you all, but I can guarantee that I hope I will never look after you.”

The audience was silent.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, some people are tears in their eyes, some people are gritting their teeth, but no one dares to speak first. If you lose hope in this eschatology, you will really have nothing, but can they only follow Lilith to wait for death here?

A low air pressure began to spread, and the people outside the town had begun to shout, the gray mist seemed to have weight, and was pressed by the words, making the people’s hearts more and more heavy.

Many people are anxious, so they have to come up with a way to surrender? Is it because of this broken and funny windmill? So after the silence, the crowd broke out noisily.

In such a situation, Yu Yi was late, like the protagonist who always appeared at the end of the movie.

Lilith really wanted to give him a knife, hold back, but Yu Yiyi asked her to make a place for herself. Lilith glared at him, “If you can’t change the spell, I will stew you together with the pig named Paige.”

Yu touched his nose one by one, “Not right?”


Lilith simply jumped off the windmill, leaving the position at the top of the windmill to Yu Yiyi. The crowd at the bottom automatically gave her a way, and then looked at Yu Yiyi in unison, with indelible worry and curiosity in her eyes.

What is he going to do?

Lilith also looked up at Yu Yiyi, only to see that Yu Yiyi converged the joke on her face, closed her eyes, raised her hands, her wrists shook, and countless bright yellow runes flew out of his sleeves one after another.

Innumerable runes are arranged and combined in the air, and gradually turn into concentric circles of different sizes, rotating, surrounding the windmill.

There are more and more runes, and these concentric circles are getting bigger and bigger until they expand to the square.

Everyone was amazed, and their eyes widened one by one, they couldn’t believe it. And Yu Yi looked solemnly, and when he opened his eyes, the last piece of rune flew out of the cuff, and his hands quickly printed on his chest.

“Array!” With a break, the runes were erected together, and before they were all reacted, they turned into electro-optic stickers and attached them to their backs.

Everyone was shocked, their expressions solidified momentarily.

The only Lilith who was not taken care of by the rune paper was also turning her head around. She looked around and found that everyone had the same expression. The expression was called empty.

There is nothing, it is called empty.

She looked up to Yu Yiyi again, and Yu Yiyi’s face had become a little pale, showing that this hand was very expensive. But his expression was firm, with a sense of breaking the boat, the hand of the seal was slowly pulled away on both sides, and then lifted up.

At the moment of separation, the runes on the rune paper began to emit golden light, and the people who were stuck on the rune paper also raised their hands with Yu Yi one by one. Their expressions were blank but pious, as if willing to give some.

At this moment, Lilith finally remembered what she once heard Wen Xiaoming said, the secret method of the Rune Master—Control Rune.

Yu Yiyi’s forehead and temples began to sweat, and he looked up at the sky as if looking for the moon covered by the haze. Hold your hands high, and piously call:

“The wind is coming.”

At first, there was only his voice. Gradually, one voice was added, two voices were added, and the other voices merged into the ocean, continually surrounding, and listening to heaven.

“The wind is coming.”

“The wind is coming.”

“The wind is coming.”

The scene was grand and shocking. Lilith looked at the man standing at the top of the windmill, her eyes glowing again and again. The next second, the voice of “Squeak” came, and Lilith was delighted–

The windmill is spinning!

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