The Trial Game of Life (renjian shi lian youxi)

Chapter 222 - 223 Celebration (Thirty-three thirty-one) ~ Celebration Ceremony (thirty-two)

Just when the trio of Chi Yan tried to ruin secretly, Tang Cuo had been sent to Ruby Tavern by Leng Miao as quickly as possible. Ruby Tavern is a chain store, there are in every district, but Tangcuo is sure to let Leng Miao directly locate the central district.

He has an intuition that no matter where he goes, k will wait for him in the store.

Sure enough, when he pushed open the door of the tavern and walked in, k was standing in front of the bar and bartending. Seeing Tang Cuo coming in, his bartending movements didn’t stop, elegantly and calmly, and he came in handy. When Tang Cuo walked to the bar, his wine was also adjusted. He was behind him with one hand and pushed the glass in front of him with one hand, smiling: “Godfather.”

This is the name of this glass of wine.

The brown liquor exudes the aroma of whiskey, fine taste and almond liqueur. The classic movie gives it a unique charm, k zuosiyou think, this glass of wine is most suitable for Tangcuo.

Tang Cuo sat down generously on the high chair in front of the bar and took a sip from the glass, to be fair: “Not bad.”

K wiped the shaker and shook his head: “It’s a cold man.”

Tang Cuo declined to comment, and he didn’t know much about wine. When he was alive, he never smoked, and he drank only occasionally some beer, only for the occasion, not for intoxication. In his view, paralyzing oneself in alcohol is a foolish thing, because drunkenness cannot be a drunken life.

Seeing that Tang Cuo did not answer, he slowly adjusted a glass of Margarita for himself and said, “You came a little faster than I thought.”

Tang Cuo looked calm, “Dare not come.”

“Huh, you are more boring than Jin Cheng.”

“Open the door, Mr. Crow. What will the Badger Badge bring to players in Yongye City and Lin Yandong, please be puzzled.”

“I don’t seem to be obliged to answer your question.” K leaned on the bar with his wine glass, his expression relaxed. After breaking through the identity of Mr. Crow, he did not have many restrictions. As a qualified intelligence dealer, he had to deal with buyers, but Mr. Crow did not.

“You really don’t have this obligation, but it tells me whether there is no conflict.” Tang Cuo looked directly at his eyes and suddenly asked: “Do you think the crimson story is beautiful? Is the black hat story beautiful?”

k raised an eyebrow and made a please gesture.

Tang Cuo put down his wine glass, “their stories are not exciting enough. Whether it is the exhaustion of life-long pursuit of murder, or the morbidity of killing, it may be enough for ordinary people to rise and fall, but for you who have existed for hundreds of thousands of years. Speaking of it, would it be too boring?”

“It seems a little bit to hear you say this.” K became more and more curious, what Tangcuo could say.

“If the badge of evil spirits will eventually lead to the destruction of the player, Lin Yandong will be enchanted, and sentient beings will sink, and a tragedy will be sung together, but such a scene is far from being as tragic as the end of the world. More than once in the city After going through the dark period, I think the darker moments are far more terrible than what is about to happen, right?”

Tang Cuo’s voice was calm and calm as if he was outside, but he was immersed in it. “Destroy, rebirth, the history of mankind, and even the history of the world are all repeated like this. Wasn’t it boring to play?”

k smiled, “You continue to say.”

Tang Cuo: “In the final analysis, the struggle of Yongye City is ultimately a struggle between people. No matter which side wins in the end, it makes no difference to you. Lin Yandong’s play can already see the head at a glance, nothing new. So I want to ask you to put the chips for watching the drama on me, I can give you a better story.”

k: “Your sentence sounds more arrogant than Jin Cheng. Why should I believe you can sing this play well?”

Tang Cuo acted confidently and calmly, “I am me, Jin Cheng is also me, double bold, of course it sounds more arrogant.”

k looked at him seriously, and at the end, said, “Perhaps you are the biggest blasphemer. I don’t see a shadow of the gods in your heart.”

Tang Cuo asked: “What was the original intention of the gods to create the Yongye City?”

K seemed to hear a joke, “Are you asking me?”

“Survival is justice.” Tang Cuo asked himself and answered: “The existence of Yongye City is to hope that we understand the meaning of survival. If Yongye City is really malicious to humans, there will be no human trial.” The existence of the game’. Whether or not there is a **** in my heart, I live seriously, that is, to have the utmost respect for him. It is better to believe firmly than to kneel down.”

“Slap, pop.” K couldn’t help applauding him, his eyes full of interesting inquiry, “I can’t remember how long it was, no one dared to say this in front of me. I’ve seen it before Fanatic believers, who have seen all the blasphemous blasphemers, each of them can compose a…the earth-shattering story like the protagonist in the poem, how about you? You said you can give me a wonderful enough story, What is your story?”

Tang Cuo: “A good story should not be spoiled in advance.”

K Waner, “You make me feel bad about it.”

But there is no doubt that Tang Cuo’s words have successfully aroused k’s interest. The same story is much read, and it is inevitable that it is boring. If Tang Cuo can bring him a different look and feel, it may be a try.

However, k did not rush to agree, the end of the shelf is still important. After Tang Cuo finished drinking the glass of wine in his hand, he slowly shook the glass and said, “I can prompt you a word-rune.”


Tang Cuo didn’t understand what it meant for a while, but k said that prompting a word was just a word, and he would never say anything more. Asking too much, it is also easy to show cowardice, Tang Cuo will take it when he is ready, thank him for his wine, and turn away.

When returning to the hotel in Area C, Jin Cheng also came back. When Tang Cuo met head-on, he strode forward and frowned and asked, “Are you going to see K?”

Tang Cuo nodded and touched the obvious worry on his face, saying: “Relax, nothing happened.”

He then briefly recounted the content of his conversation with k, and about the badge of the evil spirit, Jin Cheng also learned from Leng Miao.

Listen, Jin Cheng and K responded exactly the same, “What is your story?”

Tang Cuo looked at him with a straight face, blinked, and blinked again.

Jin Cheng understood, this is called the empty glove white wolf.

He couldn’t help laughing out loud, holding Tang Cuo in his arms, rubbing his ears like a big doll, “He will be mad.”

Tang Cuo: “Oh. Can you let me go?”

Jin Cheng: “No, you are too cute, I will hug for a while. Otherwise you wink at me, and you let me wink at the blink of an eye, do you know what you looked like when you blinked? Like–”

“Hmm.” Jin Cheng kicked his leg. He didn’t quite understand why he was kicked by his boyfriend when he was in love.

Tang Cuo didn’t explain. He didn’t want to talk to Jin Cheng about the mouse. The ghost knew what Jin Cheng was thinking about now. It was enough to think about it in his heart. If he said it, he would burst your head.

When the two were talking, Leng Miao at the other end of the hallway had torn the space crack probe and probed the brain three times. The first time he looked out, the two men were hugging. The second time he looked out, the two were still pulling.

The third time, yuck, dog male.

Leng Miao rolled his eyes and decided to come back later.

At this time, k finally reflected that he might have been entangled by Tang Cuo. In such a short period of time, it might be possible for Tang Cuo to think about everything and come over to negotiate with him confidently?

It’s more to cheat him.

What cannot be spoiled is false. He just made sure that he had been observing them secretly, so he was extremely decisive. There was no pause in a series of actions, and he squeezed his thinking time with a fast-paced plot.

“Oh.” K chuckled, not angry.

If you think about it carefully, even if Tang Cuo hasn’t figured out what to do next, k still feels that it will be more interesting to put the chips for watching the drama on him.

On the other side, the troublesome trio has been with Meng Yufei for a while, and everything is ready, just waiting to get started. Young people, pay attention to Qiu Bibao. The former Liangzi was not meant to be resolved, but it is not realistic to send Meng Yufei back to the g area because they don’t want to go to jail with them.

So it can only be done badly.

“Meng Yufei, a five-year-old bedwettinger, get to know?” Suddenly, a suspicious person wearing a mask distributed flyers around the crowd. He bent over and walked through the crowd cautiously and in a low-key manner. Every time he met an order, he sent a leaflet and said in the tone of the secret organization joint: “Forced plastic surgery Meng Yufei to understand?”

The other party took the leaflet with a brutal look, and saw a photo of a person and his life printed on it.

Five-year-old bedwetting.

Eight years old baldness.

Was forced to facelift.

Always go to jail.

Meng Yufei,

Now renamed Meng Huanhuan.

Nicknamed Meng Dog.

Just out of prison,

Welcome pk.

What the **** is this? ? ?

Most of the people who received the flyers were confused, but some were forced to recall the shouting war that shocked Quanyong Night City a few months ago. Some people shouted about Meng Yufei’s bedwetting with a small speaker in the district. Although most people with brains know that it is fake, everyone is willing to believe it is true.

At this time, the memory is awakened, and everyone’s expression becomes strange. People whispered and whispered, but there was no loud shouting, and all eye contact was carried out in secret, only to be unspeakable.

Meng Yufei stood in the crowd, feeling that the atmosphere suddenly became strange. But he didn’t know what happened because the flyer distributer deliberately avoided his area.

In front of it is still the much-anticipated Yan Yun. Meng Yufei has been a lot more cautious after going to jail many times, and soon chose to leave. But he had just turned around, and the change was abrupt.

“one two Three!”

A rope was suddenly tightened by people on both sides of the road, and a large amount of people were tripped by the straightening and lateral movement in an instant. “Ouch” sounds one after another, the crowd is like dominoes, falling one after another and implicating the other.

And because Yanyun is here, there are too many people gathered, and no one thought that anyone would dare to do things in the face of the godslayer. Many people were once attracted by the flyers, so they were a bit caught off guard.

But the players of Yongye City are not ordinary people after all. After the initial surprise, they all recovered to calm down. All of the weapons and moves were all in one time, and the scene was particularly lively.

Meng Yufei is one of the earliest people to respond, so he stood firmly and was not affected. But when he looked in the direction of the rope with his black face, all he saw was the discarded rope, but no initiator.

who is it?

Who is it for?

The same doubts appeared in everyone’s minds, but the timing of the flyers was too coincident, and everyone almost immediately connected Meng Yufei with the mutation.

Just in the blink of an eye, the confused Meng Yufei noticed that the people around him retreated, and he became an island in the crowd.

“It’s Meng Yufei!”

“Meng Yufei, a six-year-old bedwetting!”

“It’s him!”


Meng Yufei immediately blacked his face as if he had been splashed with ink. He clenched his fists tightly, and he was choked with a scream from different people, his fingers trembling.

Especially when he saw that Yan Yun also cast strange eyes, he was so upset.

How could they recognize him, he was forced to have a facelift!

Who? !

Who spread his identity again? !

“Shut up! Who said more, I killed him!” Under the anger, Meng Yufei had no reason to speak, scimitar came out of the sheath, and snapped.

Everyone was in an uproar, more convinced that he had just moved. Anyway, it is not that his movements and feet must also be related to him, who does not know that Meng Yufei is a crazy dog.

What everyone didn’t see was that one of the people who had just stumbled on the ground just now had an “Ouch” who just got up and was knocked to the ground for a long time. His expression was so vivid that he could take the Oscar. Beside Meng Yufei.

Meng Yufei was so angry that he didn’t look down at all, he quickly reached out and put something on his shoes, and then crawled away quickly.

“Go away!”

“Work is done!”

After removing the mask, Chi Yan, Qian Wei and Peng Mingfan got out of the three different corners of the crowd and ran away without a trace.

They circled in a big circle, and then went back in the other direction, hiding far from the roof and stretching their necks to peep. Qian Wei mumbled: “Withdrawing too early, you should give him a knife and then withdraw.”

Peng Mingfan: “Shut up when you see it.”

Chi Yan patted her chest, “Don’t worry, I have put a spell on him. The Emperor Ou’s product must be a fine product.”

Qian Wei: “Does your curse work?”

Chi Yan: “Of course it works. That’s the amulet that was opened in the temple. Tang Brother used it all. Who knows that the last copy will be taken by the demon to take the blood of the dog, I will tell you that the thief evil door, who Who is unlucky to use.”

Qian Wei: “Oh, you made me want to sing a song for Meng Dog.”

Chi Yan: “Sing it.”

Qian Wei: “I have exhausted my whole life to support you, I just hope that you will stop your circulation~”

Peng Mingfan: “Shut up.”

The three waited quietly for a while.

Chi Yan took an excited shot on Qian Wei’s shoulder, “He was beaten!”

Qian Wei took another shot on Peng Mingfan’s back, “Yan Yun looked over, the fate of the hero and actress met! Fuck!”

Peng Mingfan couldn’t stand standing up, holding his heads with his arms from left to right, and wished to unscrew their heads, “You can be quiet, be quiet.”

Yan Yun actually noticed Meng Yufei early in the morning. This person listened to him for a few days in the crowd. With Yan Yun’s keenness, it was difficult to notice him.

It’s just that Yan Yun didn’t expect that his resume would be so rich.

Bending over and picking up a leaflet from the ground, Yan Yun glanced at it playfully. It was not difficult to see that someone had deliberately perverted this Meng Yufei. But he was also unlucky enough, looking at his good strength, he would accidentally be pushed down by others, which caused misunderstanding and led to group fights.

Meng Yufei also felt that this was his worst day. Even Jin Jin was killed in jail, because it was a prison sentenced by his strength after a hard fight.

If he were to know who was behind the trouble, he must unload that man.

“Your name is Meng Yufei?” A familiar and unfamiliar voice rang above the head. Meng Yufei struggled to get up from the ground and looked up to see Yan Yun’s smiling face.

“What do you want to do?” Meng Yufei squeezed his knife at once and was alert.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m just a little curious.” When Yan Yun vaguely heard someone mention Meng Yufei in the crowd, he also mentioned Jin Cheng, the frequency is not low, “Sit down and talk?”

Meng Yufei will be suspicious. I don’t know why. Although Yan Yun smiled, the fear he felt when facing him was the same as when facing Zheng Yingying. But he was too embarrassed at this time, and a blood was knocked out of his head. The huge embarrassment and shame urged him to leave here, so he didn’t think much.

But just before the two of them got out, “Wow!” A pot of dog blood suddenly fell from the beginning.

“Go to death Meng Dog!!!” With a voice full of anger and ridicule, the sky-blooded blood fell from the window on the third floor of the roadside, just above Meng Yufei’s head.

Yan Yun, who was walking next to him, was quick and raised an umbrella in time. The simple oil-paper umbrella was dyed red in an instant, but the umbrella itself was not big, and some blood was splashed on Yan Yun’s clothes, and the smell of breath came.

The sticky blood slipped down the umbrella handle, and some dripped onto his face. Yan Yun looked up and saw that several blades were inserted into the oil paper umbrella, allowing blood to seep in.

This is really…

Yan Yun smiled helplessly, making sure that no more things would fall on his head. He put away his umbrella and turned to look at Meng Yufei. Meng Yufei has completely turned into a blood man, with blades all over his head, arms, and shoulders. Although not fatal, he couldn’t bear to look straight.

“Ahhhhhh! Who is it? Who is it?! Get out of here, I’ll kill you!” He looked crazy.

“Lying trough lying trough trough!” Qian Wei shook Chi Yan’s shoulder in shock, “Brother, you’re a little bit cursed!”

Chi Yan: “I don’t know, how do I know that–Mo Xie Men, besides, there are too many Meng Gou enemies? This has nothing to do with me!”

Peng Mingfan: “Yes, it does not matter.”

Qian Wei: “Then we–”

Chi Yan: “Run.”

The three of them turned around and ran quickly. As long as they ran fast enough, everything that happened here had nothing to do with them.

On the other side, Leng Miao finally waited for the moment and inserted a foot as a light bulb.

“Do you think I’m a refugee shelter there? Everyone puts it inside.” Leng Miao froze, freezing herself into ice.

“Why, aren’t they getting along well?” Jin Cheng asked seriously: “Isn’t it good to get four together to play mahjong? How good.”

“Good fart.” Leng Miao wanted to hit him now.

Mouse, Xiao Tong, Lin Yandong, plus a melon-eating crowd Zhang San, these four people can get together to play mahjong, and just take a photo of the world famous painting-“Soundless Silent”.

“The most important thing now is to figure out what the hint “Fu” is pointing to.” Jin Cheng finally looked up and turned to Tang Cuo: “Do you have any clues?”

Tang Cuo: “The ones we have contacted with related to Fu recently are only the ones that the mouse said [broken array].”

Leng Miao frowned: “Break through?”

He was still unclear about Lilith and Yu Yiyi. Jin Cheng summed up the incident in two words, and then pointed out: “If k refers to something really planned by the paradise, “fu” can also refer to Yu Yiyi. He is a fu Master. There are not many people who walked together with the Rune Master in Yongye City. Only Yu Yiyi is more familiar to us.”

Tang Cuo: “Prepare with both hands. Now we are going to rescue Lilith and Yu Yiyi, and then continue to collect news about ‘fu’. Is Wen Xiaoming over there?”

Jin Cheng compared the “ok” gesture, “He is already preparing.”

Leng Miao has no say. Looking at Tang Cuo, who seemed to occupy the dominant position unconsciously, he also felt a little magical, and he eagerly wanted to share this mood with others, but suddenly remembered that the only friend was still lost by his brother. .

Good fucking.

“Humph.” Leng Miao snorted coldly, and walked away.

Jin Cheng looked at his back that was engulfed by a crack in space, and was confused. “What’s wrong with him? Has anyone got him wrong?”

Tang Cuo threw a chocolate bean into his mouth and said, “He may simply have opinions on you.”

Jin Cheng felt wronged, but he dared not roll his eyes at Tang Cuo and had to grab Tang Cuo’s chocolate beans. The chocolate bean was placed where he could reach with his hand. He wanted to get closer, half holding Tangcuo, and reaching for it from behind him.

Tang Cuo looked sideways.

Jin Cheng threw one into his mouth and put his chin on Tang Cuo’s shoulder, saying, “He may be jealous of me.”

You say a few words.

“Let’s go.” Tang Cuo dragged Jin Cheng up. “We’re going to the gift mountain to pick apples.”

The equipment has been improved by Wen Xiaoming, they also have to get the [Break Array] symbol, the sooner the better. Jin Cheng never got sloppy in doing business, reached out and pushed the door open for Tang Cuo, and said: “Where are they Chi Yan? The three children cooperated well and should have saved a lot of points, let them join us Go pick the apples and be safe.”

It is not difficult to accumulate capital. What is difficult is how to keep the last fruit from being picked up by others. Jin Cheng does not mind continuing to **** the three children, but at this moment he obviously does not know what the three have done in the central area.

In the space of different degrees at this time, with the return of Leng Miao, the atmosphere becomes more strange.

Leng Miao looked around, the mouse clasped his ears and shrunk in the corner, a small ball, like four big characters hanging all over his body-no strangers.

Sitting next to the black iron prison cage, Xiao Tong competed with Lin Yandong, a stone statue like a sitting, a condensed and gloomy face, and the world around them, no one could insert it.

In the end, Leng Miao could only sit down and eat hot pot face to face with Zhang San.

Holding the colander, Zhang San carefully looked at Leng Miao’s expression and carefully tested: “Is the freshly cooked shrimp slippery, do you want a piece?”

Leng Miao endured and endured, and finally broke the jar, “Come.”

The fresh and tender shrimps were picked up by chopsticks and bite down. The lips and teeth were fragrant and delicious. Xiao Tong smelled the stronger and stronger smell of hot pot, Yu Guang glanced at the string of beads on Lin Yandong’s wrist, and his thoughts were gradually drawn away.

He remembered the pictures of the years of war, he and Lin Yandong reunited on the Jiangnan cruise ship.

It was a snowy day and the river surface had not yet frozen, but the water plants on the cruise ship and the shore were covered with a thick layer of silver. When Xiao Tong opened the curtain and walked in, the rushing heat and the swaying bead curtain blurred his vision, only to vaguely see someone leaning against the half-open window, holding Sanxian singing.

A piece of “King’s Heart Is Far”, composed by Lin Yandong himself.

Hot pot was cooked on the stove, the soup base was boiling. There are several plates of snowflake-like lamb and beef, as well as fresh vegetables. The authentic Shaoxing rice wine is also hot in a clay pot, all of which are in line with Xiao Tong’s taste.

Lin Yandong’s work is always thoughtful and thoughtful, so that no one can pick out a mistake.

Xiao Tong took off his cloak and hung it aside, without any special greetings, he took a few chopsticks and put it in the pot. He was really hungry. He went south all the way, and the soles of his shoes were still stained with mud on the battlefield.

Lin Yandong looked much cleaner and more elegant. He took off the costume of the actors and wore glasses and gowns, like a teacher in a school.

“I heard you were injured some time ago, how are you?”

“Relax, no bullets will kill your life.”

In fact, the wound is still painful, and the gauze is estimated to be red again, but Xiao Tong did not say. He ate a few bites of meat, and through the boiling mist, he asked, “What about you? Do you want to help?”

Lin Yandong smiled and said, “This is needed, not just now. If I want to ask Erye for help in the future, I must speak.”

In fact, Lin Yandong’s days ago were indeed not easy. Underground activities were like walking on the tip of a knife, followed by physical fatigue, and the mental pressure was greater than others.

It was a blessing to see old friends in Dongxue, and Suin Lin Yandong did not mention those things, and turned into a glass of wine in a thousand words, “I wish you well.”

Maybe it was a long time ago, maybe it was deliberately forgotten, when Xiao Tong recalled these things, he always felt like watching old movies. Clearly familiar, but strange.

Once upon a time, there was such a peaceful time between him and Lin Yandong, even though the separation was long, it was not strange.

Which is like now.

“Are you really unwilling to even open your eyes to speak to me, Lin Yandong.” Xiao Tong looked at the old friend across the prison cage, clutching the railing of the cage tightly in the palm of his hand, and wishing to break it abruptly. , But the people inside are still like an empty shell without a soul.

no respond.


No matter how many words, no matter how turbulent emotions, it is like a sea wave trying to smash the sky, pale and weak.

Copy “Eternal Oasis”, Delhi Town.

The violent wind dissipated the toxic smoke, and finally the sight was restored. But at this time it was already late at night, the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival was still bright, there were still dark corners that could not be photographed, and the killing was going on.

In the end, the poison smoke rewind failed to bring a fatal blow to the Ji Ning side. Some vaccine institutes were sitting there, and they had enough means to crack the poison smoke. Although there are losses, they are still within the tolerable range.

What made them unbearable was being turned over by Lilith and Yu one by one against the wind.

This wind is too evil.

“It doesn’t matter, find Lilith at any cost first. If you can’t get it, you can only kill it to prevent future troubles.” Ji Ning Shen said.

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