The Trial Game of Life (renjian shi lian youxi)

Chapter 254 - Ghost love is coming (25)

The time went from night to day, and the whole Yongye City moved, and there were busy figures everywhere. The audience, the players, and even the npc are all wrapped up in this huge torrent and keep running forward.

Those who are still reluctant to move, still sitting on the sidelines, desperate, depressed, numb, sneering, like the stones in this torrent.

It is not surprising that there will always be stones in a river.

Just ignore it.

People don’t want to compete with the stone alive, Tang Cuo understands this truth, so his footsteps never stop. In order to hurry up, after Jin Cheng’s situation improved slightly, they decided to split up.

Tang Cuo walks the plot line, Jin Cheng is responsible for the survival value.

The plot line is not complicated this time, but the plot points are scattered in the city, so Tangcuo needs to go back and forth before and after, and sometimes stop to browse the information on the Internet.

In the 21st century, after all, it is an online society.

As with every cliché online love story, the late childhood and Cheng Shen met on the Internet, and both used the trumpet at first. Although the independent band where Tong Moo belongs is very unknown, but also has an official account. Tong Mo originally used only the official number, but one day he met a black man, but he went to register a trumpet and pk online with him.

Unexpectedly, Kuroko scolded, and suddenly began to apologize to him.

The other party’s account changed to another person. That person was Cheng Shen. He said that the younger ignorant younger cousin who had used this nickname just now apologized for his cousin’s remarks.

The same young and ignorant boy believed, as a cool brother, he must understand the truth of the poor.

Cheng Shen was lying on the fan list of the young man’s trumpet. By the way, he used this number to follow him, and got the “iron powder” logo.

At the end of the boy’s life, he sent him a “duck not necessary” emoticon, and Cheng Shen told him: The apology should be sincere.


Cool Brother Tong was deeply convinced.

Tang Cuo didn’t think so, because he found a screenshot of the transfer between Cheng Shen and the original owner of the account, and he bought that number. The so-called little cousin was nothing.

This is a premeditated approach. As for what this premeditation is, Tang Cuo thinks it is not difficult to guess. A person as busy as Cheng Shen, who spends time every day talking about movies, music, and philosophy of life with the universe, staring at the universe, is really ashamed of him as a “dead straight man”.

This story can also be directly summarized as-108 kinds of routines of elites and elders in society.

The story ended abruptly when the two decided to meet. Cheng Shen was late for work and failed to catch up with the concert. Tong Mo went to the appointment alone. When the gas exploded, he might still be slandering the unbelieving person.

But back to the beginning of the story, when did Cheng Shen notice the end of childhood? Why did Tong Mo agree to meet him, what was the opportunity?

At this time Tangcuo’s progress bar reached 80%.

Another night came. Hangzhou, where the participating players were, could not hear the young man at the top of the Leifeng Tower, so he was quiet. Tang Cuo came to the hospital and looked at the unconscious boy lying on the hospital bed, hoping to find some useful clues from here.

I didn’t find the clue, but I waited for the friends in the boy band. They had just finished rehearsing, carrying fried chicken and cola to visit the late childhood, chatting with the late childhood while eating in the ward.

Oh yeah, this ward is a deluxe single room, a VIP room, obviously arranged by Cheng Shen afterwards.

“Xiao Momo, you can wake up quickly. The performance next month will begin soon. If you don’t wake up, where can we find a lead singer to save the scene?”

“Yeah, this time the performance venue was the one we used to perform for the first time, didn’t you say you wanted to go back there for the performance? Although the number of people that can be installed is less, it’s quite memorable.”

“I heard that some people in other hospitals are already awake. Our little Momogi have their own faces…”

A few people eat, drink, and drink, and they don’t pay attention to it at all. But they care that the end of the child’s heart is true, murmured for a while, and began to diss Cheng Cheng again.

“What a **** man, cheated you over, but he didn’t fart.”

“You talk about you. At the end of the day, a lalaland deceived you, and you are so good.”

“Watch out for scumbag.”

“It’s more than nine o’clock. Does the man come? He knows work all day long. Be careful I write songs to diss him.”

“Write, write, write now!”

“Then I don’t know who it is. I didn’t dare to let him go before seeing him.”

“That’s not… hey, when I met him, I always felt like I was seeing the leader. Why do you say this person is so two-faced, facing us is a big tail wolf, facing us is a wild lion.”

“You don’t look in the mirror.”


Tang Cuo stood by the door and listened with arms around. He complemented some details from their conversation and also caught a key word- lalaland.

If he remembers correctly, this refers to the movie “City of Philharmonic”.

Thinking about this, he immediately took out the boy’s cell phone from his pocket, found a music app, and looked at his listening record. Soon, he found a “cityofstars” in it, which is a song in the movie, and a separate song list.

The song was already downloaded, and Tang Cuo ordered it, and the soothing music flowed along with the moonlight in the white-tiled corridor.

Tang Cuo raised his head, the curtains swayed by the window, and the moonlight was bright, but there was no star.

“Cityofstars”, what does this song point to?

The young people in the ward were chatting and chatting. They had already taken out their musical instruments and improvised with joy and sorrow. Tang Cuo listened for a while, determined that no useful information could be heard, and left the corridor in the sound of music.

Behind him was the head nurse’s scolding “Don’t make a noise”. Tang Cuo kept walking and went outside and took a ride. He was still renting, sitting cross-legged on the roof of the car, listening to the song in the wind, and found the comment that Tong Mo made under the song.

south: yes, allwe’relookingforislovefromsomeoneelse.

south is the name of the boy’s trumpet, he likes to use it no matter where he is, and this sentence is the lyrics of “cityofstars”. The time for leaving a message is 12:37 in the evening seven days ago. It is estimated that the creation of the song list was also at the same time. Seeing this time point, Tangcuo’s eyes flashed and felt like he had seen it somewhere.

Seven days ago, at 12:37 in the evening, what was the boy doing at this time, and what did he have to do with Cheng Shen?

Tang Cuo immediately cut out the music app and opened WeChat. At this time they had exchanged contact information. In the middle of the night seven days ago, the rehearsal at the end of the childhood ended and they were sitting in a taxi going home.

Cheng Shen sent him a message.

Straight man: Are you home?

south: no.

Straight man: still on rent?

Straight man: you let the driver tune to ****

south: what are you doing?

Straight man: secret.

After a while.

Straight man: did you hear that?

south: Is that your own voice?

Straight man: is it nice?

south: The song is nice.

Straight man: I ordered it.

south: That’s not what you sing.

Straight man: When we meet later, I can sing to you, but I sing is actually pretty good.

south: who wants to meet you [indifferent.jpg]

Straight man: Yes, I want to see you.

Seeing this, Tangcuo put down his phone, his eyes drifting away with the evening wind. The song of “cityofstars” is still fluttering, perhaps as the lyrics say, the starlight in this city is not in the sky, in someone’s eyes.

Cheng Shen ordered a song on the radio station for the late homecoming late childhood rehearsal. This was a comfort after a hard day’s work, and a kind of obscure confession in the moonlight.

I want to see you, the simple four words finally moved the boy.

“Causeallthatineedisthiscrazyfeeling, arat-tat-tatonmyheart, thinkiwantittostay…” Life has missed a lot, and there are still many uncertainties in the future, and at this moment, I just want to feel this crazy, careless love.

Rao is a person like Tangcuo who doesn’t want to look back at the past, and can’t help but think, if he and Jin Cheng are both alive, will the story develop like the end of childhood and Cheng Shen.

At this point, the progress of the plot line is 90%, and it is almost the first time. Tang Cuo was sure that their first encounter must not be because of a trumpet, but Cheng Shen had met Tong Mo earlier, but he didn’t know.

Where will this first encounter be?

Tang Cuo thought of the performance mentioned by the few people in the ward just now. The performance next month is set for the first time on stage. NPC shouldn’t mention this kind of details for no reason, wouldn’t it be Cheng Shen who saw him when he first appeared on stage?

Correct or not, go back and find Cheng Shen’s itinerary.

Tang Cuo was about to return, and the familiar bell sound suddenly appeared.


“Congratulations to players g36549 and f00089 for successfully completing the third scenario, taking the lead in customs clearance!”

The clown also appeared at the top of Leifeng Tower again, with a slightly exaggerated surprise sound spreading all over the city, “Wow, let us congratulate the above two players, which is really gratifying and gratifying. The rest of the players please don’t be discouraged, Believe in yourself, you can.”

“Cough.” The clown cleared his throat and continued: “But one thing is to remind everyone that the third act is the final reincarnation. From now on, there is still a three-hour time limit. After three hours, the door of reincarnation will be completely closed. Please All players must seize the time and make sure to clear the gate before the reincarnation door is closed. Of course, you must pay attention to your survival value when walking the plot line.”

“Survival is not easy, please try harder!”

The clown’s words fell, and the atmosphere in the whole city was tense. Chi Yan, who was also at the top of Leifeng Tower, couldn’t help but pick up a heart. At this time, he was holding a bamboo pole to help a player who came to send materials to pick apples.

Peng Mingfan pushed his glasses and said: “Now it is almost ten hours before the arrival of the Ghost Festival. In fact, no matter which side is tight. In addition, someone can clear the customs so quickly, indicating that everyone is working hard, and the whole situation comes from the general situation. Look good.”

Chi Yan nodded, he just cares about chaos. Qian Wei also breathed a sigh of relief. He now feels that he has a big head when he hears anything about time figures, and does not want to think at all.

“But our materials are still much worse, and there is no trace of Qilin blood.” Qian Wei was worried.

“So don’t think about it, don’t worry about other things, let’s do the things at hand first.” Peng Mingfan said, looked up at the apple in the sky, said: “Two ways, one, continue to receive materials, two, pick apples There is no Qilin blood in the player’s hands, we don’t know, it’s better to pick it by ourselves than to send them hope.”

At the end of the speech, both Peng Mingfan and Qian Wei looked at Chi Yan, and even the clown and the players who came to send materials looked at Chi Yan.

Chi Yan wiped his sweat, “I’m so stressed out like you!”

Qian Wei thinks about it, think about it again, “No, we don’t have so many points to pick apples? We help picking apples as a reward for collecting materials. Then we have to persuade them to give the picked apples to we?”

After hearing that, everyone looked at the players who came to send materials. Several players took a step back, and that expression repeatedly fell into the tiger’s sheep.

“Dear friends.” Chi Yan picked up his small horn again, raised his hand to his chest, with a sincere tone and sincere eyes, “Are you willing to give a little more love to Yongye City? As long as everyone gives With a little love, Yongye City will become very beautiful.”

Player: “Can you say no?”

Chi Yan: “Since I don’t want to tell the truth, why don’t we come to talk about business? I can write an IOU for you first. You give me points, how about I exchange it with you!”

Qian Wei grabbed Chi Yan and whispered in his ear to remind, “Don’t forget that we are all forced…”

Chi Yan also whispered to him: “It doesn’t matter, Jin Cheng is rich.”

But Chi Yan forgot that he was still holding a horn. The sound was accidentally spread by the horn, and players all over the city heard it. Even those two who had just cleared the customs of “The Ghost Love Is Coming” were also confused.

Yeah? Jin Cheng suddenly showing off his wealth?

Players who have not yet cleared the game will naturally not hear this idiom. The three-hour time limit makes everyone’s scalp tight and their pace quicken, fearing that one accidentally will be left behind and will be trapped forever.

The torrent rushing forward became more rapid.

Tang Cuo returned to Jin Cheng, got his schedule for nearly a year from the assistant, and found all the performance records of the band from the end of the boy’s band on the Internet.

Sure enough, Cheng Shen appeared near the venue during the first performance of the late childhood.

Yes, Tangcuo is not in a hurry to verify or rush through customs.

“There are three hours, no, it is now two hours and twenty-one minutes.” Tang Cuo raised his head from the desk and looked at Jin Cheng who strode in from the door.

Jin Cheng had just finished a meeting. While walking, he pulled his tie and walked to the table. He took a sip from Tang Cuo’s tea cup and wiped a trace of blood from his lips with a paper towel. Let’s throw it into the trash, The whole process is like a flowing cloud without any delay.

There is an old saying well, vomiting blood, spitting and getting used to it.

“In general, what is harder than the plot line is actually the survival value.” Jin Cheng took out a document and handed it to Tang Cuo, saying: “Push another one.”

Tang Cuo quickly read it, looked at it, frowned, “Do you want?”

Jin Cheng: “Two hours and 20 minutes, send all people away.”

In the distance, on the open-air balcony outside the building, K looked at the picture in the cup with his legs up and smiled and said to Xiao Tong: “Our famous blacklist madman is also a big tone.”

Xiao Tong declined to comment, but asked: “Since Mr. Crow has changed people, shouldn’t the blacklist be changed?”

“Ah, yes.” K really forgot this, and immediately snapped his fingers, and the blacklist suspended in the center of the game hall immediately changed its appearance.

【Mr. Crow’s good friend】

First place: k27216

Second place: g79081

Third place: k27219

Fourth place: k27288

Fifth place: e07071

The whole game hall was in an uproar.

The blacklist has changed, and Mr. Crow has changed people. This is not something incomprehensible. But this list has evolved from a blacklist to a so-called good friend, and the people above have a big blood exchange.

All players starting with k are new players, and the top five accounts for three. Tang Cuo is all about it, everyone is familiar with Chi Yan, but who is this k27219?

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